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how bad can you be

Re: how bad can you be

Brookly;1791176 said:
Stide please stfu? You know you love it when people post shit about you. You love the attention. That is why you play with Luigi and Lord T. I don't why you think you are good... Or even better than me? You are just another kiss ass that nut hugs Lord T and Luigi. You're nothing special... =\ I never have anything nice to say because nobody else except the people I play with do either. Why would I give them them luxury of me being nice to them when the rest of you are just pissed off because I am a better pvper than you? I put forth into my guild just as much as Eric, Sig and the rest of the guild. You are all just mad because I am a girl that plays uo and pvps just as good as anybody if not better. I know this because the only thing you all have to say about that, is calling me an "e-slut." So you all can continue doing just that, and I will continue doing what I do. K? =D

Brookly is absolutely right, Stides. It's kind of lame to make fun of somebody's gender. In fact, it doesn't even work. I'm surprised Chippy isn't offended by any of your remarks.


Re: how bad can you be

Brookly;1791172 said:
Can't I just as easly say the same about Chippy? You know, the other vagina that fields as well. Right along side you? Isn't that Lord T's e-slut? Or do you all just run a train on her from time to time.

train. and chippy doesnt post in the forums acting like shes good. Shes happy to play with us and doesnt have a big mouth. Thats the dif between you and chippy.


Re: how bad can you be

Brookly;1791176 said:
Stide please stfu? You know you love it when people post shit about you. You love the attention. That is why you play with Luigi and Lord T. I don't why you think you are good... Or even better than me? You are just another kiss ass that nut hugs Lord T and Luigi. You're nothing special... =\ I never have anything nice to say because nobody else except the people I play with do either. Why would I give them them luxury of me being nice to them when the rest of you are just pissed off because I am a better pvper than you? I put forth into my guild just as much as Eric, Sig and the rest of the guild. You are all just mad because I am a girl that plays uo and pvps just as good as anybody if not better. I know this because the only thing you all have to say about that, is calling me an "e-slut." So you all can continue doing just that, and I will continue doing what I do. K? =D

Sig and eric are both excellent duelers in the box, better than i am. But im better then them on the field. On the other hand im better then YOU at everything in uo from decorating to pvping. So please dont say your good cuz the only reason your in their guild is cuz ur a girl who gives out pics. You are not a good pvper in the least.


Re: how bad can you be

Raserei;1791156 said:
Hey dick wad, we did beat them, I won the tournament.

You didn't cast for maybe 2 seconds at the BEGINNING of the duel, it had nothing to do with why you died.

excuse more

Actually it had everything to do with how I died. The only spell i could cast was protection was because i could double click it. Everything on my keyboard was disabled. If not being able to use ur keyboard isnt an excuse to you then what is?


Re: how bad can you be

Stides;1791224 said:
Actually it had everything to do with how I died. The only spell i could cast was protection was because i could double click it. Everything on my keyboard was disabled. If not being able to use ur keyboard isnt an excuse to you then what is?

excuses excuses

i saw u cast ;)


Re: how bad can you be

Brookly;1791176 said:
Stide please stfu? You know you love it when people post shit about you. You love the attention. That is why you play with Luigi and Lord T. I don't why you think you are good... Or even better than me? You are just another kiss ass that nut hugs Lord T and Luigi. You're nothing special... =\ I never have anything nice to say because nobody else except the people I play with do either. Why would I give them them luxury of me being nice to them when the rest of you are just pissed off because I am a better pvper than you? I put forth into my guild just as much as Eric, Sig and the rest of the guild. You are all just mad because I am a girl that plays uo and pvps just as good as anybody if not better. I know this because the only thing you all have to say about that, is calling me an "e-slut." So you all can continue doing just that, and I will continue doing what I do. K? =D

field him 1v1.


Re: how bad can you be

i did not know brookly was a girl...

now i'm going to laugh twice as hard when i see her name in a thread.


Re: how bad can you be

epinephrine;1791236 said:
field him 1v1.

If I know Stides like I do, I wouldn't trust him in the field. I would rather do it the good ole' fashioned way and bring it in the dueling pits. 5x. =)


Re: how bad can you be

epinephrine;1791241 said:
i did not know brookly was a girl...

now i'm going to laugh twice as hard when i see her name in a thread.

I laugh everytime you post because you aren't anybody and I find it amusing how you think people honestly care what you have to say. Stop posting in these threads. You probably don't even pvp.


Re: how bad can you be

Brookly;1791243 said:
If I know Stides like I do, I wouldn't trust him in the field. I would rather do it the good ole' fashioned way and bring it in the dueling pits. 5x. =)

thought so.

Brookly;1791244 said:
I laugh everytime you post because you aren't anybody and I find it amusing how you think people honestly care what you have to say. Stop posting in these threads. You probably don't even pvp.

i do, you just don't know who i pvp on.


Re: how bad can you be

Stides;1791211 said:
train. and chippy doesnt post in the forums acting like shes good. Shes happy to play with us and doesnt have a big mouth. Thats the dif between you and chippy.

LOL I don't think he got what I said... That is too fucking funny!!! I know chippy is a nice person, I am not talking shit about her. I do know though what she puts up with from Lord T and it is so funny. The only thing that separates her from me is that I post. You are right, because I would rather sit here and try and dig out as much ignorance and rage from people like you as I possibly can. How do you think you act? Please, pray tell because as far as I can see, you are no different nor no better than I. I just happen to accept the fact whereas you just continuously deny them like the little fag that you are. I have no problem being called a bitch. People like you just happen to bring out the best in me! What can I say? =)


Re: how bad can you be

epinephrine;1791246 said:
thought so.

i do, you just don't know who i pvp on.

Oh really...? You clearly don't because you would have known who Brookly (Adrenaline) was.


Re: how bad can you be

Have you ever had a decent post on this board? All I've ever read from you are rage posts and you talking shit. Fuck.


Re: how bad can you be

Stides;1791215 said:
Sig and eric are both excellent duelers in the box, better than i am. But im better then them on the field. On the other hand im better then YOU at everything in uo from decorating to pvping. So please dont say your good cuz the only reason your in their guild is cuz ur a girl who gives out pics. You are not a good pvper in the least.


You're a homo.

PS. Where are these so-called pic's that I seem to be giving out? I would really like to know because appearently you and your guild seem to know something I don't!

Also, I am right below your name in the faction rankings... You seem to only go by faction points to back up the notion that you are good because I do believe everytime we field against you guys, you are the first one to die... I don't think we do it on purposely, we just target you because you are the easiest one to kill. =(


Re: how bad can you be

Ajax;1791250 said:
Have you ever had a decent post on this board? All I've ever read from you are rage posts and you talking shit. Fuck.

Right, because nobody else does the same? LOL

QFT! =\