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How comes that theres a 4/6 players who does not like anything ? every time i check the forums theres the same whining girls bitching all the time. Just don't listen to those haters, Problem solved.


Account Terminated
That's human nature. People like new stuff, However.. they will start liking it when they see how steadly updates get implemented. Instead of thinking "when is ML coming up?" they will think "Seems like it's on publish XX now, maybe ML will be here by the end of the year!".

The biggest grip players have had about this server is coding being implemented at random. It's something annoying as we can't possibly guess when or what is coming in. It's the only reason I vouch for publish-based coding as well.

Should have asked me lately. A couple of months , I figure. All the major componants are in dev or actually done now.

Ok, so you dont want stuff going in from different eras, thats fine. Ill drop everything pre-ML then, because we are so far into that now, if we abandon it over someones preference till the entire of T2A, AoS, etc are finished and corrected, I will never pick it up again.

That is the kind of stalling that made the public forums version a total failure.


^ good example of a positive/constructive way to disagree.

Its a little late to do publish based coding.. it was a mess before I got anywhere near it. I spent a year sitting around fixing bugs, and you know what I heard about that? "Nice, you want to fix some stupid properties bug on some item, when the whole of ML is missing." They didnt liek THAT because it wasnt new stuff going in.
Xavier Seriously if anyone on this shard has to be thanked its you, I know the work you put behind this place also Ryan Mark and all the others in the background , I know sometimes we as the public seem to be ungreatfull for a free server and expect everything to be delivered on a gold plate and please don't forget my silver spoon with the meal type of thing, I for one might of not express myself in the best of way's when i tried to help and got a stick up my ass type of thing, anyways i just wanted to say X apart of my last favorite admin "Ferris god rest his soul" you should be the most respected admin on Demise history for the hard work you have done don't Worry Psz your up there too we havent forgot the work you have put in too :)

But we will never be Osi and thank god for that ive played Osi and the game is not the same, here in demise its more a familly then a game a smaller player base more one on one with staff but the truth is that even the best familly have disagreemnt how ever this word is spelled, sometime people we get eye to eye and some others won't its a fact of life.

We all need to get a life and enjoy the game instead of but head and argue with each other.


Oh? dont give me the bullshit lines anymore about now our mechanics arent OSI-like then.

Game mechanics =/= economics.

Is our goal to mimic OSI as far as updates, mechanics, etc is concerned? or is the goal to mimic OSI's economy? One is at least possible, the other... not so much.

My biggest problem is when I see you make comments like - "Y item is only worth this on OSI but it's worth this on Demise" and then I see a bunch of said item drop in events all over the place. You're using fundamentally flawed logic with little grasp of how economics actually works and on top of that you are actively making changes in game based on what is essentially wrong to begin with. How about, instead of looking at OSI for economic advice, you spend a few hours looking through the trade forums on demise, or start a new account and try to gain some wealth without any help, or work for some high end gear and buy / sell for a while without any outside assistance? If you do at least some of these things for a period of time you'll get a much better understanding on how our economy works, and you'll be able to make better decisions as a staff member. Lo and behold, none of those things have anything to do with OSI.

You can claim that you do not want to muck around in player run business and that it's not your business what we trade or how much we trade it for. But, the problem is that pretty much everything you do as staff, from running events, deciding what changes go in, making rule changes, hell even what you say on the forums is going to have profound impacts on the way our economy works. There in lies the problem.


You guys are usually wrong when you start talking about 'angry', but this time youre right on the money, I am f-ing pissed about the way you guys acted in Ryans posts.
I understand your frustration. And I am not saying you are wrong or right for it, just stating what it looks like from a player's eyes who hasn't been fully updated about what was going on.

And besides, your entire guild could come on here and talk shit on everythign we do, and we would STILL be getting more positive feedback about the things we do here than negative.
Of course they could. I don't approve of the way they give you feedback. Most of the time they actually have pretty good arguments, but lack the clear mind to properly post it. It's also something you should be up for, considering your current position as administrator of the shard. I would love to aid in this, but I've never been picked up, heh.


@Evil Child: ...that was quite aggressive. You see, I really like the events, and I love how they randomly (and often!) host events. It gives me stuff to do, and the event dungeon a month ago was probably one of the best thing in my past 4 months on Demise.
I really appreciate the work of the staffers. Whenever I use the help button, I usually get someone to help me a couple of minutes later. I wasn't sure whether Xavier was getting paid for this or not - now I know and I think instead of criticising every single atom that makes up the server this shard is running on, you should learn to appreciate this. Because we can play this game for *FREE*. I certainly do not have the money to pay a monthly fee for an online game, and even though this shard is a lot behind OSI, I find it amazing. Regularly I see new things getting added... two days ago, for example, I randomly checked to see if Blighted Grove is now accessible, and was surprised to see that it is. The monsters are missing, there's still work to do, but you can see that things are being worked on, and that's just pretty damn cool. If you don't like it, then play OSI. For my part, I will stay on Demise as I like it here.

At first I thought we where going to refresh the Best Items Catalog
That's pretty amazing... pitty the pictures don't work :/


Account Terminated
My biggest problem is when I see you make comments like - "Y item is only worth this on OSI but it's worth this on Demise" and

Then I suggest you inform your fellow players to stop asking me, too. Its like, half the shard want info, etc from me regarding ingame issues, item availability, etc., then the loudest handful of you hate it if I volunteer it one time..

then I see a bunch of said item drop in events all over the place..

That only happened with tots, and again, the way the entire shard was going mad cause we never enabled it, well wtf would you do? keep ignoring it? The dev at the time DID NOT WANT that tot system run, but I did what I could after SO much player complaint.. That crafter event was done for one reason only, fun. The chances to drop anything there was ridiculously slim.

Thanks Dexter, your point about OSI vs Demise communities, was exactly one of the points I made in that post.

But, there is no discussion about ML going ahead. Ryan has put money and work into making it happen, a couple of us spent countless hours working on it,. and its not getting stopped or stalled.


Should have asked me lately. A couple of months , I figure. All the major componants are in dev or actually done now.

Ok, so you dont want stuff going in from different eras, thats fine. Ill drop everything pre-ML then, because we are so far into that now, if we abandon it over someones preference till the entire of T2A, AoS, etc are finished and corrected, I will never pick it up again.

That is the kind of stalling that made the public forums version a total failure.
I see your point. I also see the benefits of this style of progress. However, when you have to correct bugs that were left behind because there were codes skipped along the way, it's actually detrimental for the progress and balance of the shard. Or when things that should have waited a bit before being implemented, due to previous content being needed before hand, were added right away. Example: Greater Dragons, which were meant for SA bosses.

If it's impossible to do, then mayhaps it should be organized in such a manner that it doesn't happens again, or at least not as much.

I am looking forward to ML and hopefully the things I want myself, so keep going doing what you guys do best.


Account Terminated
I am looking forward to ML and hopefully the things I want myself, so keep going doing what you guys do best.

Well, prior to my decision making, if you recall - another admin had put it like this "anything and everything up to the end of ML, and nothing after", and that was how the coding was supposed to be done. I guess we all just stuck with that objective concept.

You know, I did say in that thread, I probably shouldnt have started the comment in the first place, so I guess I showed a weakness in admitting that and you SOBs tried to eat me up for it. Nice nice, I love you guys, ya know? If I didnt Id be the one leaving first time we had one of these.,, errm debates? ***mumbles something about hostile sobs...***

I understand your frustration. And I am not saying you are wrong or right for it, just stating what it looks like from a player's eyes who hasn't been fully updated about what was going on.

Of course they could. I don't approve of the way they give you feedback. Most of the time they actually have pretty good arguments, but lack the clear mind to properly post it. It's also something you should be up for, considering your current position as administrator of the shard. I would love to aid in this, but I've never been picked up, heh.

no no, I just meant the volume. That was no comment toward quality of feedback, etc, from specifically those guilds. Its just a fact, the largest part of this shard like the way its been going lately.

Anyway, I was intending to come talk to you guys ingame today, and find out was bothering you all so bad yest. I should have just gone with that thought, no doubt. jeebus.


@Evil Child: ...that was quite aggressive. You see, I really like the events, and I love how they randomly (and often!) host events. It gives me stuff to do, and the event dungeon a month ago was probably one of the best thing in my past 4 months on Demise.
I really appreciate the work of the staffers. Whenever I use the help button, I usually get someone to help me a couple of minutes later. I wasn't sure whether Xavier was getting paid for this or not - now I know and I think instead of criticising every single atom that makes up the server this shard is running on, you should learn to appreciate this. Because we can play this game for *FREE*. I certainly do not have the money to pay a monthly fee for an online game, and even though this shard is a lot behind OSI, I find it amazing. Regularly I see new things getting added... two days ago, for example, I randomly checked to see if Blighted Grove is now accessible, and was surprised to see that it is. The monsters are missing, there's still work to do, but you can see that things are being worked on, and that's just pretty damn cool. If you don't like it, then play OSI. For my part, I will stay on Demise as I like it here.

That's pretty amazing... pitty the pictures don't work :/

I was stating some of the differences between OSI and Demise that widen the economic gap. How often events take place, how random they are, how announced they are, what they drop etc all widen that gap even further. My concern isn't the substance of said events, because that's subjective to the individual. My concern is some faulty view that our items are supposed to be worth the same as OSI items are worth. That our Inquis is too expensive because OSI's inquis is alot cheaper, or that our Ari is too expensive, etc, etc, etc. When people with the ability to just add these items into the game have this view, problems are inevitable, especially when they do not have a good grasp at the situation at hand. The fact is that these changes tend to take place during events.

I actually wouldn't have a problem if staff just said, "I thought giving out these items for this events fit with the theme of the event/ was just for fun/ I personally felt the items were too expensive on demise because of X broken thing in game preventing people from obtaining said item." I do have a problem with "This item is worth this much on OSI but is worth this much on Demise, therefore I am going to drop them in events."


I was stating some of the differences between OSI and Demise that widen the economic gap. How often events take place, how random they are, how announced they are, what they drop etc all widen that gap even further. My concern isn't the substance of said events, because that's subjective to the individual. My concern is some faulty view that our items are supposed to be worth the same as OSI items are worth. That our Inquis is too expensive because OSI's inquis is alot cheaper, or that our Ari is too expensive, etc, etc, etc. When people with the ability to just add these items into the game have this view, problems are inevitable, especially when they do not have a good grasp at the situation at hand. The fact is that these changes tend to take place during events.

I actually wouldn't have a problem if staff just said, "I thought giving out these items for this events fit with the theme of the event/ was just for fun/ I personally felt the items were too expensive on demise because of X broken thing in game preventing people from obtaining said item." I do have a problem with "This item is worth this much on OSI but is worth this much on Demise, therefore I am going to drop them in events."
I think you are making assumptions here, that Xavier has an evil plan, trying to guide the price of every item to how much they cost on OSI. You are seeing everything a bit too dramatic. How can an item given out in an event change anything? If a superboss in an event dropped an Inquis, it means +1 Inquis on the shard outside the expected range (+1/30 days). This doesn't influence the price in the slightest. It would if EVERYONE was given one, but that was never the case. Besides, I don't think Xavier or any other staff every made an item drop in an event to change the value of said item on the shard. As I said, a single or two items can't change the price. It must be something that lasts for longer. For example, if there was a permanent boss dropping Inquis when killed, the price would change as the odds to get that item are suddenly MUCH higher. You no longer have to wait for a month and be lucky, instead you simply go kill the boss. This would affect the price. And as I said before: I don't think Xavier was really criticising that the prices are different... you see, I think that prices vary (at least slightly) on the different OSI shards as well. In a not globalised world, the prices of milk, bread and butter (most likely) varied in each region of the world. Same products, different communities and circumstances.


Then I suggest you inform your fellow players to stop asking me, too. Its like, half the shard want info, etc from me regarding ingame issues, item availability, etc., then the loudest handful of you hate it if I volunteer it one time..

That only happened with tots, and again, the way the entire shard was going mad cause we never enabled it, well wtf would you do? keep ignoring it? The dev at the time DID NOT WANT that tot system run, but I did what I could after SO much player complaint.. That crafter event was done for one reason only, fun. The chances to drop anything there was ridiculously slim.

Thanks Dexter, your point about OSI vs Demise communities, was exactly one of the points I made in that post.

But, there is no discussion about ML going ahead. Ryan has put money and work into making it happen, a couple of us spent countless hours working on it,. and its not getting stopped or stalled.

Most of my fellow players don't understand anything and are only interested in their own worthless pixels.

It has happened with many other things other than just tots. And it hasn't just been your events either, nor has it been occurring only recently. For example, Ari shrouds dropping left and right thanks to event harries. You said to google some OSI gold seller websites to see that ari was only selling for half the price of inquis for irl money on OSI. During the backlash from valorite hammer events you said that a 15/15 40di 50light 30ssi sc-1 hammer pick should only be selling for 8m. In this thread you said that on OSI valorite hammers only sell for 12-15m and that you don't understand why they sell for much much more on demise. I'm ok with you dropping things in events for fun or whatever, but you should seriously understand what you are actually doing and not just attempt to justify things based on what OSI has.


I think you are making assumptions here, that Xavier has an evil plan, trying to guide the price of every item to how much they cost on OSI. You are seeing everything a bit too dramatic. How can an item given out in an event change anything? If a superboss in an event dropped an Inquis, it means +1 Inquis on the shard outside the expected range (+1/30 days). This doesn't influence the price in the slightest. It would if EVERYONE was given one, but that was never the case. Besides, I don't think Xavier or any other staff every made an item drop in an event to change the value of said item on the shard. As I said, a single or two items can't change the price. It must be something that lasts for longer. For example, if there was a permanent boss dropping Inquis when killed, the price would change as the odds to get that item are suddenly MUCH higher. You no longer have to wait for a month and be lucky, instead you simply go kill the boss. This would affect the price. And as I said before: I don't think Xavier was really criticising that the prices are different... you see, I think that prices vary (at least slightly) on the different OSI shards as well. In a not globalised world, the prices of milk, bread and butter (most likely) varied in each region of the world. Same products, different communities and circumstances.

Recent event

Ari shroud



I was stating some of the differences between OSI and Demise that widen the economic gap. How often events take place, how random they are, how announced they are, what they drop etc all widen that gap even further. My concern isn't the substance of said events, because that's subjective to the individual. My concern is some faulty view that our items are supposed to be worth the same as OSI items are worth. That our Inquis is too expensive because OSI's inquis is alot cheaper, or that our Ari is too expensive, etc, etc, etc. When people with the ability to just add these items into the game have this view, problems are inevitable, especially when they do not have a good grasp at the situation at hand. The fact is that these changes tend to take place during events.

I actually wouldn't have a problem if staff just said, "I thought giving out these items for this events fit with the theme of the event/ was just for fun/ I personally felt the items were too expensive on demise because of X broken thing in game preventing people from obtaining said item." I do have a problem with "This item is worth this much on OSI but is worth this much on Demise, therefore I am going to drop them in events."
I understand that on Osi they do advertise the event also what the reward is , they kind of have to tell there CUSTOMER's that they are giving things at a event since it's the right thing to do since they pay so much per month to play , But on demise its free if Staff starts advertising the events on Forum's think of all the forums trolls that barely even logs in , I know some that barely play and I beleive the last time they loged to play was when tots fell just to stuck up on them , they would do the same less chance for ACTIVE players to get there hands on the new stuff.

Ive miss plenty of events even that CC since I was to busy looking for a 3k insurance to gain in the end I was glad to have missed it

trust me I had a chance to get CC but traded that for a 3k insurance but the bonus I kept my suit :) in my eye's my suit is better then walking around naked with a CC lol

seriously guys WTF are you all arguing about this IS DEMISE osi can and will roth in hell for all I care


Account Terminated
. My concern is some faulty view that our items are supposed to be worth the same as OSI items are worth.

Absolutely not. I was only comparing the scale of the value. how we are so similar until its val/ver runics.. then its through the roof.. when our runics are easier to get than on OSI .. it makes little sense to me, and that was mainly what I was pointing out, as it was also the subject of the post I replied to.

By the way: never has an ari robe been given out at an event. EVER.. If one dropped from a harry, so be it, but we didnt give one to anyone. ive actually changed the harry so we can use it in tram without tossing so much stuff out there.
honestly that ari u went all out in buying most likely came from an event too. Seeing that ~3 of them dropped from the boss in the dojo.


Account Terminated
I understand that on Osi they do advertise the event also what the reward is

Ill tell you you guys something. When people stop acting like EVERYTHING we do must be announced on these forums, Ill start having the bigger events get more advance notice. I have a lot of fun with spontaneous stuff, and so do most of the people who participate. Thats never going to change. but yeah, get off my A** about anouncing every little thing, and you will get more announced.


Absolutely not. I was only comparing the scale of the value. how we are so similar until its val/ver runics.. then its through the roof.. when our runics are easier to get than on OSI .. it makes little sense to me, and that was mainly what I was pointing out, as it was also the subject of the post I replied to.

By the way: never has an ari robe been given out at an event. EVER.. If one dropped from a harry, so be it, but we didnt give one to anyone. ive actually changed the harry so we can use it in tram without tossing so much stuff out there.

You added a bunch of freely spawning harries to an event. They were dropping the arties, required none of the prereqs to pop like normal harries and were basically free for all. Those harries would have never been there if you guys didn't spawn them. No harries = no arties. So by the direct intervention of staff, players got access to alot more ari shrouds. Needless to say the value of ari shrouds plummeted shortly after that event from being worth 100-200m to being worth like 50m thanks to all of the people that got them. Your defense of all of this was the google ari shroud to see how much gold selling websites were selling it for on OSI.
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