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The Monarch


TBH I didnt even realize the level of denial in this guy untill I read the entire thread. Wow....
If I was Rage my epeen would be a boner right now.


UOGamers: Divinity Forum Moderator

kazzz said:
How on earth can I refute the psychoanalysis of a 20-year-old high school drop out?

Video proof? Nah...
Screenshots of dueling ladder statistics? Nope...



Just admitting you are part of E. makes your opinion void.

Sheivan01 said:
Sure, because I was the one organising them, but since they were scared to fight anyone better than em, they only fought =-) rofl


Ok, anyway.....

After kind of reading the previous 15 pages, I'll make the end all be all statements that should satisfy everyone.

On the count of DieIRL stealing Rage's guild name: If it's only Josh and Septar in the guild, it doesn't represent an organization of 30-40 people spread across 2 games and 3 servers. It's cute though that Rage is trying to make it seem like we stole their name. I think Rage just likes to toot there horn a little too much. They fail to realize we owned the server without licking Ryan and Kirros assholes. I’m not saying Rage doesn’t have any skill, I’m just saying that we accomplished what they did without giving rim jobs.

Shievens angst towards di. and Kaz: Basically the low down on this is that Shieven says Kaz ripped him off or the other way around over something in a game. Basically it doesn't pertain to any of us so it doesn't matter. What does matter is that you can't really believe what either say about each other because there both extremely bias towards each other. Shievian hates DieIRL because he was kicked out. It's pretty simply really.

The current E. guild on hybrid sucks: I wouldn't know, don't really care. DieIRL has been a part of Hybrid for some 2 years or close to it. People come and go, our best players don't play on there anymore. Some have left for IRL reasons, some just play other games.

And lastly, DieIRL playing Demise and WoW: Really no one should give a shit what our members choose to do. We've owned you on Hybrid when all of our good players were playing consistently and we could do it again if we all came back.

Peace everyone, talk to you tomorrow.

Sloth-hybrid said:
It's cute though that Rage is trying to make it seem like we stole their name. I think Rage just likes to toot there horn a little too much.

I think it's cute that you cannot see that we didnt even make this thread, or made any serious attempt at making it seem like you stole our name. Asides from the the one or two half sentences I have posted out of humor which in turn makes you write a novel about.

Who's tootin the horn? :eek:

MemphisWade said:
I think it's cute that you cannot see that we didnt even make this thread, or made any serious attempt at making it seem like you stole our name. Asides from the the one or two half sentences I have posted out of humor which in turn makes you write a novel about.

Who's tootin the horn? :eek:

lol, 4 lines is a novel. It was more directed towards the general populations assumptions than you guys specifically.

Anyway, I'm goin to bed. Have fun jerking off Krrios tonight Memphis, peace.

Sloth-hybrid said:
lol, 4 lines is a novel.

no, 4 lines is not a novel.

Sloth-hybrid said:

Ok, anyway.....

After kind of reading the previous 15 pages, I'll make the end all be all statements that should satisfy everyone.

On the count of DieIRL stealing Rage's guild name: If it's only Josh and Septar in the guild, it doesn't represent an organization of 30-40 people spread across 2 games and 3 servers. It's cute though that Rage is trying to make it seem like we stole their name. I think Rage just likes to toot there horn a little too much. They fail to realize we owned the server without licking Ryan and Kirros assholes. I’m not saying Rage doesn’t have any skill, I’m just saying that we accomplished what they did without giving rim jobs.

Shievens angst towards di. and Kaz: Basically the low down on this is that Shieven says Kaz ripped him off or the other way around over something in a game. Basically it doesn't pertain to any of us so it doesn't matter. What does matter is that you can't really believe what either say about each other because there both extremely bias towards each other. Shievian hates DieIRL because he was kicked out. It's pretty simply really.

The current E. guild on hybrid sucks: I wouldn't know, don't really care. DieIRL has been a part of Hybrid for some 2 years or close to it. People come and go, our best players don't play on there anymore. Some have left for IRL reasons, some just play other games.

And lastly, DieIRL playing Demise and WoW: Really no one should give a shit what our members choose to do. We've owned you on Hybrid when all of our good players were playing consistently and we could do it again if we all came back.

Peace everyone, talk to you tomorrow.

this is not 4 lines.

MemphisWade said:
no, 4 lines is not a novel.

this is not 4 lines.

oooooooohh ok, let me make it a little simpler for people who are kinda dumb.

"On the count of DieIRL stealing Rage's guild name: If it's only Josh and Septar in the guild, it doesn't represent an organization of 30-40 people spread across 2 games and 3 servers. It's cute though that Rage is trying to make it seem like we stole their name. I think Rage just likes to toot there horn a little too much. They fail to realize we owned the server without licking Ryan and Kirros assholes. I’m not saying Rage doesn’t have any skill, I’m just saying that we accomplished what they did without giving rim jobs. "

This is the only part that pertains to rage.



drekid said:
Running to a house prevents us from spending mana to heal teammates on the field when we could just be meditating getting ready to drop someone. It's called common sense, and if theres an advantage to a game then why not use it?
You call it common sense on hybrid but you get mad when brazilians do it on demise? Oh I see, it's a tactic on hybrid where you have competition but on a shard ( demise ) that consists of 90% foreigners that ping an avg of 500 + it's not ok. I've seen several posts by E whining about house hiding. Excellent logic.



MemphisWade said:
I think it's cute that you cannot see that we didnt even make this thread, or made any serious attempt at making it seem like you stole our name. Asides from the the one or two half sentences I have posted out of humor which in turn makes you write a novel about.

Who's tootin the horn? :eek:

I guess what started out as me verbalizing a very dirty canuck ended in me explaining to trigger happy forum trollers of Hybrid the real story of DieIRL and Equilibrium...

Can't say I regret it.
Now the facts are on the table for those interested...

And just so there's no more speculation about my enmity towards Sheivan:

Just after he raped (stole the gear) a fully-suited character on Demise (this was his former UOG: Demise account, which had been traded for this WoW account you see in the picture), I just logged right back onto the ole' WoW account...

Sheivan's still a bit sandy over the whole ordeal. ;)

To find out more about DieIRL or Equilibrium Conclave... visit www.dieirl.com !

Bye bye! :bukkake: Hah... what a silly little emoticon... <3

The Monarch


kazzz said:
I guess what started out as me verbalizing a very dirty canuck ended in me explaining to trigger happy forum trollers of Hybrid the real story of DieIRL and Equilibrium...

Can't say I regret it.
Now the facts are on the table for those interested...

And just so there's no more speculation about my enmity towards Sheivan:

Just after he raped (stole the gear) a fully-suited character on Demise (this was his former UOG: Demise account, which had been traded for this WoW account you see in the picture), I just logged right back onto the ole' WoW account...

Sheivan's still a bit sandy over the whole ordeal. ;)

To find out more about DieIRL or Equilibrium Conclave... visit www.dieirl.com !

Bye bye! :bukkake: Hah... what a silly little emoticon... <3


Master of the Interweb

Sloth-hybrid said:
I’m just saying that we accomplished what they did without giving rim jobs.

E. have never accomplished what Rage have, that sir is compete, one of your members earlier stated you run into a house to AVOID HAVING TO WASTE MANA HEALING YOUR TEAMMATES, accumalating points by dumping and running does not make you good, it doesnt even make you average.

Sloth, many moons ago you accepted a setup fight with us, you then chose to ignore all my aims trying to set it up and the current active members of E. flat out refuse a setup fight, knowing they'd get embarassed.

E. are trash, everyone knows it, last week E. lose a 5v8 fight (they are the 5) against a random drop jap guild, after E. are all dead 3 other people arrive (by EsK, Urinal and myself and kill all 8 of them) the next thing we know, Stibanthee is back spamming OMG WAY TO KILL THEM WHEN WE TOOK ALL THEIR MANA, you guys have an excuse for everything, when in reality the truth is E. is a trash PK zerg, everyone on the server, bar yourselves know this.