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Connection Issues


Ew... ev1servers =\

I'm surprised they haven't unplugged your box and told you to get a new provider yet. But blah, damn packet kiddies. I had nothing else to do tonight and was hoping to enjoy a bit of UO, bastards.

If you want help tracking down who's responsible, I can be of some service.


torches hmmm ok... but the black ppl nah we lookin fer the haxxors!
ok so check list now includes...
1 Lynch Rope
10 Torches

what else?
Revolt said:
Ew... ev1servers =\

I'm surprised they haven't unplugged your box and told you to get a new provider yet. But blah, damn packet kiddies. I had nothing else to do tonight and was hoping to enjoy a bit of UO, bastards.

If you want help tracking down who's responsible, I can be of some service.

I purposely made it so I had nothing else to do tonight so I could do the same revolt, now I'm resorting to smoking myself to cancer, no quite as fun as UO, but I'm content for another 5 mins or so.


bits of wood. Lots of reasonably sized bits of wood (i.e. table legs, firewood, fake legs, etc) preferably with sharp things sticking out of them. this can be acheived with some wood glue, and some nails or a pair of scissors... or even like a fountain pen. A megaphone would be helpful... not for directing, but for riling up the mob and such.


ok so we have,
1 Lynch Rope,
5 Dexxers,
10 Torches,
5 Sticks with sharp pointy objects attached.(for the dexxers)
1 Megaphone.


being a noobs as you all call us of only 100 days old i don't have much in the way of gold but i would really like to help you guys and crazy joe to get the money for the relief i plan on spending as much free time as i can in hunting and if ryan and them don't mind i plan on giveing them instalments of checks from the hunting i have done i just hope they don't get anoyed by me messaing them to come and pick them up every other day or so if anyone has any other advice or ideas of items i might have that you can sell for money on ebay let me know and i'll be more then happy to hand them over.


Turn off razor

I got on first try when i turned razor off.... Just somthing that others might want to try untill attack subsides =P