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A Good deed

Re: A Good deed

Huh help to out getting resuited with a decent resist pvm lrc suit, and let me barrow some of his stuff til i get better. Some glots and some nice jewerly.


Re: A Good deed

I almost forgot to mention, Pointee taught me a new spot in ilsh to farm paragons! he has made me better PVMer!


Re: A Good deed

it seems that im too ancient for most of you.... or all the people i left got bored and quit.


Re: A Good deed

Khephren;352930 said:
it seems that im too ancient for most of you.... or all the people i left got bored and quit.

LoL, i think, if you read title of post, then your signature, it says it all =]


Bug Hunter
Re: A Good deed

If it's in game then 3 names spring to mind.

Loki (made me a nice suit when i started here)
Fabricon (helped me get my first gold hammer)
Dirty sanchez (for being an all round nice guy)

There are too many people that have helped on the forums to list, with advice and the guides they have written.
But thanks to everyone here (including staff) this is a good comunity to be be a part of.


Re: A Good deed

Khephren;352930 said:
it seems that im too ancient for most of you.... or all the people i left got bored and quit.
Keph has helped me more then any other player in the game... he's a great guy :) don't let his signature fool you
as for ekins, I got a couple of his artifacts after he got banned... Does that count as helping me out? :D


Re: A Good deed

ParagonDancer;352832 said:
Hm. Well, lets see if I can get a list together. There's been so many. How about a top 10?

no mention for the Huh?

what about after you got scammed/hacked and the Huh gave you stuff to help get you back on your feet?


Re: A Good deed

First i would like to thank Lady Vex was a honor to help you and also everyone that I have been able tp help. Every now and then I pick someone at random to help him out to get started with whatever I can either for pvm or pvp. But I cant forget to thank the people that helped me get rich on this shard and showed me what to do because at then end without them never would i have been able to help any of you.

Id.Crystal for showing me the beautiful world of Idocs this guy took then time to teach me everything I know bout idocs and how to place a house asap.man that was long time ago :) too bad he left us tho

I also would like to thank Shade and RzA because of them I was able to enjoy my first few days in Fel and havent run back to trammie since

Esk for those funny ass shit nights at brit bank back when ummm "lucy" fucking guy was funny as hell how he made some tons of cash :p

but recently I have to thank Stalker for some peices of armour and tips he has given me for my last template "Frost"

Barcode for all the fun we have guys thumbs up no matter what people say we have fun and that is all that matters.

Last but not least CHI yeah the entire guild of CHI guys thank you for being on this shard guys without you who the hell would we fight. but you all are still noobs lol kidding

if i forgot somone sorry


Re: A Good deed

I have ALOT of people on my list aswell, most of them do not play any more tho :/
p0inte: A good RL friend of mine, he has helped me with advice, armour pieces, scrolls, even arties.
Ryo Ishikawa ingame, Lord_Zero on forums: another good RL friend of mine, he is the one who actually brought me to Demise loooong ago. Gave me LRC suit, helped me in my training, gave me loads of info about many things from template builds to strategies. Not to forget the shitload of items and in-game assistance :)
Logain: a big thanks for all the BRSK pieces, the jewelry and everything else :)
Fashion XIX: the luckiest crafter I've ever known, gave me lots of armor pieces and enhanced many things for me with his +60 ASH free of charge.
Cormac and Flower: for giving me some of my best time on Demise and many advices on my house design :)
Mae'Var: my first PvP guild was [Fear], and I had LOTS of fun with you guys. Serona, Zephyre miss ya dudes lol
Zmei: the guild leader of my first guild, [FoA]. Many thanks for the champ spawns done together, the RW we slayed together and the trust.


Re: A Good deed

For me there has been to many to count. Most of the people who played alongside me have all left.

in no particular order
Mysterious Stranger
Detroit (Hatred)

And many more (sorry for those I did not list)


Re: A Good deed

Mythos, the man, the myth, the legend. too bad many of the others have left. And rockeye, do prometheus, detroit and the other guys still play?


Re: A Good deed

Only Prometeus i think. :( I miss ya guys .. Myth, Vitix, Rhun, Detroit, Prom and other TMC veterans.
Re: A Good deed

huh;352949 said:
no mention for the Huh?

what about after you got scammed/hacked and the Huh gave you stuff to help get you back on your feet?

Jesus, I TOTALLY forgot about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I remember you gave me a free RBC & Kasa after that dude got my accounts!


+Rep as well.


Re: A Good deed

For those who gave me credit for things I have done, thank you, but It is not done for the recognition, but rather the pleasure of seeing you make it and rise to the level you can be. As for me, I have not always been well off, and I have many thanks to give round the board.

First off, Pointe. You taught me everything I needed to know about AoS, I hadn't played UO since the T2A era and the new style of pvp blew me away, but anyone who knows me, also knows I REFUSE to use trammel, and so my first home as a newbie was in Fel north of minoc (where shade and I posted up and immeadiately created an active pvp guild in fel which we quickly geared with 1/2's books and hrsk gear.) The wealth pointe gave me in my rise cannot be counted.

Darth Jesus, bro.. I will meet few in game that could ever match the calibur of player and friend that you are. People like you are the reason I cannot quit this game (though god knows I have tried and want to.) Aside from gifts varying from powerscrolls to Armor of Fortune, you are one of my biggest supporters in game and it will never be forgotten.

Fix, Boom, Eby, Luigi, and my other brothers in Chi, you all know that Chi was a point of pride for me and I love you guys all, from help with all of my crazy Ideas to better pvp and to assist new players on this shard, without your support I would have long since said screw it. <3

Eskeshehir, Baroness, Hyphy Train, Cucumber Jim and the NME loyals- You guys all have big hearts and try to do your best to assist others and help me with teaching others. Not to mention my love of pvp meant me having to fight all of you (I have fought e./di, NME, Chi, ATHF, Gunz, -S-.. there is not a guild or player on the shard that I haven't crossed with and thrown spells up agianst) the dignity and respect you all leave me when I fight on the field is never forgotten.

Feersum Endijinn, Lady Vex, and many others, your trades and honest business on the forums has always been my pleasure.

To the GM's of the Shard (Good Job Guys.)

To the seers.. just thanks for putting up with us (and my many help requests of TOURNEMENT!!! haha)

Lady vex

Re: A Good deed

lordwolfx;352900 said:
Look forward to seeing the lady in pink return =]
Me too thanks

Dexter-LoM;352955 said:
First i would like to thank Lady Vex was a honor to help you


RzatheKilla;353122 said:
Feersum Endijinn, Lady Vex, and many others, your trades and honest business on the forums has always been my pleasure.

To the GM's of the Shard (Good Job Guys.)


-=M.A.J.O.R.=-;353242 said:
After 283274872347923048239 posts of forum pvp, it's really nice to see people expressing good feelings about the others :)

It makes you feel all warm inside:p

thanks everyone for helping me remember some more people
continuing my list

Feersum Endjinn
The Beef