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Are auto spells/items in PVP legal now?


Yeah you said what I tried to say with 100 words...
I just hoped u dont wanted to compare pvp to ''1 mlion ways to fuck some one off'' cause at the moment it is like that way. Efielding after para blow evil/paral, mass explo potioning, stucking between buldings, guard whacking etc etc.

The guy who wins this week is Yaz who didnt reskill guy in a house that he have acces. That is kind of pvp not @$@$@ and kicking the guy who fell down.


Before it was just ghosts on seals. Now you have at least 3 guilds constantly checking spawns anyways. And still there are slots where you will actually not get raided. I wouldn't place my bets on that though.

I think that fights at spawns is what is keeping the pvp community alive still. If everybody kills spawns without getting raided and having to defend or fight for it it will be pretty damn stupid and boring. And if you really need the scrolls actually buying them is much more easy than getting them from spawning.
Hz are the type of cowards that raid on tier one. If they succeed in killing the spawners they dare not attempt to finish the spawn. They just prevent people from finishing it. Everything they do on this server is to troll and be shit bags about everything. VD on the other hand let the smaller guilds spawn. There have been many opportunities to raid smaller groups but we chose to let them finish it.

Bad Mutha

Hz are the type of cowards that raid on tier one. If they succeed in killing the spawners they dare not attempt to finish the spawn. They just prevent people from finishing it. Everything they do on this server is to troll and be shit bags about everything. VD on the other hand let the smaller guilds spawn. There have been many opportunities to raid smaller groups but we chose to let them finish it.

We love raiding on tier one when we're not on spawners just to show that fel is ours. Your argument about smaller guilds spawning is bs because there are no small guilds spawning.


It's no fun to us rolling into a spawn just to destroy a few players who aren't geared or big enough to even hope of putting up a fight. Hz on the other hand will raid them with 10-15 characters and claim bragging rights. Hz can talk all the shit they want but never in the history of demise have I witnessed bullshit like Hz has pulled and remained untouched when they break the rules or grief players. The unprecedented lack of morals is fuckin amazing with their leader. This cock bag would chop off his leg if it meant he could win. We use to crush Hz until he took of the gloves and began breaking the rules. He turned a fun game into a fuckin nightmare for people who try to enjoy demise. Seems like staff doesn't give two shits what he or Hz as a guild does though. Not complaining I'm stating a few obvious facts.


We love raiding on tier one when we're not on spawners just to show that fel is ours. Your argument about smaller guilds spawning is bs because there are no small guilds spawning.
fell is yours? just cause u got rally bots on all spawns? With the time of ghosts u at least could send it back...but hey hz always denied they have camping bots :D to log in and log out in LL.
And btw for small guilds spawning argument i was on the spawn when u radied poor sampire on neira in dung. I hope u dont feel bad cause of that 120 magery u lost to me on that day. That was pretty fair since u raided 5 vs 1...

It's no fun to us rolling into a spawn just to destroy a few players who aren't geared or big enough to even hope of putting up a fight. Hz on the other hand will raid them with 10-15 characters and claim bragging rights. Hz can talk all the shit they want but never in the history of demise have I witnessed bullshit like Hz has pulled and remained untouched when they break the rules or grief players. The unprecedented lack of morals is fuckin amazing with their leader. This cock bag would chop off his leg if it meant he could win. We use to crush Hz until he took of the gloves and began breaking the rules. He turned a fun game into a fuckin nightmare for people who try to enjoy demise. Seems like staff doesn't give two shits what he or Hz as a guild does though. Not complaining I'm stating a few obvious facts.
u always write some BS but know u have a point sir.


You do now spawns have teleports right? Who needs bots when you can have a stealther checking. Doofus
Yeah sure all LL have teleports :D They Sure did. I bet all my all gold that u didnt even run 70% of LL spawns in 1 round not even talking about constant checking them.
I'm more fascinated by going to Heartwood and seeing 30 people doing the exact same thing.

Edit: You know it's a good script when they auto pickup block-boxes on the ground.
I fuck with these ppl all the time I just load bag balls with ore and they can't pick it up because it's to heavy


It's no fun to us rolling into a spawn just to destroy a few players who aren't geared or big enough to even hope of putting up a fight. Hz on the other hand will raid them with 10-15 characters and claim bragging rights. Hz can talk all the shit they want but never in the history of demise have I witnessed bullshit like Hz has pulled and remained untouched when they break the rules or grief players. The unprecedented lack of morals is fuckin amazing with their leader. This cock bag would chop off his leg if it meant he could win. We use to crush Hz until he took of the gloves and began breaking the rules. He turned a fun game into a fuckin nightmare for people who try to enjoy demise. Seems like staff doesn't give two shits what he or Hz as a guild does though. Not complaining I'm stating a few obvious facts.

Funny I don't remember u bitching when you was in Hz or when you beg me to talk mb into letting you rejoin

Dic Schwab

Hz are the type of cowards that raid on tier one. If they succeed in killing the spawners they dare not attempt to finish the spawn. They just prevent people from finishing it. Everything they do on this server is to troll and be shit bags about everything. VD on the other hand let the smaller guilds spawn. There have been many opportunities to raid smaller groups but we chose to let them finish it.
smaller groups you say? like Les Stroud- ?


Lol hz thinks they have shit talking rights now. If only the rest of the shard knew what kind of shit MB does. He actually took the time to create a macro with everyone's serial number on it which equates to around 3700 lines of script. So disabled target sharing in uosteam did nothing. He hits a hotkey which says a name in guild chat while the rest of his guild hits another hotkey and perfectly sync dumps on a target without saying a word in mumble. Good job. That's not fuckin pvp. Just goes to show what a sore loser you are.
@Eos could easily block UOS from scanning anything from journal except of "system" messages (those that appear on left corner)... it wont break most legit macros and it should prevent people from using target share scripts, quick fix.

if people keep doing this via euo or something, why not just adding to the server rules? I mean, someone who share targets via guild or party can easilly be caught on server speech logs and jailed, just like speedhackers :)


Why is it iligale ? It all in uo steam that mean you can do it too you stupid noob
that argument would be valid if autoloot and all other features from uos were available, just bc it is on uos doesnt mean demise will allow it...
staff blocked target share option on uos which makes me think they dont want people sharing targets, reason why that seems to be illegal to anyone except you who seems to be using it, considering how mad you are bc of a suggestion lol