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Title that is not in all caps

so all i have to do is join some guild and then i get access to whip that ass?

or do you wanna continue to twist this and dodge the original question you flung out towards the forum boards.

If I am so bad please tell me what you can beat me at and we will set it up best of three for a mil? - birdman mickey
lol you posted a video when i beat you 5-2 with a bascinet helmet on. Very proud of you.

so im guessing this is another mickey decline.

bye forums, till we meet again!
very sorry.. i wouldnt be stirring the pot if i didnt have to listen to the 'best' tell a 5 month old player he needs to learn to play.

He's not even the best, back when the GOOD alchy players played he was considered medium tier. It's funny when the truly great alchy players leave then the players who are left know they can talk shit because the ones that pound their asses aren't playing anymore to shut them up.


The bar was designed to help to heal fs nox and fs alone depending of the squares on the bar.
but like mickey said , the animation is too fast and with 2 different target its humanly impossible to react
by watching the bar going up.

But the nox hits the same time as the fs dmg. so even if u knew who it was on it would still be pointless. Also if u could time the meter bar u could just as easily heal self when the fs is at ur waist without the meter bar.
He's not even the best, back when the GOOD alchy players played he was considered medium tier. It's funny when the truly great alchy players leave then the players who are left know they can talk shit because the ones that pound their asses aren't playing anymore to shut them up.

Not sure if you are active in game, but thats a pun based on their guild name, which is "best". Was not a skill reference more so a pun.
Not sure if you are active in game, but thats a pun based on their guild name, which is "best". Was not a skill reference more so a pun.
Oh ok, I just remember him starting a troll thread where he acted cocky and such so assumed this was pretty much the same. I'm not active in the pvp scene anymore, there is no fun gank vs gank or few vs gank.


I could care less about this as it's just an art mod, but it's the people using modified versions of playUO that should be punished. Can you really defend people using a program that autoheals ANYONE in your party? It's no secret that there are a handful of people abusing this (I'm looking at you minax). It's common knowledge that certain people still use this (some of which after getting banned multiple times in the past for the same thing).


If the GMs can't detect it, then well...looks like anyone hoping to get them banned is shit outta luck.

Why not fight fire with fire? If the gms can't detect it,, why don't you use these same mods that you know about, and even the playing field?

I really don't see why cheats are necessary. UO is pretty friggin simple to figure out for group battles