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Most valuable item

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The CC is just a novely, and its not really all that much for stats.. Wheres the huge advantage to make it worth the same as inquis? Even the gauntlet artifacts on day 1 were not this kind of crazy priced on OSI. Oh, and whats with inquis too?!?
Thank you. <.< So it's not just me finding it weird. xD
??? it's a half apron with 5 stat bonus and 10 hpi. it's a great item
I agree, it is a nice ADDITION. But you know what I was given in trade for my CC? In total, these items would probably sell for 90kk or even more. Would you pay 90kk for +5 stats and 10hpi? The CC will harshly drop in value, keep that in mind too.


Account Terminated
??? it's a half apron with 5 stat bonus and 10 hpi. it's a great item

Didnt say its not, I meant that in the context of it selling for 150m and more in Demise' wacko economy. :) Its a very useful item, but if I may make a prediction: it is 125kk worth of novelty. im probably very wrong, but ok, I will pretend Im right till I am convinced that prediction wont come true :D
The only reason it's so expensive is because there's not many on the shard right now and obviously those are stats you wouldn't otherwise have because it's the only apron we have with stats.
Suply Vs Demand. These items are currently spawning in very limited supply.

I'm unsure as to why it's odd to you why its worth so much.

First dozen or so pairs of inquis on OSI sold for a small fortune **i remember ozzy paying something grotesque to get his**

Of course they're only worth 35 mill now, They've had almost 10 years spawning 1 per 31 days across how many production shards? Not to count ones spawned/given away for events and the like.


Hmmm, let's see

CC - The only waist item available that gives any stats what so ever. Not to mention it gives 10 HPI... 10 HPI
This is by and far amazing just by itself. But, then it gives +5 to a stat... DEX for that matter, which is hugely important to pretty much every body other than flat trammy randoms. All in a slot that is otherwise occupied by.......nothing....zip....zero....waste of space. How could you NOT see the value behind CC when it gives such amazing bonuses, that are essentially vital for pvpers and extremely worthwhile and usuable by every single character in the entire game.

Valorite hammers - First off, they are rare. How rare are they? I have only ever personally seen like 3 people get them in ~3 years of being here. The hammer themselves aren't really that exciting and useful, unless you just like collecting rares or bank sitting. But, the potential output of the hammer itself is where the money and value is. Using a valorite hammer you can craft the absolute without a doubt best items in the entire game. PERIOD. Nothing in the game that we have, or will ever get, will ever even hold a candle to the value of some of the possible things a valorite hammer could put out. I'm sure anyone in here could play with 5 mods + 40di in their heads to get some stupidly god weapon that would just obliterate everything in their path. Sampire? super slayer 50 hit area, 50hml, 30ssi, 40di, 50hsl, 50hll whirlwind axe? PvPer? 15/15 sc-1 50light 30ssi hammer pick or harvey or whatever? The list goes on and on. Everything on that list = priceless.

A word about prices. Price is affected by both supply and demand. When we have things like CC, where presently only a select few have dropped, and as shown are of extreme value to every person on the shard, then yea price is gonna be really really high for it. It doesn't help when we have had gold exploits out of the ass for the past 4 years that people have taken advantage of and flooded the market.


The majority of people on this shard that have been here for a long time have at least one of all the arties/runics/jewelry they'd need to build any suit. 10 HPI is huge in PvP and a CC would be beneficial to everyone's suit. Since they have gold and nothing else to fill this dress slot, they are going to be willing to throw a lot of wealth to get it.

edit: what he said ^


Account Terminated
Not to count ones spawned/given away for events and the like.

This factor has a big effect, I cant argue with this. We have only put 2 inquis in at events and that was one of the most hellish nightmares we've ever made of harrys. 2x paragon + their spawn in a closed 16x16 room :D The CC obviously was dropped in events, but they paid dearly for that - with their armor! hah.

Before you spaz on me for throwing inquis into the game, be aware that an admin over me on the totem pole said it would be a good idea to put 10 or 15. Umm. I didnt want the rage so .. not me, someone else can do that sh*t.

Suply Vs Demand. These items are currently spawning in very limited supply. I'm unsure as to why it's odd to you why its worth so much.

I know youre not trying to include the high end smith runics in this, right? That is where Demise is really wacked. It is hugely easier to get them here, due to a whole series of bogus data/calculations in the code. The suppy end of this one doesnt seem to hold true. Sure, theyre few and far between, but their not exactly single digits in numbers, either. Our runics are very well inline with OSI values, until you get to the high end on the hammers, and only the hammers, which is the one thing that had the most advanteous inaccuracies.

Being a consumable, the value should level off at some point. But, as i said up there ^ I have a good idea what one factor turns 10 or 20m items into 150 or 200m items based on the novelty value of something new...

8 or 10 people can afford to throw that kind of cash at things like this, and the items get gone to the richest few, which has two effects: pulling the rug from under the feet of the supply line, this driving the value up every time one goes up for sale, and establishing a case example of their value for everyone else to try and latch on to. Otherwise these items would come down to earth after the first few got sold.

OSI didnt have as tight of a community as Demise does, so they werent all exchanging notes all the time on whats what. here, you guys trade notes, compare, etc. and IMO (could be wrong) but it seems to create a form of price fixing, be it uninteded or othewise.

I dont know, im only guessing at the player end of matters, Its not really my business what you guys want to trade, but mediating (in the game mechanics causing the issues) things to prevent these disparities to some extent, in a fair manner ,.. IS something I can do. Yeah, I should have just stayed on my point and not even addressed the player trading tbh. So, my opinion is "its a dysfunctional economy created by there being way too much gold in way too few peoples' hands."... Thats my story and Im stickin to it..

Well , I guess the inaccuracy factor in the smith runics is something I can address, but either way, I wasnt trying to muck about in player business, was offering an observation. Sorry guys.

I do have a plan to suck that top end cash down, and believe me you, youll all recognise it when you see it :)


Holy, shit stop trying to compare our economy with OSI's economy.

We are nothing like OSI's economy. We aren't going to be anything like OSI's economy. We will never be anything like OSI's economy even if we are fully up to date with OSI updates.

First, let's examine the actually game itself without looking the players yet.
Demise - A bunch of random code from various eras, much of which is half implemented, or broken in some regards. Broken or half implemented code takes much longer to fix or update. Items or exploits that were never meant to exist to begin with hang around for a very long period of time.
OSI - Things get updated in a linear fashion. Broken or half implemented code is generally fixed relatively soon. Players who use exploits get banned and or have their exploited items deleted or removed. Leaps and bounds ahead of runuo in just about every single regard. Even basic core mechanics like spell casting timers are different. Huge amounts of new and different items that we do not have and will never have that make current gear and items obsolete. No one on OSI needs to pay big money for inquis when they can get better gloves elsewhere, or do not even need the mods on inquis because they can easily get them elsewhere on the suit. This alone makes comparing OSI to Demise virtually impossible.

But wait, there's more!
Now, let's compare staff actions
Demise - Random events just tossed wildly into the game. Little to no regard to economics as far as event drops are concerned. Players can literally not play the rest of the game and only ever go to events and become rich in short order. Volunteer staff who don't really understand game mechanics, economics or what they are doing but don't have anyone to answer to and just wander about haphazardly. Various staff abuse regarding items added to players accounts, edited items, 5000 charge top end runic hammers that has happened in the past and is very very likely still happening.
OSI - More or less professional staffers. Don't really get involved heavily in the daily activities or updates of the game. Answer to higher ups in the business. Answer to game devs and aren't allowed to make significant changes without approval. Events are planned before hand, last a decent amount of time, and are well communicated both between staffers and between staffers and players. Event drops aren't usually game breaking and players need to actually play the game to collect money. Little to no staff abuse.

Finally, let's talk about the players
Demise - Free to play. Anyone can come and go whenever they want without any consequences. No one has to pay anything if they don't want to. More casual gamers who just want to play to try it out or were curious. Not wanting to pay for games extends to most economic activities in other ways. Stingy assholes. 4 accounts per person.
OSI - Pay to play. People are invested in their accounts and characters. Hardcore gamers who know what they are doing and what they want. Generally have more economics stability in real life. Economic activities carry over in game. People are less stingy about spending their gold on items, and can also spend IRL money buying items from websites without much problems. Don't want to spend 50mil on inquis? Buy it for $20 no problem. Someone that pays $13/month for the game isn't going to have a problem shelling out $20 for an item they want. 1 account per person usually.

Any single one of these things will vastly change how the economy in the game works. Let me reiterate, any single one of these things will vastly change how the economy in the game works. Now, we have every single one of these changing things and affecting the way the game economies are going to work. It is completely impossible to make any sort of reasonable comparison between OSI and Demise as far as economics are concerned. Trying to compare us to OSI is just flat out stupid and ignorant as far as how economics even works. It's like trying to compare the economy of the United States 2011 to the economy of a native american tribe in 1526. I really really hope that you aren't making decisions regarding demise based on the things that you see on OSI. In fact, it would be better off for everyone to just not even consider OSI's economy at all for the reasons stated above.


The economy in this server will never be any similar to OSI except for NPC bought items. That's a fact, and will never change. It's also a good thing, meaning this server has a soul of it's own rather than being purely a copy. You are pretty much allowed to buy whatever you want with real money in OSI, something which is a bannable offense in here

I understand the goal of Demise is becoming as close to OSI as possible, but trying to replicate every aspect of the game at random, based on ease of coding or player wants, will only generate grim opinions towards the administration of this server.

If it were up to me, as much as it gave me more work, I would code based on publishes alone. Much more orderly that way, with people's accusation of this server being only a festival of random codes being sent to space. Yes, it would demand much more work. But don't you think it's much easier to code if you actually know what you are aiming for?

While it may reflect other's, it's my opinion and none else's.


Account Terminated
Holy, shit stop trying to compare our economy with OSI's economy.

Oh? dont give me the bullshit lines anymore about now our mechanics arent OSI-like then.

I dont know, im only guessing at the player end of matters, Its not really my business what you guys want to trade,

[..] , I wasnt trying to muck about in player business, was offering an observation. Sorry guys.

Thats what I get for this? yeah, none of us have a clue. Yep, I VOLUNTEER all that work to this shard, Ryan paid up a server move FOR THIS SHARD, Mark works his ASS OFF for this shard, and so does most of the Demise staff. I was respectful to you and everyone else in my dialog with you guys, and I even said I am jsut guessing, wrong, and probably shouldnt have commented on a few things anyway. Like ive told another already: pack it up and gtfo if you dont like it here. After what a few assholes did when Ryan made posts here,. Im already majorly pissed.


Account Terminated
The economy in this server will never be any similar to OSI except for NPC bought items. That's a fact, and will never change. It's also a good thing, meaning this server has a soul of it's own rather than being purely a copy. You are pretty much allowed to buy whatever you want with real money in OSI, something which is a bannable offense in here

I understand the goal of Demise is becoming as close to OSI as possible, but trying to replicate every aspect of the game at random, based on ease of coding or player wants, will only generate grim opinions towards the administration of this server.

If it were up to me, as much as it gave me more work, I would code based on publishes alone. Much more orderly that way, with people's accusation of this server being only a festival of random codes being sent to space. Yes, it would demand much more work. But don't you think it's much easier to code if you actually know what you are aiming for?

While it may reflect other's, it's my opinion and none else's.

^ good example of a positive/constructive way to disagree.

Its a little late to do publish based coding.. it was a mess before I got anywhere near it. I spent a year sitting around fixing bugs, and you know what I heard about that? "Nice, you want to fix some stupid properties bug on some item, when the whole of ML is missing." They didnt liek THAT because it wasnt new stuff going in.


Thats what I get for this? yeah, none of us have a clue. Yep, I VOLUNTEER all that work to this shard, Ryan paid up a server move FOR THIS SHARD, Mark works his ASS OFF for this shard, and so does most of the Demise staff. I was respectful to you and everyone else in my dialog with you guys, and I even said I am jsut guessing, wrong, and probably shouldnt have commented on a few things anyway. Like ive told another already: pack it up and gtfo if you dont like it here. After what a few assholes did when Ryan made posts here,. Im already majorly pissed.
People are bound to be pissed off if their game experience is worsened by something they have no control over. That's something which will not change, and also something you guys should expect. Getting angry over it will only worsen this situation as a whole and give a bad impression to old and new players alike.

I am sure everyone who plays here majorly enjoys the effort the staff puts in this and other shards.


Account Terminated
People are bound to be pissed off if their game experience is worsened by something they have no control over. That's something which will not change, and also something you guys should expect. Getting angry over it will only worsen this situation as a whole and give a bad impression to old and new players alike.

I am sure everyone who plays here majorly enjoys the effort the staff puts in this and other shards.

You guys are usually wrong when you start talking about 'angry', but this time youre right on the money, I am f-ing pissed about the way you guys acted in Ryans posts.

And besides, your entire guild could come on here and talk shit on everythign we do, and we would STILL be getting more positive feedback about the things we do here than negative.

And why should I be pissed? Ive been telling him, and others that arent usually on here, exactly how awesome you guys have been, and how much Ive enjoyed working with this shard because of it...

And soon as Ryan posts some stuff, people go apeshit and make a real moron out of me for it.


Account Terminated
In both references above, "you guys" is just a generic for me to not point fingers, it doesnt mean YOU spcifically did something.


^ good example of a positive/constructive way to disagree.

Its a little late to do publish based coding.. it was a mess before I got anywhere near it. I spent a year sitting around fixing bugs, and you know what I heard about that? "Nice, you want to fix some stupid properties bug on some item, when the whole of ML is missing." They didnt liek THAT because it wasnt new stuff going in.
That's human nature. People like new stuff, However.. they will start liking it when they see how steadly updates get implemented. Instead of thinking "when is ML coming up?" they will think "Seems like it's on publish XX now, maybe ML will be here by the end of the year!".

The biggest grip players have had about this server is coding being implemented at random. It's something annoying as we can't possibly guess when or what is coming in. It's the only reason I vouch for publish-based coding as well.
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