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The lack of civility and humanity

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Re: The lack of civility and humanity

RYAN.........all i can say is RIGHT ON! about time we here something like this from you and i hope it kicks some in the but! hehehe.. well said man....



Re: The lack of civility and humanity

I agree 100%, it is pretty sickening. I've been seeing people running around towns saying all kinds of crap with n****r and it is sickening. Funny thing is they would never say it outside of the game to ones face but they do in the game, when they have no clue who the people are. This is why our damn country is considered racist, because of all these immature kids and hill billies that think it's the days of slavery and the KKK. The thing is if we didn't call them the names and they didn't expect everything handed to them because they were slaves (yet they never were) we'd have no problems. Games are no different then real life it all esculates from here.

Maybe I said too much but that's how I feel.


Re: The lack of civility and humanity

Ryan: i appreciate the items however i dont feel as though we shoudl be rewarded ahead of time for changes that we may or may not make. maybe get them to tone it down for a week then get a handout maybe that would be reason for some of these kids to stop or lessen their slurs?


Re: The lack of civility and humanity

I agree with you 100%
Dont sink to their level, The moment you drop to their level they will beat you with experience
Re: The lack of civility and humanity

Na0cho;1429082 said:
Ryan: i appreciate the items however i dont feel as though we shoudl be rewarded ahead of time for changes that we may or may not make. maybe get them to tone it down for a week then get a handout maybe that would be reason for some of these kids to stop or lessen their slurs?

He gave the reward for having a certain amount of people view this thread, it was his way to make sure that word gets out. What would be the point of this thread if no one whom needed to read it did?


Re: The lack of civility and humanity

plague_spores-hybrid;1429088 said:
He gave the reward for having a certain amount of people view this thread, it was his way to make sure that word gets out. What would be the point of this thread if no one whom needed to read it did?

true sorry wasnt thinking

but it is rediculous that he has to give out items to get people to view a thread of this magnatude.

your right though most people probably wouldnt have bothered :{


Re: The lack of civility and humanity

I got disconnected in my house when everyone got the pants *sigh*

Oh well... shit happens :/


Re: The lack of civility and humanity

cobrakaun;1429049 said:
It's nice every once and a while when someone just says "good fight", or something positive, and we can both walk away happy. It'd be nice though if that happened more often.

Ya not many people are ever like hey good fight or what not.. Its happened to me like once, this WKD lives above me ran out when i was on my red and we started to fight. We were going back and forth for a while and i just gave up and went to my house steps... Now everytime we see each other we just talk and not fight.

Anyway you could translate your speech into chinese and korean cause they seem to only know certain english words and there not the nicest words to pick from =).

Only way to really fix it is become nazi and just start jailing people for 3-4 days, first offense as you come across it. You dont have to go far to see it, you can sit at brit bank for 10-15 minutes and will see it 3-4 times.

Good post though, agreed 100%


Re: The lack of civility and humanity

Well spoken and well done. I'd be up for more drastic punishments myself though :).


Re: The lack of civility and humanity

Yes, Yes, I agree with what Ryan is saying.

The most dislike about playing at UOG is when someone kill me on a 3vs1 and start talking shit about it and call me "newb". Why do people have to be like that? Come on man, 3 vs Me. Please just take my stuff and go.
Re: The lack of civility and humanity

I completely understand where you are comming from Ryan because i truly do feel that the lack of humanity/civilty is one thing that is holding this shard back from becomming even better. A reasonable punishment and not one that inhibits gameplay too much (for those leet pvpers) is to just squelch their in game talk.


Re: The lack of civility and humanity


First, let me congratulate you on what I think is the best post of the year. The perception I got reading your words is that you've matured a lot in the past few years. I mean this in a good way. Hell, I'm geezing compared to the average age of the population playing.

Ryan;1428991 said:
Why is it that gamers on our servers feel like it's their god given right to be verbally abusive to players, hack accounts and disrespect the people that have built this server?

It's not just UOG. OSI servers were exactly like this, and they tried filtering and all sorts of crap to get rid of miscreant text and behavior. Personally, I've come to accept it and that's why I won't let my sons play until they're 14. My 12 year old bugs me non-stop, and even though he's a GT kid (doing 9th grade Math in 6th grade, top of the chess club, etc.), I won't let him be exposed to "C'mon Nigga, Lets PWN some FAG NOOBS!".

Ryan;1428991 said:
I'm asking you to remember that we have young kids and family's that play this game and they deserve to be able to play it without having to hear these racial slurs. A lot of thing things you say in this game could land you into serious trouble outside of the game. I don't quite understand where the thought process comes from that makes you think it's O.K. to do this.

Ain't this the truth! The way some people talk on here to strangers would get them punched in New York and shot in the South. I think it's mostly uneducated, unrefined gansta's that get into the heat of it all. Agression, which is part of pvp, breeds the "what now sucka?!" attitude.

Ryan;1428991 said:
It's your choice where you go from here and I know that I'm wasting my breath and this won't make a dent but hopefully I can reach a few of you... hopefully I can continue to have some sort of impact on the direction this server takes in the regard of civility.


I hope you reach more than a few players...


Re: The lack of civility and humanity

Maybe you should have your mods refrain from using racial slurs on the furoms.


Re: The lack of civility and humanity

I totally agree. I'm a christian who plays ont his server daily, and anytime i do soemthing to offend someone i apologize for it. I constantly see very vulgar things people are saying and doing. I'm glad this came to mind because ive actually prayed for some of the people on here because i feel that the reason they are like that in game is because some of their lives are in ruins. I love you all and I hope for others sake wew can all unite as one server, rather your blue or red, and make this a pleasurable game verbally. God bless you all. :)
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