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TBH i could own any of red on the shard.

Oh Shit Im A No Name On A Video Game?!?!? Fuck Man!!!!

Damnit Fuck Man People Dont Know Me Online?????

and really....i didnt mean make a character....i meant use a pre made character as i have plenty........id just make him red

quit acting like your gods gift to uo pvp....your just another douche who thinks your the best one here cause you beat the worst pks ever

plus...on a tamer or pot chucking dexer..it will be too easy to beat you and just humiliate you


lol, too easy to just say all kill and bola me off my goddamn horse, your damn right its too fkin easy, that comment alone is "too childish"..

I think i already touched on the old "making a name for yourself in a videogame" somewhere else, so i wont go into detail about how pathetic that really is.

so quit the fucking shit talk and come and own me already, ill be back later and i EXPECT you to be there, if you arnt, ill label you as just another forum shittalker with no skill, and if you are, ill make you DROP down and give me twenty like the bitch you are lol


lol :p you really think i'd go to this much trouble just to say i owned?
i told you about 5 pages back that its all a fucking joke and nobody took any notice..
im not gonna come looking for you whenever its convenient for you.....if we happen to see each other then ill kill you

oh and please label me a forum shit talker.....you can sit there and tell yourself that your so great, and label everyone whatever you want, and then at the end of the day you can look at all the labels youve given people and make yourself feel that much better


who ows who?


Danny Boy

wow how the hell do you ping 90 on KUOC while in battle? i ping like 300 just standing... can you PM me your system specs graphics card and what not plz


ok first of all it was a fucking one v one you dick headed son of a bitch, second of all i was hidden inside the house cause some other newb was attacking me, and lastly, who the fuck was the one coming in the house trying to fight and then try to run out and die on the door steps?


and yes im giving you this time to post some smart ass remark about how " oh i was ganked " when in fact i was by myself and the other guy was just some dude that came up as i killed you

Danny Boy

DJQuik said:
It's cool, bam, because i wasnt the one hidden inside a house, and i didnt have anyone with me.

DJQuik ran all the way from Brit gy fence to Brit moongate taking the longest way possible, he was running from me just to get to a house he possibly owns or is friended to and banned me. I think I made him run a whole marathon haha

Danny Boy

i know what his reply is going to be but before he bitches about it ill post it lol cuz i got nothing to hide, btw he was redlined and Dped when he was inside his house, hes just lucky his pots made him survive and his I ban thee macro haha

well after that he was at the smithys at britain and i confront him hes like "omgoose wtf who the hell are u wtf are ut alking about htis n that blah blah blah" obviously he was denying everything anyways he offers me to a duel, and then stops askin me what my template is, i lied by saying stun mage, haha when i was on a char that is pure dexxer, he duels me - I fuckin swing n miss every time, he just 2 explosions, a poison (so my bandies wont go through and jsut cure the psn) and an ebolt and im dead :( he didnt even get disrupted :(


So now i know who Bravelungs is, like i said when you denied me owning you in a duel (and no matter what you say about me being lucky in that duel, i still won and it still counted), i only ran because you conq blowed me and i was already grey from looting, ok so i have 2 options, run into town and get ganked, or run away back to my house to restock, so i ran back to my house to restock and you followed me, thats not my problem that you followed me, and i admit - you did redline me, but did you ever see me cast a spell against you apart from when we were in my house? i didnt think so.. so the point is, i ran back home, grey and couldnt be assed fightin back, you still were followed me, so i had a go at killing you again and you whipped out your lil DP katana - dude, do you think i dont remember you using that, you said you lied bout your template, lol, ok you suddenly changed template in 5 mins? i wanted to see whether you were just a dexxer, it turns out you kinda are... too bad your DP weapon didnt work on me in a duel, because that really would of been gay - and as for the re-duel, fuck that, because that probably would of got me DP'd and killed ;) And a duel is more fair than anything, your just mad because i owned you 1v1 with the rules that a duel is supposed to have despite your "i fuckin swing n miss every time" - thats not my problem, learn to PvP instead of chasing someone down with a sword after double clicking them.

Oh and Bam, i remember now, yes, it was 1v1, yes i did die - but the thing is about this death is that you were in a house, waiting for me to walk in, you knew exactly what your tactic was going to be, i ran out, got stuck, you swung with your Vanq axe and killed me in 3 shots, another dexxer no skill....

Danny Boy

hehe on that note, i used GM weapons no vanqs, only my broadswoard was Dped and meh I was playin a char just for fun runnin around swingin n botherin people lol if i wanted to kill u i wudve on my mage... too bad on the field when we were fightin u all out dumped on me and even stunned, yet cudnt kill me WOW... ur sad

id just like to add that now i know u are a bloody liar get the facts straight

i had a gm hally
a dped broadsword

thats it... lol

and also confronted infront of everyone you denied everything you just mentioned in ur post ur a liar... thats all theres no truth to ur whole post . my posts state what happened even my own death in the duel i dont lie, have nothing to hide..