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"afk ressource gathering mainly, like walking around and picking up cotton in del"

You can afk picking up cotton? wow thats awesome.



Imalegend420 said:
"afk ressource gathering mainly, like walking around and picking up cotton in del"

You can afk picking up cotton? wow thats awesome.
You can do much more than that. That was just an example. Did you know that it is also possible to make plugins for Razor?



Lynyrd said:
You can do much more than that. That was just an example. Did you know that it is also possible to make plugins for Razor?
i saw some razor plugins for auto chug and auto bandage self and some more
but long time ago :/


Master of the Interweb

Tbh, this is the best thing Ryan has done for the server while I've been here.

Just by logging on with KUOC you are cheating imho, its a clutch client plain and simple.



_Choru_ said:
Tbh, this is the best thing Ryan has done for the server while I've been here.

Just by logging on with KUOC you are cheating imho, its a clutch client plain and simple.
Well, why don't you just tell it like it is, Choru?



coldblood said:
i saw some razor plugins for auto chug and auto bandage self and some more
but long time ago :/

a razor plugin for autocure? lol is it that hard to make a "if poisoned, drink cure pot" macro?


Master of the Interweb

Grad said:
a razor plugin for autocure? lol is it that hard to make a "if poisoned, drink cure pot" macro?

But can razor:

  • Remove the walls from houses
  • Instantly ban anyone from the house
  • Totally remove object delays
  • Bring up target areas for any AOE spells
  • Have a 100% working hold heal when poisend feature
  • Have a hold poisen when poisend feature
  • Have faster context menu's allowing for faster 'leave house'ing
  • Have map for easier party communication
  • Have instatly grabbed bars upon joining a party
  • Have party bars that dont randomly fuck up when new people join the party
  • Play a sound upon being stunned
  • Have a way to loot a corpes 100x faster than normal
  • Have commands to .leapfrog bags all around the world despite them being 1000x times too heavy to carry
  • Totally ignore all doors ingame, allowing for a much faster 'auto open door' system
  • Have an actual working smooth walk
  • Stop a red from running over a guardline, thus getting guardwacked
  • Alow spells to be cast while using an explosion potion without having to cancel the target cursor
I guess a shitty, slow working poorly desinged auto cure made in razor makes up for all of the above doesnt it.



My post was supposed to show that it's completely unnecessary to make a plugin to autocure, I dunno why you came at me with all those KUOC features.

Dr Zoidberg


_Choru_ said:
[*]Remove the walls from houses

No, but try holding down CTRL-SHIFT. A +1 tho, since I can understand why you consider it an advantage. I dont, i use allnames when on razor and it works fine.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Instantly ban anyone from the house

No offence, but thats probably the most irrelevant advantage KUOC has. +1 anyhow, yeh. Also its easy enough to ban fast with razor, just make a "i ban thee" macro and click a few times. The . ibanthee always ends up throwing allies outside because its a friended newbie using it.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Totally remove object delays

My KUOC doesnt do that. Btw, set your razors object delay to 0. No +1.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Bring up target areas for any AOE spells

Yep, KUOC does that. A -minor- advantage, very minor. And for me a disadvantage because i dont play on a monster PC so that lags me up when i load MS. Btw, its no problem hitting with a MS/CL without it. A +1 nonetheless.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Have a 100% working hold heal when poisend feature

Razor has that kinda crap also. And im pretty sure KUOCs isnt 100% working, but i cant log on to test it right now because of the block. Its not worth using tho, for the X% where it turns out wrong. But yeah, KUOCs might be better, i dont know for sure. Never actually tested it and compared with razors, only played on both programs. I refuse to give a +1 there because its not 100% and i havent compared it with razors. I think you are talking about stuff youre not 100% certain about here.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Have a hold poisen when poisend feature

Yeah thats a bit gimp as well. Its not hard to see when the bar turns back from green to, but i follow your logic. UO pvp is about the miliseconds. So its a +1.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Have faster context menu's allowing for faster 'leave house'ing

OH NOES. Im not dignifying that with an answer. No +1.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Have map for easier party communication

UOAM works a lot better than KUOCs partymap and is legal here. Its not KUOCs fault that you dont use UOAM with razor legal boy. Stick to the proper arguments rather than trying to look right. LEGAL BOY.

Also, UOAM can have more people on than a full party afaik. WHICH I WOULD SCREAM HAX ABOUT IF KUOC COULDNT WORK WITH UOAM AS WELL!!!!!!!

(yes that would have been a valid advantage for razor and quite a big one as well) That one almost deserves a -1, but this IS about the programs and not LEGAL BOYS trying to run a tad of propaganda, so youre off the hook.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Have instatly grabbed bars upon joining a party

Luxury problem really. If the team cba to pause for 5 to let the new dude get bars, either the new dude dont need bars, or theres no time to party him anyway. No +1 here.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Have party bars that dont randomly fuck up when new people join the party

Agreed, +1 for KUOC. Again, luxury, but this discussion IS about the tiny details and nitpicking. (kinda funny that the one program is blocked when the discussion is about details, but meh). Its alot to +1 for this tho, because its a "oh noes my screen is not pretty" problem, but when i consider what i have earlier +1'ed for, this should almost be +2. Only +1 tho.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Play a sound upon being stunned

Yeah thats an advantage i guess. Personally i always play without sound because i <3 music, but that is an advantage yes. Not a big one, but an advantage none-the-less. Again, the nitpicking and the details tbh, but thats fine, its what this discussion is about. Does this "sound when stunned" work on other party members btw? Like if my friend on kuoc gets stunned, do i hear a sound?

Because if the answer to that is "no" then i dont really care about the sound. If i only get it when i get stunned personally, then i dont need it. I dont find it that hard to notice when i get stunned.

Its a +1 because im not convinced that its a +0.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Have a way to loot a corpes 100x faster than normal

. dragtobag is a luxury looting mechanism, agreed. It is -however- not faster than the optimal looting, and sometimes it even fucks up. If you que an item that another person loots, it fucks up and doesnt move any further, and by the time you noticed the corpse is dry.

Basically, NOT AN ADVANTAGE AND ONLY SILLY/LAZY PEOPLE USE IT. Its not optimal. And tbh, the lewting back in the days down at bone magis/knights in deciet was faster.

You get a total of +0 for that one.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Have commands to .leapfrog bags all around the world despite them being 1000x times too heavy to carry

Leapfrog is a silly toy krrios should never have included. You have to have 10 ping and an extreme PC to not be slowed down by it tho, and if you run so that leapfrog cant place the bag in front of you, you stop moving. Again, NOT AN ADVANTAGE JSUT A SILLY TOY. DONT USE IT IN PVP OR YOU WILL END UP DYING BECAUSE OF IT.

Again a total of +0 for that one.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Totally ignore all doors ingame, allowing for a much faster 'auto open door' system

Yeah, i love that. But just remove it anyway, its not faster than i was on razor with my OpenDoor macro tbh (which was not a razor macro, for the record, it was a macro inside the UO client, you just hit it a wee bit before you reach the door (based on lag) and you will fly thru it like there were no door).

I will allow a +1 for that one though, because it actually means that the KUOC user will have to press 1 button less when walking thru a door and i can see why thats so unbalancing.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Have an actual working smooth walk

That does not make you faster. No +1.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Stop a red from running over a guardline, thus getting guardwacked

Yeah, i was kinda dissapointed when i saw that in KUOC. Was a newbish addon imo. But since youre allowed to be red in town here and all that shit, i wouldnt really consider it a huge advantage either. But an advantage none-the-less, and we are doing this discussion by the book, so +1 advantage KUOC.

_Choru_ said:
[*]Alow spells to be cast while using an explosion potion without having to cancel the target cursor

Youre going to have to rephrase that one, i dont understand. Do you mean that i can start a GE and then start EB without cancelling GE cursor? Because i just did that on razor. No +1 for the time being..

_Choru_ said:
I guess a shitty, slow working poorly desinged auto cure made in razor makes up for all of the above doesnt it.

Next post by me please.




dont forget the range check of razor.
load a spell and just chase someone until you get near enough and drop it..
kuoc doesnt have that :(



If choru cries about the . dragtobag or leapfrog shit
I cry about the Light Level Filter razor has... in kuoc it becomes always so dark
makes me sad :(


Master of the Interweb

coldblood said:
If choru cries about the . dragtobag or leapfrog shit
I cry about the Light Level Filter razor has... in kuoc it becomes always so dark
makes me sad :(

.mul file manipulation, just the same way tree hack works.
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