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The Wolf clan History

Two Wolves

Townie speaks for the Wolf Clan

Some may have noticed a man popping in and out around the West Brit Bank. The people of the Wolf Clan call him Townie, but his actual name is not known. For some time now he has been acting as emissary, translator, supplier and some say servant of the Clan, others say leech.

Before, the natives were giving away their gold and were unable to identify the properties of items found on slain monsters. Townie has helped tremendously to normalize trade with Oakford and with merchants and bulk buyers in Brit. He examines these items and decides what to keep handy and what to sell. Due to the clansmen's pernicious nature and the constant search for meat this has left the Longhouse over-supplied with raw materials, lumber, hides and feathers. Bankers can deed bulk commodities yes, but how do you get three thousand hides or five thousand boards from the remote wilderness to the city?

This is where some of Townie's abilities come in handy. He loads what he can on his back and uses the means of magical travel that are shun by all good Chipewyan. Some tedious work yet, but until it can be discovered how to get packhorses to survive in the wilderness without going feral or the bankers will authorize foreign signing of commodity deeds, this method will have to suffice.

Townie has taken it upon himself to "hold onto" the gold on behalf of the tribe in his private bank box, otherwise it would be just laying around the lodge. He as accumulated a nice little fortune for himself. Scholar or scoundrel he should tread lightly or end up with his head on a spike and his heart on the altar.

... next is Silver Wolf Lonesome Journey (saga) then "Brink of Destruction"

Two Wolves

CrazyWolf, cousin of Two Wolves

CrazyWolf is a tantric warrior. Whenever he senses combat is near he enters the spirit world and goes berserk, attacking with a ravenous ferocity and total lack of regard for his own life. CrazyWolf was one of the first to leave the home camp of the Wolf Clan and enter exile, following on the trail of the tribal Elder Naga Wolf. Naga was afraid of this, because if Two Wolves found CrazyWolf before Naga could break his dreamquest, it was likely that CrazyWolf would fall under his sway. CrazyWolf has always fancied himself the primogenitor heir apparent for the position of tribal war leader. But he is too unstable to lead.

Despite his compulsive bloodlust CrazyWolf is a superb and patient hunter. He will Hide, then Track his pray, while moving silently with the utmost Stealth. When in range he then strikes out with a lightning fast Spear attack, using Grand Master skill. CrazyWolf may not rise to be war leader, but is a very strong candidate for hunt leader. Others may know better the Lore of the Animals, but he can feel and smell their motion.

Two Wolves

White Wolf, the Elder

White Wolf is the eldest member of the Wolf Clan. His exact age is not known by any. In his advanced years White Wolf no longer participates in the hunt, but remains vigorous in other pursuits that provide for his many children. It is a surprise that he survived the journey from the Wolf Clan main camp to resettle with Naga and the tribe in exile in the Shire of Oakford.

White Wolf is woodwise, tracks animals, knows some special technique for harvesting logs from trees without injuring them, crafts bow and arrow, sews hides into clothing and armor and acts as primary council to Naga.

White Wolf is also the caretaker of the vast tribal oral history tradition. His presence is a great boon for all the young Scouts and Braves, Warriors and Bear Fighters, Seers and Shaman, Healers and Elders, Squaws and Wise Women; those who have managed to find their way to us here, far away from our home camp. May the spirit of the Great Father guide them safely to our shelter by the woods and by the flashing sea in the shadow of the tall tower of Oakford.

Two Wolves

Whispering Wolf

Whispering Wolf once resided in a village outside of brit. Where the relationship of the tribes men and the white eyes was relativily peaceful. Now that she is older she wants to make a difference. She left her village and family behind. As she traveled long and far on this journey she ran into an unfimilar face amongst her race named Night wolf. In her quest to make a difference Night Wolf spoke of the shire of oakford and told her she could make her new home there. Whispering wolf relized that the shire of oakford was just not for the tribes men but for the white eyes as well. Her family never had problems with the white eyes where she live but knowing this was unusual for the rest of the tribes men she could not help but wonder if this was the right path for her. Whispering Wolfs dreams and visions is for the white eyes and wolf clan to eventual become one and put the dark and hatered pass behind them. Within her mind she relized the path she must take. She must accept this journey that her gods laid before her so these two groups can live as one. So future generations do not have to experience the same path of darkness and hatered which some of us choose to follow.

Two Wolves

Path of the Shaman, a chant by White Wolf


The Shaman is the spiritual conduit between the World of the living and the realm of the Spirits. They are critical as they assist the tribal Elders by communing directly with the spirits of our ancestors. It is through channeling the power of the ancestral spirits that the Shaman exhibits their seeming magical abilities. The results are similar in appearance to those achieved by practice of the archaic and demonic occult power pursued by the scholars of the White-Eyes. Ours is an animistic, spiritual force derived from communion with our ancestors and the beings of nature.

The Creed of the Wolf Clan forbids open displays of mystical power, as we prefer to keep our rituals secret and safe from the eyes of the profane. The occasions that call for the skills of the Shaman are, blessing and protecting tribesmen before the hunt, healing and curing tribesman during the hunt, private displays of mystical power during Clan ceremonies and rituals, communicating with the spirits of the dead and resurrection of the dead.

Offensive chants are reserved for calling upon ancestral spirits to driving off monsters and evil spirits that are threatening fellow tribesmen. It is forbidden to call on the spirits to kill animals during the hunt. Animals must be killed properly and respectfully so that their spirit will return in peace to the forest and become an animal again. If not, they will become angry ghosts and haunt the forest or our hunting lodge. It has not yet been discussed in council how or whether the spirits should be called on in the event of war. The White-Eyes already fear and hate us and drive us out of the World were ever they find us. However; if we make war on men it will at least be with the honor that we give an animal, for the time being.

The animistic gifts of protection, healing, calling lighting and fire, summoning animals and shape shifting are not forbidden, they are sacred and the inheritance of the Children of the Wolf who take the path of the Shaman. Only the most powerful and most pious Shaman can guide the spirit to be reunited to the body of our slain kinsman. This is the mark of the highest sacred order, the Spirit Walker.


Silver Wolf, Beginnings...

I have been lost for so long I cannot remember all of my past… My name is Silver Wolf – a name given to me by my adoptive family of ‘white-eyes’. My foster mother enjoyed telling the story of how I was brought to her by a silver wolf bitch, whilst she was gathering kindling in the forest near their home; weeks after a mighty earthquake. She told how I toddled up to her clinging to the wolf’s ruff for support, and that the creature neither growled at me nor snarled at my foster mother. She stood in shock as the animal licked my tearstained face and nudged me towards her before disappearing into the forest once again. I remember this.

I remember my real mother and father – we had been separated from the tribe for a few moon cycles - and then came the earthquake… It seemed like the entire world would shake apart – our wigwam collapsed and my mother could not walk after this. I remember sitting by her side in the ruins of our home as she keened in pain. My father did not come to comfort her… Ogres an Orcs came instead…

I remember my mother stifling her screams long enough to thrust me beneath the collapsed wigwam as she heard the slobbering monsters advancing from the trees. When they were done with her all that was left was a bloody smear in the dirt and her wrenching shrieks of pain echoing in my ears. I vaguely remember a cold nose nudging me and a warm rough tongue licking at my face.

I slept in the wolves den for some time, but the creatures must have known I could not survive long in their care. After a few days and nights the alpha bitch nosed me awake and gently gripped my small forearm in her jaws. I remember gazing into her golden eyes, thinking I saw sorrow there... and then being led through the forest to the white-eyes, clinging onto the warm fur of my savior.


Silver Wolf, Prayers Answered

I lived with my foster family of ‘white-eyes’ in their isolated hut for many seasons. Though plagued by the loss of my family, I grew strong and tall. My foster mother did her best to tame down my wild inclinations, but had little success in keeping me from spending my days wandering the woods like a nymph. Although both the white eyes tried to care for me and show me love, I must confess I was aloof and kept my feelings for them distant. Though I did care for my new family in a way – I knew they were not my people and longed for a connection to my own kind. Daily I beseeched the Gods to re-unite me with my true family, and wandering the forest I searched in vain for signs of their passing.

It is said that when you ask the gods for a favor, the answer to your prayer may make you regret the asking. I have found this to be true.

Although I wandered far afield during the day – sometimes even sleeping in the woods, as a youth I still depended upon my foster family for sustenance and shelter. I disdained their support; even as I relied on the food and refuge they provided me. In my constant requests to be free of them I neglected to consider the consequences of this plea. I returned from a walkabout of several days, hungry and worn from my wanderings. As I drew closer to the hut I noticed a foul odor lingering in the air – and an unnatural stillness in the woods. Not the smallest creature stirring, and no sounds of cheery work greeted my homecoming. All was grimly silent, and as I approached I could see the brutal devastation wrought on the simple hut I had called home for so long. My breath caught, heart hammering in my breast as I rounded the last bend in the trail and took in the full and awful scene…


Silver Wolf, Consequences

The hut was a pile of rubble, the livestock torn asunder and rent into bloody chunks across the field. My white-eye mother’s flayed corpse was draped across the remains of the threshold, arms spread wide in a mocking welcome of my return. She died with a scream frozen on her now skinless face. My white-eye father had died fighting – he had been pounded to a jelly-like pulp for his efforts to save the hut. A few Orc corpses lay in the farmyard; they too were defiled – looted by their own kind after the murder of my foster family was complete.

Monsters – I began to retch uncontrollably as the thick smell of Orcs and coppery scent of blood assaulted my senses. From the back of the rubble pile that had been the hut I heard a muttered moan – the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I crouched – instinctively searching for some kind of weapon to protect myself from whatever this threat might be. Sticking out from beneath the Orc corpse closest to me was a blood-coated dagger – I grunted, straining to shift the loathsome creature’s weight enough to free the blade. At that slight sound the muttering became louder, and now I recognized it as an Ogre’s repugnant vocalizations of pain. I crept forward, keeping low to the ground - clutching the clotted blade in my hand in a white-knuckled grip.

As I rounded the corner of the hut I could see the wounded creature lying against the remains of the rear wall of the hut. The Ogre was small and spindly for one of his kind, and it looked as though the Orcs had repaid him well for his efforts to participate in their raid. He had been impaled upon a timber from the hut and clearly would not survive. Although the disgusting beast was no further threat, I stalked forward – teeth bared, fairly growling with venomous hatred for all the violence done this day. Though it sniveled and begged still I plunged the dagger into its throat – feeling my anger dull as the blood gushed over my hands.

In the silence that followed, I heard the plaintive howl of a wolf from the forest – then others joined its lonely wail, and as the sound cut thorough me I considered the unthinkable: This was the answer to my prayers. The horrible realization struck me and I fell to my knees. I had begged the Gods to free me from the bonds of this white-eye family – childishly pleading for the freedom to be reunited with my people… Never considering the possible consequences of my desperate pleas.


Silver Wolf, Searching

I dimly recall scrounging through the ruins of the homestead for anything of value before striking out on my own with an empty and aching heart. I wanted to renounce the Gods and curse the Totem Spirits of my people, but in my soul I knew it was my own selfish appeals that had brought me to this dark place. The following months were a blur – I cannot recall how I survived in the wilderness or what I subsisted upon. I wandered alone – never finding any trace of my people – outcast and isolated. It was as though the tribes had ceased to exist apart from my hazy memories. I refused to meditate or seek the Gods’ guidance - I would not commit myself to what I deemed harsh and brutal deities.

Eventually I found myself on the outskirts of a large settlement of white-eyes. I scavenged from their rubbish heaps, living like an animal in the forest bordering the town. When I did venture into the streets under the cover or darkness, I kept to myself, neither engaging others in conversation nor answering the greetings I seldom received. This was my way, until the day I heard a white-eye speak the name of one of the tribes of my people – I could not believe my ears. A man from the Shire of Oakford spoke of the Wolf Clan – newly arrived in those lands, few in number but prospering, and great of heart. I crept away to consider this news – my mind reeled… Could my search be over? My people finally found?


Silver Wolf, Contact

I watched these men of the Oakford Shire from the shadows, for one full cycle of the moon. In their dealings with the townsfolk they were just, and they seemed to offer advice and support to young warriors and mages alike. As the Shire was many leagues distant from the town of Britain they generally arrived and departed using ‘moongates’ a magical form of travel that was strange and shocking to my eyes. I had never before seen a human step into such a thing and simply vanish! Truly this was powerful sorcery these white-eyes possessed, yet they did not to abuse their fellows – rather helping both themselves and newcomers with their strong spellcraft. Perhaps these white-eyes could lead me to the Wolf Clan of which they had spoken.

I resolved to approach one of the people of the shire and long considered which white-eye to which I should appeal. It seemed to me that one of their number, Kefka by name, most often performed the ritual accompanying the appearance of their moongates. If he were their shaman, the wielder of this powerful magic – then it was to Kefka that I must present my request.

I waited until the people of Oakford next appeared at the town, arriving through the glowing portal, as was their usual habit. Once the magical gate had vanished and Kefka strode away I darted from the nearby alley intent upon catching his attention before he disappeared into one of the many shops in Britain. He must have seen my sudden rush from the corner of his eye, as he whirled to face me before I came within a dozen paces. Rather than barking a challenge however, he simply watched me – waiting as I stumbled to a halt before him.


Silver Wolf, Expected

As I stood before him and drew my breath to make my request, the white-eye Kefka spoke. "You must be Silver Wolf." Astonished I replied, "How do you know this, when I have not ever spoken with you before?" "One of the tribal elders of the Wolf Clan - Naga Wolf by name; has told me of an old Wolf Clan Squaw visited by premonitions… visions of your arrival here in Britain, seeking your people.
You are expected, lost young one – should you decide to follow me through the moongate, all your questions will be answered." He regarded me silently for a moment more, and then performed the brief spell to summon the magical gate. As the portal came into view Kefka gestured towards it's blue glow, his expression half amusement, half challenge. I flashed him a defiant glare – I would not show fear of his strange sorcery! Heart racing, I stepped towards the gate and into the unknown - hoping against hope to meet my people once again…

Two Wolves

Silver Wolf accepted...

Expecting to push through the blue field like a heavy blanket Silver Wolf rushed forward palms out, but found herself tumbling forward and landing face down in an entirely new location. The portal deposited Silver Wolf in the middle of a paved causeway right in the center of The Shire of Oakfird, in front of the Town Hall main entrance, between the Rune Library and the menacing fortress constructed by the returning Shire Rebels lead by Sauron. He is the force behind the Dragon Attacks!

Kefka: "What a dramatic entrance!" Kefka, the wise and enigmatic time mage gets Silver Wolf back on her feet. "I will take you to see Naga in the clan Longhouse where the Wolf Clan tribal family shelters communally, then return to my studies in the Rune Library Tower."

Silver Wolf strained her neck to watch the towers retreat as Kefka pushed her along by the shoulders out away from the tightly packed village, deep into a secluded area at the edge of the forest. They passed by a sitting area surrounding a fire pit with bits of chard bone and the remnants of a flayed carcass smoldering, being tugged at by a brown wolf welp. The ground around that area has been tamped down into hardpack, evidence of all the foot traffic that comes with this being a social center for commerce between the Shire men and the Wolf Clan people.

It attracts many friendly visitors, but sadly also betrays the location of a timbre structure that would otherwise easily be concealed nearby. Sadly because the Wolf Clan inhabitance of the Longhouse would prefer solitude. But they are menaced by atrocities - murderers and vandals who enter the lodge, disturb what they can and kill whomever they find toiling or sleeping at the time. During the daytime, it is usually safe because of the presence of what men-at-arms the Shire has also keeps an eye on the visitors to the fire circle and the Longhouse.

This was all unbeknownst to Silver Wolf as she was brought before the Elder Chieftain Naga Wolf. That the troubles of the Longhouse were the troubles of the people of the Shire of Oakford and that she would figure into the struggle to reunite the people of the Wolf Clan from whom she had been herself separated for most of her life.

Naga: "Kefka spoke the truth. My visitation was in the form of an insane old hag who came to us out of the forest. She does not appear to be of the Wolf Clan, yet she is distinctly of our tribe and knows our dress, our ways, our customs. White Wolf has not been yet able to find a limit to her knowledge of Wolf Clan legends and she seems to have profound sacred knowledge of all our ceremonies and rituals.

We have accepted her into our family though her origins are not clear, her madness is considered holy. Since her time with us she has prophesied a great many things, of them your coming here to us. She is called Wolf Blood and you are to be bound to her. You are crude in your speech and in your manors now, but Wolf Blood will take on the task of tutoring you in the language and ways of your original people."

Silver Wolf transformed from a starving urchin and grew in strength quickly into a fine hunter and warrior. She walks as a shinning example of Wolf Clan traditional practice, in all ways but one. Silver Wolf has taken to openly wearing metal armor. Though her quarks are accepted at large, this is shunned by the hunting parities and Silver Wolf resorts to having to face the stigma and peril of hunting alone.
Night Wolf, The Brink of Destruction

Night Wolf has grown content defeating the great black horse. She seems to have Prevailed in the fight within. For the past few moons she has been working with Vador "A master in the art of war and member of A51" and Oneoclock "a War lord him self" on techniques and when to release the harvest energy in side. This is a very advanced technique amongst the white eye in which they release their energy and with the intent to break the concentration of their opponent as well as gaining the desired effect of the enchantment. Night Wolf spends all of her time trying to perfect this, from the time she wakes till way past the falling of the sun.

It is early morning as Night Wolf awakes Night Wolf "The red sun rises, blood has been spilled this night". As she approaches the town hall of Oakford she sees a group of Oakford white eye and Naga Wolf conversing. Naga Wolf seems troubled. Failing to notice the distant presence of Night wolf they continue their conversation. SGT. Griffen "These attacks have become an every night occurrence. Oakford does not Have the strength nor the experience in war to defend against these attacks. Last night they stormed in with Four of the Foulest beast I’ve ever seen. Many of our men were lost, and their efforts were meaningless for the enemy lines still hold strong. If they would have pressed forward last night oakford With out a doubt would have been taken".

SGT. Griff "We need any and all Indians capable of fighting, for the final battle to night." Naga Wolf "The Wolf clan are hunters not warriors. Very few are capable of battle, and the ones who are lack experience. Night wolf is one of the few who has trained for such a day, but she is just a young girl struggling in her adventure as she matures into to a young lady. This is a fight we can not win." SGT. Griffen "WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE ME DO? COWER INTO THE JUNGLE AND BE HUNTED DOWN ONE BY ONE!"

Two Wolves

Naga speaks:

Chief Griffen, of course the lives of our Braves and Bear Fighters are in your hands because we have made a pact for mutual protection and the common defense and we shall honor this agreement. We have incorporated the defense or your beloved Shire into our family creed as part of the third pillar.

*The Creed of the Wolf Clan that all members swore an oath to live by
First, we honor the spirit of our Great Father – by keeping favor with the gods of nature.
We do not hunt the Wolf or Eagle, we protect these, they are sacred to our people.
We do not eat the meat or take the feathers of the raven or the crow - it is a bad omen
They bear the souls of the dead and are messengers of the Great Father.
We do not kill animals wantonly or to make sport but only what we use for meat and hides.
We do not waste anything, take all we can from any animal that is killed by others or by Clan.

Second we must honor the spirits of our ancestors - these things are to be observed.
We avoid burdening ourselves with helms, gloves, metal armor and carrying excessive gold.
We avoid hunting alone and being seen venturing into the cities of the White-Eyes.
We avoid reliance on magical means of travel, when possible Clan will run in a pack - on foot.
We avoid strong drink and open displays of mystical power – keeping our rituals secret.

Third, we honor the ways and treaties of the Wolf Clan.
The Clan performs the Ritual Hunt, using five bows and one spear during each newmoon.
The Clan is at one with nature - the evidence of this is animals will come and fight by our side.
The Clan is at peace with the men of the Shire of Oakford and we will make honorable trades.
The Clan will defend the people of Oakford and those traveling peacefully through the Shire -
They are welcome to our campfire and into our Longhouse.

Naga continues:
The Wolf Clan Braves do not have the armaments to fight alongside Oakford warriors. Neither will they be able to follow marshal orders, but must fight together, the way they hunt, like the wolf pack with one War Leader. Two Wolves must not lead. He can not. He was much admired and influential over the Youngbloods as War Leader but he is corrupt and breaks the pillars of the creed.

You will have your fighters from the Wolf Clan, but this calls for wisdom from our ancestors. The first people will provide us with council if we are faithful and remember how to perform the Blood Ritual. The Blood Ritual will be performed tonight and we shall see what the ghost of the supplicant will have to say when they speak to us through him, from the World of the Dead.

Naga Wolf retires with White Wolf and Wolf Blood to gather the family, bring out the masks and robes and cast bones to see who will be sacrificed.

Two Wolves

Take pity upon me and give back my soul.

Just as the last light of dusk fails, all the clan has gathered: Naga Wolf, Crazy Wolf, White Wolf, Stealth Wolf, Forest Wolf, Night Wolf, Silver Wolf, Iron Wolf, Little Wolf, Shadow Wolf all but Wolf Blood and Two Wolves. While the clan drums and builds the campfire, Wolf Blood is in isolation performing the divination of the supplicant. Two Wolves makes his own preparations for war, now following the manner of his White-Eyes brothers-in-arms, Rus, Fernege, Emil-Lordswe, Hydro, Kefka and Sgt. Griffen.

The camp wolf lingers near to Naga Wolf and starts to howl. The call is answered, then joined by six more timber wolves. They approach the campfire causing the night to blaze with their eyes all around.

Wolf Blood emerges from the Longhouse with a shout. She dances in the ancient style, toe-heal with her head bowed assuming an animalistic aspect with the medicine robe and bear mask. This posture announces the reading of the bones is complete. Once in the center of the circle, Wolf Blood reaches into the fire and produces an effigy from a silk bag. There are loud shouts and yells and Silver Wolf jumps to her feet bravely, because the figure resembles her with her satin braids.

Silver Wolf follows Wolf Blood back into the Longhouse, to be prepared… for death.

The pace of the drumming picks-up and the circling wolves enter the light of the campfire and now attend to Naga Wolf making submissive barks and yelps. Naga Wolf stands to recite the story of the first people who set out in search of the sunrise and how they became the forefathers of the Wolf Clan.

Meanwhile Silver Wolf in preparation, is lead into a dark area to change into the white ceremonial robes. Her nerves are not calmed by the croaky voice of Wolf Blood's council.

Wolf Blood chanting:

Meditate on Taikomol, Solitude-walker
the creator, who began
as a voice in the sea foam
then rose up in human form

Who established the First World
by laying the cross of the four winds
over the black waters
He will guide your spirit

into communion with our ancestors
the First People, take their council
most importantly, answer my call
use the eagle feather, pray to safely return

You will meet many spirits. Do not falter -
for if you do you will fall,
prey unto perils far worse
than you've encountered before

Wolf Blood leads Silver Wolf back into the ceremonial fire circle with the sacred eagle feather clasped between her palms. Then the ritual suddenly takes a savage turn.

Two Wolves

the trial of Silver Wolf

… the ritual suddenly takes a savage turn.

The drumming stops. Silver Wolf stands tall before Naga Wolf in the biting silence not knowing what is about to be unleashed. With faith in the strength of the supplicant, Naga holds high the sacred blade, darkened by the Deadly Poison that will help speed the chosen vessel into the world of the dead. The chant of transformation whips up the attending wolves and they start in howling and circling Naga Wolf as he is changed into the form of a wolf and joins the pack. One of the wolves breaks from the circle and hits Silver Wolf creating a terrible wound. The rest of the pack now starts circling Silver Wolf, their howls and yelps give way to snarls and the low rumble of growling.

The first wound is deep but Silver Wolf maintains discipline. As the blood starts to show through the robe where she was bitten on the side, something new starts to set in. The venom from the bite was the Deadly Poison on Naga Wolf's ceremonial dagger. Silver Wolf is wracked with extreme pain. Sensing weakness the rest of the gathered wolves now attacks Silver Wolf in frenzy. The drumming starts again at fever pitch. Silver Wolf starts to convulse, but she keeps the Eagle Feather and dances around the fire. The wolves start to try to bring her down for the kill but the powerful spasms send the ones latched onto her arms sailing. She is hit again by the Venom Wolf and finally collapses. The wolf pack rushes in, but the Venom Wolf snaps and holds them back from tearing her apart.

The drumming stops again. The only sound is the whining of the wolf pack as they try to outflank the one that is hoarding their kill. Wolf Blood, still in the bear mask - pushes through next to the campfire where Silver Wolf fell. She makes offerings and prayers, and asks for forgiveness, as is the tradition with hunters who make a kill. She then prays to the spirit of Silver Wolf and asks her to show herself. With that she takes a log still burning from the fire pit and smashes the cinders. A whirling cascade of shining embers shoot upward and in the smoke is revealed a ghostly image. Kneeling next to Silver Wolf's body before the fire, Wolf Blood chants and makes contact with the netherworld, "anh`mi saha-koyo". She then commands the ghost to speak…

Two Wolves

Wolf Clan prepared for war

From the voice of the spirit itself comes a message from the first people. Wisdom for what needs to be and what will come to pass. The meaning of the message, the journey of the wraith of Silver Wolf and the many spirits that she encountered on her way to meet her ancestors is another story to tell. But the task is not over and there are more risks involved because the one who is to call Silver Wolf back to the World of the Living is untested.

Night Wolf, wears the horns of authority and dresses in black leather because she survived the dreamquest to hunt the Nightmare Horse. For all her power, it is love and piety that will guide the spirit back to the source of the silver cord. Taking her queue, Night Wolf stands with confidence and begins the most sacred of all shamanistic miracles, resurrection of the dead.

Though all aspects of the type of purity of spirit required for this task go against every part of Night Wolf's nature, she again demonstrates an uncanny ability to accomplish all things she sets her will against, no matter the peril. As she gestures, she seems to take command of the smoke from the fire pit. It starts to turn and boil, then starts to descend – covering the ground. First Naga Wolf appears, then the wolf pack departs; he thanks and dismisses each one in turn. There is sobbing. Silver Wolf is alive, but she is gravely injured. Everybody rushes in to the middle of the campfire circle and starts bandaging her wounds.

As soon as her strength returned, Silver Wolf raised up holding the eagle feather that traveled with her into the spirit world. Everybody cheers and honors this powerful token. That is when she starts to realize that the memories of what she said and what she had seen in the underworld was starting to fade, then was gone. It will take many visits to Wolf Blood the witch, to be able to recover the memories and the full meaning of her experiences in the World of the Dead.

The ceremony is a triumph and is almost complete. Naga Wolf announces that Night Wolf now will be granted the title of Spirit Walker for the demonstration of her mastery of spiritual power. Silver Wolf has earned the title Bear Fighter and will lead the war party because of her bravery in the face of death. Naga Wolf concludes the ceremony by making a "cross of the four winds" amulet and praying to the four winds, thanking the spirits for protecting and guiding Silver Wolf on her dangerous journey.

Silver Wolf, still wearing the blood soaked robes leads a precession back into the Longhouse to the alter of ancestors where her eagle feather is put in a place of prominence. The family sits to feast and council. There are many meetings that night as with a new Spirit Walker and a new War Leader, the Wolf Clan is now prepared for war. The Elders council with Silver Wolf on the interpretation of the message from the ancients and Silver Wolf councils the other Scouts and Braves on her strategy on how to take the Dragon Masters by surprise and use their battle tower against them.
Night Wolf, It has begun

Night Wolf visits with her friends and allies Vader, Oneoclock, and hero if Oakford was ever in need of aid from its friends, the time is now. Oakford call for aid. After a long debate it is agreed the battle harden war loads will come to the aid of Oakford. They start rearranging position of the Oak troops, and planning the counter strike. Vader "The best defense is our offense, we will strike at dawn and end this".

Night wolf " I will scout the enemy before the strike". Night Wolf sets off. She manages to reach the out skirts of the enemies camp. In her surprise She realizes they have began to pull out and many have already left the camp. Night Wolf "They have pulled out, we have won with out a fight".

Now they set in the Oak tower at the grandest feast ever thrown in Oakford before in Horner Of The three warriors (Vader, Oneoclock, And hero) Stg Griff " A toast to the friends of Oakford".

Meanwhile the Wolf clan celebrates in there traditional way. Night Wolf "Naga Wolf I know it is over and we have prevailed, but There has been a growing shadow and threat with in my mind sense the beginning of this evening. It is not safe."

The ground starts to rumble under the faint sound of chanting (WMD, WMD, WMD.......). The shire begins to burn, The best warriors in the shire caught of guard falls one by one to the endless wraith of these war lords. Night Wolf " We must retreat to the forest. This is a battle we can not win. To the forest and we will live to fight another day". The wolf clan return to Oakforn the next morning. The ground stained red with the blood of their friends and allies. Night Wolf "I swear as long as there is breath in this body they will pay for what they have done!"

To be continued...........
Night Wolf, Twist of fate

Night wolf is the only one left alive who has successfully uttered the enchantment, resurrection. She starts with her kin working her way to the members of Oakford, then to their allies. Many hours has past and Night wolf is very tired she retires for the night.

Night Wolf is awoken by the rumbling ground and the chanting (WMD, WMD, WMD...........). recognizing this, she prepares for battle. Night wolf teams up in a war band with Oneoclock and vader. The sky is light with the flames of the burning houses as WMD clashes with her unit. They manage to wiled off the WMD unit. Just minutes later comes a second wave from the enemy. The sound of swords clashing is over Whelming. One of the WMD leaders fall to the ground and they begin to retreat. Night Wolf begins to chase the retreating unit. Vader "No, we must tend to the wounded". Oneoclock "the victory is ours". Vader "I will return i must get supplies from town".

Oakford with their guards let down does not anticipate WMD to come back so soon after such a brutal defeat. This is what WMD was counting on as they storm into Oakford for the 3rd time. This time in the absence of Vader Night Wolf and their war band is missing a point man. This makes the battle extremely difficult. After several minutes of toe to toe fighting she sees oneoclock fall to the ground. Extremely out numbered Night Wolf chooses to continue fighting. She is unable to leave her kin to their deaths. So exhausted she can barely pull back her bow. From the flank come another WMD unit. After several blows Night Wolf falls to her knees. To fatigue to get back up, one Of the WMD commander stands before her they call her Crackwhore. Crackwhore "Foolish little girl did you really think you were our equal! Now it's time to die". Crackwhore begins to draw her weapon. Just then she hears a familiar enchantment as the ground between them lights up with fire. A new fight has broken out around her and Crackwhore begins to pull back. As Night Wolfs eyes began to blacken she looks upon the one who saved her life. As their eyes meet she immediately recognizes the face of the man she has sworn to kill (Gandalf). Night Wolf collapses to the ground.

The dream
The unit of white eyes storms in to the village slaying every one in their path. Night Wolfs Father try’s to wield them away from his wife and six year old son with his spear. The white eyes over ran him. As his lifeless body hits the ground 3 arrows pierced his wife in the back. As she try’s to run with her son in her arms, She falls to the ground and son lands a few feet in front of her. Two of the white eyes picks him up by each arm and holds him up. He yells For Help from his sister (Night Wolf). Night Wolf runs out and she shoots 10 arrows into the white eyes in the matter of seconds. The arrows pass right through the white eyes. Feeling helpless as the white eye called, Gandalf pulls back his bow and releases the arrow. The arrow pierces her brothers heart. He reaches out for night wolf as they drop him to the ground. In his last breath he calls his sisters name.

To be continue...........
Night Wolf, Bound by honor torn from her oath

Night Wolf wakes to find Naga Wolf at the foot of her bed. Night Wolf "Good it was A dream". Naga Wolf "What was a dream my child ?". Night Wolf "I dreamed Gandalf saved my life". Naga Wolf " I’m afraid not, its true" Night Wolf "NO! Why have the gods forsaken me?, Why didn’t they let me die? They want me to suffer, death would be too easy, but a blood oath with the one I have sworn to kill would be good". Night Wolf runs out of her hut "Gandalf show your self, Consider my oath forfilled by sparing your life from the wrath of my blade".

Night Wolf looks at Naga Wolf "Gandalf didnt help us for our benefit, but becouse we had a common enemy with WMD. You know this. A wise man once told me there was no such thing as a bad Indian. Was this man thinking of me? I can not see what good I have done only destruction within the clan and its allies. There is a darkness apon my carma in whitch has aways lingered, and I know now it will be forever more. The wolf clan grows thinner and thinner as the lifes of our kin is lost in war, and will not stay here and disgrace them any longer."

Night Wolf " Farewell my brothers maybe fate will cross our paths once again" The wolf clan watches the young Night Wolf disappear into the darkness for their last time.

To be continued........