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Patch Notes

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playing both a mage and a tamer, I have no problems with this

My one concern is whether ill still be seeing 100% of IC's mares at 7x?

if so I think this change should be done away with.


(basically what im saying is if IC is gonna get their mares reverted to 7x after every die, not much point in me attempting to kill their shit)


oh n don't bother telling me IC train their mares to 7x

noone in their right mind would train GM resist on a pet

esp not any sort of pvper.


Tanis said:
oh n don't bother telling me IC train their mares to 7x

noone in their right mind would train GM resist on a pet

esp not any sort of pvper.

If anyone is cheating with pets, then a side effect of this change will be that it will now be much easier to tell and therefore, much easier to take action against.

Additionally, there was a resist gain bug that was fixed with this patch.


Mark said:
... 50% were fine, 50% were not.. hence the gentle changes.

I'm sorry I just can't see this post as anything other than selfish thinking..

Selfish? Like I said I can't care about the changes really. I don't pvp with a tamer.. I actually barely play anymore, I just found it strange that if such a big group didnt mind the changes, and some only wanted minor changes.. than why take this drastic road, don't be offended I'm not posting stupid whiner posts like some other people here. I just found it strange.


Tanis said:
oh n don't bother telling me IC train their mares to 7x

noone in their right mind would train GM resist on a pet

esp not any sort of pvper.

I might be stoned here, but couldnt you just keep the mare peaced and bash it with mana vampire? Or flamestrikes if that dont work?

In my opinion, and i've trained several pets, magery is the biggest bitch to train, especially around 85 magery.

And just for good measure, i'd like to laugh at the puny fools that train mares/dragqueens/WWs on bulls.


I believe the sever is paid for by google mostly, hence the google stones. I know they are giving them something for those.
Basically as Mark stated before, this was a change HE wanted. Not the majority of the server population but Mark. This is Mark's world and we just live in it. Second, why should tamers have all to risk in PvP and Red mages nothing? What does a red mage risk? A few regs? Why don't you implent some cool changes like stat loss for Reds, or no passing thru gates when crim instead of just nerfing everything? I support the melee changes, but its a drop in the bucket. Instead of nerfing pets, why don't you nerf skill gain and make EVERY skill a job worth doing? We're sliding down the slippery slope with these nerfs. One month its tamers, next month it will tailors and bod, and the month after mages. Stop the insanity already.


fierywater said:
Why the fuck are people whining? How is this drastic? Seriously, someone spell it out, I don't get it.

Agreed. The inane snide remarks are pretty pathetic, considering how gentle these changes are. Read the poll: these changes represent a majority and were done lightly to keep everybody happy.



7x Gm tamer and i am about to just delete my tamer due to this cause i just lost my 7x gm mare and drag to someone taking it off.......

Thx mark i appreciate this.... I believe the other 2 things are fine but 5x harder on skill gain. God us new tamers gotta love u. I swear!
Mark said:
Read the poll: these changes represent a majority and were done lightly to keep everybody happy.

Majority?......Mark, did you just finish up helping with the exit polls for the last presidential election? Because you read polls the same way. I believe the majority is 44.16% with "Leave it the way it is". True, if you lump all people that voted for some kind of change, yeah thats a majority, but there was no clear agreement on what change to make. Agreed, we are all probably whining a way too much about the changes, but it comes down to principal. Why nerf a tamer, when a RED MAGE has absolutely NOTHING to lose, especially since the majority of mages run in packs of about 4 or 5 at least. They don't even get stat loss when they get killed.....and can pass thru blue's gates as they please. Geez, this is more bias towards Red Mages than CBS and Dan Rather were about George W. Bush. One thing I have noticed, is that when it comes to nerfing mages or even skill gain in general it takes months of polls, discussions, arguements before it is even implemented. But if its down to nerfing tamers, miners, jackers, crafters (any means of gold farming) its done in a heart beat, and made to look like the so called "Majority" of us supported it.


Shock Therapy said:
Majority?......Mark, did you just finish up helping with the exit polls for the last presidential election? Because you read polls the same way. I believe the majority is 44.16% with "Leave it the way it is". True, if you lump all people that voted for some kind of change, yeah thats a majority, but there was no clear agreement on what change to make. Agreed, we are all probably whining a way too much about the changes, but it comes down to principal. Why nerf a tamer, when a RED MAGE has absolutely NOTHING to lose, especially since the majority of mages run in packs of about 4 or 5 at least. They don't even get stat loss when they get killed.....and can pass thru blue's gates as they please. Geez, this is more bias towards Red Mages than CBS and Dan Rather were about George W. Bush. One thing I have noticed, is that when it comes to nerfing mages or even skill gain in general it takes months of polls, discussions, arguements before it is even implemented. But if its down to nerfing tamers, miners, jackers, crafters (any means of gold farming) its done in a heart beat, and made to look like the so called "Majority" of us supported it.

I'm sick of hearing about red mage this and red mage that, stop seeing in black and white.

The poll shows nothing besides the fact that a LARGE amount of people desire a change, and I made the best choice possible. As for your remarks on other changes, I'll pardon your ignorance of things that occur behind the scenes, but not every little change is announced.


"Economics is haunted by more fallacies than any other study known to man. This is no accident. The inherent difficulties of the subject would be great enough in any case, but they are multipied a thousandfold by a factor that is insignificant in, say, phsyics, mathematics or medicine -- the special pleading of selfish interests. While every group has certain economic interests identical with those of all groups, every group has also, as we shall see, interests antagonistic to those of all other groups. While certain public policies would in the long run benefit everybody, other policies would benefit one group only at the expense of all other groups. The group that would benefit by such policies, having such a direct interest in them, will argue for them plausibly and persistently. It will hire the best buyable minds to devote their whole time to presenting its case. And it will finally either convince the general public that its case is sound, or so befuddle it that clear thinking on the subject becomes next to impossible.

In addition to these endless pleadings of self interest, there is a second main factor that spawns new economic fallacies every day. This is the persistant tendency of men to see only the immediate effects of a given policy, or its effects only on a special group, and to neglect to inquire what the long-run effects of that policy will be not only on that special group but on all groups. It is the fallacy of overlooking secondary consequences."

- Henry Hazlett "Economics in One Lesson"


Shock Therapy said:
"The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who don't have it."
- George Bernard Shaw

Yes but I'm not calling you cynical and my quote is relevant to the discussion.
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