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Whats with this big ol bugger (event spider)


Account Terminated
I think you are missing my point. You make these things and have a chuckle at seeing us toy with them. Its fun sure. My point I think you are missing is when I mention in my first post. Having a powerful character as I have specifically for monsters. All I was doing is 1 damage for pretty much every spell I had.

Keep the items. I did leave the area. I think it got more than myself miffed about it as I've already heard more complaints than people saying how fun it was.

1hp, have chiv ? have one of those chaos quivers ? its not always about brute force. And lets be realistic here. If every "boss" had to be tailor made so theyre all the same .. errm,, yeah, a bit paradoxical, aye?

They WILL be different. You WONT like them all. Thats life.
Impossible? I have NEVER defeated you guys. Ever. Everything we ever came up with got killed .. even TWO paragon harries and all their 30-some paragon tents, in a 20x20 closed room. The only thing thats impossible here is excepting something to be impossible :D
Looks like KoA fails to understand the Lord British Postulate. A shame, since it was this game, after all, that gave rise to it.

Having a powerful character as I have specifically for monsters. All I was doing is 1 damage for pretty much every spell I had.
Um, so your point is that you should be able to have one powerful character that will just as easily tackle EVERYTHING? I'm sorry, but that's not how UO works. At least, well, since the AI change made it more difficult to just parade around with your GD and then go for a snack while it did all the work.

I kinda figured it out only a minute or two in that archers were what was needed; I recognized that I really wasn't going to be able to take part, given that I have no real archers. (yet, at least; this might spur me to make one) I went in with a mage as well, and wasn't really denting it with anything. That's how it works. Just like how one'd be retarded to take on Yamandons (or Serado... Or really even this thing) by using GDs or summons. You have to use the right template for the task, not bitch when you find your hammer doesn't work on things that aren't nails.

yeah. Thats the one thing I 100% understand in that complaint. ill do something before tomorrow night, and we can then call it a non-issue.
That's gonna get fixed? Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's been one of my biggest irks regarding mass-PvM events.


i pain spiked the shit out of it for 3-7 damage with the occasional 22 damage. Didnt get looting rights. Oh well.....whens the next one? :D
By the way i though the sewers was a great location....bring me wayyyy back to 1997.


Account Terminated
That's gonna get fixed? Thank you, thank you, thank you. It's been one of my biggest irks regarding mass-PvM events.

Absolutely. Just because some attitudes start grinding in frustration, people say a lot of crap I dont agree with at all, doesnt mean I disagree just to disagree. Thats wrong and its getting changed, this weekend :)


Actually NTK, I didn't use nor ever had a tamer to have a GD. I wasn't aware of armor ignore since I never used a fighter in 7 years of playing UO.

Besides. We were already told the resists were glitched and didn't go to the changed resists they were meant to be changed to. Where even the highest of mobs and bosses on OSI could take SOME damage from all skill sets.

On a side note. Believe it or not. My toon can crack almost every nut in the game. Baring in mind I'm not as skilled as some to actually DO so. But some folks if they had my skills and suit would find almost anything easy.
On a side note. Believe it or not. My toon can crack almost every nut in the game. Baring in mind I'm not as skilled as some to actually DO so. But some folks if they had my skills and suit would find almost anything easy.
Oh, I can believe you; I *have* cracked almost everything with my nox mage 1v1. But just because you COULD doesn't mean you SHOULD; A lot of those things, for me, were just a pain in the arse that took way longer than it should... And I only bothered spending that much time just to prove that I could. Yamandons are a big example: Even pre-pathfinding change, they took me 5-10 minutes to kill, as I had to conserve mana, while even a noob ABC'er could polish one off in under a minute easy.


Hmm. I shall ponder what you people are saying. =)

But on yams. there is a knack to those. Indeed. I got those down to about 2-3 mins =1. But bloods and almost the same + more loot chances....Choices lol


Can we turn animate dead off on fleshrenderers too? Annoying when you're trying to loot one and some nublit casts animate on it straight away.


To be on the other side I guess
I like Animate Dead to help get loot rights or to give me a few more targets for my enemies instead of me.

Its a tactic to help usually. But I can also understand the annoyance of nothing being around and people do it. =/

Pretty sure you could always do the spell on osi. So changing it may counter that?


Account Terminated
Besides. We were already told the resists were glitched and didn't go to the changed resists they were meant to be changed to..

Mmm, yeah. other mobiles have been designed like that on purpose, by past staff here, and if im not mistaken, some of the ML future will be similar. The only reason you guys were even told we had a problem, was to tell you we had tried to change it for you.

If that character was even remotely ready for PVM, you could have hit him in the weak resists. We have consecrate wep, AI, 100% elemental damage weps, chaos modifiers now for archers, blah blah.

How about when necros corpse skin something and the other chars cant do any damage and get no loot rights because of it? is that my fault? Or should be had been more prepared? All I can say is some win, some lose. Thats how games often work.
To be on the other side I guess
I like Animate Dead to help get loot rights or to give me a few more targets for my enemies instead of me.

Its a tactic to help usually. But I can also understand the annoyance of nothing being around and people do it. =/

Pretty sure you could always do the spell on osi. So changing it may counter that?

I'm guessing Xavier isn't about to nerf the spell itself, just tweaking the code so using it doesn't close everyone's loot boxes.


I appreciate the commentaries =D

I wouldn't mind the loot box deally. That would be nice =)

Hmm, on the skin corpse. Pretty sure most fighters do more damage with weps though right? The highest sdi classes like my mage can only do about 2/3 what a fighter can I thought. Seems that way.


Account Terminated
The highest sdi classes like my mage can only do about 2/3 what a fighter can I thought. Seems that way.

Oh.. I think I took "my strongest warrior" or whatever it was a little too literally. Still, cold = MB, poison = well, poison and poison strike? energy = ebolt, lightning.. etc. Im sure you could have done more than 1 hp, still. not so sure about physical; it would take a lot of prodding to get me anywhere even close to thinking about trying to harm that beast to death :D


Im not trying to get rich, but im sick of trammie ass noobs like your self getting Items all the time, considering the fact that 100% of the time the event is during the time people work.
Ahhh poor little skinny Reefer,, Did you not know that its not because its 2 pm in the states that it might be 6-7 pm somewhere else and as much as you think that the shard revolves around your little life it actully does not.... You don't like tram then stay out of it but maybe you should go check Osi and see where most of all the events take place. You cry bout everything and anything but maybe you should be greatfull that the staff actully gave people like you a second well in your case like a 15th chance to come play back here, but to me you don't seem real greatfull ever since you came back all you do is talk trash, I understand that Uo is the only place for you to feel better and bigger about yourself I do understand that being that skinny must be hard and painful, I was sure after boot camp you were gonna be a little bigger but..... maybe you will have better luck as a pro wrestler or even a rap singer.

But in total Honesty Drop it nerd This shard is not only for your american harse's


Fair enough. Tis true I had lived a little while to see a few landed hits at around 7 depending on the other players curses and the like. But I had to avoid dying more than I was capable of attacking. Which was more tricky than....well I'm sure you were there lol

The trick wasn't just doing one power hit for 12 damage(yeah, being funny XD). But getting loot rights by being able to stay alive and keep doing damage. That was far more annoying than dying. Even serado would let me give a crack over 10 damage. But it was bugged and I understand. Future normal bosses as per osi or similar ilk. I may avoid. But a fore knowledge (minus bugs =P)would let me decide the level of rape I guess lol

But since you mention it. I did even give it a whirl with my harm macro lol

I got kind miffed and said screw it, I die anyway see how long I can last.

(unrelated to harm macro)Oh um. There was a power house of insta death combo's I found to be odd. Is that a normal thing to see?

I mean, it reminded me of a pack of breath attacking GD's. I think a hydra under lady melasandes may do something similar but lighter than that wasn't it? Hard to remember tbh


Hmm, on the skin corpse. Pretty sure most fighters do more damage with weps though right? The highest sdi classes like my mage can only do about 2/3 what a fighter can I thought. Seems that way.

A warrior has usually 2 skills to boost damage (anatomy and tactics), limiting the range of possible templates. DI is capped, SDI in PvM is not. Mages always hit, wheras warriors do not (50:50 at same skill, boosted to 72% with max HCI, 96% chance to hit if the mob is furthermore under hit lower defence). Both have to cope with resists. AI is an option, same as specials as double strike (which again falls under the hit rules) if you can keep up your mana.
Mages vs. warriors, I think it evens out.
For those of you not in the know, the TL;DR version is asfollows.

Reefers butthurt he died in trammel fighting a mobile

KickerofAssets WAS butthurt about not doing shitfuckall to said mobile, has since calmed down.

Frost writes scathing post to reefer, we expect it will be heavily edited/deleted shortly.

Xavier is frustrated with inglorious basterds.

Esk's lolling @ tram event aftermath while chilling on his final coffee break at work.

Bout sums it up, unless someone else wants to spice it up.