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Great moments in Demise history.

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Demise added the ability to herd pets and I quickly made a stealth herder to pester people in Destard. I griefed many people this way, but the best one resulted in me watching a pretty funny exchange with the victims and staff.

Calastial Sorrow: VIDEO
You see: Seer Lynae
St. Lorenzo: WHATS THAT
Calastial Sorrow: you spawned here ALL GD
St. Lorenzo: R U KIDDING US?
Calastial Sorrow: your are ingame
Lynae: I spawned nothing
Calastial Sorrow: DIED AND you provoked ALL GD
Lynae: I spawned nothing
St. Lorenzo: I HAVE VIDEO
St. Lorenzo: I HAVE VIDEO
St. Lorenzo: I HAVE VIDEO
St. Lorenzo: I HAVE VIDEO
St. Lorenzo: I HERE LIKE 2 HOUR
Lynae: Video or not, *I* did not spawn anything
St. Lorenzo: NO BODY COME
St. Lorenzo: U DID IT
St. Lorenzo: R U THING I M STUPID ?
Calastial Sorrow: Any staff Dropped GD ! x6
You see: Seer Athena
Athena: Obviously you are
St. Lorenzo:WHATS GOING ON HERE ??????
Athena: *cough* herding *cough*
Lynae: There is a skill called HERDING
Athena: I don't need anything. This is Fel
Calastiel Sorrow: wHY Dropped Gd
*I pop a mirror image*
Athena: and if someone want to herd them here
Calastial Sorrow: I SEE AND
Athena: They can
Calastial Sorrow: THIS IS NOT NORMAL
Calastial Sorrow: gD
Athena: We didn't drop s****
Calastial Sorrow: following me
Athena: It's very normal. I would suggest
Calastial Sorrow: why
Athena: You go try out herding for yourself
Calastial Sorrow: following me :/
Athena: :) Think about it. Then you're realise just how stupid you are all being

Imagine this coming at you out of nowhere....
Slim Pickens_9-10_11.24.jpg


In the long rambling lich lorded thread Stop lol what a joke started by the always eloquently spoken hickman, I goaded some people into dueling me. This was at a time when even I was an even bigger noob than I am now as I had only been PvPing a few months. A 1kk duel with Applesauce was arranged. Bile made a character named Muscly Barbarian and borrowed my suit and went to duel Applesauce. Apple's trash talking ended abruptly when he died. He stood there for a minute and then left without paying up on the pre-agreed 1kk. Soon after, this thread appeared and many hearty lols were had.


I took Bile's screenshot and made it look like my setup when posted on the forum.


I made a simple macro in Razor to heal myself if damaged and appeared to go AFK in my BG house. This frustrated D.C. immensely as they spent a lot of money buying my xplo pots only to have my elite hax heal me right back up. They pestered Xavier all day long and I eventually stopped for his sake.

I broke silence and started talking to GMs when they started mortaling me. Xavier insisted I cured mortal, but eventually backed off when he rechecked his journal (or I didn't fall for his bluff).



Sadly, I don't have any pictures of this event (Jim, do you?), but back in the first iteration of Hz, we blocked off main entrance to Terra Sanctum, leaving the back entrance the only way to raid. Zen loaded up a boat full of everybody and tried to raid us. Me, Jim and a bunch of random noobs stood on the shore and Meteor Swarmed their whole guild down over and over until they gave up and left and made whiny forum threads. Pumpkin was the only one who managed to live through their attacks, so he could res them up for another push.

Some related threads I found


Bile had a rune in Pumpkin's castle and knew his recall spot. We dropped a lot of trash in the way and waited for him to come home. We slayed him. He was not happy. He sent me this PM.


A short time after, he moved to a new castle.


Yeah Lukin, that set of pics brings back a ton of memories.

All joking aside, that battle over the respawning Harry with the dryads all around... that WAS one of the greatest battles in the history of the shard. Both teams had their moments on top, it was intense.
If there were more fights like this, I'd play again. I am glad that I was a part of it, what was it like 9v9 or something? haha

The following 4-5 months of fun, directly following the Schism, a good time was had by all:​

miss you Alucard.​
Thanks man, PM me vent info so I can reminisce like an old man, and call you various racial slurs like the good ol' days, while smoking my corn-cob pipe.

As for my favorite moments (in no particular order):

1.) ^ That harry fight, with dryad's hatin' on both teams. Shit was 100% pure winrar.

2.) Dueling. Anyone and everyone, win or lose for 3-4 hour sittings and having a blast.

3.) Singing a song about Topgun being fond of homosexual love-making and Baconator sandwiches in Ventrilo, and listening to his high-pitched screams of encore requests.

4.) Hearing Applesauce give President Bush his home address and inviting him to come visit him in Canada. (And Bush responding with threats to find his mother at the supermarket and knock four of her teeth out with a bag of frozen peas.)

5.) Killing an entire guild of 6-7 stealth/ninja/necro mages with only revenants + pain spike spam.

6.) Getting really drunk at a lan party with my IRL buddy Mikey at like 4 in the morning back in 2010, taking turns solo'ing 4 Chinese/Turkish brigands in Despise (and winning) for around 2 hours until they left, while talking like robot nerds the entire time. (RPV conversion and Youtube upload pending.)

7.) BUNCH OF CIRCLES, BUNCH OF CIRCLES!!! (can't believe I forgot this...)

8.) Playing from two different locations a few summers ago and confusing the hell out of everyone:
........#1: My friend's house on 25 ping, playing 100% legit on my necro mage and everyone thought I was cheating because I casted so fast (including Bile, Black Hole, and Applesauce)
........#2: At home pinging 160 on crappy 3g playing the same character (using retarded EUO macros that I wrote)

9.) Playing in a 3-man team with Bile and Brunus that same summer, and beating the hell out of 15+ Chinese + assorted blues at Brit Gate, while at my cousin's house on the same 3g connection, POURING sweat because the a/c was broken and he wasn't there to tell me that his window a/c unit worked just fine.

10.) Playing with Barcode, and having a lot of fun before most of them turned into whiny, emo douchebags (that I still love.)

11.) Playing with Hz, and having a lot of fun before Demise and UO got boring.

12.) Playing with FAT after I came back from boredom-retirement, and having a lot of fun until Demise and UO got boring (again.)

13.) Bush, Bile, a really-drunk Evidence, and Zero yelling at everyone in Ventrilo.

14.) Naming my character "Clayton Bigsby" on Demise + another server, and pissing off a bunch of people on the other one because I wore all white and had a pointy kasa (no one on Demise cared, go figure.)

15.) President Bush's Wargames at Marble Island.

14.) These pics:

guess which key.JPG


Bush = in his own words.png

never use a ncd when you is high boy.png


(Honorable mention): the above screenshot where I got so high that I typo'd the name "Monthly Gift" which was a bleed-spamming tactics mage.

Edit #1: (Sorry, I'm a bit of a perfectionist.)
Edit #2: Ventrilo memories added.


I made a simple macro in Razor to heal myself if damaged and appeared to go AFK in my BG house. This frustrated D.C. immensely as they spent a lot of money buying my xplo pots only to have my elite hax heal me right back up. They pestered Xavier all day long and I eventually stopped for his sake.

I broke silence and started talking to GMs when they started mortaling me. Xavier insisted I cured mortal, but eventually backed off when he rechecked his journal (or I didn't fall for his bluff).
Those photos are clearly fake a member of BAD; not naked, and in Fell. Hax more will ya MB. Photoshop can not hide the truth
Way back before the great schism from his Barcode friends, Muscly had made a thread price checking a fake ring he made in MS Paint. People really thought it was something swell and worth a lot of money. He forgot all about it until after they added ML monsters to Demise and someone made a thread asking what loot people had gotten recently. He reposted his old ring and had such fond memories of faking the first one that he decided to make another fake ring to post later that day. It was during the creation of this new ring that MB discovered a subtle little trick that could add a lot of validity to the pictures. Since alternating pixels are invisible when the game displays an item info box, why not take screenshots of the items over black, stitch them together, and then paste them over an image of the UO window while MS Paint ignores the color black? The resulting image would look like it was rendered over the UO game window and convince folks it couldn't possibly be faked. MB's wedding day was fast approaching and it dawned on him and his guildies that the most ultimate of all trolls would be make a lot of these fake items, make a selling thread, and then just disappear for a week. So that's what we did. Even though Bile was aware the ring MB made while in his guild was fake and pointed the fact out in the 2nd reply, people seemed to ignore that fact and bid away. On the third day, someone caught an error we made in which we gave a bow 6 mods. Folks must have believed the images pretty well, because they dismissed it as "old loot" even after the guy who sold it to MB pointed out the bow it was based on. By the 5th day, a lynch mob was starting to form due to no word from the seller and people confusing themselves with 5 pages of bids and no mention as to which bid lead each item. Someone placated them by pointing out another post MB had made about getting married. Over the week, PMs flooded his inbox began asking for status or telling him not to sell until after he checked with them. Folks liquidated expensive items like inquisitors in hopes of scraping together enough funds to just have a shot at bidding on the items. Muscly returned to the forums after the week's absence only to receive another wave of PMs making sure he didn't sell to anyone but them. Hz members enjoyed all this immensely and to this day still speak of that week fondly. We all considered the laughs we shared as a really special wedding present for our dear guild leader and one we'll cherish forever.



We all considered the laughs we shared as a really special wedding present for our dear guild leader and one we'll cherish forever.
What kind of cheap bastards are you that is not a present you could at least get the guy something like I don't know.......collectible porcelain. I know a guy that doesn't even use his anymore you could probably get it on the cheap

P.S. where would this thread be without X


This is way off topic but the title of the thread reminded me of this awesome song. Check it out, I'm curious how many others have heard this song.


What kind of cheap bastards are you that is not a present you could at least get the guy something like I don't know.......collectible porcelain. I know a guy that doesn't even use his anymore you could probably get it on the cheap

P.S. where would this thread be without X

Lol that pic is so gay.. +gore


Dropping my HoM on the ground, Ohen scavenging it real quick, me not caring

I wasn't going to but now I have to contribute.

I remember long ago I acquired an ornament of the magician. I already had just about every other arti I needed that was available at the time. So upon getting my orny I decided to organize my goodies boxes. While I was organizing my containers, they were both unlocked and almost every one of my nicest items/artys in them, my mother showed up and said she needed to go to the ER. So I didn't think twice, closed my ultima client, and left. Over 100mil worth of items (only had 4mil in gold at the time) rotted away. (I'm sure Reefer has something to say regarding the orny xD) I quit for awhile, then played Shattered Legacy for some time but eventually Bile convinced me to play on demise again.(and helped me out with gear since I lost all artys/jewels/armor for my suit). Anyway, this leads me to the real story.
One night I was at brit gate wearing a wizard's hat that sadly wasn't a HOM. Applesauce strolls on up and we had a few good field fights and maybe some duels. After a couple battles I jokingly said "gimme hom". Applesauce, like a fucking genius, drops his hom on the ground. I run towards it and he just scoops it up from underneath my mouse pointer. So I decided it was worth another shot and I swiftly put wizard hat on my scavenger agent. I said "GIMME HOM" and jumped off of my mount hoping he wouldn't feel threatened by scavenger if he had even thought of it. LIKE A FUCKING GENIUS he dropped his hom again and I ran up and scavenged it.

Here's the real funny part:
me not caring
First thing he said was "oh snap". But then when he realized I wasn't going to give it back he said something like "I should have known you [insert plural insult] would use scavenger" Then he tried to kill me as I laughed at him and ran through the gate to go build my new suit. Caring was definitely involved. I will give it to you though, you took it like a champ. And now it's just something awesome to laugh and joke about. In fact just yesterday which is the first time I've seen applesauce in game for awhile he said "how's my hom" LOL
I remember way back when (2005ish), I was in the gauntlet with my mare/dragon combo. Only 2 other tamers were there, and they were killing the DF in the most retarded way possible (standing in the middle of the pentagram). I argued with one guy for ages, finally convinced him to lure it back between the display counters in Nix' room (like we did back on archeronne). We shit talked each other for over an hour, finally the DF died and he got a hom. I cried. Then a few days later, we bullshitted some more, I asked him if he had ever pvped before, he said no he mostly played for pvm. I convinced him to come check out my guild I was in, I could help him get started with a 2/5 set of jewels and some armor I had. He said sure. Later that day, Magnus joined ATHF.
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