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The so called terrorism


Such narrow minded little people. Go ahead and continue your simplistic little belief that the world is a magical place of rainbows and hugs. You cannot understand what these soldiers are going through fighting an invisible enemy, fighting a mindset. Perhaps when radical islam is knocking at your door, you might think different.


Now dont get me wrong, I am NOT against islam, let them have their religion. Everyone deserves that right. My problem is the following: Any religion or mindset that calls for the enslavement or extermination of those that do no hold the same mindset or religion. Hardline religion in any sense is stupid. Ignoring that it exists is even worse, it is frightening.

There are several other groups, notably latin-american "gangs" which make alot of facist islamo groups look like pussies when it comes to radical mindsets, brutality and murder.

ms13 from el salvador
the zetas from guatemala
The mexican cartels

Lets go back east, to africa major. Need I really say ANYTHING about this entire land mass and its indigenous?

How about Ireland, in oh, I dunno just about its entire modern history. The irish can be some ruthless, brutal sons of bitches.

Need I even bring up what happend in Kosova, Yugoslavia, Bosnia? And before you jump on this band wagon, yes what Mladic did was reprehensible and wrong, but look at what the leftovers from ottoman turks, those that converted to hardline Islam did to those people, and ask yourself if youd act any different.

I could go on here fellas, but it is pointless. Your liberal indoctrination is too deep. You think mankind should just play nice together and that somehow we are CAPABLE of that. You are wrong, and naive for believing that way and that is what I meant by my original post.

America haters are going to do just that, hate America. Even our own POTUS prances the globe apologizing. I'm embarrased to call myself anything other than a Christian or a Texan to be honest. But I'll tell you this much, I fought for my country, my rights, your rights, the rights of the world, and I will be DAMNED before some assjack COWARD comes around within distance of my ears or my sight, calling those soldiers and what they are doing over there wrong.

How do you deal with bullies? Not by cuddling them. You kick them in the fucking knees. You kick thier parents, brothers, sisters, aunts uncles, teachers and preachers in the fucking knees as well. Make the consequences for the act so repulsive that no one in thier right fucking mind will do it. That is how you fight a mindset.

you are 100% right when you say that the world has many problems and many ill mindsets.
but you are so wrong when you think your country can be the judges of what is right and what is wrong. with the excuse of bringing democracy to countrys that dont even want the ocidental democracy, americans and allys use force and violence against anyone that goes against your ideals and even those ideals are very suspect when there is oil involved.
the human race maybe isnt capable of living in harmony at all, but making more wars, killing more people(including women and children like OTAN is doing right now) wont make it any good. it will only feed the hate that the middle east people have against america.
middle east people had never wanted to make war away from their borders and their terrorism only reached america because americans went there first telling what they should do, how they should act and how their government should be.
dont you realize that some people may just not want the american way of life for their country? so going there and telling them what they should be like is just like hammering your head against the wall.
also, to make things clear, im not american hater i just dont agree with your military actions and the way you want to be the worlds paddle. same for the british government.
i wonder what would happen if North Korea had huge reserves of oil. We would probably be at the third world war by now. And what for?


You're a crazy hick, by the sounds of it. You're just another dope sucking up all the bullshit about terrorism and scared of the Mooooslims. So indoctrinated by the media and everything else that you'll gladly accept going to war with countries just like your government want you to. Don't get me wrong, terrorists and dictators have to go, but that includes the generals and those in the White House. It's all terrorism, but some fools are just more powerful. What's worse, a man with a homemade bomb or BAE systems?

"How do you deal with bullies? Not by cuddling them. You kick them in the fucking knees."

USA = Number One Nation State = Biggest bully on the planet = economic warfare and overthrowing over fifty other states to date = going into Iraq merely to preserve the dollar as the global reserve currency.

The problem with religion isn't religion. The problem stems from the fact that organised religion is run by a small elite. Same with all governments and military.

Such narrow minded little people. Go ahead and continue your simplistic little belief that the world is a magical place of rainbows and hugs. You cannot understand what these soldiers are going through fighting an invisible enemy, fighting a mindset. Perhaps when radical islam is knocking at your door, you might think different.


Now dont get me wrong, I am NOT against islam, let them have their religion. Everyone deserves that right. My problem is the following: Any religion or mindset that calls for the enslavement or extermination of those that do no hold the same mindset or religion. Hardline religion in any sense is stupid. Ignoring that it exists is even worse, it is frightening.

There are several other groups, notably latin-american "gangs" which make alot of facist islamo groups look like pussies when it comes to radical mindsets, brutality and murder.

ms13 from el salvador
the zetas from guatemala
The mexican cartels

Lets go back east, to africa major. Need I really say ANYTHING about this entire land mass and its indigenous?

How about Ireland, in oh, I dunno just about its entire modern history. The irish can be some ruthless, brutal sons of bitches.

Need I even bring up what happend in Kosova, Yugoslavia, Bosnia? And before you jump on this band wagon, yes what Mladic did was reprehensible and wrong, but look at what the leftovers from ottoman turks, those that converted to hardline Islam did to those people, and ask yourself if youd act any different.

I could go on here fellas, but it is pointless. Your liberal indoctrination is too deep. You think mankind should just play nice together and that somehow we are CAPABLE of that. You are wrong, and naive for believing that way and that is what I meant by my original post.

America haters are going to do just that, hate America. Even our own POTUS prances the globe apologizing. I'm embarrased to call myself anything other than a Christian or a Texan to be honest. But I'll tell you this much, I fought for my country, my rights, your rights, the rights of the world, and I will be DAMNED before some assjack COWARD comes around within distance of my ears or my sight, calling those soldiers and what they are doing over there wrong.

How do you deal with bullies? Not by cuddling them. You kick them in the fucking knees. You kick thier parents, brothers, sisters, aunts uncles, teachers and preachers in the fucking knees as well. Make the consequences for the act so repulsive that no one in thier right fucking mind will do it. That is how you fight a mindset.


You're a crazy hick, by the sounds of it. You're just another dope sucking up all the bullshit about terrorism and scared of the Mooooslims. So indoctrinated by the media and everything else that you'll gladly accept going to war with countries just like your government want you to. Don't get me wrong, terrorists and dictators have to go, but that includes the generals and those in the White House. It's all terrorism, but some fools are just more powerful. What's worse, a man with a homemade bomb or BAE systems?

"How do you deal with bullies? Not by cuddling them. You kick them in the fucking knees."

USA = Number One Nation State = Biggest bully on the planet = economic warfare and overthrowing over fifty other states to date = going into Iraq merely to preserve the dollar as the global reserve currency.

The problem with religion isn't religion. The problem stems from the fact that organised religion is run by a small elite. Same with all governments and military.

Crazy hick? Stereotype much? Sir, I pay attention. I kind of pity you :)


Anyone who worries about radical Islam that much yet ignores the atrocities that all people in power commit - notably the US government - is crazy. You look like a hick, too. Hence crazy hick.


Such narrow minded little people. Go ahead and continue your simplistic little belief that the world is a magical place of rainbows and hugs. You cannot understand what these soldiers are going through fighting an invisible enemy, fighting a mindset. Perhaps when radical islam is knocking at your door, you might think different.
Brazil has suffered a threat of communism in the past. With terrorism and all that. Guess what? It was nothing but policial tricks. I recognize the evil that radical groups, of any sorts, pose to society, but you can't just blame a single group for absolutely everything. They would not act if they were not provoked in the first place.

Now dont get me wrong, I am NOT against islam, let them have their religion. Everyone deserves that right. My problem is the following: Any religion or mindset that calls for the enslavement or extermination of those that do no hold the same mindset or religion. Hardline religion in any sense is stupid. Ignoring that it exists is even worse, it is frightening.
I agree, but by using violence to "prevent" their action, you will only solidify the belief that war is the only way to go.

Any religion or mindset that calls for the enslavement or extermination of those that do no hold the same mindset
Some could reply that your country does exactly that. Then again, who knows?

There are several other groups, notably latin-american "gangs" which make alot of facist islamo groups look like pussies when it comes to radical mindsets, brutality and murder..
And there's also some "gangs" in your dear America that are just such.


Brazil has suffered a threat of communism in the past. With terrorism and all that. Guess what? It was nothing but policial tricks. I recognize the evil that radical groups, of any sorts, pose to society, but you can't just blame a single group for absolutely everything. They would not act if they were not provoked in the first place.

Wrong. Read a history book.

I agree, but by using violence to "prevent" their action, you will only solidify the belief that war is the only way to go.

Wrong. Snuff out the mindset. Snuff out the problem. Victory through attrition.

Some could reply that your country does exactly that. Then again, who knows?

Or not.

And there's also some "gangs" in your dear America that are just such.

Buncha pansies compared to those animals.


“Here, at a crossroads five miles east of the Iraqi capital, Marines shot dead eight civilians and injured seven more, including a child who was shot in the face. All the civilians were traveling out of Baghdad on Friday night in vehicles which, the Marines say, refused to stop when challenge – in English – and, when warning shots were fired, accelerated…Lance Corporal Eric Jewell said: “We didn`t know what was in that bus. It may sound bad, but I`d rather see more of them dead than any of my friends…Everyone understands the word ‘stop’, right?”

Himadeep Muppidi analysis:

Omar, an Iraqi fifteen-year-old, is an orphan today because those who wanted to “liberate” him, acting under some problematic assumptions about Others in the world, ended up killing his father, mother two of his sisters, a brother, and an uncle. Face with a situation of ignorance (“We didn`t know what was in that bus”), they assumed the universality of their languade (“Everyone understands the word ‘stop’, right?”). That combination of ignorance and what Todorov (1999, 42-43) calls “egocentrism” (the identification of our own values with values in general, of our I with the universe – in the conviction that the world is one”) was backed with deadly coercive force and a particular choice about their preferred ethical relationship to the Other (“It may sound bad, but I`d rather see more of them dead than any of my friends”).


I see I had my hopes too high. I am not even going to much of the post.

Wrong. Read a history book.
Look up the Cohen Plan. Then again, given how you just told me to read a history book, I can see just how ignorant you are about this matter.

Buncha pansies compared to those animals.
You can keep believing your compatriots are less violent and brutal than anywhere else's murderers, but that won't change reality. Just take a look at Tommy's post.


Not sure how considering your post was not really conversation inspiring. As to the first part, my comment was directed toward the end of your reply, "I recognize the evil that radical groups, of any sorts, pose to society, but you can't just blame a single group for absolutely everything. They would not act if they were not provoked in the first place.", I shouldve been more specific in my negativity.


Not sure how considering your post was not really conversation inspiring. As to the first part, my comment directed toward the end out the reply, "I recognize the evil that radical groups, of any sorts, pose to society, but you can't just blame a single group for absolutely everything. They would not act if they were not provoked in the first place.", I shouldve been more specific in my negativity.
Oh, alright. If you are gonna quote, do it right silly. <3



The Instigator

looks like she was standing around in a crowd with a sign? why the fuck is she there? she looks no older than five, yet they have her involved. if your going to be fucking stupid, shit like this will happen.

not intended towards anyone here.


That is not a united states soldier. If that's what you were trying to imply.

im not implying anything... just stating how coward ANY war can be.

looks like she was standing around in a crowd with a sign? why the fuck is she there? she looks no older than five, yet they have her involved. if your going to be fucking stupid, shit like this will happen.

sorry bro but your comment was just stupid. are you really trying to justify what the soldier is doing with the argument "the kid should not be there"?
in first place she is in her country and probably in her neighbourhood, while the soldier is miles away from his home blind following orders from people who only want money in their pockets.
And yet people claim that these soldiers are bringing peace.
2 options left:
1- you gotta be kidding
2- you lack sense