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Offensive Names



Re: Offensive Names

schismdream said:

The rules tend to change alot depending on who is involved..
Of course they will change, if someone has a great reputation for being helpful, never breaking rules, they will have slack cut for them.

If someone has been banned multiple times for different reasons, known for harassing players, cheating, etc. the rules will be much more stricter on the said person.

Goldust - The act of urinating on oneself or another person for sexual gratification. Also the name of a wrestler in the WWE.

shocker - To, with one hand, stimulate both the vagina and anus of a female by using the index and middle finger on the vagina and the pinky on the anus. Various rhyming phrases refer to this act, including "two in the pink, one in the stink," "two in the shoot, one in the poop," "two in the goo, one in the poo," and "two in the giny, one in the hiny."


Re: Offensive Names

i sit here at brit bank and watch this guy call everyone 'faggot' and 'nigger' and i gotta wonder what the difference is between saying offensive things in game and naming your char offensively. it's all text ...is that to be tolerated under the new rules? does spamming 'nigger' earn you jail time at least? are we allowed to shoot them in the face irl?


Re: Offensive Names

I think the difference is that you can use the profanity filter(does it even still work?), and put people on ignore. I guess. I thought putting someone on ignore also takes their name off of All Names, but I'm not sure.


Re: Offensive Names

How long will this Update takes.... i just log on wasn't aware of the update ... got off my mare and ... i'm in shitttt
Re: Offensive Names

The PC police taking over the shard? Wow, never thought I'd see the day. Funny how you envision something so free and fun, as Ryan did when he started this server, you never realize that it may turn into this giant monster where it gets run like a Nazi Concentration Camp. Pretty soon we'll all just be called Generic Player, IRL TBH.
Re: Offensive Names

Shock Therapy said:
The PC police taking over the shard? Wow, never thought I'd see the day. Funny how you envision something so free and fun, as Ryan did when he started this server, you never realize that it may turn into this giant monster where it gets run like a Nazi Concentration Camp. Pretty soon we'll all just be called Generic Player, IRL TBH.

That is Ryan's brother in real life. Nice way to make an ass out of yourself. Why is it so hard to just make a simple name instead of shit like "Niggerfuckedmybutt"....

Lex Talionis

Re: Offensive Names

Shock Therapy said:
The PC police taking over the shard? Wow, never thought I'd see the day. Funny how you envision something so free and fun, as Ryan did when he started this server, you never realize that it may turn into this giant monster where it gets run like a Nazi Concentration Camp. Pretty soon we'll all just be called Generic Player, IRL TBH.

Shock, I know I do not speak for everyone, infact I know I don't. But maybe its a matter of growing up and maturing. Names and "attitudes" we may have felt were very funny and cool at 12 or 13 or maybe at 16 or 17 may now not be that funny.

Natural progression is to grow-up and think on a different level its either that or social retardation and forever remain childish. Don't Blame or attack Alkiser or any staff for growing up and wanting to behave in a adult like manner.

Constructive criticism is always good because it allows us to improve but what you posted was not constructive criticism. The server still is fun and free The new Staff are just trying to make it better for "everyone"


Re: Offensive Names

houdini is also the name of a famous magician. his names been around longer than your up to date sexual fantasies so i cant really see a reason for it to be banned.

also what are you going to do about foreign players? maybe they dont mean it? i mean sick means fuck in my languige, so i think an opposite situation is possible.
Re: Offensive Names

Testament said:
That is Ryan's brother in real life. Nice way to make an ass out of yourself. Why is it so hard to just make a simple name instead of shit like "Niggerfuckedmybutt"....

I don't care if he is Ryan's Mom, I still stand by my opinion.
Re: Offensive Names

Lex Talionis said:
Shock, I know I do not speak for everyone, infact I know I don't. But maybe its a matter of growing up and maturing. Names and "attitudes" we may have felt were very funny and cool at 12 or 13 or maybe at 16 or 17 may now not be that funny.

Natural progression is to grow-up and think on a different level its either that or social retardation and forever remain childish. Don't Blame or attack Alkiser or any staff for growing up and wanting to behave in a adult like manner.

Constructive criticism is always good because it allows us to improve but what you posted was not constructive criticism. The server still is fun and free The new Staff are just trying to make it better for "everyone"

I apprieciate your point, but realize this... once you start changing something because it's offensive, you start down a slippery slope and where does it end? There are all sort of words that have double meanings and there will be 100 new ones tomorrow. It may be a bit dramatic to use in this instance, but I can't think of better quote to describe my feelings toward this situation than "He who gives up freedom for security deserves neither".


Re: Offensive Names

Oh thanks goodness, now I cans play UO withouet worry about my mom seeing thes screen.

the others day i see a guy namesd "Nut Sack ATTACK" and i was leik WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! I was mothaerfucking offended right the fucak out my motherfucking ass to eb hoenst. people with mothereucking ofofenseive names should alsoa loses the privelege of havaign names and insteada should be renamed pemrmanantly to canary code with 1 and 0's.

Lex Talionis

Re: Offensive Names

Shock Therapy said:
I apprieciate your point, but realize this... once you start changing something because it's offensive, you start down a slippery slope and where does it end? There are all sort of words that have double meanings and there will be 100 new ones tomorrow. It may be a bit dramatic to use in this instance, but I can't think of better quote to describe my feelings toward this situation than "He who gives up freedom for security deserves neither".

Yeah I been thinking about this since it was posted and I have so many mixed feelings. I was reading a post this morning about someone asking why ""racist words are allowed in the forums, and he was pretty much shut down by staff on his topic ,infact it was locked!

Thinking about it how is it any different that what you are saying, Offensive names are offensive Names, whether it be Racist names or Char Names a OFFENSIVE name or word is the same damn thing.

Yet in that other post you have staff defending the right to use them.Infact most Racist names and or really disgusting words are used by Staff.

I went back and was reading many ,many post infact I would say Staffers, a good many of them are the very worst Offenders.

So why the very same staff that defend and agree with Alkiser in this post go about their merry way and are the WORST Role Models..saying the most Offensive shit ever, can now sit here and Condemn others, I am now lost..

It makes no sense how in one post they say don't cry ,suck it up , we should be able to say nigger, towelhead,gook and JAP and yet here they say Oh no Alkiser is right.

Maybe before I agree wholeheartedly with this idea, maybe Alkiser should have a serious Look at his staffers that are such poor Role Models...

Its kinda hard to get the rest of us to go along with Alkisers ideals and ideas if his own Staff makes him look bad but doing exactly as he is telling and or asking us not to do.

It should not be that bullshit our parents pulled on us of"Do as I say but not as I do" the best way to have people follow you is to be a leader and lead by example.

So I am now undecided..I will see how this plays out and how good of examples his Staffers are.

I know now that I am undecided and not just going along to get along..I know I will be flamed as others often resort to flames when they cannot articulate their thoughts in a intelligent manner or Civil manner.

BTW Shock, your post was both intelligent and civil.good Job.. thank you for making me think a little deeper on this issue.

I just find Hypocrisy on any level distasteful.in order for this to be successful he will have to do it across the board or not at all.people will not respect Hypocritical rules and Double Standards.

Examples of behavior mistakenly attributed to hypocrisy include issuing or enforcing dictates one does not follow oneself and criticizing others for carrying out some action while carrying out the same actions one self"

I know in the end Alkiser will figure something out because he does honestly care. but it will not be easy.


Re: Offensive Names

Lex Talionis said:
Yeah I been thinking about this since it was posted and I have so many mixed feelings. I was reading a post this morning about someone asking why ""racist words are allowed in the forums, and he was pretty much shut down by staff on his topic ,infact it was locked!

Thinking about it how is it any different that what you are saying, Offensive names are offensive Names, whether it be Racist names or Char Names a OFFENSIVE name or word is the same damn thing.

Yet in that other post you have staff defending the right to use them.Infact most Racist names and or really disgusting words are used by Staff.

I went back and was reading many ,many post infact I would say Staffers, a good many of them are the very worst Offenders.

So why the very same staff that defend and agree with Alkiser in this post go about their merry way and are the WORST Role Models..saying the most Offensive shit ever, can now sit here and Condemn others, I am now lost..

It makes no sense how in one post they say don't cry ,suck it up , we should be able to say nigger, towelhead,gook and JAP and yet here they say Oh no Alkiser is right.

Maybe before I agree wholeheartedly with this idea, maybe Alkiser should have a serious Look at his staffers that are such poor Role Models...

Its kinda hard to get the rest of us to go along with Alkisers ideals and ideas if his own Staff makes him look bad but doing exactly as he is telling and or asking us not to do.

It should not be that bullshit our parents pulled on us of"Do as I say but not as I do" the best way to have people follow you is to be a leader and lead by example.

So I am now undecided..I will see how this plays out and how good of examples his Staffers are.

I know now that I am undecided and not just going along to get along..I know I will be flamed as others often resort to flames when they cannot articulate their thoughts in a intelligent manner or Civil manner.

BTW Shock, your post was both intelligent and civil.good Job.. thank you for making me think a little deeper on this issue.

I just find Hypocrisy on any level distasteful.in order for this to be successful he will have to do it across the board or not at all.people will not respect Hypocritical rules and Double Standards.

Examples of behavior mistakenly attributed to hypocrisy include issuing or enforcing dictates one does not follow oneself and criticizing others for carrying out some action while carrying out the same actions one self"

I know in the end Alkiser will figure something out because he does honestly care. but it will not be easy.

i hate you.
Re: Offensive Names

I hate you all Who gives a fuck if your char can't be named FUCK its fucking retarded to have a dumb name. I FUCKING HATE SWEAR WORDS


Re: Offensive Names

Damn, I'll never have an opportunity to own a banksitter decked out in blaze gear with the name "Orange Jews" =(


Re: Offensive Names

Hmm, is the server on its way to becoming another OSI shards with these types of rules...Who knows.
Re: Offensive Names

~Silence~ said:
Hmm, is the server on its way to becoming another OSI shards with these types of rules...Who knows.

Looks like it.

FYI- for you morons that choose to only use 1% of your brains and refuse to see past your own personal vocabulary, I don't think anyone is really arguing over keeping names like Jew, Fucker, Shitface, etc. But what if you have a char name such as Dirty Sanchez? Or White Knight? Honky the Clown? Who is going to determine what names you can keep and what names you can't? The mods already said they are using that list from Wikipedia. Did you know anyone that registers can post on Wikipedia and add content? What if I posted that the name Testament now means a dirty sex act while making racist gestures towards Nigerian pygmies? It's on the list, so now they are going to ban it? Most of you will say....ha ha, funny, but won't happen. Don't be so sure. If I get 50 of my friends to write the mods and tell them how offensive the name Testament is to them, because of religious objections or using my made up definition, how long do you think it will be, before you log on to Generic Player? Slippery Slope....be careful who you leave the keys to your house with. You may just come home to find everything gone.