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my first real experience with astral projection

Re: my first real experience with astral projection

just get some acid thers no need to wake up at 5 in the damn morning to meditate, ten dollars a tab and you can do all this shit


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

If you need drugs to experience this, then you are weak =P
Re: my first real experience with astral projection

Dead Head E-Mart said:
just get some acid thers no need to wake up at 5 in the damn morning to meditate, ten dollars a tab and you can do all this shit

been there bro. if you don't see the value in achieving these types of mental states without drugs, yer doing acid for the wrong reasons in my opinion.


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

I tried to let my body go to sleep last night, but it took so long my mind got exhuasted about 3/4 the way there... and then i shook out of it.. tried again but i was too tired to have my mind stay awake... i think my bed just sucks... and then after that i don't remember any of my dreams.... it was lame. lol


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

cursis said:
I tried to let my body go to sleep last night, but it took so long my mind got exhuasted about 3/4 the way there... and then i shook out of it.. tried again but i was too tired to have my mind stay awake... i think my bed just sucks... and then after that i don't remember any of my dreams.... it was lame. lol

hehe happens me all the time
Re: my first real experience with astral projection

Lynyrd said:


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

Ape also experienced his first male-male docking with a black man named Jimbo last night.


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

I don't understand how you guys 'let your body go to sleep, but keep your mind awake' halp!

Whenever I try to do this, I simply can't sleep.

Maybe if I set my alarm, and try it at that time like you said Ape?
Re: my first real experience with astral projection

I think when you've been up all day and then lay down to go to sleep it takes a while after you've already fallen asleep to reach REM Rapid Eye Movement which is what you're going for.

So like what Ape was doing, setting your alarm would work but I wouldn't if you wake up at that time already. Try and find something you can listen to, if you have music playing in the background just listen to that, use it to stay aware. If you can't sleep with any background noise then this obviously won't work. You have to be completely relaxed, I guess it's probably the same as meditating. Eventually you'll feel really heavy and you will most likely hear your heart beat very clearly like how cursis said he did.

I think most people will feel vibrations or buzzing as they enter sleep paralysis aware but if you try moving or struggling you're going to ruin it and you'll probably hallucinate before you can move again. So no matter what happens, just lay there and listen, don't really think or use your brain but just listen and enjoy the experience and eventually you'll fall asleep.

Have you tried it anymore Ape?

Oh yeah I wanted to add one more way I've kept myself aware. If you can get to the real heavy feeling stage, you'll know what it is right away, maybe visualize a ball of light in front of your eyes. Don't think to hard about it but just visualize it there. As you enter sleep paralysis you should be able to move it around like directly above your head but still see it or maybe it will begin to move on its own. I'm sure the experience is different for everyone, every experience being unique but that's just another way that has helped me stay aware.


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

r33n said:
I don't understand how you guys 'let your body go to sleep, but keep your mind awake' halp!

Whenever I try to do this, I simply can't sleep.

Maybe if I set my alarm, and try it at that time like you said Ape?

you have to concentrate and train your psychology. open up a song, one that keeps you awake but doesnt distract you. listening to the song will make you stay awake but not moving a muscle (keep in mind some scientists define sleeping as immobilty of every councies muscle) will make you sleep.
after a while youll be able to do it without music.
also stress and a bad day-life is greatest enemy to this.

Cebrious Arcane

Forum Murderer
Re: my first real experience with astral projection

r33n said:
I don't understand how you guys 'let your body go to sleep, but keep your mind awake' halp!

Whenever I try to do this, I simply can't sleep.

Maybe if I set my alarm, and try it at that time like you said Ape?
Your problem may be your definitions. To reach the state of extreme relaxation while the mind is still active, consciously, visualizations work really well, like SleepParalysis explained. Personally (a technique I developed when I could never sleep), I lay back and clear my mind and invision blankets being laid on top of me, gently and softly. With each blanket (sort of like counting sheep) I feel my body get heavier and heavier, but my mind stays blank. The only thought being the perception of blankets being laid over me. More blankets, heavier, and heavier, until it seems that my body is totally at rest, warm and soft. You can practice by having your room be absolutely dark, and keeping your eyes open while you relax your body to a state of total rest.

It's a combination of maintaining awareness while reaching total relaxation. The trick, for me, was to realize that you can be aware without thought and can maintain awareness during a state of total relaxation.
Re: my first real experience with astral projection

SleepParalysis said:
Have you tried it anymore Ape?

I became lucid in a dream 2 nights ago. I'm trying to make it a habit of checking the time regularly. I was dreaming and checked the time. It made no sense because my alarm clock was in someone elses house. So I realized I was dreaming and started running around the place screaming HAHAHAHAHAHAHA until I woke up. The people I was interacting with in the dream just stopped and shurgged like they knew the jig was up lol. But this was nothing like the OBE i had earlier. I was way more aware and the environment was more real when i projected. And no, I haven't checked for the tree yet. I think it might be best left unknown.

For me I've been having these experiences by really not even trying. I think it's just kind of becoming a habit. I found that I have to have been sleeping and then wake up, and attempt to go back to sleep. That's when I can get things to happen.

Cebrious Arcane

Forum Murderer
Re: my first real experience with astral projection

Underwater Ape said:
So I realized I was dreaming and started running around the place screaming HAHAHAHAHAHAHA until I woke up. The people I was interacting with in the dream just stopped and shurgged like they knew the jig was up lol.
That's fucking nuts. I don't think I've ever gone lucid with "other people" around. Usually, I'm just in a scene observing the surroundings and I ask myself, like I do in waking life, "Am I dreaming?" and the rest is history. Or, a trigger will be set off, like breathing underwater, or something so wholly out of the ordinary that I have to take a step back.

It would be interesting to try and talk with the people in the dream just to ask, "Yo, what's it like to be a character in my dream?" and see what they have to say. Craziness, it reminds a lot of the movie Waking Life.


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

thats what that is called? that happened to me a few times but i just didnt think nothing of it, the underwater breathing thing was sooo awesome, i dont recall much mainly the breahting underwater.... hehe, but i dont think i ever realized that i was in the dream yet i could feel the vibrations,, and almost feel my lungs breathing air although i was underwater... omg i wanna try this now, ima have to read all that stuff sooner or later, and mebbe download some classical music, mebbe gregorian chant


Re: my first real experience with astral projection

Cebrious Arcane said:
It would be interesting to try and talk with the people in the dream just to ask, "Yo, what's it like to be a character in my dream?" and see what they have to say. .

hehe i did that. they didnt reply, had confused look on her face, which changed while i awaited an answer. the look of someone who has 2 things to say but cant decide which or to speak at all. but never answered

Cebrious Arcane

Forum Murderer
Re: my first real experience with astral projection

kio123 said:
hehe i did that. they didnt reply, had confused look on her face, which changed while i awaited an answer. the look of someone who has 2 things to say but cant decide which or to speak at all. but never answered
Fucking nuts. I have a new goal in dreaming.