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trevorc in the motherfuckn house


i think you mean pvp was "reborn" when sallos was axed. now you have 1 v 1's everywhere again. you have pvp in bucs, at the moongates. people are not "afraid" of being cut off magically by like 10 people outta thin air anymore. this is Ultima Online, not fuckin sci fi, star wars bullshit. you wanna help friends out, you wanna go to where the enemy is, you fuckin run there. no more bullshit. this is UO, where you actually need to think a little bit more to win again.

a year ago you were crying on these forums, and here you are crying again.
using the exact same words and one liners as before. "cool story bro?" what kind of mtv shit is that? good one...

you refer to people as "kids", look in the mirror "BRO"

cry more

[e cry
he just needs to stop crying... come back, adapt, and try and keep up with the real pvp without using his perverted little sallos, or go find a new game to play and rage over.

So this guy say's there is 1 V 1's everywhere, and you say there is none? It's that kind of inconsistency that show's me there probably isn't really that much pvp on this server... :/

I think what he means is no one pit duels, i believe field 1v1's happen more now, but pit dueling is dead. That's what i gather anyhow, i rarely get a chance to play at the moment. My time gets real tight when college is winding down (work).


I think what he means is no one pit duels, i believe field 1v1's happen more now, but pit dueling is dead. That's what i gather anyhow, i rarely get a chance to play at the moment. My time gets real tight when college is winding down (work).

he just doesn't understand or comprehend the fact that sallos actually was hurting pvp more than it was helping. he can't even entertain the possibility....

hes nothing more than what you would call a "meat head". he may be slightly more intelligent than the average "meat head" you might say.. but like most of his kind, he lacks a fair bit of common sense. fairly dense in that regard.. he is an embarrassment to himself.
Yea considering once sallos was taken away pvp went to basically nothing? Yeaaa It must have really been hurting pvp. I am sorry you were to stupid to figure out how to use it or couldn't afford a computer that could run it correctly. Face it you sit on this game all day and you still suck. Ill log on razor right now and crush you 5-0 just to prove my point. Sallos was the client used by pvpers, and to anybody who didn't suck and opinions actually matter. They will tell you the same thing. If you want to keep using sallos as your excuse to why you are such a shitty fucking player, then go for it chief, keep crying scrub. Btw you fat neanderthal, learn how to use a little logic to back up your argument instead of making yourself look like a complete moron for once.
Yea considering once sallos was taken away pvp went to basically nothing? Yeaaa It must have really been hurting pvp. I am sorry you were to stupid to figure out how to use it or couldn't afford a computer that could run it correctly. Face it you sit on this game all day and you still suck. Ill log on razor right now and crush you 5-0 just to prove my point. Sallos was the client used by pvpers, and to anybody who didn't suck and opinions actually matter. They will tell you the same thing. If you want to keep using sallos as your excuse to why you are such a shitty fucking player, then go for it chief, keep crying scrub. Btw you fat neanderthal, learn how to use a little logic to back up your argument instead of making yourself look like a complete moron for once.
Still crying bro? You got my daughter beat hands down.

Do you even fucking play this game still? My guess is no, or you are just too busy fucking crying your face off 24/7 you don't go out and PVP anymore. Seriously, there is always PVP out now, EVERYWHERE. I can log in at 4am and still go find some fights. Quit crying that sallos is gone and play the game you fucking moron. Every single time someone mentions how much PVP there is now, or the fun they had PVP'ing, or dueling, or whatever, you just come on here and cry your face off and say they are wrong. Shut the fuck up you crying little pussy.
Still crying bro? You got my daughter beat hands down.

Do you even fucking play this game still? My guess is no, or you are just too busy fucking crying your face off 24/7 you don't go out and PVP anymore. Seriously, there is always PVP out now, EVERYWHERE. I can log in at 4am and still go find some fights. Quit crying that sallos is gone and play the game you fucking moron. Every single time someone mentions how much PVP there is now, or the fun they had PVP'ing, or dueling, or whatever, you just come on here and cry your face off and say they are wrong. Shut the fuck up you crying little pussy.

I really hope you're not actually stupid enough to believe the garbage that comes out of your mouth LOL. I have logged on a few times during peak hours this week and not ONE person was pvping. It took me almost two weeks to sell all of my wands which would have normally taken me maybe an hour back when there was actual pvp. I don't give a shit if there is pvp or not, and I don't give a shit about sallos. But the bottom line is all the active pvper's that play still message me and tell me it's a ghost shard and there's no pvp. So excuse me if I take there word over a bunch of bank sitting trammies who were to afraid to leave the safe zone when people actually played.

Seven Jr

I really hope you're not actually stupid enough to believe the garbage that comes out of your mouth LOL. I have logged on a few times during peak hours this week and not ONE person was pvping. It took me almost two weeks to sell all of my wands which would have normally taken me maybe an hour back when there was actual pvp. I don't give a shit if there is pvp or not, and I don't give a shit about sallos. But the bottom line is all the active pvper's that play still message me and tell me it's a ghost shard and there's no pvp. So excuse me if I take there word over a bunch of bank sitting trammies who were to afraid to leave the safe zone when people actually played.

A lot of people have been complaining about the lack of PvP. Truthfully they just aren't looking... Factions have been going nearly on a nightly basis anymore.

Those are all Obi clones and this was yesterday? I think... None of those bodies are a res kill. So there's certainly some action to be had, most of it comes from people knowing where each others houses are now.

Couple of storms eyes :/
A lot of people have been complaining about the lack of PvP. Truthfully they just aren't looking... Factions have been going nearly on a nightly basis anymore.

Those are all Obi clones and this was yesterday? I think... None of those bodies are a res kill. So there's certainly some action to be had, most of it comes from people knowing where each others houses are now.

Couple of storms eyes :/
I really hope you're not actually stupid enough to believe the garbage that comes out of your mouth LOL. I have logged on a few times during peak hours this week and not ONE person was pvping. It took me almost two weeks to sell all of my wands which would have normally taken me maybe an hour back when there was actual pvp. I don't give a shit if there is pvp or not, and I don't give a shit about sallos. But the bottom line is all the active pvper's that play still message me and tell me it's a ghost shard and there's no pvp. So excuse me if I take there word over a bunch of bank sitting trammies who were to afraid to leave the safe zone when people actually played.
Thanks for proving my point you idiot. The only time there is not a single person PVPing or people out looking to PVP is when the shard is down. You what, go to one spot, maybe del pond, for 10 seconds and come to this conclusion? Oh wait, you said you don't even give a shit, and the only reason you "know" there is no pvp is because the few people that actually like you and can stand talking to you, message you and say there is never any pvp?
:cool: man you are too cool to be smart eh?
Thanks for proving my point you idiot. The only time there is not a single person PVPing or people out looking to PVP is when the shard is down. You what, go to one spot, maybe del pond, for 10 seconds and come to this conclusion? Oh wait, you said you don't even give a shit, and the only reason you "know" there is no pvp is because the few people that actually like you and can stand talking to you, message you and say there is never any pvp?
:cool: man you are too cool to be smart eh?

I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or you really are just that stupid. But it's fine either way LOL.


i think people like tet are thrilled that they are new the top of the heap.

howd that happen? well... everyone who enjoyed playing this game competitively, and understood what being good is (in before someone starts saying cheats) left. Now its irrelevant if there is more or less pvp. What's the quality of pvp like?

I for one was fucking terrible on razor and much better with sallos--had nothing to do with the often complained about recall system, and a lot more to do with 3 simple features:


i guess if you enjoy battling with these bullshit shortcomings of razor than awesome. But imo, those are all features that make pvp more skilled. Why battle the client, and not the players?

as for cheating... dont be assholes--sure there was people cheating on sallos (as with every game ever) but the vast majority couldnt. Assistuo, easyuo, and razor all have equally egregious cheating capabilities that are easier to use. If you want to shove ur heads in the sand and pretend they dont, that's fine--but eventually those some complainers (a few months from now) will start losing, again, and start blaming it all on cheats, again.

the fact is that cheating is a pretty silly thing to complain about. There is no invulnerability mode in UO. you just can have a program that plays better for you (i.e. hits a heal at the right timing) this isnt an impossible task at all... just take a look at any good pvper who consistently heals dumps caus we have been playing this game for 15 years. if you cant fathom the idea of hitting a heal properly (at the right time, in what is basically 1 one second window) after so many hours played well.... haha i guess we know why you are so addicted to UO instead of being successful IRL.

stay bad and mad. you all sound like politicians trying to gain support while shirking the real issue, which always has been the issue. bad attitudes and bad character will always lead to people looking for an excuse as to why they arent the best--most often, especially on a free shard like this, its just because you arent that good. get better and you wont have to complain/chalk it up to a client.

Seven Jr

you just can have a program that plays better for you (i.e. hits a heal at the right timing) this isnt an impossible task at all...

This post is god awful and was made and liked by people who refuse to play anymore.

Is that quote saying that you had programs that autohealed? I'm just curious if it's a typo or not.

Bottom line is no one gives a fuck that you think these absolute zerg squads were dominance and no one cares that you aren't here to PvP. How would you know what PvP quality is? It's gone up severely, I hate Tet and his guild but I would much rather fight a tight nit group of 4 every day like them who may or may not be the best of all time.

Just remember this, since this server was launched every year you lose the "best" PvPrs just like Link, Don, Sig... Years ago they were bottom of the food chain. As will the next generation on this server. To claim that you guys were any good is only a measure based on who is here at the time. Sorry, there's no threads being made in your name begging you guys to come back or asking where you went. You're all dinosaurs, all we have are your fossils on the forums to remember you by.