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my first real experience with astral projection


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

Since it's your dream, couldn't you really control what the character in your dream responds with? Seems like it'd be hard not to unconsciously affect what the other person says. Of course, your brain is really doing it all, but you'd have to try and not think about what they might say, so that you might get an answer created by a deeper, more unconscious part of your mind. :l

Cebrious Arcane

Forum Murderer
Re: my first real experience with astral projection

Lynyrd said:
Since it's your dream, couldn't you really control what the character in your dream responds with? Seems like it'd be hard not to unconsciously affect what the other person says. Of course, your brain is really doing it all, but you'd have to try and not think about what they might say, so that you might get an answer created by a deeper, more unconscious part of your mind. :l
If, and only if, dreams are a product of your brain. But how do you know? How can you be sure? Thus, the pursuit continues...


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

thats the answer. but you see (and youll probably see if you go into lucid dreaming) your brain dont control your dreams. at least not in your way. you need some willpower to do that and your will is secretly doing it. that characters response is something im creating but im not contorling it. i could if i tried it hard, but then theres the possibilty of waking up


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

This stuff is so interesting. I've got to try it.


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

The only time I've projected was one time during a lucid dream. Once I knew I was dreaming, I decided I needed to get out this dreamscape (the current location my dreaming took me) and onto something greater... So I forced myself out of the dream... literally. I flew up into the air until I reached some sort of clear ceiling, it was like gelatin. I slowly pushed against it until I popped through the other side, and once I did I was floating in around in my room. I quickly shot through my bathroom (the mirror, which took up a whole side of a wall IRL, wasn't there by the way, it looked boarded up) and down the hall. I saw two girls walking around with their eyes closed and I tried to open them with my hands, and when I did... I woke up.


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

It is very interesting. I tried to do the thing where my body falls asleep and my mind stays awake, it takes quite a long time i find, but the main reason may be that i tried it when i was fully awake... it took so long that my mom came home and told me to stop doing that.... so i had to get up... i didn't achieve sleep paralysis.. but i was close to having my body be asleep.

I'll explain what happens to me when i do this.

At first everything feels normal, and then i go a little bit numb. After that the way i can tell that it is happening is that i have a very vague feeling of my feet touching eachother.

Then my body has very very small convulsions... i think this might be due to not being tired when i tried it. and slowly they stop and it starts to feel difficult to breathe. but not too difficult that i can't breathe. After that i feel completely numb and almost as if i am barely under the surface of water.

That's where it stopped today because of my mom, but yesterday when i tried it, it feels like i become fully submerged in a small pool of water(but not really a wet feeling, more of a i can almost feel the surface of the water above me. After that it feels a bit like being under water in the idea that i can hear my heart beating quite clearly.

That's as far as i have gotten... i will have to try to do this uninterupted tonight, my bed isn't very comfortable though so it might take alot more time.... dunno though..


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

cursis said:
It is very interesting. I tried to do the thing where my body falls asleep and my mind stays awake, it takes quite a long time i find, but the main reason may be that i tried it when i was fully awake... it took so long that my mom came home and told me to stop doing that.... so i had to get up... i didn't achieve sleep paralysis.. but i was close to having my body be asleep.

I'll explain what happens to me when i do this.

At first everything feels normal, and then i go a little bit numb. After that the way i can tell that it is happening is that i have a very vague feeling of my feet touching eachother.

Then my body has very very small convulsions... i think this might be due to not being tired when i tried it. and slowly they stop and it starts to feel difficult to breathe. but not too difficult that i can't breathe. After that i feel completely numb and almost as if i am barely under the surface of water.

That's where it stopped today because of my mom, but yesterday when i tried it, it feels like i become fully submerged in a small pool of water(but not really a wet feeling, more of a i can almost feel the surface of the water above me. After that it feels a bit like being under water in the idea that i can hear my heart beating quite clearly.

That's as far as i have gotten... i will have to try to do this uninterupted tonight, my bed isn't very comfortable though so it might take alot more time.... dunno though..

youre succesful


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

honestly the idea is a bit frightening to me, but that's part of learning about yourself and developing as a human being... facing those fears and challenging yourself to do the things that you know won't kill you, but will make you scared for your life!

please note i said "scared" not "scarred" don't want people getting the wrong idea =)
Re: my first real experience with astral projection

Cebrious Arcane said:
That's fucking nuts. I don't think I've ever gone lucid with "other people" around. Usually, I'm just in a scene observing the surroundings and I ask myself, like I do in waking life, "Am I dreaming?" and the rest is history. Or, a trigger will be set off, like breathing underwater, or something so wholly out of the ordinary that I have to take a step back.

It would be interesting to try and talk with the people in the dream just to ask, "Yo, what's it like to be a character in my dream?" and see what they have to say. Craziness, it reminds a lot of the movie Waking Life.

It was two friends. That for some reason or another had purchased my grandmothers home. They just stood there and didnt say a word after I realized what was going on. I think I ran around the inside of the house 3-4 times or so before the excitement woke me up. It was pretty sweet.

Cebrious Arcane

Forum Murderer
Re: my first real experience with astral projection

Underwater Ape said:
It was two friends. That for some reason or another had purchased my grandmothers home. They just stood there and didnt say a word after I realized what was going on. I think I ran around the inside of the house 3-4 times or so before the excitement woke me up. It was pretty sweet.
Personally, when I have others in the dream I find myself getting caught up in whatever I'm doing and don't go lucid, like by having the other people there I don't even ask myself if I'm dreaming, I just presume I'm not. Something I'll have to work on.

Last night, however, I went lucid. I was alone and dove into a lake to swim at night, I was swimming towards the bottom but I passed the point of no return and could not reach the bottom, to push off, before I was out of breath. Resolved that I was going to die, I breathed in the water. As soon as I took the breath I realized I was dreaming, so I floated to the top of the water and went to the dock I had dove off of. Realizing I was dreaming, I shouted at the top of my lungs that, "I want to speak to someone that has something to say!" Alas, to no avail. We'll see what happens though, I'm going to pursue this path for a while.


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

Bah. I've tried this the last few nights, and I can't fall asleep when I'm trying to keep my mind awake. It seems like I'm more trying to stay awake, then trying to go to sleep with my mind still awake. I've tried to focus on the several things you guys have mentioned, but to no avail. I'm sure it's something you have to train yourself to do. Ima try some musica tonight.


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

try concentration
training doesnt get you far but makes a start
Re: my first real experience with astral projection

Chemical Eudaimonia said:

That's pretty much what i'd like to see in my lucid dreams.
Re: my first real experience with astral projection

Lol Awesome, Ape! I haven't had a chance to talk to anything yet. I was up till 4 AM yesterday morning working on my final project so it was a little rough trying to go lucid this afternoon.

I kept trying to stay aware but I would catch myself drifting into la la land unaware and it would feel like I just flew forward in a car going 60mph that suddenly stopped or that my head just whiplashed. All without the pain of course. I think it just has to do with being extremly tired and I was probably on the verge of paralysis everytime I woke up.

I'd have to say one of the coolest feeling episodes of SP is the one where you feel like your body is spinning extremely fast in circles or that just half of it like your upper-torso is flying forwards and backwards super-humanly fast.

Here is a great website with most of the common SP episodes people go through and there is a lengthy survey that you can fill out on your personal SP episodes. I think it was close to a year ago that I went through it all. Definitely interesting!


R33n I think your best bet is to do it early morning after you've slept for 4 hours. I will try and find medical journals on the sleeping stages that explain why that might be the best time.
Re: my first real experience with astral projection

Okay here is a good summary:
Sleep is divided into two types: REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and NREM (non-REM) sleep. REM sleep is when we dream.

REM sleep - At about 70 to 90 minutes into your sleep cycle, you enter REM sleep. You usually have three to five REM episodes per night. Your eyes jerk rapidly in various directions under your eyelids, thus the name Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep.

By morning, people spend nearly all their sleep time in stages 1, 2, and REM. During REM sleep, you dream actively, but your limb muscles are immobile.
I'm guessing it's way easier to have OBE's and Lucid Dream at that time because it's so much easier to enter REM aware. I've read that some people get up and get a drink or something and come back 5-10 minutes later to do it but for me if I get up and move around it seems like I "wake up" too much to just go right into an SP episode.


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

please dont believe that if you hadnt discovered it yourself
Re: my first real experience with astral projection

bump bump.

anyone new here navigating these higher dimensions?

my last major projection was to this completely empty white room. like that loading room in the Matrix. there was nothing in it. so i was like hmm, pimp powers of the mind time. anything i thought of would appear. oddly enough the first thing i thought of was mirrors. cause i wanted to see wtf i looked like here. woooooooooooooosh mirrors come sliding in and are floating all around me. so i looked at myself in the mirrors. i was sort of clear/ethereal. everything was wavy and floating so my hair was just like floating. and there was like a golden light mist around me. shit was pretty cool. everything is way more vivid in the astral. can't really explain it.

so i'm just like floating around you know cause everytime the experience is just amazing. so i'm like ehh whatever floating is fun. but then i started thinking of more stuff. rabbits. suddenly rabbits were hopping around everywhere. you gotta realize it feels just as real as waking reality, if not more real. so i'm creating rabbits with my mind. then i decide hey, why not king cobras. so i look back down at the ground and all my rabbits were king cobras slithering around and hissing and shit. i'm scared. :( so i start slapping my chest trying to wake myself up cause fear is hitting me hard. i look up, cause i know the snakes aren't real and if i look up i won't have to see them i guess. i calm myself and slowly look back down. sweet, now the snakes are skunks. i can live with that. not as scarey.

so then i just sort of peaced around a little more floating and stuff before i woke up.

astral projection is a 1337 irl hack. get down with that shit and tap into your spirit.
