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hicks final memorandum

Reasons why saying you've got pvp skills / define anyone as being a great pvp'er in UO is downright moronic.

- UO itself has serious balancing issues. Primarily with Spell weaving being a broken skill which grants broken amounts of buffs. The skillpoint to benefit ratio is high enough that it could have been made into two separate skills.

- UO players are now heavily reliant on assistant programs. You want to say you are amazing at video games? Go play something that is actually played competitively , is constantly being balanced, and doesn't use any third party software to aid you in controlling the game. (SC2, LoL,Dota etc...) Once you kick everyone's ass on there and start getting paid for it, then we'll be impressed.

- Small server connectivity issues. A vast portion of the player base of this server are not in N.A. and thus suffer a heavy handicap when it comes to game speed and connectivity. With the addition of assistant programs, ping is at least 75% of what will determine whether you will be "good" or not. (With regards to mage gameplay, dexxers don't suffer as much from this because auto attacking)

So if you think you have a great deal of skill, I challenge you to play without razor or steam and use the UO hotkeys and play the game as it was intended to be played.


who are you? this is the first ive ever even heard of you?

1-5kk min.max-respond with price and ill be on my way

Does it really matter who I might be? I have no clue about what you have heard or not.
I was at the moongate, if you couldn't find me, it's your loss, I kept a check for a million in my pack.


Reasons why saying you've got pvp skills / define anyone as being a great pvp'er in UO is downright moronic.

- UO itself has serious balancing issues. Primarily with Spell weaving being a broken skill which grants broken amounts of buffs. The skillpoint to benefit ratio is high enough that it could have been made into two separate skills.

- UO players are now heavily reliant on assistant programs. You want to say you are amazing at video games? Go play something that is actually played competitively , is constantly being balanced, and doesn't use any third party software to aid you in controlling the game. (SC2, LoL,Dota etc...) Once you kick everyone's ass on there and start getting paid for it, then we'll be impressed.

- Small server connectivity issues. A vast portion of the player base of this server are not in N.A. and thus suffer a heavy handicap when it comes to game speed and connectivity. With the addition of assistant programs, ping is at least 75% of what will determine whether you will be "good" or not. (With regards to mage gameplay, dexxers don't suffer as much from this because auto attacking)

So if you think you have a great deal of skill, I challenge you to play without razor or steam and use the UO hotkeys and play the game as it was intended to be played.

i dont use sw

i dont plan to put in the time or effort to be a pro gamer. thats not my direction.

good point with ping

i do have a great deal of skill regardless(never said this though but true). if i wanted to work harder to use razor it would make no difference. and you being impressed is not what im after


Does it really matter who I might be? I have no clue about what you have heard or not.
I was at the moongate, if you couldn't find me, it's your loss, I kept a check for a million in my pack.

i was just curious as to why you come in here with that dis respectful tone is why i asked who you were. naw it doesnt matter at all. just was curious which one of the guys ive pissed off you must of been. also, i got ss's i sat there 5-10mins solid and never seen a soul. look at the ss's

checks are blessed so thats irreverent. couldnt find you? you said gate man. i got ss's of me sitting at gate for 5+ mins and never seen anyone. typical dodge


This is my takeaway from the thread.

glad you read my thread. i like to know even the "king" stalks my threads and waits for his one moment to make humor out of it.

1v1? 1-5kk min.max say the word.

prove to me the only thing im not gonna take away from your post is the fact your my bitch.

p.s- i know what you guys are getting at here. excel was the proper word. however even in the midst of a mistake accel actually makes sense. besides the special program for needy people. like actually to accelerate works too. these type of error tend to happen when im typing so much on here. also, i knew i made the error and just simply didnt care after i posted. ttypical of you to wait, reading my threads for you one moment to come in and make a joke on a grammatical error. im mean you consider me retarded for one grammatical error. hmmm, who is really retarded? 1v1 perhaps? or just a bitch dodge from the "king"?


rather than coming to forums and posting retard comments I encourage you to watch these...

disclaimer: if your definition of a great pvp'er is showing up at brit gate and doing face roll across all your best steam macros then you will not find these impressive at all....

mb learned to play with razor. wthin the first week of me playng this game i was told to use steam and thats what ive got use to. it would have made no difference i assure you. perhaps more effort to pvp now but thats it. you dont think ive went and raided noobs 5v1+? ask alvin, along with plenty of others ive raided 4v1+. shit ive killed haggard 5v1 with mb as one of the 5. ask them south of bg bridge. mb didnt even heal haggard just tryed to bola me. lmao, oh yeah i ended up getting away too. you credit this guy as a good player for killing a heard of new players. yet, he couldnt even save his teammate or kill me 5v1. hes gonna dodge this 1v1 too. like a good bitch


The ego trip is hard on this one.

how so? i made this thread with one opening post addresing hicmans lie in hopes to get people to stop hiding behind that exscuse. everything else ive said has been in response to others. i do have a large ego though. whats your point? it works for me though. i mean i still got my suit 1500 views and 4 challengers down the road.


how so? i made this thread with one opening post addresing hicmans lie in hopes to get people to stop hiding behind that exscuse. everything else ive said has been in response to others. i do have a large ego though. whats your point?

You answered your own inquiry.
I mean the pink orny and other high end gear that Heavy is wearing that you wore before leaving and coming back wearing kasa and plain jewels. Heavy told me $200, but I was just curious because you could've got more. No big deal, just wondering.


I mean the pink orny and other high end gear that Heavy is wearing that you wore before leaving and coming back wearing kasa and plain jewels. Heavy told me $200, but I was just curious because you could've got more. No big deal, just wondering.

i dont sell gear. perhaps heavy also likes pink ornys?

ill sell you my suit for 50kk. a little pricey maybe but i promise you'll be uo famous :p


What happened to your pink orny and other artifacts?

gave them away. figured wearing night sight lenses suit would give you guys a chance at earning some gold 1v1. i was wrong. thats why im willing to sell you my current one for 50kk. ill prob just rock helm of swiftness or perhaps ill just go completely naked with regs


shit ive killed haggard 5v1 with mb as one of the 5. ask them south of bg bridge. mb didnt even heal haggard just tryed to bola me. lmao, oh yeah i ended up getting away too. you credit this guy as a good player for killing a heard of new players. yet, he couldnt even save his teammate or kill me 5v1.
No idea what you're talking about (especially since this said Hicks earlier today), but why is Haggard more deserving of heals than Sgt.Slaughter? You don't even try to heal him, just sit there casting EO. Tsk, tsk.
Two more pages of this bs and still all I am hearing is blah blah blah....

You should do more roids i hear when you are done raging it can make your e-peen go impotent (good for demise!)

People need to stop accusing him of using vitamins. He doesn't even lift.