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so euo is legal?

Re: so euo is legal?

luftwaffe;2113362 said:
i wake up early in the morning, and yea okay i have alot of shoes and you guys have knwon that for 2 yrs, but the more shoes i get.. the more u guys hate, the more u guys get mad.. so keep going on about my shoes LOL.

awww so Mommy buys you lots of shoes? It is so apparent you never had a father figure in your life to discipline your little punk ass.
Re: so euo is legal?

haha why u so mad? and funny how u think u know about my life.. and dont worry about how i got my shoes ^^ .. trapppppin.. LOL


Re: so euo is legal?

i dunno about you, but i wear my shit out. my tennies get all wore out. I dont get to stack them bitches on the stairs and take pics of them, my shits got grass stains on them an shit.
My daughter keeps her shoes nice.


Re: so euo is legal?

luftwaffe;2113352 said:
i dont time houses, ask my guildys if i do get a time its like 5 hrs long, when i place or loot i split it with whoever i think is loyal guildmembers

i knew ppl from I P they would sell eachother plots to place a bigger house.. Who the fuck sells anything to anyone in the same guild. '=/ whats the point.

I dont recall ever selling anything to my guildmates. or vice versa.


Re: so euo is legal?

amish_ned;2113371 said:
i dunno about you, but i wear my shit out. my tennies get all wore out. I dont get to stack them bitches on the stairs and take pics of them, my shits got grass stains on them an shit.
My daughter keeps her shoes nice.

reminds me of a comedian. Says he wears Reeboks til the R e e b s falls off. Then he goes "ok" times to get new shoes.


Re: so euo is legal?

luftwaffe;2113366 said:
haha why u so mad? and funny how u think u know about my life.. and dont worry about how i got my shoes ^^ .. trapppppin.. LOL

There is nothing cool with men that has alot of shoes.


Re: so euo is legal?

I get a new pair of sneakers like every 6 months lol and they are pretty worn out by the time I replace them. FML


a lawyer

Re: so euo is legal?

luftwaffe;2113362 said:
i wake up early in the morning, and yea okay i have alot of shoes and you guys have knwon that for 2 yrs, but the more shoes i get.. the more u guys hate, the more u guys get mad.. so keep going on about my shoes LOL.

Again... i don't get this shoe thing. What does having multiple pairs of sneakers do for you? I'm certainly not jealous. I have maybe three pairs of dress shoes, couple pairs of casual shoes and a pair of running shoes... does this mean I should be jealous of you? At the risk of sounding arrogant i'm quite certain I could probably afford to buy myself 10 pairs of shoes per day for the rest of my life and still have enough to cover the bills. Are you suggesting that maybe I should do this to make others jealous? confused

a lawyer

Re: so euo is legal?

Reign Flame;2113378 said:
he probably has more shoes than me. *laughs*

lol i think my wife has him beat

she buys a new pair of shoes to go fucking shoe shopping


Re: so euo is legal?

i swear nates a female bitch.

tell me nate, do you cry when your boyfriend breaks up with you?


Re: so euo is legal?

luftwaffe;2113374 said:
well ask some of the old ip members i would just giveout money n items to my loyal members

lol who cares you get the shit afk, ya cheater

i work my ass off for the gold i get and i help out new members that i barely know. share your fucking cheat gold with loyal members that wont turn your ass in for cheating. ya cheat

RiCHER tHAN tHE RiCHESt, WE CERtiFiED CHEAttiN iT<----- change that shit Nate, you might gain an ounce of credability by finding the humor in it, and stop defending the fact that you cheat


Re: so euo is legal?

this has turned into adults throwing stones at some 15 year old on a video game for something that im sure a couple members in their guild are doing or have done

get a grip... its gonna happen again

kinda making bigger asses of yourself than he did


Re: so euo is legal?

a lawyer;2113377 said:
Again... i don't get this shoe thing. What does having multiple pairs of sneakers do for you? I'm certainly not jealous. I have maybe three pairs of dress shoes, couple pairs of casual shoes and a pair of running shoes... does this mean I should be jealous of you? At the risk of sounding arrogant i'm quite certain I could probably afford to buy myself 10 pairs of shoes per day for the rest of my life and still have enough to cover the bills. Are you suggesting that maybe I should do this to make others jealous? confused

You, my friend, have apparently never met a black person. Things like this are important to them.


Re: so euo is legal?

WillyDaSquid;2113387 said:
this has turned into adults throwing stones at some 15 year old on a video game for something that im sure a couple members in their guild are doing or have done

get a grip... its gonna happen again

UO is srz bznz
Re: so euo is legal?

lol you guys obv dont get out the house enough, u guys see rappers with alot of shoes n clothes, goto chicago, big towns or w/e u will see people with swag like me, alot of colorful shoes n clothes, i never said anything to u guys about it u guys just started sayin shit about it, obv u guys are mad about somethin, u internet nerds wouldnt know about SWAG, cuz u guys are in the house on the computer ALL DAY LOL, i get compliments damn near everyday about what i wear.. im sure u guys dont.. maybe get out the house sometimes and learn some stuff ^^