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The New Doom Point System *Please Vote*

What is your opinion of the new Doom point system?

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  • Poll closed .


The bottom line is pretty simple. The only ones able to fix this doesn't really want it in.

It should be certain way but it's not.

Should be similar to tot system and I am afraid of the next tot drop lol


People who played OSI, please answer this:

Is the gauntlet point system here nerfed?
Does it feel like you are not getting enough points for the time you spend killing?

Simply put: Points given to players here for killing gauntlet mobs are too few in comparison to OSI.


I'm sure Ill sound like an asshole for this, but I don't care...

Eos said:
The system was then tweaked to perform scaling on the number of people, and to distribute points based on the amount of damage done per player (which coincidentally seems to be what OSI did). After several tweaks, simulation runs for 1-20 people doing equal damage with luck levels of 0-2000 showed similar chances as the old system. (In fact, a little tiny bit higher, but not noticeably.) This, with the added bonus of regular artifact drops, and preventing any devaluation of the artifacts, is why the system ultimately got implemented like this.

It's not the staffs place to worry about the value of items in a player run economy. That's our problem. I'm sure that some of the staff play here, but that shouldn't matter with something like this. Item values are not set in stone, nor should they be. The most important thing here should be fun. If someone is worried about the value of their pixel crack... TOUGH TITTY!
I'm sure Ill sound like an asshole for this, but I don't care...

It's not the staffs place to worry about the value of items in a player run economy. That's our problem. I'm sure that some of the staff play here, but that shouldn't matter with something like this. Item values are not set in stone, nor should they be. The most important thing here should be fun. If someone is worried about the value of their pixel crack... TOUGH TITTY!

I have to agree... I see no good reason to not make the system as close to OSI as possible. While I appreciate the effort of the staff (especially as of late), it seems kind of shady to implement a system that contradicts the original for the sole purpose of not wanting everyone to have artifacts. At least we were done right with the new runic kits though :D


  1. Do not use multiple clients in combat. This is defined as the use of one or more extra clients that provide you with an advantage in combat.
  2. Do not be involved in combat in two different locations with two different clients.
  3. Alternate characters may be kept close, unautomated, for resurrection.
taken directly from the UOG Demise rules


People who played OSI, please answer this:

Is the gauntlet point system here nerfed?
Does it feel like you are not getting enough points for the time you spend killing?

Simply put: Points given to players here for killing gauntlet mobs are too few in comparison to OSI.
Yes I feel like its nurffed. I regularly got drops on osi. After spending 5x as long as I would go between drops I have not gotten a drop on demise. It's felt like a waste, and as many have posted, it seems like there is no point in hounding away for hours to leave with nothing. :-( at least that's been my experience.
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The chance to get an artifact needs to be increased, as a new player ~80days, this shard has an unbelievably harsh startup phase, 35mil for an orny is out of reach, think of the new players!!!

orne SHOULD be out of reach for new players, it's one of the best items in the game, and you want it after 80 days...? come back and complain when you're 800 days.

I've played *hard* 80 days to get 20mil, from 1k gold that I started with to 20mil, I can't even afford say a single CC, yeah, I'm lazy.

20 mil in 80 days is pretty impressive, stick with it and you'll have cc very soon? i dont understand why you're not complaining that cc should be really easy to drop so you can get one on your first visit to boss

4. People I know gave up on Gauntlet, farming BODs is boring but at least you'll get something in return, which is a shame because filling BODs is not really having people playing the game and iteracting with each other.

I won't argue if this is OSI-like or not, never went to Gauntlet on OSI, all I can say is that it is far from being an attractive system, there are other things way more profitable (like doing BODs, Peerless or Champions) for both old and new players.

people are farming bods NOW, yes, they have been since january, and will continue for a while, but very soon everyone will be bored of farming bods, and will go do other things, you think too short term for this game man. im in no rush to get back in gauntlet, and to me that is a good thing, because there is no need for me to rush, because the point system is not over-generous, otherwise we would all be in there like mad for like 2 months, then the prices would be so ruined that no-one would ever go in again. the pros are all bodding, that's all there is to it, after the pvm competition i think everyone has been trying to get new weps and stuff to tweak their builds. the point system has very little to do with that, other than not forcing people to go when they dont want to, before it becomes completely dead and pointless

Im about 75-100 rounds deep since the "point-system" was put in place and i still havent gotten a single artifact. Shouldnt my chance to get an arti be way higher than everyone else?

arbitrary numbers again, but yes you will be quite close, and in another 25 odd rounds you will drop arte. IT IS THE SAME FOR EVERYONE ELSE, SO HOW IS THIS NOT 'FAIR'??????????? it's perfectly fair, it's just difficult. getting doom artes is as much attrition as it is luck now

Course i would much prefer to see the TOTs come back a little more often. maybe even permanently but with a lower drop rate then the fully activated tot drop rate.

i actually agree with this, but it's just personal opinion, i wanted xav to leave tots on permanently like when i started here, but it was hugely disagree'd with :/
would give new players a nice easy equip start tho and something they could grind/sell. but if they were gonna do it, they shoulda done it straight away when tots started dropping again after like a 5 year drought

I am currently at about 35 rounds after my first arti. I cant say that this is worse than the previous system but it doesn't seem to have upped my chances any.

I have not voted yet but by the sheer emptiness of DOOM compared to pre-point system, it is not going over well with traditional doom grinders.

yeah tbh it does actually feel a bit like it's taking longer to drop each arte now, but meh, with the old system you could often miss a drop, like where you should get one, you just dont, and it'd take you another 8 hours to get another roll, i just looked at it as a kinda leakage, cost of doing business, acceptable losses, kinda thing. but now that wont happen, the drops will be more regular, if a little further apart.

there is also a lot of people bodding at the moment. also when you drop and it clears point system, that is now ideal time to leave, where before people would often stay in much longer, they now aren't in any rush to start building the next arte, but they still will at some point. the beauty of this point system is that YOU DONT NEED TO DROP EVERY TRIP, even if you go to doom and only do 5 rounds then leave, that's 5 rounds toward your arte, and it's persistant. so get your arte over more trips if you want, it's a different dynamic, but it's not actually any worse.


if you think gauntlet is dead now, wait until nothing but aof, orne, and totem is even sellable, and even those only go for 5-10mil.
who on earth is gonna try to drop one of the couple of artes they might be able to sell, for that tiny bit of gold, when as you say they could just farm some resets and buy one in 3 days.

screw you crybabies, you will ruin the balance with your impatience and shortsightedness :mad:


Its like the men i work with...all the younger(5 years or less) workers are trying to push for a 3rd week of vacation after 5 years of employment. Its currently at 8 years. i know guys who cried about this but now have their 8 years and 3rd week that are now against changing it to 5 years. i never understood the mentality of screw everyone else cause i got screwed.


if GMs do up drop rate, plz do it incrementally, and like over the span of a year or so, until you reach a level people are mostly happy with.. i think perhaps it's slightly beyond the average player's patience threshold at the moment, putting it up by like a few % might well bring it back within the threshold and stop people bitching so much.

i've dropped well over 100 artes, and only 1 of them was orne, so call that 1% chance that the arte you drop will actually be orne?
and you want to drop enough ornes to completely meet or exceed demand?????? are you crazy!?
there will be so many of the crap artes people will be LITERALLY throwing them on the ground..... and THAT really will be a waste of everyones time. so then you'll come on here and complain about it again.... ¬_¬


Its like the men i work with...all the younger(5 years or less) workers are trying to push for a 3rd week of vacation after 5 years of employment. Its currently at 8 years. i know guys who cried about this but now have their 8 years and 3rd week that are now against changing it to 5 years. i never understood the mentality of screw everyone else cause i got screwed.

what about the mentality of respect your elders? :p

the thing is, we NEEEEEED the lower players. we NEED players to farm resources and things, then we BUY those, at GOOD prices. so you can BUY things like orne. THAT IS HOW THE GAME BALANCES FOR YOUNGER PLAYERS


the thing is, not everyone who pvp's wants to pvm. could you imagine as a person who likes pvm to be forced to pvp for the items to compete in pvm? it wouldnt be fun, because its not what you enjoy. this is what pvpers are forced to do. its not fair, no matter how you slice it.


that's a very good and fair point, but this is not the way to balance that. that's why i wanted perma tots years ago tbh :/

(kasa, tome, rbc, couple of 3-1s, entry level pvp suit)

but making money and getting the items you dream of is the maguffin that keeps UO going, people should be able to easily get an entry level suit, but it shouldn't be so easy to get perfect gear, and an orne is a big part of that. that's why 1/3 bracelets still have value. 0/3 are so hard to sell already because of the loot bump and the current good jewels: Players ratio

you gotta think of the big picture dude, how things impact other things, what's there at the moment has had years of adjustment in the player economy and things to balance out as it currently does. what you suggest will throw a hell of a lot of things into total chaos for years, will render things redundant which will then need rebalancing, etc. it's not just as simple as 'i want an orne, i've been here ages, i feel like i should have one by now' ¬_¬

because when it boils down to it, that's all your argument is, and that enough people feel that way for it to be changed. you're basically calling for a referendum...


i've done games design at degree level, and this actually relates to it a lot, im not trying to pull rank/an appeal to authority here, but im gonna explain why i disagree with changing it.

UO is an old skool game, the people that still play it, play it because it is an old skool game. the new skool of games, is that all content should be easily accessible to players, creating a smooth gaming experience that carries the player along a pre-planned set of experiences, often of a fantasy scenario. you can see this in countless new games, halo, gears of war, uncharted, tomb raiders, pretty much all of them.

there is a reason for this though, and the reason is money. it is a formula that is developed to create business efficient and disposable games, you play the experience, you complete it, you buy a new one. Difficulty is a big part of this, nothing should be too difficult for anyone, the content should be accessible to maximize the audience, and so maximize the sales.

world of warcraft is an example of an MMO built around these principles, all of the expansions add content which makes all of the previous content redundant, and the games are released in succession as market extension strategies.

UO is not like that. UO is from the old skool of gaming, the skool of bedroom programmers who dont give a fuck about the money, they just want to make something awesome. in mmo form it's fucking amazing, it's a living, breathing, micro-world; with it's own economy, history, industry... all of these kind of things, and it's fucking marvelous.

but part of being an old skool game is challenging difficulty, players are not led by the hand to content, they're forced to battle and strive through the game hungrily to unlock that content, and the triumph is all the sweeter because it is so difficult to do. Think of games like bombjack, contra, golden axe, etc. they only had a few levels, but they were so hard to complete, and you'd always keep going back for more because you wanted to beat them!

UO is that kind of gameplay though, and i like that because it fits in with the micro-world idea of it, it makes it more of a life simulation, which is what an MMO SHOULD BE, a true mmo. that's WHY people still play it. i mean could you imagine if people had a referendum in real life saying that the lottery was too hard to win cos loads of them had played it a bunch and not gotten rich?? that's basically what you're saying. you're thinking of UO as a new skool game, and you shouldn't imo. we should keep it as what it is, because that's why it's good.