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Fisherman Template Help


Re: Fisherman Template Help

Speaking of fabled nets, just after I hit 100 fishing, I pulled up an MiB, no ancient SoS, but still a normal one :D

EDIT: haha, found the sweet spot, just pulled up a DEEP sea serpent....with a special net. wo0t times are good.


Re: Fisherman Template Help

Haha, thanks a lot :p

I went and used a few nets tonight, and have recorded the spawns and loot for future reference. Also, I currently have 2 Waterstained SoS's saved up to do at a later date. I'm out of nets now though, so it's back to the Brit coast to hunt for serpents.

Going to set the guild up tonight, so may PM you in a bit and give you details if you're at all interested.


Re: Fisherman Template Help

Hehe, I was out by my house just before setting nets (its convenient), but I'm back on dry land now taking care of some business. Just Pming you now. Probably won't be fishing again tonight as I have to go to bed soon.


Re: Fisherman Template Help

I'm coming out!

EDIT: I think I found you lol. Oceanfront I presume? I'm on the HMS Silent.

Yarr, your craft be unmanned.

Will be on for another hour or so.


Re: Fisherman Template Help

Just happened across this thread and was excited by the earlier posts regarding making a fisherman guild and/or fisherman alliance in which fishing events happen.

Anyone ever make that beautiful dream a reality? I share the wish that Felucca waters were more populated, but, as they aren't, looks like we fishing folk have to be contented with pulling mean fish from the depths.


Re: Fisherman Template Help

Oh yeeaaah. Thread ress ftw. :D

I did create that guild. Last I checked we had 3 members, none of which are on very much (including myself at this point in time), you're welcome to join if you wish, you may catch the other guys on sometimes. Drop me a PM if you want.


Re: Fisherman Template Help

Yeah I made a pirate guild about a year ago and it sounds like we're about as active as your fishermen.

It's a shame; I've got multiple locked treasure chests with no way of opening them (the thought of taking the time to train lockpicking irks me), a bunch of nets, MIBs, and an ancient MIB, and no pals to kill shit with.
Re: Fisherman Template Help

So, Barnicoat, did you ever make all those fishers and test out which template you liked best?

I'm in the process of trying to come up with my first fisher (tried one briefly on OSI a hundred years ago, but never got anywhere), and am thinking about templates. Don't have an archer yet and was thinking of going that way... Did you find necro+chivalry to be effective?


Re: Fisherman Template Help

Selkie, I have a char with lockpicking, and its not really that bad to train, take you maybe 2 or 3 days.

Star, my fisherman can solo everything except leviathan, which is apparently a bit of work even with a greater dragon, so it doesn't bother me too much, but here's my template:

Fishing 100
Archery 100
Tactics 100
Anatomy 100
Resist 85
Chiv 65
Necro 100
Bushido 50

Stats are like 110 dex, 80 Str, 35 Int

And he has negative karma at the moment I think. No major issues soloing any nets or anything.


Re: Fisherman Template Help

silvertiger;780736 said:
`How do you do the sos's? You throw a net at that spot or what?
No, you just fish at the spot... with the fishing pole. Pull up all the pre-chest junk... and most of it is, then the chest comes up.

As for the topic... no one mentioned tracking in their template? Well... only good for nets though, Kraken like to swim away when near death. WTS 5000 near worthless nets! meh nm


Re: Fisherman Template Help

Daywolf;780741 said:
No, you just fish at the spot... with the fishing pole. Pull up all the pre-chest junk... and most of it is, then the chest comes up.

As for the topic... no one mentioned tracking in their template? Well... only good for nets though, Kraken like to swim away when near death. WTS 5000 near worthless nets! meh nm

Had wondered when someone would revive this thread. I had missed it lol.

Yeah, I can confirm that Kraken are a BIATCH when they run away. I had two run at once one time, they're hard to follow as often you have to get the boat around the corpse of a monster you've just killed, and they run for AGES. Took me like half an hour to finish off those two :\


Re: Fisherman Template Help

Barnicoat;780745 said:
Had wondered when someone would revive this thread. I had missed it lol.

Yeah, I can confirm that Kraken are a BIATCH when they run away. I had two run at once one time, they're hard to follow as often you have to get the boat around the corpse of a monster you've just killed, and they run for AGES. Took me like half an hour to finish off those two :\

I'm doing a nono using a gd. pretty easy throw net on top of boat when it runs say forward right or forward left.:D

I really appreciate the help.