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Nick I finally found your youtube video


This coming from the guy with almost 19,000 forum posts and hasn't logged off ultima online in what 5-6 years? Is the only time you're not playing is when you're sleeping?

I quit 2008-2012 during college. to be fair, you remind me of a 14 year old version of myself.


Nick you do look like you have a dildo in your nose. im sorry to tell you that, but thats a true thing..

Mickey you got owned mainly by heavy, but i wasnt surprised, more you talk more you get fucked with your own sentences, literally a dumbass.

Dude, you don't even look half as good as me... Stfu troll..

Pat McGroin

I quit 2008-2012 during college. to be fair, you remind me of a 14 year old version of myself.

You don't remind me of any version of myself. Even at 14 years old I didn't have 10+ hours a day to dedicate to ultima online as you STILL do. Don't you think it's time to finally grow up and try to be a productive member of society? You don't want to end up like Nick do you?


You don't remind me of any version of myself. Even at 14 years old I didn't have 10+ hours a day to dedicate to ultima online as you STILL do. Don't you think it's time to finally grow up and try to be a productive member of society? You don't want to end up like Nick do you?

End up like me? Im 22 years old and drive a brand new car, I work 40 hours a week at a nice job, have a gorgeous girl good looks, and did I mention I just turned 22?... Wtf is so bad about my life lmaoooo.. And I cant believe you even show your face on this thread after heavy smoker brutally humiliated you.. Weird...

P.s you wash your fake car yet?


I'm an angry baby, waaa

now you just want attention, gf.

Got this pic of baby monday from his facebook page.



He doesn't always drink beer... But when he says he does.... its a wine cooler.. Cuz he indeed does have a vagina and drives automatic.

Pat McGroin

End up like me? Im 22 years old and drive a brand new car, I work 40 hours a week at a nice job, have a gorgeous girl good looks, and did I mention I just turned 22?... Wtf is so bad about my life lmaoooo.. And I cant believe you even show your face on this thread after heavy smoker brutally humiliated you.. Weird...

P.s you wash your fake car yet?

I would ask you to put together good reasoning to how heavy at all humiliated me but we both know you struggle with reading so I won't put you through that. In fact I put him in his place and he even needed to google my responses because he doesn't know a fucking thing about cars. "HEY GUYS I MESMERIZED A MOD LIST FROM THIS GUY I BOUGHT MY CAR FROM BUT I HAVE NEVER EVEN CHANGED MY OWN OIL."

Pat McGroin

he does rally with his infiniti, thats why its dirty.

he also won the world rally champion with his acura.

he also wasted 25k$ in his acura

he also gets a lot of money irl.

He also didnt get kicked out his parents house, he moved when he was 19 because he was already a successful person.

He also talks to millionaire people daily, doing bussiness.

He also dont use FS metter or moded clients.

He also have never been in the guild G&G.

No I live in WA where it rains every day, it just something that naturally happens.

I didn't put 25k into my Acura nor have I ever said that (Please show me where I did)

yes I do make a good living, just because you don't doesn't mean the rest of the world is as much of a waste as you.

I didn't get kicked out, I went to college and lived closer to campus.


FS Meter bar? Big deal

Yep was in G&G for a week, but I am better then you at every aspect of the game so what does it matter? (please prove me wrong)

Done gollum?


I would ask you to put together good reasoning to how heavy at all humiliated me but we both know you struggle with reading so I won't put you through that. In fact I put him in his place and he even needed to google my responses because he doesn't know a fucking thing about cars. "HEY GUYS I MESMERIZED A MOD LIST FROM THIS GUY I BOUGHT MY CAR FROM BUT I HAVE NEVER EVEN CHANGED MY OWN OIL."

LMAO look at you lie kid.... Your the one who googled what to say to heavy and he found the website you stole it from.. Your a fucking faggot
I would ask you to put together good reasoning to how heavy at all humiliated me
Because you don't know shit about cars and you claim that you raised the compression on a REGULAR acura RSX which already has a nice motor for 8-10psi without the need to even build it "my buddy has the same motor making 350-400hp" you're just a dumb fuck.. The reason I copy and pasted what you said in google is because I know you're a dumb fuck that doesn't know dick about cars after reading all of your previous posts and lies, and you started to get really technical about something you didn't have a clue about... So I copy/pasted what you said in google and boom, the thread the copied it from came up word for word, you just added stuff like "dumbass" on the end of your paste. Dude, you're fuckin 32 years old and you're driving a 02 base rsx worth 3k-4k and claiming you make 100 grand a year with amazon, I'm 23 years old and own triple the shit you do.. Get a fucking life and stop worrying about trolling people on UOGamers forums.. See I have the time to do it because I'm already more successful than you, and you got almost 10 years on me..
The funny thing is, we had a forum battle... everything I said you had to google and read about, you replied to silly things in less than a minute, it took you 4-5 minutes to google shit and then post the information you found. Get off my dick, I'd put 100 bux on your acura being stock, nice exhaust, that came with the car right? rofl

Pat McGroin

Because you don't know shit about cars and you claim that you raised the compression on a REGULAR acura RSX which already has a nice motor for 8-10psi without the need to even build it "my buddy has the same motor making 350-400hp" you're just a dumb fuck.. The reason I copy and pasted what you said in google is because I know you're a dumb fuck that doesn't know dick about cars after reading all of your previous posts and lies, and you started to get really technical about something you didn't have a clue about... So I copy/pasted what you said in google and boom, the thread the copied it from came up word for word, you just added stuff like "dumbass" on the end of your paste. Dude, you're fuckin 32 years old and you're driving a 02 base rsx worth 3k-4k and claiming you make 100 grand a year with amazon, I'm 23 years old and own triple the shit you do.. Get a fucking life and stop worrying about trolling people on UOGamers forums.. See I have the time to do it because I'm already more successful than you, and you got almost 10 years on me..

It's not called a "regular rsx" it's called a base model you fucking moron. You know nothing about cars, you mesmerized a shopping list that someone made about a car you didn't build. That's something a high school kid would do. I am 29 (not 32) and you realize you didn't show any of the names on those titles? Kinda funny how you bought 2 bikes in a matter of 3 months? Can I ask what the point in that would be? You're 23 years old and still living with your family because you're a broke loser who refuses to do anything with his life except work at McDonalds. The difference between me and you is all my stuff is paid for and I own. I didn't have my parent's buy my shit or co sign anything for me. Show me the names on your titles and I will believe you. You have spent the last 10 years of your life doing nothing but playing this game and that's why your almost in your mid twenties and not living on your own. You and Nick are on the same level of loser and its really pathetic.