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Your character name



LoL, I need sum uber cheetz! becuz I no you guyz uz em! LoL!
All my characters have the last name Arcane except for my mule. Arcane means "Only understood by a select few," and that embodies me and my characters. Can just toss Arcane into MyUOG Search and you'll see my characters.

Cebrious- This was my first ever D&D character's name. My (now) brother-in-law and I thought it up as a unique name for my warrior character. Now it's about 15 years old and I use it for most RPGs.

Krimson- I dig the name and the purposeful misspelling (pun anyone?). Plus he's a PK, so that's convenient.

Nox- Dexer Poisoner. Short and to the point.

Murder Gear Inc.- This was something I did on Test Center, I thought it was cool to have all my stuff "Crafted by Murder Gear Inc." since we were all murderers and such.

Orchid- Technically my GF's character, but we chose that name because her favorite flower is the Ghost Orchid.

Schwaggy- I do love the ganja.

Shrugz- My pothead friend's nickname, I created the character for when he wants to go bust some heads with me.

Mickey- Another friend's nickname for the same reason.

Hobo- The bitch of the accounts, eventually he'll have all the skills that are nice to have but not helpful in any other way, like Cooking, Item ID, etc.

I think that's all, I probably forgot one though. Sorry for returning to topic, hehe, I had some time to consume at work.
DementedJester said:
I cheat at life. I cheat so badly that i can make women orgasm with 3.14!
She's.. uh, actually yelling stop. Remember, she's only hittin an orgasm if you're stiff. Well, after blowing your load in 2.14 seconds. She's going to yell anything to get your attention, while you pound away with a limpy. :( ... Gah.. I lost the joke I had something good, too.

Punker's Slave - This was actually the name of my first mule back on Napa. Eventually he evolved into a tough mule with swordmanship. So, this char became my main.
Well, who's Punker?
Punker was originally my main. I became enfactuated with the ability to kill anyone in the area, so that char became red within two days of me first playing UO. Was just an archer, too. I was hardcore into punk rock back then, heh. Confused teenage years. Eh, at least it's not rap. :)
Pilfer - Ah yes, my prized thief. The word "pilfer" means to steal, or the act of stealing. To be pilferous. Hence, pilfer the thief.
Crafty - Eh, my new mule for here on UOG. My old mule on Napa was Blakken Dekkor.
FishBulb - My tailor on account #2. If you're a Simpson's fan, all I have to say is this: "Well... there ya have it, fish bulb". It's from that episode were Homer discovers the box of cleaning detergent at the dump, with a logo that looks similar to his face.
Eric Clapton - My pk. I'm a clapton fan, what can I say? John Molson was my first red here.
Steel Reserve - Storage char. Named after the beer, 2/11 Steel Reserve. Nasty; vile beer that gets you drunk real fast.


Chingy - i dont like the rap dude i just thought the name was cool.

Cheese Foot - my brothers invention

1 million other chars - random
Eclipse : Always wanted a 99 Mitsu Eclipse GSX

A Very Black Man : No, i'm not black irl. I kinda stole this name from someone else on a different server.

Sir Wootenhizer : Just thought it would sound cool.

A Namless Noob: Well....Thats basically what I am.

A Black Slave- : Because thats what I wanted my crafter to be.

Infamous : Dunno bout that one...alls I know is that it was my very first character i ever made since I've played UO. And chingy always pk'd me in minoc by his castle :(.
a gynecologist - I figured it was unique, and I had no idea what else to do for this character. After coming up with this name I liked it and kept it. For those of you who have no idea what a gynecologist does (and yes I've been asked what my name met by sincere people) a gynecologist is in the medical field, their job is pretty much to know the female reproductive anatomy inside and out. To be blunt - they look at vaginas, all, day, long.

X-eT WoOnd - Exit Wound. Typically from a gunshot where the bullet continues through your body and passes through the other side.

XesiquintorengoY - Completely random characters that I thought looked cool together.

pavehmint.eeter- - cuz I suck, and eat pavement. :/

your friendly pk - cuz, I'm friendly, and a pk. :/


Germy - brother made it up, ermm im half german half aussie.
Chichi Barban - something to do with my brother studying pharmacuetics at uni.
a human - just funny for a thief
Rex hunt - named after the fisherman rex hunt (most aussies will know)
Mermaid Sister - got it off a poster while walking down bay. 2 hot chicks and very revealing.... caught my eye.
Vicome de turin - used it back on oceania and got it off a cradle of filth album.
Norich - used it since back in atlantic and pacific.