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anyone want to 1v1 for gold?

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I haven't dodged anybody.

The last person who asked to duel me was Azreal and after 3 duels [1-2] He quit dueling. Basically pulled a uonewbs because he knew he just got lucky
I can back this up as I was there. Guy wi s 2-1 (3rd was tiebreaker), and runs to the forums to talk trash

2-1 doesnt prove jack shit lol....


Thats why edibles are so "dangerous". You have an incredibly large chance to greenout if you dont know your doses.

I used just about half a G in a smalllll firecracker when I was a bit younger maybe 1.5-2 yes ago and I was stoned for like 6 hours.
Yeah man that shit was insane. My heart was beating out of my chest and I could hardly BREATHE XD

Only thing that got me threw it was I kept repeating "you cannot OD on weed you cannot OD on weed"

I looked it up later and I guess when you smoke weed, you burn away most of the thc and crap, but with cannabutter, you get close to 100% of everything?

So basically from what I ate it was probably the equivilent of smoking 50 blunts all at once XD

I don't believe myself?

1v1 for mils? nigga when you ever pay anyone? I am going to start calling you the WIMPLEY! I will gladly pay you tuesday for a duel today! (hamburger reference for those who do not know).

What up with that castle? I see you got your ass beat tonight.
we didn't duel for a castle.. just randomly dueled.. so i take that as a no? lmfao
LOL, the kitchen suit that he gave them were not his? Oh, I guess when he scammed for them they technically were someone elses! LOL. why should I put money up when you want pay, and you already said you would put a castle up against nothing of mine? Do you even own the castle anymore?
I will gladly log on to beat your ass if you let someone hold the castle. I don't trust you to fullfill your initial obligation, especially since you can't even remember it. I guess meth really fucks you up! I mean the methane gas from your cow of a wife's ass!

Pat McGroin

@Pat McGroin you know how you said, no you won't be on today because hey it's friday, you geek! another lie... LOL and you been on forums, literally all day haha. KEEP DODGING BRO.

Me and the old lady went to dinner and she fell asleep on the couch during the movie so here I am lol

I wouldn't be on here if she was awake :/
LOL, the kitchen suit that he gave them were not his? Oh, I guess when he scammed for them they technically were someone elses! LOL. why should I put money up when you want pay, and you already said you would put a castle up against nothing of mine? Do you even own the castle anymore?
i do not own the castle anymore, i traded the castle for kitchen suit. and no the kitchen shit is not josh comptons.. im not offering ur ass shit for free, u already turned it down, u had a chance. put money up son


Ive never had a freak out.. I enjoy being fucked out of my mind.
Ive learned that generally, the older you get, the less fun marijuana becomes :(
When I was 18 I was buying over an ounce a week
Now I buy an 1/8th and it lasts me weeks lol....
I think all the stresses of life that build up over time has something to do with it.
That, plus all the other terrible things Ive done iver the years. I think my brain is permanently rewired lol...
Ive seen the same thing happen to almost everyone I used to smoke with back in the day...everyones turned into lightweights =/

Ahh the mysteries of life
i do not own the castle anymore, i traded the castle for kitchen suit. and no the kitchen shit is not josh comptons.. im not offering ur ass shit for free, u already turned it down, u had a chance. put money up son
I never turned anything down. You said first one to want to fight for it ( SINCE U ONLY PLAY ON FRIDAYS) . You lie way too much why no one gives a fuck about dueling a chump like you. Go back to stocking vendors
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