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The Official Mickey Munday Vs Long Dong Silver Best Of 11 For 1 Mil

A few times?

Here is the last time we dueled.

I think the score ended up being like 30-2?

Do you guys just convince yourself of all the lies that come out of your mouth or are you just trolling? I can't tell just how delusional you guys really are.

Atreyu has never been known to be a great alchy dueler. He's ok
The entirety of uo firums is trying to open your eyes to the truth, that you are bat shit crazy.

You are an above average pvper. No doubt about it ... The best? Nah. The best on hybrid right now? More than likely.

But I'll be honest. Nobody cares other than you. I am sorry if uo is the only thing you are good at.

Tyler may care because he actually was the best.
I never claimed to be the best but nobody on this post or who still posts here is remotely good so your opinion means nothing LOL.

The only thing you are good is responding to EVERY forum post within 2 minutes because you have no life and sit on your computer all day. I understand "im on a cell phone so I can respond from anywhere"

But nobody but you are tyler have enough free time to respond to every post in such a short window.

BTW, tyler was no were near the best. He was decent when nobody played and I was first learning how to alchy.
I never claimed to be the best but nobody on this post or who still posts here is remotely good so your opinion means nothing LOL.

The only thing you are good is responding to EVERY forum post within 2 minutes because you have no life and sit on your computer all day. I understand "im on a cell phone so I can respond from anywhere"

But nobody but you are tyler have enough free time to respond to every post in such a short window.

BTW, tyler was no were near the best. He was decent when nobody played and I was first learning how to alchy.

*sigh* my words fall on deaf ears.

I guess whatever you have is genetic Mickey. Like you are lacking a chromosome or something.
He's been alchying for 3-4 months straight, where I haven't done more than 10 alchy duels in the last six months. Not to mention on just one of his characters alone he has 2000+ duels so I don't wanna hear that as an excuse. BTW the reason he didn't get any more duels is because I know for 100 % certainty he wouldn't have given them to me if he won. The last two times I have dueled this kid he has dueled once and rejected to do more. So fuck him, why would I give him anymore after I proved my point?

Get real.
xactly the post of u beating me are from like 7 months ago when I had 200 fps now I have anywhere from 800-2300 and the guy beating you is somone I taught to alchy , if I'm such a bad dueler wats that make Dwayne u hold him in high esteem but he can't touch me 1v1 , and Michelle I went back and forth with you after u wrecked me at first we got a lot more even , but I'll give u this I am the most inconsistent person on uo I'm good when I'm good but when I'm off I'm pretty bad that's why I never claim to be the best I'm too inconsistent

xactly the post of u beating me are from like 7 months ago when I had 200 fps now I have anywhere from 800-2300 and the guy beating you is somone I taught to alchy , if I'm such a bad dueler wats that make Dwayne u hold him in high esteem but he can't touch me 1v1 , and Michelle I went back and forth with you after u wrecked me at first we got a lot more even , but I'll give u this I am the most inconsistent person on uo I'm good when I'm good but when I'm off I'm pretty bad that's why I never claim to be the best I'm too inconsistent

Id say you are every bit as good as Mickey.
We will find out if he accepts my money duel offer I had about 15 pics of beating Mickey before my hard drive got wiped yes he beat me almost twice as much but not 30-2