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Poll regarding factions

Should we reset the faction memberships?

  • I dont play factions

    Votes: 42 22.1%
  • No

    Votes: 16 8.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 132 69.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
i think you should reset factions, ryan. it would help factions a lot because apart from clearing up factions that are filled with newbie accounts such as brits, it would allow players that want to join other factions to do so since it now takes 7 days to quit a faction. about points, not many would actualy care about those getting reset, people would just get back to playing factions.

also here are some suggestions to compliment the faction reset:

1 have some kind of sign up window that explains factions to the players that double click faction stones so that newbies won't join factions if they dont really mean to do so.

2 have also a rule to join where the character needs at least 3x or 4x gm to join. so that players who play factions are mostly actualy players who would participate in them.

3 have a gm who randomly goes every once in a while and checks up on the characters that have higher point counts to make sure they arent just point holding characters. even check if the character ever gets points through actual pvp or gets points transfered. and if it is a point holder character then have their points reset. this would make it so the pvpers with the highest points get some kind of fame reward and it would actualy mean something instead of the nothingness it now means.


Okay all great posts and great ideas and thank you all for voicing the opinions Id like to state an outstanding idea that will win for everybody. The devs are going to have to put some effort maybe? I dunno..

- Know what a bohr's model is? its the thing for elements...the circle with the electrons and protrons etc?

It takes 2 on the first shell 4 then 8 or whatever....then once 8 is filled...you go back at filling 2 and when that is filled u go to filling 4....or something of that nature...anyway...

Set the player limit of 25 players per faction....Once they all fill up with 3x GM players it opens up 25 more spots on each faction roster....so on so forth...it will create the most balanced system known to man :)

Also PS....ryan? Are you kidding me? I <3 you and all but stop jumping down my throat man....god...I dont know much about factions? are you kidding me again? And you do I sopose?

You have no clue about guarding so dont gimme that cogwash about its fine...when me, you mentality and MnX guarded when we were minax for the 24 hours, who fell asleep and said they would be up at 7 AM? you did ryan....

Ryan? you have the power to join any faction any time.... If things get too rough for you in one, you can join the other, We cant....Man I dont want to argue with you because after all you say what goes but...Ive been factioning since it came out and I can speak for alot when I say 18 hour guard times is fucking BORING!

I mean ryan...How many times has the cyle changed? can you answer that? I'm guessing around 6-8 times max? maybe less? Thats boring as fuck dude, and alot of ppl quit cuz of it...I think my idea will change that, but sersiouly think about lowering it to fit peoples lifetime lol....I cant stay up on weekdays because of school....And weekends im dead tired if I stay up for 18 hours straight.

Think about what I said bro...And gimme a responce....


All who took time to read that, PLEASE post positive and negative feedback, if negative post in detail WHY its bad, thanks
i also think faction guarding time should be lower, and REcapture time should also be lower as i posted before, at least after the same faction captures the same sigil twice or more.

mostly because a lot of the action happens when guarding sigils so basicaly having sigil guarding happen more often would bring more action.


yes, i think it should happen..

this will give us a chance to even the factions out, and give me a chance to join the weakest faction....

im realy tired of only seeing minax everywhere all of a sudden.....


resetting the memberships will only mask the problem for a short time new players can still get into and will get into tb and fill it up then never play again... theres no way around it sence its right in brittan its gonna happen again and again no matter how many times the memberships are reset.....

and to the people wiening about "tamers are too powerfull" or "mages are too powerfull" stop crying learn to deal with it there are ways to win fights no matter who ur fighting.... (for example: run the tamers creatures off then circle back and kill the tamer while hes like wtf where did they go....) or something use ur head dont be a little bitch about it

btw. yes i play factions, no im not good at pvp but i keep trying and i dont fucking wine and complain when i cant kill someone or if someone kills me its part of the game if u dont like it find a shard that has no pvp then u dont have to worry about it


Wow, nobody bothers to fucking read posts, they just fucking post the same bullshit over and over again, READ THE DAMN REPLIES PEOPLE UR REPEATING URSELFS!

The new deal is, making the char join requirement to have adleast 3, 100.0 skills....

This would fix the following :

- Faction election cheats
- Faction unbanance issues
- Faction mules
- Faction Size

And making the times of faction corruption and pureifcation shorter will create the following:

- More active players
- More PVP
- More Risk
- More Pride in holding the sigils for as long as you can :) As the times will be shortend hopefully drasticly..
Fatality said:
The new deal is, making the char join requirement to have adleast 3, 100.0 skills....

This would fix the following :

- Faction election cheats
- Faction unbanance issues
- Faction mules
- Faction Size
I fail to see how it'll fix mules. Set a Razor macro to cycle through Anatomy, Spirit Speak, and Evaluating Intelligence. Be amazed at how fast you're 3xGM.
Grown Ups Don't have time

As grown ups we don't have time to sit and guard sigils for 18 hours. We did it in OSI for about 3 months, it made us quit the game. To much time away from familys and jobs . Old pepole do not have the luxury of sitting on your ass for 18 hours, our kids, wifes, and jobs wont let us.

I speek for everyone in GoD when I say, lower it to 10 hours and you will see a real Intrest in Factions. There will be Wars Unlike any other.

Reseting is fine with us, But lowering the Time to hold them Would be fantastic.

Ryan you have created a fast paced World with unique physics, it is why we are here.


TheGrimReaper said:
As grown ups we don't have time to sit and guard sigils for 18 hours. We did it in OSI for about 3 months, it made us quit the game. To much time away from familys and jobs . Old pepole do not have the luxury of sitting on your ass for 18 hours, our kids, wifes, and jobs wont let us.

I speek for everyone in GoD when I say, lower it to 10 hours and you will see a real Intrest in Factions. There will be Wars Unlike any other.

Reseting is fine with us, But lowering the Time to hold them Would be fantastic.

Ryan you have created a fast paced World with unique physics, it is why we are here.
A whole new form of faction turrets heh.

Change it so that you can join only one faction with your IP and people caught changing around their IPs get punished. I sure didn't enjoy listening to El De Hoe rant on his CoM char while I helped guard a few weeks ago. There were also plenty of people enjoying themselves by taking down the candelabra defenses.


Have you ever fought a 12 vs 7 with 4 tamers on the twelve side with two mares each? It's fucking gay. Its not group pvp. I guess i agree with teh faction reset and all, but what about pvp guilds that want to join factions? For instance in >I< we have like 30 members, but i have 3 chars on the stone as well as a few others do. We have like 19 members, about 12 of which are active. So how exactly would we join factions if the max for each faction would be 25? another thing is, if the corruption times were lowered to 10 hours i guarentee we would play more often because of the increase in pvp. >I< is a guild that group fights, which is why we havent been active lately...theres no group pvp.


im with ya fatality i would only change on thing on your list... i personaly think that 0 hours is still too long..i love faction fighting..im not currently in a faction because well i dont want to sit around for 18 hours waiting for a few people to come take the sigs and i was tired of the 2 faction gank squads..all it was was minax ganking COM or Com ganking minax for a while when i played so i quit i would rejoin in an instant if factions where reset and equaled out with some minor adjustments that fatality has already stated