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trevorc in the motherfuckn house

No, assist uo has features such as auto heal, sallos did not. The only zerg squad out there was tet's scrub crew, the rest us usually ran with 4-5 guys. And how the fuck are you going to tell anybody the pvp quality has gone up when you have no idea what quality pvp is. You and probably 90% of the people that still pvp on this server can't sync, land targets, or cross heal each other and after watching that video you clearly have no field awareness. The reason nobody takes you guys seriously is because you suck, end of story. Just remember Seven, guys like myself,link, and sig took the time to get good at this game, you haven't. So shut your fucking mouth until you actually learn how to pvp and not just run around on a tamer random dropping.


question: do you all think you/the folks who left after the removal of Sallos will come back eventually to Hybrid if AssistUO functions as a "good" replacement for Sallos?

Seven Jr

No, assist uo has features such as auto heal, sallos did not. The only zerg squad out there was tet's scrub crew, the rest us usually ran with 4-5 guys. And how the fuck are you going to tell anybody the pvp quality has gone up when you have no idea what quality pvp is. You and probably 90% of the people that still pvp on this server can't sync, land targets, or cross heal each other and after watching that video you clearly have no field awareness. The reason nobody takes you guys seriously is because you suck, end of story. Just remember Seven, guys like myself,link, and sig took the time to get good at this game, you haven't. So shut your fucking mouth until you actually learn how to pvp and not just run around on a tamer random dropping.

I was on a tamer in that video? Lol. That video was edited dude. You're just mad because I got the house in the divorce. Tet only does run with 4 people most fights you can't call him a zerg when ^SM and some TB guilds ran 5+ consistently... You can only be as good as the guy next to you and Wallace ran away from me, his mistake not mine. You need a chill pill, either log on and play or find the log out button.


Mickey what's your point?

Mickey: Everyone here sucks. I'm better then anyone of you even with razor. There is no pvp anymore since sallos was taken away (cries). You can't cross heal, sync blah blah. This server suck blah blah.
Everyone else: Pvp has been insane lately especially with factions. We play because it's fun not because we want to be king shit. You CAN find pvp most of the time regardless if you're out numbered or not.

Mickey response: You're all a bunch of no bodies and no one gives a shit about you. Your life sucks and mine is sooo much better then yours. Does anyone like me?
Our response: Goodbye. Don't play if you don't want too.

Did I miss anything?


in retrospect i think there should have been a transitory period in which players were told "hey, we're going to disable the use of Sallos permanently in X number of days because there is a litany of ways Sallos is being used for cheating such as the following: list of examples here. We can't do anything to stop the cheating because Sallos is old as dirt and no one is working on the client anymore. Also, we're sorry any inconvenience this may cause you and we are working hard to replace the functionality of Sallos with AssistUO." in other words there should have been a great deal more transparency into what was going on behind the scenes. I think if that had been done a lot of animosity toward the removal of Sallos we understandably have today wouldn't exist.

Seven Jr

in retrospect i think there should have been a transitory period in which players were told "hey, we're going to disable the use of Sallos permanently in X number of days because there is a litany of ways Sallos is being used for cheating such as the following: list of examples here. We can't do anything to stop the cheating because Sallos is old as dirt and no one is working on the client anymore. Also, we're sorry any inconvenience this may cause you and we are working hard to replace the functionality of Sallos with AssistUO." in other words there should have been a great deal more transparency into what was going on behind the scenes. I think if that had been done a lot of animosity toward the removal of Sallos we understandably have today wouldn't exist.

Ryan said it a long time ago... Before the screenies popped up. He said AUO would replace both Razor and Sallos Due to the events that unfolded it got the ax first. Everyone acts like Ryan wasn't the one who made the choice but it was instead the Razor users... The same principal as the US trying to say Iraq had anything to do with Afghanistan aside from they were both living in the same world.

Seven Jr

Mickey what's your point?

Mickey: Everyone here sucks. I'm better then anyone of you even with razor. There is no pvp anymore since sallos was taken away (cries). You can't cross heal, sync blah blah. This server suck blah blah.
Everyone else: Pvp has been insane lately especially with factions. We play because it's fun not because we want to be king shit. You CAN find pvp most of the time regardless if you're out numbered or not.

Mickey response: You're all a bunch of no bodies and no one gives a shit about you. Your life sucks and mine is sooo much better then yours. Does anyone like me?
Our response: Goodbye. Don't play if you don't want too.

Did I miss anything?

WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA... I'm about to like this post, did it just get cold in here?
Mickey what's your point?

Mickey: Everyone here sucks. I'm better then anyone of you even with razor. There is no pvp anymore since sallos was taken away (cries). You can't cross heal, sync blah blah. This server suck blah blah.
Everyone else: Pvp has been insane lately especially with factions. We play because it's fun not because we want to be king shit. You CAN find pvp most of the time regardless if you're out numbered or not.

Mickey response: You're all a bunch of no bodies and no one gives a shit about you. Your life sucks and mine is sooo much better then yours. Does anyone like me?
Our response: Goodbye. Don't play if you don't want too.

Did I miss anything?

I'm simply arguing your point. The foundation for your argument is this. "Taking away sallos was better for the server and pvp community." Now my rebuttal to that is this. Ever since the removal of sallos the pvp on the server as a whole has suffered quite a bit. I know this because every time I log in and do my rounds I find nobody pvping. I have active players telling me thier is no pvp and it's a ghost shard. I am not really trying to make a point I am just telling you how it is. I have seen it with my own two eyes. But regardless if there is pvp or not, the skill level has went to the shitter. The're is a big hole in your argument. You keep saying sallos was a cheat client and over powerd, but most of us that used sallos could log on razor and embarrass you regardless, so what does it really matter what client we use? I will agree the the cut offs needed to be removed. Every body who used sallos also complained about it. But lets face it, you guys wanted sallos removed so the good players would quit and you could actually compete. Funny how I never saw any of you on the field when there was active pvp and good players. Here's my "point." Sallos was an update to an out of date game. It made uo actually fun to play again.


most of us that used sallos could log on razor and embarrass you regardless, so what does it really matter what client we use? I will agree the the cut offs needed to be removed. Every body who used sallos also complained about it. But lets face it, you guys wanted sallos removed so the good players would quit and you could actually compete

He replied to the same thing I already said he would.
Dude give it up already. You have no argument because you already said many times you don't play the shard anymore.
Have a nice day and enjoy trash talking another game.

1 last question. Who the hell are you to judge the quality of pvp? Get off your high horse buddy...
He replied to the same thing I already said he would.
Dude give it up already. You have no argument because you already said many times you don't play the shard anymore.
Have a nice day and enjoy trash talking another game.

I am replying to your argument! I am only repeating myself because I have too bash it into your brain since you are to fucking stupid to figure it out for your self. I gave you my response, so where's yours? You don't have one because you're a moron who can't stay on topic or stay consistant with your argument. You lose!

Seven Jr

I am replying to your argument! I am only repeating myself because I have too bash it into your brain since you are to fucking stupid to figure it out for your self. I gave you my response, so where's yours? You don't have one because you're a moron who can't stay on topic or stay consistant with your argument. You lose!

You know it's bad when I'm agreeing with what Uomvp has to say... But we needed a troll like you to keep the forums spicy.


I am replying to your argument! I am only repeating myself because I have too bash it into your brain since you are to fucking stupid to figure it out for your self. I gave you my response, so where's yours? You don't have one because you're a moron who can't stay on topic or stay consistant with your argument. You lose!

1. You are trolling for the simple fact you don't play but yet you are here running your mouth.
2. You call everyone "stupid" but I don't think anyone cares what you have to say anymore.
3. "you lose" um that just shows how pathetic you are.
4. My response speaks for itself. You are the worst kind of troll because you say the same shit in every post. Might as well just copy and paste it.
5. Whenever you die it's someone else's fault. Lack the understanding of self responsibility.
6. Goodbye Mickey Mouse.

Seven- you ever notice when Mickey makes a fool out of himself that he calls everyone else a moron or stupid?
1. You are trolling for the simple fact you don't play but yet you are here running your mouth.
2. You call everyone "stupid" but I don't think anyone cares what you have to say anymore.
3. "you lose" um that just shows how pathetic you are.
4. My response speaks for itself. You are the worst kind of troll because you say the same shit in every post. Might as well just copy and paste it.
5. Whenever you die it's someone else's fault. Lack the understanding of self responsibility.
6. Goodbye Mickey Mouse.

Seven- you ever notice when Mickey makes a fool out of himself that he calls everyone else a moron or stupid?

Thanks for proving my point chief. Have a nice day ;)
Lol, mickey..

Come back when you can say something other than "DUUURRR PEOPLE SAY NO PVP NOW SO THERE IS NO PVP NOW DUUURRR"

Who gives a shit what sallos did or did not do? Yeah some things were annoying as hell with it, but we all played when it was around. You do not play now that it is gone. You cry yet you say you don't care. "oh I could own anyone if I log into razor right now, but I'm not going to, I'm just going to cry some more!" Once again, this shows you do not even care to PVP. Get on razor, come own everyone, or you too busy crying still?