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Start of the universe

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Galgum said:
ganjastarr: I find it funny how in Star Trek, they always made space seem like a body of water, traverable in a straight line. Never once did you see ships at different angles, or coming from below. Notice Voyager was 60,000 Light years from Earth, not ABOVE it? Just amusing.

no shit right? piss me off too... a show that used upto date science in a futuristic setting couldent go up or down

heres another one, i know current telescope technology makes this a moot point for our solar system but not for others. they make it look like out solar system is layed out as a flat line bullseye syle.... why cant it be planets goin side to side around and some goin up and down around it
Monoxide said:
"We measure things by what we are.
To the maggots in the cheese, the cheese is the universe
To the worms in the corpse, the corpse is the cosmos
How then can we be so cocksure about our world?
Just because of our telescopes and microscopes and the splitting of the atom?
Certainly not!
Science is but an organized system of ignorance.
There are more things in Heaven than on Earth
What do we know about the beyond?
Do we know what's behind the beyond?
I'm afraid some of us hardly know what's beyond the behind."

Monoxide-> what's that from? Badass quote.

Ganjastaar-> WTF WEED IS LEGAL IN ALASKA?!?!? is it like 100% legal, can you smoke on the streets? Or just in your house? Can you buy it or can you only grow it?

*packs bags for Alaska*


You can't seperate light from darkness.

You can't have the sun without light.

You can't have plants without light/sun.

Why does god rest when he is all powerful. he does not need to rest.

Why does god ponder/think when he is all knowing.

god's book supports slavery, female submission, and the idea of demons.

The bible has no logic. Logic is the prime force of reason. So unless you prove to me that 1=2, I'll never believe that book as anything more than a suggestion of morals.


ganjastaar said:
no shit right? piss me off too... a show that used upto date science in a futuristic setting couldent go up or down

heres another one, i know current telescope technology makes this a moot point for our solar system but not for others. they make it look like out solar system is layed out as a flat line bullseye syle.... why cant it be planets goin side to side around and some goin up and down around it

Angular momentum.

Google it, if you want to learn more.
Cebrious Arcane said:
Ganjastaar-> WTF WEED IS LEGAL IN ALASKA?!?!? is it like 100% legal, can you smoke on the streets? Or just in your house? Can you buy it or can you only grow it?

*packs bags for Alaska*
not TOTALLY legal but the possesion of upto 1/4 Lb and 24 plants is legal, its not legal to possess while traveling in a car or to smoke on the streets (public intoxication) same with a 40 noone is gonna say shit less its a dick cop.... ive had pigs come to my house on noise complaints and there were about 3oz we were smokin on the table and didnt say shit . EDIT: would also liek to add theres ads on tv for a STRONG supported voe of prop 2 to tax and regualte the nugs, there is NO shwagg in AK because its all homegrown with the odd light cycle, its also 40$ and eighth standard, taxation and bigger suppliers will drop price

as for science as a byproduct of philosiphy, its the other way around, just that early science was very primative, you cant think of it as the same as modern science

as for angular momentum, its all relative to a view point
fonis said:
The bible has no logic. Logic is the prime force of reason. So unless you prove to me that 1=2, I'll never believe that book as anything more than a suggestion of morals.

What is proof anyway? 1 and 2 are merely symbols, symbols that hold meaning while you give them meaning. I can say 1=2, but it doesn't matter until you belive me. The Bible was more of a way to control a populace, in my opinion, The Golden Rule, The Commandments, just ways to control a scared and confused populace. Just like science.

Proof is merely belief with a stronger connotation.


Cebrious Arcane said:
Monoxide-> what's that from? Badass quote.

Ganjastaar-> WTF WEED IS LEGAL IN ALASKA?!?!? is it like 100% legal, can you smoke on the streets? Or just in your house? Can you buy it or can you only grow it?

*packs bags for Alaska*
Insane Clown Posse - Forgotten Freshness 2 - Halloween On Military Street
Monoxide said:
Insane Clown Posse - Forgotten Freshness 2 - Halloween On Military Street

Hahahaha, I didn't want to jump to conclusions. I knew you were a Juggalo. I was just hoping you didn't get it off some bitchass website misquoting or somethin'. We can start another thread to talk about that badass shit though.
ganjastaar said:
as for science as a byproduct of philosiphy, its the other way around, just that early science was very primative, you cant think of it as the same as modern science.


It's been said on this thread multiple times, shit maybe I'll quote them all, that it's all relative. That's my whole point, only not relative within the confines of science, but rather, relative even including all of sciences facts and proof.


Fonis and I just discussed the Angular Momentum thing and it makes sense. Think of a piece of rope, you spin that rope, notice how it goes straight? It's extremely difficult, if not impossible to spin a piece of rope along with the first rope and get a different angle of spin. Think of each planet as the end of a piece of rope attached to the Sun. The Sun only spins one way, right? Thus we get a relatively level orbit.


fonis said:
You can't seperate light from darkness.

You can't have the sun without light.

You can't have plants without light/sun.

Why does god rest when he is all powerful. he does not need to rest.

Why does god ponder/think when he is all knowing.

god's book supports slavery, female submission, and the idea of demons.

The bible has no logic. Logic is the prime force of reason. So unless you prove to me that 1=2, I'll never believe that book as anything more than a suggestion of morals.
You can label "light" and "darkness."

The creation of lights is mentioned both before and after the creation of plants.

"And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done." That doesn't say he rested because he was tired it says that he rested because he was done.

Even if you knew everything you are "thinking" to recall it, it's a human concept.

It doesn't support slavery based on the color of your skin, or treating them the way US slave owners did. It says that man is of God and women is of man, it's a limited form of submission. Demons are Angels that were cast from Heaven when Satan and his "followers" argued that because they were created first so they are better than humans.
although if you use common sence the egg came before the chicken becasue of its reptialian ancestors that layed egg... the chicken never ceased to lay eggs yet it evolved into the moden chicken. but thats not the point...
am i the only one that keeps posting and hitting refresh?

So why don't you question that the big bang happened?
What was there before the big bang, what caused the explosion, and why?
Why is that so much more believable than any religious theory?
ganjastaar said:
although if you use common sence the egg came before the chicken becasue of its reptialian ancestors that layed egg... the chicken never ceased to lay eggs yet it evolved into the moden chicken. but thats not the point...
am i the only one that keeps posting and hitting refresh?

Not at all, I'm at work, so I'll be hanging on the forums for at least another couple hours, and if you read my earlier post, I live for this stuff too! I was too caught up in typing and now the place I was gonna go get food is closed, hehe.
yea my daughter is pissed coz im cutting into her PBS kids time and she refuses to use her own computer.... 2yr old are fun i promise......
ive got a wife thats anti educational TV too... so ima be watchin can 102 (science) posting on here and i kno ima get bitched at ...
im kinda suprised at the lack of responce in the last hour tho


ganjastaar said:
yea my daughter is pissed coz im cutting into her PBS kids time and she refuses to use her own computer.... 2yr old are fun i promise......
ive got a wife thats anti educational TV too... so ima be watchin can 102 (science) posting on here and i kno ima get bitched at ...
im kinda suprised at the lack of responce in the last hour tho
The solution, get a new wife. :D


Cebrious Arcane said:

So why don't you question that the big bang happened?
What was there before the big bang, what caused the explosion, and why?
Why is that so much more believable than any religious theory?

The Big Bang Theory is question, that's why it's a theory, not a fact. As ganjastaar stated, the Big Bang Theory is being questioned by the fact that our universe is still expanding with there being no possibility of the gravity between galaxies pulling it back together.

You questioned what caused the Big Bang? I stated this was already beyond our comprehension, just as the existence of God. If there is a God, how could he/she/it have always existed? It's beyond our comprehension at the moment. You couldn't just say God always existed because that's a paradox that we can't comprehend the answer to.

I've also been hitting refesh constantly.
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