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"WhO flUnG dUnG" trying to mess up my faction vendors..had to teach him a lesson. *screenshots*


Once again, tk gets cuaght being a noob..

Like whoru? lol

I started that second fight with the same amount I did last fight as shown in Screenshot with my two screens. 55 of Ea reg, 16 of ea pot it usually lasts me one round, yes I was pulling in lots of stuns but burnt through my mana way to fast. With a set of 32 AR probably used because it was magic, only did so much it didn't matte when I needed to stun him the most when he was redlinned I never got it, fucking UO LOGIC.
you must be stupid. a macer mage like yourself does way more dmg than an alchy stun. unless he stuns you regularly he shouldnt be throwing to many pots. because if your any good your riding his ass with that mace which would mean hes being hit by his own pots as well. the downside to an alchy stun against a macer mage is that he needs stam to stun, your wep takes that stam from him on top of stupid dmg. you must have not learned much. now assuming he had like 30-35 refreshes then yea he should be stunning you and doing his combos with ease. your hits come more often than his pots if know much about swing speed and pot throwing. mechanics of uo must just not click in your head.

then on top of all that its not just any old mace your hitting him with its one that does almost 35-50 dmg per hit probably.

Your logic makes no since. All you do is troll kid. My char is a Tank mage (magery, resist, med, eval, anatomy, tactics, macing) 90 str 35 dexx 100 intel.... The only way I have to heal myself is with MAGERY ... Now let me break this down for you since you're not seeming to get it. When you're fighting a stun alchy mage, they are constantly throwing pots at you usually casting magic arrow, lightning, poisin, etc. If I was to have my wepon on "riding his ass" as you refer it.. I would be dead in a matter of seconds... From the beginning of the fight, I am having to heal all the way to the end, if he never runs out of explode pots... I am constantly being stunned... Another thing you don't understand is people on this server ALWAYS carry potions... In fact, when me and takeover were fighting, at the end of the fight, he still had a few refresh potions on his corspe and a few heal/cure etc. but the main thing you are trying to say is that I would be taking down his stamina and he couldn't stun... EHHH wrong again. Every time his stamina goes down, he chugs refresh(not takeover, just any alchy stun mage in general) .... and I am constantly being hit with explode pots having to heal myself 75% of any fight with an alchy stun... maybe 25% of the time, I am able to throw on my hammer (when I'm not healing myself, because if I stop for even a second to stop healing, thats where I fuck up and die) You obviously don't play a tank and it shows by your knowledge on the matter... I don't have healing on my char and the only way I can heal myself is with the hammer IN MY PACK and NOT EQUIPPED.... Like takeover said ... He landed a ton of stuns, just not always at the right time, just the luck of the draw... but he can stun over and over as long as he has plenty of refreshes. my char also has 35 dexx and 100 intel meaning I am mostly using magery ... I throw on hammer with explode up ... Any good alchy stun will precasting heal... I hit ... he heals... If i precast poisin, I hit, he chugs then heals... It is hard as hell to kill a decent pvper with a tank on here... because all they have to do is precast a heal or chug a cure... you try and act like you know what you're talking about but you don't. You (Black Sheep) has trolled every single thread I have ever posted on here for a few years now... All because I killed you a few times.. and you can't seem to get over it. You can go back and look at some of my old threads and this kid doesn't start trolling me and trying to "diss" the way I play until I kill him and call him out on his constant shit talk but not ever doing anything about it.

Now, are you starting to catch on?? Alchy mages put out a lot more dmg because they can constantly throw pots/stun throughout the whole fight even while healing, defense and offense, they can be throwing pots the entire time.... My build, for the most part, is only able to hit with hammer when I am playing offense. I have to heal with magery during defense so I am not able to equip hammer. And also ... do you have any idea how much dmg purples do when they are constantly being thrown at you with spells interupting ... Its hard to get a greater heal in, cuz u are being interupted and you have to have some fast mini heals to heal through an alchy dump, and if a stun lands, its even harder.

P.S. Quit trying to change the subject and doding my attempts to get you to 1v1. I will 5x you, 7x, whatever you want... but I don't play alchy... You can bring alchy or whatever build you want... But you WILL dodge this again and try and diss me on the way I play the game. Get a life, kid.
if a macer is chasing an alchy mage, doesnt necessarily mean he will be running pots into you, especially if you have footwork as an alchy mage
Also, if you use an agility pot, no matter how much stam he eats you will still get 1 stun attempt per refresh pot, so your stun attempts will not be faltered.
And, since he is wielding a weapon, you have a higher % chance of stun, so you will definitely be getting a lot of stuns.

But the best thing you can do is time your combo around a dexxers bandages. If he doesnt bandage, there should be no reason to die to a dexxer, unless you have no armor or hes using a vally. But once you know their timing of bandages, i just toss a poison in my combo right around 10 seconds into the dump and you'd be surprised how many bandaids are wasted on poisons.

And i would also go as far to say that reactive armor is more useful against dexxers than magic reflection is against mages.

But like ive said many times. Each template has a ceiling as to how good they can be. And being a mage has a much higher skill ceiling than being a great dexxer. But it is definitely a lot easier to reach the ceiling of being a dexxer than it is to being a mage, which is why being a dexxer is a very common template used by many new players.

I agree with your post but I'm not sure if you were talking about my template but if you were, that's not it. I don't have healing on my template. It's a tank mage (eval tank) my temp is : magery, eval, med, resist, mace, tacts, anatomy... 90 str, 35 dexx, 100 intel... Here's my temp on My UOGamers. http://my.uogamers.com/players/view.php?playerId=582974

What black sheep doesn't understand is that I don't have healing and I cannot equip my wepon the entire fight like he thinks I can because when explode potions are coming at me most of the fight, I have to heal with magery... and cannot equip my wepon. So that is what I meant when I said alchy stun mages put out more dmg than a warhammer does.


yea i know you dont have healing, but he was giving an overlay of what seemed to be a dexxer vs alchy mage fight.

and yea, over sustained fights an alchy stun mages will do the most damage.

however, quick bursts of 60+ hits can still be lethal coming from war hammers.
yea i know you dont have healing, but he was giving an overlay of what seemed to be a dexxer vs alchy mage fight.

and yea, over sustained fights an alchy stun mages will do the most damage.

however, quick bursts of 60+ hits can still be lethal coming from war hammers.

he knows my template. he is just trolling me. he's trolled every post I have posted in or made over the past few years because I killed him a couple times and posted it on forums... He just can't let go of the rage I guess.

And yea, I agree, hammers can be lethal... but with a good set of ar, you rarely ever get hits over 40hp ... it's when the armor starts breaking, you get the bigger hits... and I'm not saying tank mages are a bad template, I love it, but I just think that alchy stun is a very hard template to take on as a tank mage, especially on this shard. If it was pre:uor, it would be a whole diff. story but it's not and I mainly just play the template because I have fun playing it. I just don't understand where Black Sheep's logic comes from trying to say that my template is way overpowered and should be able to kill any alchy stun mage easily, he makes no damn since.... Because alchy mages put out a lot more dmg the entire fight... you have to be healing constantly, and for me against that char... I am only able to dump when the other chars runs completely out of mana and actually gives me a chance to play offense.
tbh i think your both retarded. mostly cause neither read what i said. i said if the guy carries enough refresh hell do his combos with ease. i also stated that your a macer mage which would imply that you do not have healing the skill. if you cant stay on a mage thats your problem. dont play a template thats about chasing someone if your going to complain that they are juking your ass and potting you down, your just bad.

ive played probably every template people can come up with that is even remotely feasible. and a macer mage is right at the top of the list with alchy stun and nox stun. the tactic to beat an alchy stun is simple chase his ass down, if hes potting play hit pots against him and just break los or offscreen. if youve been chasing him and failing it should be even easier to offscreen since he is already to far for you to hit him. the fact that you dont seem to know how to counter a template says loads about you.

maris knows how to pvp and counter most templates. ive known him for years and he even taught me alot of what i know about idocing when i first started. maris likes to troll me as much as i troll you. enjoy knowing that you may make a friend on this shard yet.


tbh i think your both retarded. mostly cause neither read what i said. i said if the guy carries enough refresh hell do his combos with ease. i also stated that your a macer mage which would imply that you do not have healing the skill. if you cant stay on a mage thats your problem. dont play a template thats about chasing someone if your going to complain that they are juking your ass and potting you down, your just bad.

im just saying, after beating a vast majority of what i felt as the top alchy dexxers, straight dexxers, or tank mages over the years, that being a stun alchy still has a ton of advantages on em. The only thing dexxers have going for is the potential for quick burst damage

ive played probably every template people can come up with that is even remotely feasible. and a macer mage is right at the top of the list with alchy stun and nox stun. the tactic to beat an alchy stun is simple chase his ass down, if hes potting play hit pots against him and just break los or offscreen. if youve been chasing him and failing it should be even easier to offscreen since he is already to far for you to hit him. the fact that you dont seem to know how to counter a template says loads about you.

a macer mage does do quite a bit of damage, but ive always been more cautious around axxers of any kind. Conc blows over stam loss, with the fact that most axes can do nearly the same damage as warhammers is a deadly combo.
But being able to run pots into someone isnt all skill. There are simply some people who are faster than you in FPS that will just out run you no matter what, and since you have to do the chasing you are already at the disadvantage because the guy you chase controls where you run to. I like to find a spot of 2 back to back trees and run in circles around that against dexxers, it just eats dexxers alive going 20 seconds without a single swing.

maris knows how to pvp and counter most templates. ive known him for years and he even taught me alot of what i know about idocing when i first started. maris likes to troll me as much as i troll you. enjoy knowing that you may make a friend on this shard yet.

i have known you for years. and you and i have had lots of great times idocing. but then for whatever reason you started hating me, and i havent talked to you since.

And im not trolling you. I just like the fact this Inferno Blaze guy can actually create pvp and it looks to be doing something for the 1v1 scene. Idk why everyone jumps on his ass because of the templates he plays or how he treats other people. I dont know him enough to make any judgements about him, other than the fact hes made a thread in the pvp section thats causing a lot of action to stir up.

cant we all just get along, and play each other competitively for mils in best of 3 alchy or field?
Anthony Pijanowski 11:25 pm
LOL fat little nerd

Bryan Hodges 11:25 pm
you just admitted to it

Anthony Pijanowski 11:25 pm
nigga i have my name
goolge it bitch

Bryan Hodges 11:25 pm
you a nobody bro

Anthony Pijanowski 11:25 pm
id whoop ur faggot little ass all over the place
Anthony Pijanowski 11:25 pm
who are u
whats ur name?

Bryan Hodges 11:25 pm
id fuck u up irl just like i do in game

Anthony Pijanowski 11:25 pm
where have u fought?
i got cridentials bitch
Bryan Hodges 11:26 pm
you talking about how you would fight me irl u so raged

Anthony Pijanowski 11:26 pm
ive ever met
lol no just sayn i would, cuz i like little bitches like u.. have no lives and no respect irl so u sit around on a game where u think ur top dog when ur really just top bitch,
id whoop u in game too, u just wanna sit on a boat and cry
Anthony Pijanowski 11:31 pm
damn man ur right u are top dog man, lockin out the vendors. ooooooo wow big boy!!
lol going around days?
Wow lol look at this.. had fun editing a convo?? look at this u can tell where u cut copied and pasted lol.. half the shit is missing context and making no sense.. U never asked for alink bro.. and i must be famous or something cuz my fan mail pileing up and ur hate mail is topping it off brah.. cant keep up with all ur posts. must have alot of time eating cheetos and sitting infront of a comp screen.. <3 ya bro i love all my haters.. ooo BTW found ur vendors thanks for the regs.. u forgot to move taxes back up ;)
probably taking the cake for the last 2. and maris i never stopped talking to you. you just got all greedy for awhile, you wouldnt help the people who timed stuff just showed up to the idocs and placed then left. i had to kick ya from the guild cause of it or whatever happened. whatever i did must have made you and brennan mad enough to attempt to scam my skull totem.


probably taking the cake for the last 2. and maris i never stopped talking to you. you just got all greedy for awhile, you wouldnt help the people who timed stuff just showed up to the idocs and placed then left. i had to kick ya from the guild cause of it or whatever happened. whatever i did must have made you and brennan mad enough to attempt to scam my skull totem.
i didnt get greedy, i just couldnt time idocs anymore, not enough time. And there were too many people in the guild already looking for idocs and shit lol. But yeam, i did just show up and place most of the big plots. Back then i was a pretty good placer...

and idk what happened about your totem, brennon jacked it and he said you got it back some how lol