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Swine Flu Outbreak


Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

emoooo;543327 said:
are there any chances that they will close airlines in the U.S. because of this in the next 1-2 months?

Not likely, however they'll probably be taking people under quarenteen who are from the infected countries

Here in NZ they are milking it for all it's worth. It is everywhere.. on the TV, in the newspaper, people talking about it in social gatherings and at work do's.

I wish everyone would STFU already about it.


Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

Cronus;543207 said:
The whole point of flu vaccinations is to provide training to your immune system... You give it a partially defeated enemy to learn how to kill, so when the real deal comes along it already has half a clue about wtf it needs to do.

cept, viruses mutate all the time, the chance of being protected by the vaccine you took, are next to nill. viruses are far from static, they don't simply go from person to person, they changes and adapt, every new person it infects it learns new tricks, and it keeps learning new tricks while it travels across the world. It's completely possible to be reinfected by a sickness you already had if you're introduced to it later one when it's had a chance to mutate.

Vaccines don't work, there's no proof out there that shows they work, the only proof there is, is from giving someone a vaccine, then trying to reinfect the person with the EXACT same virus, that works great, but the world isn't a big lab, there's no controls or restraints on viruses.

The only real benefit from vaccines is the placebo effect, people think they're protected so they do better.


Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

Kiluad;543400 said:
Vaccines don't work, there's no proof out there that shows they work, the only proof there is, is from giving someone a vaccine, then trying to reinfect the person with the EXACT same virus, that works great, but the world isn't a big lab, there's no controls or restraints on viruses.

What are you thoughts on small pox then?


"In 1952, polio paralyzed more than 21,000 people.(2) In 2002, there were no cases of polio in the United States"


"In the 1920s, there were 100,000 to 200,000 cases of diphtheria each year and 13,000 people died from the disease.(2) In 2002, there was only one case of diphtheria in the United States"


"In the early 1940s, there was an average of 175,000 cases of pertussis (whooping cough) per year, resulting in the deaths of 8,000 children annually.(2) In 2002, 9,771 cases were reported."


"Before 1963, more than 3 million cases of measles and 500 deaths from measles were reported each year.(2) More than 90% of children had measles by age 15.(2) In 2002, there were 44 cases of measles"


"In the 1964-1965 epidemic, there were 12.5 million cases of rubella (German measles).(2) Of the 20,000 infants born with congenital rubella syndrome, 11,600 were deaf, 3,580 were blind, and 1,800 were mentally retarded as a result of the infection.(2) There were 9 cases of rubella in 2004 and only four cases of congenital rubella between 2001 and 2004"


Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

fluffhead321;543407 said:
What are you thoughts on small pox then?


"In 1952, polio paralyzed more than 21,000 people.(2) In 2002, there were no cases of polio in the United States"


"In the 1920s, there were 100,000 to 200,000 cases of diphtheria each year and 13,000 people died from the disease.(2) In 2002, there was only one case of diphtheria in the United States"


"In the early 1940s, there was an average of 175,000 cases of pertussis (whooping cough) per year, resulting in the deaths of 8,000 children annually.(2) In 2002, 9,771 cases were reported."


"Before 1963, more than 3 million cases of measles and 500 deaths from measles were reported each year.(2) More than 90% of children had measles by age 15.(2) In 2002, there were 44 cases of measles"


"In the 1964-1965 epidemic, there were 12.5 million cases of rubella (German measles).(2) Of the 20,000 infants born with congenital rubella syndrome, 11,600 were deaf, 3,580 were blind, and 1,800 were mentally retarded as a result of the infection.(2) There were 9 cases of rubella in 2004 and only four cases of congenital rubella between 2001 and 2004"

Smallpox was never that easy to pass on, and the major outbreaks from the disease ironically coincided with the vaccine, also, for some strange reason, we no longer vaccinate people for it and OMG no one gets it..... as in, no one's protected and it's not spreading wildly across the globe.... as in, why would i think about it as proof for vaccines?

Then you go into children getting sick, kids are born protected by their mothers immune system, which slowly fads leaving them vulnerable to many different kinds of diseases, especially if they aren't being looked after properly, either kept too clean, or too dirty, not being fed the right food etc.

Sure, introducing their immune systems to diseases and or bacterias will increase it's strength and tricks at fighting illness.


Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

Kiluad;543423 said:
Sure, introducing their immune systems to diseases and or bacterias will increase it's strength and tricks at fighting illness.

So you agree vaccines do work to an extent then?

also as far as people and children getting sick. What you said is true, but the fact of the matter is, those statitiscs I showed you have numbers from pre-vaccination days, and then post-vaccination era, outlining teh fact that since a vaccine was introdruced infection rate has dramatically been reduced.

Kilaud;543423 said:
Then you go into children getting sick, kids are born protected by their mothers immune system, which slowly fads leaving them vulnerable to many different kinds of diseases, especially if they aren't being looked after properly, either kept too clean, or too dirty, not being fed the right food etc.

This has not changed over the last 70 years so dramtically that it would account for 82% or much greater decline in the disease...The change is that a vaccine was introduced in that timespan.

Also, for all intensive purposes, small pox has been "eradicated". They have small stores on hand as protection from biological war. But thats why we dont get it or get vaccinated for it anymore. Fact of the matter is before the vaccination people got small pox and now people dont...

Also, I'd forgotten about Tetanus vaccinations. that has been dramatically decreased since vaccinations.

Here another good couple paragraphs pulled from DrSpock DOT com

"Other evidence that vaccines, and not other factors, are responsible for helping reduce disease is when immunization programs are cut back, there are rapid increases in cases of disease. For example, when Great Britain, Sweden, and Japan cut back on the use of pertussis vaccine, the effect was dramatic and immediate. In Great Britain, pertussis vaccination rates fell in 1974, and by 1978 there was an epidemic of more than 100,000 cases of pertussis and 36 deaths. Sweden and Japan had similar experiences."

"Also, in the former Soviet Union, when the immunization rate for diphtheria fell, the number of cases rose from 839 in 1989 to nearly 50,000 in 1994-including 1,700 deaths."


Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

imagine the dead woke up and was some type of zombie infection, i pray for that to happen would be bad ass


Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

TheCoolSideofthePillow;543183 said:
I blame flu vaccinations. I do not believe you're protecting yourself by never exposing yourself to bacteria/viruses or weakened/dead forms of viruses. How can your immune system become stronger if it never has any training?

I believe George Carlin said it best:

F*ck yeah george carlin is one of those humans that should be immortal and i do hope his ideals are immortal.

as for swine flu... theres like 1 thousand infected and 100 and something dead...
Cigarrets kill alot more on dayly basis.

as for vaccines.. i was under the impression that vaccines was attacking ppls immune system but with the cure already so that the body creates the antibodies...


Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

Dollpartz;543392 said:
Here in NZ they are milking it for all it's worth. It is everywhere.. on the TV, in the newspaper, people talking about it in social gatherings and at work do's.

I wish everyone would STFU already about it.

i just saw some news that confirmed cases of people ill with the virus in NZ :(


Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

MegaManX24;543465 said:
imagine the dead woke up and was some type of zombie infection, i pray for that to happen would be bad ass

we would all become zombies because governments wouldnt shutdown airports coz it would cost ppl money and we dont want that whats humankind turning into zombies compared to some airliner owners losing a weeks pay :eek:


Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

Fana;543544 said:
as for swine flu... theres like 1 thousand infected and 100 and something dead...
Cigarrets kill alot more on dayly basis.

one can make a conscious choice and not smoke.. there's the difference


Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

hugoboss;543549 said:
one can make a conscious choice and not smoke.. there's the difference

ill invite u to come to my town for 1 day ull see smoking isnt a conscious choice its forced because its everywhere.
and ull breath it 10 times more than smoking 1 pack a day :p

anyway it got better with the E.U law to forbidd ppl to smoke in closed spaces.
I hang out with 5 to 10 friends all smoking except me in a closed up pub still >_<.

anyway my point was that Media is all OMGOGMOGMOMGOMGO -_-x


Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

Fana;543550 said:
ill invite u to come to my town for 1 day ull see smoking isnt a conscious choice its forced because its everywhere.

pretty much the same over at this part of the world! :mad:

anyway it got better with the E.U law to forbidd ppl to smoke in closed spaces.

agreed! :)

anyway my point was that Media is all OMGOGMOGMOMGOMGO -_-x

def agree... sensational reporting doesn't help :(

commented above


and his amazing friends
Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

Kiluad;543423 said:
Smallpox was never that easy to pass on, and the major outbreaks from the disease ironically coincided with the vaccine, also, for some strange reason, we no longer vaccinate people for it and OMG no one gets it..... as in, no one's protected and it's not spreading wildly across the globe.... as in, why would i think about it as proof for vaccines?

Smallpox was/is highly contagious between people who were in close contact with one another..

They don't vaccinate for it anymore because they eradicated the disease completely by vaccinating everyone who was at-risk against it. The disease is extinct, for lack of a better term, so no one *can* catch it...


Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

Cronus;543787 said:
Smallpox was/is highly contagious between people who were in close contact with one another..

They don't vaccinate for it anymore because they eradicated the disease completely by vaccinating everyone who was at-risk against it. The disease is extinct, for lack of a better term, so no one *can* catch it...

if not mistaken, it was around the middle of last year when the international medical community received a bit of a rude shock as incidences of smallpox (albeit mutated) was detected.. a diesease they thought eradicated, and hence vaccination had ceased, hadn't quite 'disappeared'.. i guess mother nature is tougher than the scientific community thought.. good thing that current medical knowlege was able to handled the mutated strains.

ah well, nothing beats being vigilant i guess


Re: Swine Flu Outbreak


Swine Flu is believed to have begun stabalizing in Mexico as of late Tuesday, only several suspected deaths have been reported.

However, the virus has now begun jumping from person to person in the New York infection cases. Meaning that the virus could infect the entire world...

Mexico Deathtoll: 159
Mexico Infected: 2,498
Mexico Infected still being hospitalized: 1,311

It is believed that this is a sign that treatments do in fact work if acquiring medical care as soon as possible.

In addition, two countries have announced travel bans on flights from Mexico and as confirmed, cases were reported for the first time as far away as New Zealand and Israel, joining the United States, Canada, Britain and Spain.


Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

Cronus;543787 said:
Smallpox was/is highly contagious between people who were in close contact with one another..

They don't vaccinate for it anymore because they eradicated the disease completely by vaccinating everyone who was at-risk against it. The disease is extinct, for lack of a better term, so no one *can* catch it...

they cant erradicate smallpox it makes an awesome "connect the dots" game =D
Re: Swine Flu Outbreak

Cronus;543787 said:
Smallpox was/is highly contagious between people who were in close contact with one another..

They don't vaccinate for it anymore because they eradicated the disease completely by vaccinating everyone who was at-risk against it. The disease is extinct, for lack of a better term, so no one *can* catch it...

I've read somewhere that their is only 2 strains of smallpox still in existence, both under World Health Organization jurisdiction