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Doom and Things (Re: 17 days in Doom)


I do not agree. Image yourself as a well trained war mashine spent years of training in killing monsters, collected through various adventures in your life all sort of relics and luck charms so that the Gods favor you. Then you fight that ultimate evil creature and a you have as a companion a random peasant with a stick and a luck charm from his grandma. You both fight the evil monster and you take out 90% of the fight on your back, kicking the ass of that monster and the peasent with the stick shits himself everytime the monster looks at him but while you are fighting he is throwing stones at the back of the monster. In the end you slay the beast and the fucking peasant gets equal share of the loot.

Now image in this situation you are not even able to hit the peasant in the face :) and that he is jumping naked with his stick saying trollololololo lets do one more. :)

Then compare it like this - ppl spent 100 kk on gearing a devastating sampire which is able to pull out crazy ammount of damage and me with my crappy archer with 4 fire resist and shitload of luck enter and I get the same drop chance as you. Its not fair to any extent. Of course high luck/high damage chars should be awarded more. Drop chance should be proportional to your role in the fight. It is unfair to to the low luck tanking tamers or to the no luck tanking sampire not able even to honor I agree. This is what needs correction in my opinion. The most raging thing in the game is the honor hunger because of the luck and damage increases. It is sad to see a sampire tank in doom not able to honor although the DF is kicking his ass and he helds it barely while on his back 6 archers , 1 of which honored dish out crazy damage and pull out arties on his behalf. It would have been nice if everybody is able to honor or if no one is. That would decrease the rage factor in doom .

As I interpret it the current formula for gaining points is dependent on the damage you dish and the suit you have for luck. Yes more people mean slower gain but the difference is not that dramatical. Yes it could mean an hour or two more farming but cmon thats not that impossible. I farmed 852 hours Diablo3 for my first Mempo which I sold for 50 EUR.

If you fight alongside a heavy hitter he is not in anyway obstructing your gain rate because the point gain is a function of your own damage per time and your own luck. More heavy hitters arround you - more runs. Less heavy hitters arround you - more damage for you but less runs. Things will balance out pretty well in the long run resulting in somehow constant gain depending on the way your character is build. MUCH BETTER THAN THE OLD SYSTEM WHERE EVERYTHING WAS TOTAL RANDOM CRAP.

Basically sounds like you enjoy the elitist PvM style of play.
Your enjoyment comes from wearing shinning armor with glamorous stats. A normal mount just doesn't do it for you, if it isn't a purebred kill it. NPC swoon at the amount of hours you've dedicated to fill up not just one house, but four!

IMO arties should not be so time consuming to get. People will cry and yell about the economy if arties are dropped more frequently. Do people get enjoyment from trying to manipulate the economy?

The way I see it, trying to gear up a char to be competitive in the pvp scene is a chore. I get 0 entertainment from farming mobs for gold, running doom, working a champ spawn, turning in bods. Many people are like me, and can't actually enjoy UO until we're suited/skilled so we can pvp. Most people don't have 852 hours to farm just to get suited in a game.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying people shouldn't have to work to get gear, and skilled. I'm saying there shouldn't be such a long wait to endgame. Most suits are based off of doom arties. Let's not make it so someone new to the server has to dedicate "852" hours in doom, or farming Mobs/bods.
Basically sounds like you enjoy the elitist PvM style of play.
Your enjoyment comes from wearing shinning armor with glamorous stats. A normal mount just doesn't do it for you, if it isn't a purebred kill it. NPC swoon at the amount of hours you've dedicated to fill up not just one house, but four!

IMO arties should not be so time consuming to get. People will cry and yell about the economy if arties are dropped more frequently. Do people get enjoyment from trying to manipulate the economy?

The way I see it, trying to gear up a char to be competitive in the pvp scene is a chore. I get 0 entertainment from farming mobs for gold, running doom, working a champ spawn, turning in bods. Many people are like me, and can't actually enjoy UO until we're suited/skilled so we can pvp. Most people don't have 852 hours to farm just to get suited in a game.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying people shouldn't have to work to get gear, and skilled. I'm saying there shouldn't be such a long wait to endgame. Most suits are based off of doom arties. Let's not make it so someone new to the server has to dedicate "852" hours in doom, or farming Mobs/bods.

Nah ... All my character's are ugly as shit and I have one small house from the ready made ones where I can store my crap:) I have a totally basic cu sidhe both for my tamer and my pvp ( and I wont spend time or money to get colored one )

And I am also part of the active feluca community although I suck quite a lot but still I continue to try.( Pedernesto, Pedernesta from BoS guild. )

But I do think that doom arties as well as the other stuff should not come easy. Or lets say more easy than whats in currently.The fact I think so is that the current economy and time investment is what keeps this shard going. Make it easy for suiting, sell arties over donations or any other easy way to obtain end gear and ppl will get bored and they will not have anything to strive for. It is a game and as such it should be somehow difficult. Image you are able to gear your character with perfect end game gear, PS's, arties and shit. Then what ? You would turn the game into a first person shooter where you log in, have the equal start as everybody else and play a pointless pvp with no reward besides boasting rights.

Right now you have a pvp scene, where ppl try to farm spawns, there is drama on Semidar\Coon almost always because there are relatively new players trying to gear up, and old players or other new players standing in the way.And when you know you do not have that end gear you will do stupid BODs, farm stupid DF, farm even more stupid Horn/Meli just to get that items so next time you can kick their ass and get all the PS's and arties. And if it is easy as that to get geared you will play the game for 3 months and quit cuz like everything else it will get boring and don't get me wrong UO has a marvelous pvp system but is ugly as hell and if there is not the diversity and difficulty of character progression the game will get boring quite fast.

I suppose there are shards where you would get arties faster and you would have a pure pvp expirience easy. Question is why so many ppl play here if end game is hard to reach here ? Well the answer is in the question so no I do not agree DF should drop more frequently than what it currently does. With enough character optimization you could pull of an arty every day after couple of hours in doom ( which is really boring ). That doesn't mean that you would get that orny but common as EOS said "Every game needs its diamond ore". Its not meant to drop to everybody.

852 hours in D3 is pretty much nothing compared to what 'end gamerz' achieve in even more boring games. And I do no think ppl invest less time in UO. Count it somehow over the years and you'll be amazed asking yourself if you truly have a job :)

We are all fighting against the paradox that to efficiently get the gear you need you already need to have it. Once you break this barrier the game gets boring unless you trully are an elitist PvMer who need 5 suiteed characters and 6 houses with all the mounts. Its practically what AAA chapters and successful MMO's used to keep the audience attached to their games.


Wow you guys are writing short novels. Go to doom and have some fun or just dont go. I dont see anything truly wrong with the drop rate. If u want something then ur going to have to spend the time n earn it. Remember this is an experiment.

See short n sweet.
I started playing serious here in february, and I'm missing "only" sash and orny. If you count that as half-gear, so yes, its pretty much accurate.


Should not take more than 3-4 weeks to gear up a half decent pvp suit on this server if its taking you longer than that then you are doing it wrong. Far to many guides telling people how to make money and what to do with it.


Should not take more than 3-4 weeks to gear up a half decent pvp suit on this server if its taking you longer than that then you are doing it wrong. Far to many guides telling people how to make money and what to do with it.

People should be allowed to play the game to get ahead, not follow scripted routines. there should be no "right" way, there should be a bunch of different and interesting ways.


Should not take more than 3-4 weeks to gear up a half decent pvp suit on this server if its taking you longer than that then you are doing it wrong. Far to many guides telling people how to make money and what to do with it.

If by half-decent you mean just HRSK armour and no arties except a kasa or so, then yeah.

I'm talking aof+orny+sash+crimson+5mod brsk gear etc, "what everyone else has"


People should be allowed to play the game to get ahead, not follow scripted routines. there should be no "right" way, there should be a bunch of different and interesting ways.

Talking about people who cry about how long it takes to gear up, if they would have followed the guide lines that other sets for them then they would be done. Not the people who just play and want to have fun.

If by half-decent you mean just HRSK armour and no arties except a kasa or so, then yeah.

I'm talking aof+orny+sash+crimson+5mod brsk gear etc, "what everyone else has"

Crimson takes no time at all to farm start farming with friends people who wont bail out on you after they get their cc or a cc takes 10 min to run lady mel should pull one in 50 runs based on math can do 6 mels in a an hour with 2 people, so about 8-9 hours to of play time to farm up a cc. Fake hom runs 2-4 mil this takes a total of 34 hours of log in on all 28 of your characters just to collect tailoring bods not even smith bods.

So far you picked up fake hom + cc if you collected smith bods then you have 2 mil gold. Once you pick up second cc np trading that for a sash + some gold. Now you should be up to 4-5 mil gold this is when i would buy some hrsk kits and burn on items or start shopping around you don't need 5 mod items unless you plan on running lrc < if you opt out on lrc then there is no need for an orny or aof can pick up 1/3's with dci and try to pick up ep / stats skill jewels.
If by half-decent you mean just HRSK armour and no arties except a kasa or so, then yeah.
I'm talking aof+orny+sash+crimson+5mod brsk gear etc, "what everyone else has"

If you cant make a suit with hrsks, you dun goofed. I dont own a single brsk piece... People give tooo much importance to gear. all 60s, 30 lmc, 8 mr and teamwork will take you all the way.

Mister Pink

Some new player asked me how long to gear up a pvp mage, I told him a year, he didn't believe me, but me being 6 months in and being about half way there, I think it's fairly accurate.

It all depends on what type of template you are making and if you are willing to use regs. It also depends on how frequently you play and how willing you are to make a tamer, tailor, and all the other templates that make you self sufficient.

You can have a viable necro/mage or scribe/mage in a little under two months. Double that if you want to go for a tactics mage. I am talking about an above-average suit. If any new player wants to know how I can easily show them/ tell them how to do it.

Not everyone walks around with a full arty suit, 5 mod armor. Yes some have it, but they earned it through hours of game play. They doubled the drop rate in doom. They are working on making it easier to get up, but that's the kind of thing you do slowly. I want it to be an accomplishment to have my suit finished.

I don't want it to be so easy a new player can come in and in 6 months have every item he wants in the game. How boring would that be?

BTW I have been here two years and most of my chars wear horned runic armor, gtots, and regular jewelry.