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STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone


Re: STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone

Yes yes, totally random. Thats what I wrote. Did you think I was being sarcastic? Me? Never. I was just totally amazed by the immense luck and coincidence of it all happening at the exact same time. Wow! So amazing!


Re: STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone

Rops;434392 said:
I stand with liuxiang.
His screenshots clearly show they griefed against rule.

Yes, his screenshots also show that he used house placement scripts. So what?

As far as I am concerned, I agree with Rops since the screenshots tell the story vividly. :)


Re: STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone

Arkran;434482 said:
where he spends 48h online to get a house plot matters nothing. i see clear griefing here, tbh. however, anyone would do this. no exceptions. who would risk losing a luna house?


Re: STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone

BTW, if "liuxiang" is using Razor macro (of course in this way he need hit the left button of his mouse thousands times) to place the house, which rule does he break? Furthermore, obviously when the story captured by the screenshot takes place, he is not afk.


Re: STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone

if he wasnt afk why didnt he leave or run when he says he was revealed? if he was so worried about it all he had to do is hit his hiding key again. unless that would affect his (script) method of placing a house. and why is he so upset about people trying to keep him from stealing they're house. the walls were to block his view, not to grief him by putting him in danger. we all ran when the hiryu showed up. why didnt he?

hell i rezzed him. should have left his whining ass OooOOooOOoo


Re: STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone

ParagonDancer;434382 said:
The walls of stone had no intent to kill, which is what the rules posted said.

No - the rules say "which INCLUDE trapping players OR releasing pets with the intent to kill".

That is not a definitive list.

By walling in a player in order to prevent them from performing actions in the trammel ruleset they were blatantly griefing and will be dealt with accordingly.


and his amazing friends
Re: STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone

The pet releaser was caught and dealt with, and rightfully so.

But as far as I'm concerned a home owner has a little bit of rights to defend their plot when trying to do expansions and the like, and walling in a fellow who shows up to try and screw you over seems within reason, as long as it's a temporary thing just to get your house expansion taken care of.

I may have just opened a can of worms, but that's how I feel about this right now.

So shall it be, for now.


Re: STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone

Cronus;434956 said:
I may have just opened a can of worms
I think you probably have, unless you clearly state in the rules that walling people in when trying to re-place a house is not greifing but other means of defending a plot i.e releasing a hiryu is not acceptable.
Yes, this needs clarification in the rules. Otherwise people will be quoting this thread as a loophole to get out of all sorts of things.


Bug Hunter
Re: STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone

I was tempted to bagball the area when expanding my old Luna home but decided to just go for it and everything worked out fine fortunatly.
Would bagballing the area be acceptable?

Btw you forgot to relock the thread:D


Re: STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone

Yes, yes he did. Cronus should simply wipe all of the luna plots. That would be brilliant.


Re: STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone

Cronus;434956 said:
The pet releaser was caught and dealt with, and rightfully so.
But as far as I'm concerned a home owner has a little bit of rights to defend their plot when trying to do expansions and the like, and walling in a fellow who shows up to try and screw you over seems within reason, as long as it's a temporary thing just to get your house expansion taken care of.
I may have just opened a can of worms, but that's how I feel about this right now.
So shall it be, for now.

Well, if you please take my input as just an opinion, I think that in this case you might (note the "might") be not as right as usually:
The home owner has several ways within the rules to expand his house without breaking the rules, plus he is in no way forced to expand his house if he doesn't want to risk the plot:
1) without trapping the possible placer, create a "barrier" on the visibility of the player that does not trap him but just block his targeting to the selected area.
2) waiting until the player is AFK or not around at all and (if afk follow method 1), resize his house then. The same way that other players, including myself, have done in the past to resize their plots: waiting until the person gets tired of waiting or is not around after a server restart...

It also makes a comparative grievance to the other player who was also wanting to resize his plot, but, since he had no guildies around to do the "dirty job" and kept within the rules "lost" part of his plot.

If you are allowed to "temporarelly" break the rules with the excuse of "defending your plot for a resize", that entitles you to release pets to do so or to blatantly grief another player for a couple mins just to do so.

Also one comment about "punishing the releaser". We know how this works and Eby is smart enough not to release himself the hiryu to kill the guy, but to ask to a guildie or a friend to do so for him with an account that can take the "punishment" without risking his own house in the process.... is that seriously fair?
Irl if you hire a hitman to kill someone you are as responsible as the hitman for that death. Here if you hire a hitman to do the dirty job to be able (in this case) to resize a plot before someone else's does, well... you just get the reward and no punishment.... so basically, if you are in a guild and have a "escape goat" that you can use for the dirty jobs you can do what you want? Let's put another example: a house in IDOC in a remote place, another Idocer around and you call your friend to release a pet on him right before the house fells so you can get the items and then share with your friend when he gets released from jail... wouldn't that be the same.


Re: STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone

Steven_greer... in any case, it wouldn't be for expanding a luna plot, but for breaking the rules doing so.


Re: STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone

I dont think a mass ban is in order, but some punishment is warranted. It was obviously a group effort.


Re: STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone

Wah wah wah, I want my milk and cookies :p

Next time, dont set your hopes up to high, almost all elder players here have tried for luna plot and lost it in their own turn. If you're really going to whine about this then it goes to show that UO rules your life. It's called a girlfriend, get one.


Re: STAFF: guy trapping me with Wall of Stone

To be honest, I think that what would be fair in this case is the following:
1) Jail time for the hiryu releaser (since he directly broke the rules).
2) Since the house owner also is part of the rule breaking (hitman/person hiring the hitman example), he should also be punished. Making his house (the gain obtained breaking the rules) back to the original size wouldn't really be a punishment, since the risk (staying as it was) vs gain breaking the rules (getting a bigger house) would not disencourage breaking the rules (gain vs no loss if caught, well... easy choice). So probably the best action would be (as it has been done in other cases before), setting the house in the "demolition stages". So other people thinking about breaking the rules to resize their places think twice before doing so (if you don't get caught you might suceed, but if you get caught, you lose the house).

I think that kind of measures would prevent (even if just because being scared of the punishment) other people from griefing players and breaking the rules in similar situations, but again, just my opinion.
(Sorry, Eby, I like you man, but that doesn't make what you did less wrong).