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IRL Pictures...

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Dance Dance Revelution
No...whyyy......areyyyouu,,.,mplayinnngg thiis? Zoiz when I saw your pictures I was like cool he just got done kickin the shit outta some huge Robot but no he was prancing around on some mat infront of a tv.

edit: changed Know to No


I seen some kid on the coast in a casino playin that game....or one just like it. He got nothin but prefect or good for like 5 mins. I couldnt beleive it, I was amazed someone could be that big of a nerd. I mean this kid had a bag with him,a towel, water bottles. I couldnt beleive it, total amusement lol.


It was sarcasm you jackasses. We were using reverse psychology. And yes, if you lived in Ohio, you'd be f-ing baffled at how many stuck up snob bitches there are. I'm in a pissed off mood and gonna try sleeping in this god damn 100 degree weather. Fuck Ohio.

Edit: I'm glad you assholes find a fun game to be lame. Stop being so god damn uptight, loosen up, and let people have their fun. Do people go around telling you how geeky or nerdy your shit is? Probably not, if they do, they are assholes and you're just as bad for sinking down to their level. Get over yourself, people have other interests than maintaining your fucking stereotypes.


Earth_Crisis said:
I seen some kid on the coast in a casino playin that game....or one just like it. He got nothin but prefect or good for like 5 mins. I couldnt beleive it, I was amazed someone could be that big of a nerd. I mean this kid had a bag with him,a towel, water bottles. I couldnt beleive it, total amusement lol.

Osiris said:
No...whyyy......areyyyouu,,.,mplayinnngg thiis? Zoiz when I saw your pictures I was like cool he just got done kickin the shit outta some huge Robot but no he was prancing around on some mat infront of a tv.

Here's a little reality-check for you two. Proceed to glance at what you spend much of your time doing. I'd bet that at least 60% of your free time falls into 2 categories (the other 40% involving masturbating to some Irina's or Zoiz's pic or something):

Playing UO
Playing UO Forums

Now, you may say, "wtf lol fonis, you're a forum warrior!11!ELEVEN!"

While this is true, I have a job with much much free time that I may sit on my ass and fucking *earn* my $7 an hour. So I spend it here to quibble and bitch at stupid shit.

You, however, seem... misguided in your illusion that you transcend this "nerd" boundary. Apparently, you, the self-proclaimed non-nerds of UOG, have somehow become relatively forum-prevalent (and in-game prevalent), yet you don't consider yourselves geeks, nerds, or whatnot?

Wake up, bitches. You're not cool.
I seen some kid on the coast in a casino playin that game....or one just like it. He got nothin but prefect or good for like 5 mins. I couldnt beleive it, I was amazed someone could be that big of a nerd. I mean this kid had a bag with him,a towel, water bottles. I couldnt beleive it, total amusement lol.

I would proboally shit my pants if I saw that then give him a dollar bill.


Such uptight people in the world...OMG THIS PERSON USES A GAME THAT REQUIRES EXERCISE... I find enjoyment out of this game i meet new people and get a good work out.. so orisis i think its funny that you said *no he was prancing around on some mat infront of a tv.* well all i have to say is your a uptight bitch.. and saying i am a nerd lol yea look at me. Nerds dont have sixpacks, you might get a few people who do..But i play UO and DDR as a past time...


Earth_Crisis said:
I seen some kid on the coast in a casino playin that game....or one just like it. He got nothin but prefect or good for like 5 mins. I couldnt beleive it, I was amazed someone could be that big of a nerd. I mean this kid had a bag with him,a towel, water bottles. I couldnt beleive it, total amusement lol.

lol ever see that malcolm in the middle episode that had that game in it?

Hal and Craig were playing it

that was a funny ass episode.


Matt Foley said:
lol ever see that malcolm in the middle episode that had that game in it?

Hal and Craig were playing it

that was a funny ass episode.

malcolm the P.I.? if u meant that then he is THE detective you know ! :D

anyway, ppl start posting pics not talking about dance trance w/e


Matt Foley said:
lol ever see that malcolm in the middle episode that had that game in it?

Hal and Craig were playing it

that was a funny ass episode.

That was a bad ass ep, it wasn't ddr, but it was hella funny. Hal is the best one on that show.

Post pics damn it! Show us how l337 you are!



guess ill join in.

girlfriend and I..


I wish I had a g/f.... I'd get her to DDR with me, it'd be awesome... Nice though, I'll be getting a pic of fonis and his g/f later today. =)


Actually, I still remember what Irina looks like... Blonde Hair, looks older than 15.. actually, I still have her pic... I'll post it for you:

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