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What does your nickname mean?

Windows Dark

What does your nickname mean?


My nickname means:

OMG! Wtf?? I really don't know what.... its just a retarded nickname :'(

I wanna know about yours ;P.


Re: What does your nickname mean?

My nickname... its pretty self explanitory. My vehicle of choice is my jeep, and its not a speed demon.


Re: What does your nickname mean?

I don't know really. Ever since I've been online I've always had some nickname in relation to pandas. I've made many random words and such....Its just a weird thing.


Re: What does your nickname mean?

They call me Smiley just cuz I smile alot. Some call me 5. (Banned from a mall for five years :( lol.
Re: What does your nickname mean?

Kill 'em All = Metallica's first (and best) album
CFH = Cowboys from Hell = Pantera's only good album

Since I made this name, I've deeply broadened my music knowledge and would most likely choose a different name now, but I've used KillemallCFH for so long for basically everything that requires a user name, so I'm probably not going to change it any time soon.

Scorpio X

Re: What does your nickname mean?

I'm a Scorpio irl, which is where my name started. On hybrid I had a blue tank/hybrid/mage thing named Scorpio then I decided to make a red and wanted something "pk'ish" so I named him Skorpio. From there a few people called me gothic and a "dark scorpio" and so I started using Dark Skorpio.


Re: What does your nickname mean?

Well... when i first got internet (AOL hehe) i had to set up my email.. so i thuaght of kool emails and i came up with chaotic spartan. that became my name on my online games such as uo and d2. then after exhausting all the combos of this like Spartan, spartanX chaoticspartan etc... i made a new char on an old shard of uo called Junkyman. It was based off the the song by rancid, yet i missspelled it like an idiot.. since then i use Junkyman for alot of game nicks and forum nicks...

thats my nickname history...
Re: What does your nickname mean?

well i think i've told this story before but...

I was hunting paragons with a friend once, balrons to be exact, and I went up on the alter kinda thing and started to use the UO action Dance thing, and a paragon balron spawned! I did the same thing for the next 3 spawn, and they were all paragons! Since then, the name stuck.


Re: What does your nickname mean?


I was looking at my cordless phone when it was time for me to enter in a forum name. Yes, I know, I am very creative. :rolleyes:
Re: What does your nickname mean?

A Dingus is pretty much a spaz, but not as annoying and a little more clever.

Oh, and pariah...astrology??!!?

Scorpio X

Re: What does your nickname mean?

Dingus-demise;227445 said:
A Dingus is pretty much a spaz, but not as annoying and a little more clever.

Oh, and pariah...astrology??!!?
Yeah, my zodiac is Scorpio.
Re: What does your nickname mean?

Eskeshehir is from this book a buddy of mine read once. I kinda jacked up his name when he stopped playing UO because it sounds boss

The Beef

Re: What does your nickname mean?

I was in high school, it was April 15th, tax day....McDonald was running a special deal, Cheeseburgers for 39 cents and Hamburgers for 29 cents....so i decided to make some money....I cut 4th period, went to McDonalds and bought 20 of each....returned to school and sold them for $1 each....they sold really fast, and once I realized I had made $35 in profit, I decided to skip 5th period and do it again for the later lunch periods....so I went and got 20 more of each....this time though, some kids knew i was coming and when I walked in carrying those bags, someone yelled, "Wheres the Beef?"(which is from a Wendys commercial) and someone else yelled, "He just came in"....its a dumb story, but I made $70 that day and the name stuck