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[pre] fall of the thirty harrowers - the reign of hz


You have no right to expect answers different than those which were posted here, considering the tone of your original post.
The intention behind this topic was to make everyone angry and start a flame fight.

No it was not to start a flame fight if you read to far into that im sorry it is to simple know we as a guild will be killing a mob in fel for the next 27 days and that anyone is more than welcome to come and stop us if you have no intentions on doing that than you should not post in this thread.

The topic is HZ and harrowers and PVP. All of my post have been about more than one of those. If you don't like my posts there is an option to ignore a player, I think you might know how to do that already.

I would be more than happy to ignore all of your post if i thought that you could even make an attempt at keeping your post civil and clean, but so far all you have done is attempted to bash a guild and one of your alliance and or ex alliance members.

As i said previously both of you could try and use a little bit more self control instead of seeing a topic you do not like and going off on a rant about it, as i see you guys have not posted in every other topic so i know you have the ability to do so.
No it was not to start a flame fight if you read to far into that im sorry it is to simple know we as a guild will be killing a mob in fel for the next 27 days and that anyone is more than welcome to come and stop us if you have no intentions on doing that than you should not post in this thread.

I would be more than happy to ignore all of your post if i thought that you could even make an attempt at keeping your post civil and clean, but so far all you have done is attempted to bash a guild and one of your alliance and or ex alliance members.

As i said previously both of you could try and use a little bit more self control instead of seeing a topic you do not like and going off on a rant about it, as i see you guys have not posted in every other topic so i know you have the ability to do so.

Quit ranting about ranting please it might make people rant some more.

Again if you do not like my posts you could just ignore me and show some more self control. In the mean time, I'll generally discuss whichever threads I want.

I'm sorry if me making funny jabs at Corinna then wishing you all luck with your event, then pointing out that someone that is bashing your guild is full of shit, offends you. HOW DARE I SAY SOMETHING not negative about HZ in every post! What the hell was I thinking!?


Quit ranting about ranting please it might make people rant some more.

Again if you do not like my posts you could just ignore me and show some more self control. In the mean time, I'll generally discuss whichever threads I want.

I'm sorry if me making funny jabs at Corinna then wishing you all luck with your event, then pointing out that someone that is bashing your guild is full of shit, offends you. HOW DARE I SAY SOMETHING not negative about HZ in every post! What the hell was I thinking!?
Actually sir im just asking you to keep it clean not telling you in any way shape or form to stop just asking that if you want to fight or flame take it to pm there is no need for it unless you are trying to get our thread lled due to flaming, and i would ask that you wait 27 days before doing that.


Choke point combat has been the winning strategy in UO for over a decade.
.... It Certainly doesn't apply to Hz .. They can have all their guild online i believe that few good pvpers can rape the shit out of them.. After that .. they try for the second time (Call more people) .. if that doesn't work they house hide or head off to luna... Hz got some good pvpers but i have to say their teamwork/communication is shit .. and now even more after the fix of conflag pots MB can't do anything without his bola spam/conflag pot/ poison pet + withers... If they manage to kill you they will play that pipe thingy and spam their forum url and think that you are raging like they do while in fact you are laughing your ass off

Don't get me wrong some of them can pvp, but its just a handful. but hey don't come in here claiming you rule demise haha because if i may remind you a few days ago 3 or 4 barcode came on and make you squeak back into your houses, and as for the few who thought they ruled demise and tried to fight didn't even make it to the mountains while running their asses off... I'm not saying that barcode are legends either.. but you kind of know what i mean low ping vs low ping ... Normal People vs Monkeys is very fun to watch lol
Lol he wasnt afk he was running. Hey dont cry to me about the shit char temp u play or were duel clinting on lol. Gm magery and taming all kill and heal yourself. Or atleast heal yourself u tried for a second . Admited defeat and took it like the bitch you are.

LOL and i like how u post your chars skill like it matters. Wouldnt have matter if you were on a pvp toon 1v1 you are still useless.

MOnday night football has started. Enjoy your scrolls. Maybe sell them for gold and try buying some pvp lessons.
Here's the Harrower videos from last night and tonight if any of you are looking for UO PvP/PvM tips. I know it's a bit daunting at first, but with a little know-how and a little practice, Harrowers will be no more difficult than blood eles.
LOL tip on doing a like 8 year old mod. Do you guys really think you are that good? I am almost sure 99.9% of people that play UO know how to do a harry lol. Get your head out of your ass.


Jesus Frost... i am the only one who can make comments like that shut up .. we dont go crying that people are cheating just because you are bad with your low ping lol.. Low Ping is not enough you need a brain too.. monkeys can't play the game well..
LOL sad envy. To even use a word like envy in an online game setting is sad. If you have ever been envious of someone on the other side of a computer screen. You have alot to learn about life. I play this game to get under peoples skin and laugh about it. I have nevr once been envious of angry about this game nor will I ever.
Hense why you dont see me running around crying about people hacking or cheating or running scripts, because i could careless. It makes it all the more funny when i will them and we both know there running shit.

I find it funny how HZ crys about hacks and scripts. Yet if you go look on the DGA forums 95% of the posts are from HZ members asking chun for his private contact LOL.

scratch is mad or jealous i haven't figured out which yet

anyway atleast its been fun and i hope everyone thats coming to these are having fun
i am mad jealous bro both put together. :-P
Please let me know what i have to be jealous about.
You doing 30 harrys?
All my chars have stat scrolls, I dont need money from selling scrolls, there is no one in HZ that can consisity kill me in the field or in a duel( i would say ever kill me but everyone gets lucky once in a blue moon), I have a life outside of uo( hense u ever see me on weekends or at night ( rare some nights).

But yep again mad jealous.

Yours truly Trolled :-P


O see when we make make comments HZ crys like little bitchs. Yet then they try and make personal attacks. LOL
Mork is finishing school right now. Making something of his life. Maybe you should try it instead of doing harrys and claiming you the worlds best PVMers.
am sorry you got offended by my question it was a legitimate question, I have never claimed that I was the best pvm'er on the shard and for the best pvp'er I know am not since I know quite a few people that are much better then me like Bile, Paul, Alex aka Pumpkin, and some other's that are legit player's. you find me one post that says any of that and ill be suprise, you claim I got lucky ok if this is what you wana tell yourself, if the new rule of screenshot was not in affect I would post quite a few of you dying oh also you talk like your that good go on our site and check out the 2vs2 of me and tinker vs you and mork. it was quite amusing looking at you die to tinker bell.
and for the life comment am sorry you are mad at your life but for myself I can't complain I won't pull a marshall and post of what I have in real life but I am more then satisfied with my IT Job and my wife and kids. when you grow up you will realise that life satisfaction is more then just money and items. I know it's kind of hard to understand in your situation but adoption is always an option.
back to the original topic and that is UO , you tell me when and where you saw me at one harry or even in field since late june early july since I havent loged apart from like 5 10 min here and there to refresh my accounts and say hi to people.
also you talk way too much bro you claim to have a life and that you basicly play only day time since nights and weekends you have a life away from the computer, I take it you don't work or go to school maybe you should take your own advice.

btw this will be my last reply to any of your shit thread and am also suprise staff havent put a stop to youre BS coming on a clean thread and turning it into a flamefest.