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Doing Coon


Re: Doing Coon

Sundoom;659018 said:
i lol'ed

i know the hotkeys for mage pvp and i know just how faggits pvp these days and its pure shit. i never will pvp on a mage because of that shit. i have no reason to.

I think this is where I think you are missing Lukins point. He was not saying build a mage to PVP, he was saying build a mage to spawn.

You know what, nevermind. You are right. Your paladin is the shit! I cannot see why you cannot complete a spawn. In fact, if I were you, I would report it on the bug section, because it MUST be a bug.


Re: Doing Coon

All I can do is laugh and pity you at this point. hehehehehehehhehhehhe Have fun never gettin scrolls you crazy uo rebel :)


Re: Doing Coon

Sundoom;659018 said:
as for your previous comment about the 2 month thing. i played the game to have fun, not farm, in turn i spent my time playing by earning then giving away. i dont care about pvping, i only want to play the game without the bullshit that faggits like you create.
And now you are crying about not having gear? What the fuck, man?

I thought you were supposed to do the homework before playing with your toys?

Sundoom;659018 said:
i know the hotkeys for mage pvp and i know just how faggits pvp these days and its pure shit. i never will pvp on a mage because of that shit. i have no reason to.

How about you mage duel or even field fight any competent mage? I bet you won't even know what's the first spell to cast or how to disrupt the opposing mage properly.

As a matter of fact, I use about 10 different hotkeys before I am even able of droping someone below half their hp.
Re: Doing Coon

Duffman-demise;659023 said:
This thread is forum pvp at it's best.
Naw, I've seen better.

Lucifall;659031 said:
As a matter of fact, I use about 10 different hotkeys before I am even able of droping someone below half their hp.
...But what ARE they? Are they just "Harm Spam," "More Harm spam," "all the Harm spam," etc.? :p
Re: Doing Coon

Nottheking;659065 said:
Naw, I've seen better.

...But what ARE they? Are they just "Harm Spam," "More Harm spam," "all the Harm spam," etc.? :p

Well, Apple just threw in a "Curse spam" there.

All in all, Brunus is right. He obviously know how even ungeared people can practice PvPing, because he oftenly teaches and train me and i have shit for gear, when i've been on this shard for 3 years (and counting).

My total networth is probably about 10kk, and the gear Sundoom uses in his bank sitter has more networth than my 4 accounts.

Even so, i havent given up creating char after char until i can find the best one to PvP with, and then prevail.

Sundoom in another hand... Is ranting about being too trammelite to do fell champs.


Re: Doing Coon

Nottheking;659065 said:
...But what ARE they? Are they just "Harm Spam," "More Harm spam," "all the Harm spam," etc.? :p

This is the basic:

Next Target
Target Closest X
Explosion + Last Target hotkey
Curse + Last Target hotkey
Energy Bolt + Last Target hotkey
Fireball + Last Target hotkey
Magic Arrow + Last Target hotkey
Evil Omen + Last Target hotkey
Pain Spike + Last Target hotkey
Lightning + Last Target hotkey


Re: Doing Coon

Well Let's start with this pathetic thread and I am pathetic for responding to it. And BTW I normally like this guy.:(

Sundoom;658920 said:
i did not assume you were in a guild, i only forgot to mention the other still pvping guilds. Oh and ILL.(Probably one of the newest and least experienced guilds on the shard)


When all of you say you want to pvp, just do a champ yourself and make people come raid you. i dont see why you would raid guilds who are only tryin to improve their characters, which you can only do by either tailoring or champs. (And let me know when you've decided to actually raid at the beginning of a champ, not hide until the end of one.)

Hell, just ask someone to post your champ location on the forums, people will come running to kill you.


Rage rage rage rage rage rage rage rage rage :D

Failure Sir! You don't take raiders to do a spawn!

Sundoom;658933 said:
you never see me because i try to champ when i am hoping no one is on, but when none of your guilds are on, the [.com] and [SL] [SL] are. (.com using the above tactics and SL just out for Blood.)

oh seen a few G&G at champs, they just run away and switch to their reds to re-raid the champ.

So really, it's just an overall failure to even enter fel. You can decide to tell me whatever you want, but you won't change my mind on my current opinion. (For the past month I've tried to do champs, never once have I been able to complete one because of the same shit over and over.)

If it is a failure stay out then!

lukin69;658952 said:
Rules of running the spawn:
Lesson 1: Spawning with anything other than the following template unless you are a UO vetaran and know wtf is going = fail.
Mage, Resist, Med, Necro, SS, Focus, Spellweaving (scrolling down focus for magery, med and necro)

Lesson 2: Make yourself a 2/6 100 lrc suit with resists over 50. Anything else is fail.

Lesson 3: After training said character up, get to brit gate fel and befreind a couple of people after dieing 23412431 times trying to defend yourself and get them to teach you how the hell its done. Set up your hotkeys, especially wither, furies, fairies and WOD. set up magery hotkeys. When in spawns, ALWAYS be in wraith form and use whither/word of death. You leech back endless mana.

Lesson 4: Teach your guildies above info.

Lesson 5: Move out of trammel. PvP field practice with your guildies. Kill each other over and over and over and over then take it to brit gate. Run to despise and try to raid someone yourself. Make a red character.

Lesson 6: If at first you dont succeed, try try again. Rage posting on the forums = fail.

Lesson 7: If you still fail, start back to lesson 1, until you get it right or uninstall UO.

After doing these things you ought to be competent enough to run any spawn in under an hour. Dont try to spawn with 3 people, always take 5-6. Protect with a theif and sneak the scrolls out. If reds show up, fight back damnit, even if you die.

This is WIN!

Sundoom;658957 said:
Lesson one and lesson two are failures no matter what you say. If you are forced to use a certain template and suit to even live, your already a failure.

Lesson two only works if your guild is equipped to fend off pvp guilds who are simply loaded and probably use speed hacks as well. That is an overall failure as well.

Your lessons are for pvp guilds only. Not spawner guilds who can't fend off a bunch of pvpers who only do raids when logging onto ultima.

As for uninstalling uo, seems people like you who even suggest such a thing are the ones who should.

You are not forced variances of these are nice. Let's repeat: For lesson one that temp is not a pvp guild that is a spawning guild.

lukin69;658976 said:
dude, obviously YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG. Man you just dont get it sundoom. Heres a hint. *dont open a gate to fire dungeon in luna bank*. FAIL. Your guild fine sir, is fail. Its called siutational awareness. Learn T2A, stay away from despise. I guarantee, GUARANTEE you are bring this on yourself.

If you are making posts like the ones you are making, its obvious lessons ARE needed.


Sundoom;658984 said:
open gates to fel? like hell i would..

ghosting dungeons, ghost the entrances to t2a. not very hard to do that either. moment any ghost sees any char at these spots, stealthers come in and search each spawn for monster deaths - moment one is found, most likely the spawners are too.

thats all that happens, how can anyone champ under those conditions? only reason you've been able to successfully complete champs is because those who attack us are to chicken to come after your guild which has a bunch of experienced reds.

piece of shit failure.

You sir are a failure! We do 5-10 spawns a week we get raided yes, but we always come out with benefits(i.e. more experience, gold, arty's, scrolls.)
You just fail!

bacchus1234;658992 said:
BOH has completed some spawns, without getting raided. I challenge ANYONE to say BOH has experienced reds.


The short is, everyone that spawns gets raided. I guesstimate I get raided 75%-85% of the spawns I participate in. When the reds show up, as they usually do, I try to defend myself as best as I can as long as I can. I end up dead either way.

Lucifall;658995 said:
They get a pvp guild to protect them. If that fails, they set people to protect while others spawn. Fuck, that's EXACTLY what e. did to EVP. We did spawns, they protected it from raids.

You know nothing of mage PvP if you believe that's all you do as one. What does a dexxer does? Heal and spam specials. FUN!

Dexxer not ideal for groups!

Unless if you use your character to the full potential, obviously you will get STOMPED by EVERY pvp guild. But alas, I don't expect someone like you to understand this. Practicing as a mage or as a dexxer is pitiful, aye?

Again, YOUR FUCKING CHOICE. YOU decided to take a BAD template for GENERAL purposes. YOUR FAULT.

Everything Lukin said is right. There are characters who excel at spawning: necro mages or even necros with whirlwind weapons. There are chars who excel at pvp: Properly built mages or dexxers. There are chars who excel at gold farming: Usually dexxers.

You are so full of shit it's not even funny. What you demn to be injust is just your own twisted belief that everything should be handled in your plate for you to take without any effort.

a-e-i-Own-you;659013 said:
I'm game for the raid, en route, ETA? 2 minutes!

Oh, day old thread? 9 pages of pure bullshit in under 24 hours?

Might as well get in my abusive licks while the opportunity lies in front of me

Fuck you Bile

Fuck you Evidence

Hey Brunus

blah blah blah


Re: Doing Coon

MusclyBarbarian;658960 said:
If you want to finish spawns under an hour, you need wraith form wither bomb.


(Sorry, I've always wanted to say that... :p)

Sundoom;658950 said:
let me know whats right then? try to champ when the 4 main pvp guilds are on - always one ghosting any champ they see or when 5+ lesser guilds are ghosting as Feerless just explained who run the moment they kill champ after lettin spawner guilds get up to the 16th skull.

Chances are, there is a 98% chance of beingraided at ANY champ because of this bullshit. Oh and keep in mind, this is a 24/7 rotation 7 days a week.


Not one of you have said your spawners, everyone of you have said your raiders, so here's a real question. What's the point in a spawning guild even trying to do a champ when raiding guilds -if not one raiding guild, then another is- are ALWAYS online?

This is really more Demise urban legend than truth though, SD.

Every single red guild except one raids me when they can - and I run spawns every day, in every T2A location and in every dungeon except Despise (because yes, doing Despise without protection is like posting your own suicide note on the internet...). Even so, I reckon on finishing without a raid over half the time in the Dungeon hotspots, three out of four at the "easy" T2A spawns and almost always at any of the more out-of-the-way Lost Lands spawns.

The truth is, I am always surprised by how few guilds I ever see spawning out in the wilds...

Bile;658954 said:
Or just be soo afraid of pvp conflict and go in a stealth character and kill a few monsters then wait for the artifact to pop into your backpack.

You mean roleplay a skulduggerous thief, Bile?


Sundoom;658964 said:
You tell me why the fuck anyone should even try going into fel when only a bunch of faggits are waiting.

Yes, there are idiots in Fel. But there are idiots in Tram too - probably more of them. There are also a lot of legit players in Fel, you just have to keep in mind that the rules are different.

Fel is supposed to be hard. And red death squads are part of that whole wild-west, survival-of the-fittest philosophy. Unlike in Tram, being legit in Fel does not necessarily mean being nice. The "success" of your social (and unsocial) interactions in Fel can be reduced to two deciding factors: Respect. And respect. The respect you earn for the skill with which you do what you do, and the respect you have earned by not complaining when your skill isn't enough and you get dropped/raided/trash talked or whatever.

If you go in with a Tram mindset, you are always going to suffer. You just have to adapt. :)

Sundoom;659009 said:
As if any of these current pvp guilds give a shit about spawners. If no one is friends with any of these raid guilds, then there is no point in your statement.

Again, not quite true. I have seen every single one of the big red guilds help out spawners. The thing that confuses people is that just because they help you out once, doesn't automatically mean they won't raid you the next time. And just because they are "friendly" doesn't mean they want to be your friends.

If you enjoy pvp or pking - the more "friends" you have, the less people there are for you to kill... ;)
