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Great moments in Demise history.

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Account Terminated
I thought crimson was fucking awesome and left due to corruption? Usually people dont say goodbye to other People when you been caught out and I knOw she said bye to me... :)


I quite frankly remember this being the reason crimson left:

Ryan: You bitch!
Crimson: What did you call me?
Ryan: Bitch.
Crimson: bye.

correct me if im wrong?


I wasn't aware private health concerns hospitalizing yourself was considered corruption.
You met her in real life or is this what you heard over the interweb? Hope you don't believe everything on the interweb cause ferrari f50 was NOT a pro wrestler.
He might just be sore she did not say bye to him.
I was not on her goodbye list when she left let's just say we did not see eye to eye
I thought crimson was fucking awesome and left due to corruption? Usually people dont say goodbye to other People when you been caught out and I knOw she said bye to me... :)
sometimes people are asked to leave nicely and just to move on.
I quite frankly remember this being the reason crimson left:

Ryan: You bitch!
Crimson: What did you call me?
Ryan: Bitch.
Crimson: bye.

correct me if im wrong?
You got some of it right maybe, ever wondered why Ryan would call her a bitch and disrespect her and not all the other staff?

But I know its hard to believe someone you respected or someone that you liked to be labeled, I felt the same way when I heard that Ferris did some crooked things when I was just told he was leaving due to IRL matters.

But you all don;t need to take my word I am just another player.

SOrry for breaking people bubbles.
Funny time was when Monia was on his alt in Luna shit talking everyone and challenging people to a fight...my wife who was new to PvP went with some other people to learn to PvP with some other Reds...Monia decided to use his stealther to try and pick everyone off and then hide...but my wife decided to give chase, he got stuck on a tree and she killed him =) now she has his head in her bank and he STILL denies that it was him and that she killed him to this day lmao


Don't remember his name, but some dude kept claiming to be a famous UFC or WWE wrestler. Then he also said he was some rapper named contract. Dude had me laughing for days.
Don't remember his name, but some dude kept claiming to be a famous UFC or WWE wrestler. Then he also said he was some rapper named contract. Dude had me laughing for days.

Google Ron Killings.... ** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Killings **

Contract was an idiot...


Don't remember his name, but some dude kept claiming to be a famous UFC or WWE wrestler. Then he also said he was some rapper named contract. Dude had me laughing for days.
Two a-holes that I used to know edited his Wikipedia page to include mention of his success in Ultima Online as "Ferrari F Fifty, the Unbeaten Duelist," and various facts about the Streets.
I do remember a number of things fondly... So watch out everyone, I'm about to discuss Nickelback.* ;)

Back in, I think November 2008 or so, Mook came back to Demise after chilling the hell out for quite some time. So did someone else, I think his name was Muggz or something. At the time, I'd really gotten into IDOC hunting; back with the 90-day timer, this was more feasible than today, and through my dilligence I was able to keep tabs on an average of 2-3 houses in the decay process at any given moment.

However, the best one I'd run into was actually discovered by Mook; someone's keep over in Fel Dagger Isle was apparently undiscovered, and looked to have a lot of loot in it, though we couldn't be certain; while well-appointed, if there was any valuable stuff, it was in chests. Checking the weights, I'd estimated that a few of them appeared to be filled with gear, and another which I'd pegged as possibly having checks/runics; we were PRETTY sure, given the old ownership, there was wealth to be had.

So, there was a good deal of waiting involved; neither of the other two had a character built up for PvP in the field yet, and I had to take a mule as my main had neither JOAT (being an elf) or a beetle.

Luck like having such a nice IDOC all to yourself never lasts... As sure enough, as soon as the house actually fell, a red showed up. In our current state, with three non-PvP characters, we couldn't simply eliminate him. And even if we did, there'd be a chance he'd willingly downgrade his share from trying to take it all, to bringing in his guild to share with them.

The time was enough that we'd already grabbed what we'd flagged as the most likely suspects: the chests. Within seconds, they were safely locked down in our homes. What was left was to make sure we picked the rest of the place clean. Still, we had to contend with this red, with three Trammel-ready chars.

So what'd we do? We put on the most troll-tastic performance ever. Out of caution he'd refrained from attacking, knowing he was at least technically out-numbered 3-to-1. We noticed he only would try to attack if it was 1v1, which allowed us to simply take turns going to haul away any loot we found worth keeping. When I Recall'd back at one point, he actually tried to attack me; my rune, so as to not draw attention to the place, was actually a couple houses out. I decided to have some fun, and lead the guy away; while I did slow down a couple of times to make sure I didn't lose him, I managed a mostly high-speed chase across Dagger Isle. Eventually, I'd end it by Recall'ing back, giving me a few good minutes in the clear while he came back.

Now, the better part was that I was able to repeat this trick four times. And he fell for it each and ever time. I only stopped because by then, we'd combed through everything. Since we'd managed to haul off everything of value, all that was left was to clean up, so to speak. Recognizing that he'd lost (at least partly) he asked if we'd gotten anything good, and was literally begging for us to share. Our final act was to pretend complete stupidity; while anyone could say "no" to his questions if we found ToTs, etc., we went far enough to pretend that we were thrilled by finding a bag of reward sandals (and offering him some) and say "wow, look at all these blaze-color goza mats!" Sadly, our newfound friend here wasn't interested in any of this, and kept begging.

Oh, and the chests? Behind door #1 was some 20+ GToTs, and the other had thousands of BODs. While it wasn't QUITE the richest IDOC I'd looted, it was up there, and by far the most hilarious.

* Ekin's Luna House falling--Xmas '08
Ah, that was a good time. A shame that I can't be seen in the screenshot when everyone rushed the "storage" house. (don't remember if that was in December or earlier)

Funny thing was, that was the time I was desperately after a Rune Beetle Carapace after waffling on shelling out for one for so long; for those that don't remember or weren't there, that was the high-mark period for ToT values: an RBC would set you back 18 million or so, and LToTS were ranging 1.8-2 mil apiece. Since I knew there was valuable stuff on the roof of that house, I cleverly set up a scavenger agent to try and snatch it. I also prioritized the list to try and grab the best stuff first: Orny, Totem and HoM (then equal to a Totem @30 mil) at the top, along with things like the AoF and RBC right nearby.

I was quite nervous to see if my comparatively un-tested method would work; I'd tried with some other examples and it'd been kinda iffy. I knew that in the current situations, my ability to manually grab anything would be slim to none, so there might've been odds I'd walk away empty-handed. Staff were there to make the situation a real event; there was at LEAST 400 players there, as the shard had that many more players on than it'd have at the same point on any days before or after, and there were several seers and counselors shooting off fireworks and giving a countdown.

The count hit zero, and I immediately ducked in. To my delight, I saw items appear in my backpack! I didn't move much at all, for fear of breaking the scavenger. Of course, not getting the Orny, Totem, or HoM probably disappointed *everyone* present except for the lucky SOBs that did, so I shrugged it off. It looked like I got my RBC!

...Only I didn't. You see, scavengers can only pick out by ItemID, which for an RBC is "platemail do." Turns out I had seven "Ancient Samurai Do" ToTs; I hadn't paid enough attention to note that I had been in range of a large stack of them not far from the RBC. (I also got the AoF, which I quickly traded for an RBC) It still amuses me to this day.

She was not better then any other Gm's that left runic hammers with 5k charges.
In all fairness, no one's truly perfect. And I'll admit that concerning the GM that left that curious runic hammer, barring his activities as GM, he was quite an alright guy. Admittedly, he WAS my guildy for a while, (a year or so BEFORE he became staff) and left me with one of the more memorable tournament experiences I'd been in, particularly back when they were done (And taken) much more seriously. At the time my nox mage was sorely under-geared, and of course crippled since tournaments forbid poisoned weapons; hence my butcher knives, (of which I think at the time I only had a SC-0 8% DCI one) were mostly useless.

He and I had met up in the courtyard beforehand, take note, and wish each other luck. My first round in the 1v1, I wind up facing, if I remember his name right, Talin or somesuch from [TAR], right at the height of his playing. (I'm sure someone here remembers his name better than me and will gladly correct me) Needless to say, the match didn't last very long; I think I was down at somewhere about the 15-second mark. Xavier had fared slightly better; while he eventually fell to z0rak in the first round, (from [e.]/[D.I.], for those too young to remember) at least it more or resembled a proper duel. Coincidentally, those two wound up meeting in the final round, in what wound up being one of the best 1v1s I'd gotten to witness firsthand, and certainly up to that point; [TAR] managed to triumph over [e.] that day.

Naturally, the two of them opted to team up for the 2v2s; not expecting much better results, Xavier went "what the hell" and we teamed up. Much to my surprise (and probably his) we managed to demolish the first two teams we faced, and in the final round, predictably, there was z0rak and Talin. Of course, only one outcome wouldn't not upset the balance of the universe, but it still didn't come for over a minute. Demise really does need more awesome tournaments like before.

Btw, Ferrari F-50 last logged in April 17th 2012. He's in TTB guild (asian/korean guild) I can't believe that dumb bastard is still around.
Oh, so THAT'S where he left after he vanished from the guild roster. I'll admit I occasionally look at it and notice it gets shorter and shorter; I think it's only like 3 pages or so now.

As for TTB, I'll admit I never thought of them much as an "asian guild," as it came off more as a "not sure if we're PvP'ers or care bears guild." Hence any reference to them PvP'ing tends to amuse me, since I don't recall it ever working well in their favor.

*In all fairness, I actually find Nickelback to be rather whiny music... I never really cared for 'em.
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