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Pantera speaks against Anti-White Racism

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Re: Pantera speaks against Anti-White Racism

I think both sides have made some very solid points. Progress is bloody business, if you can call it that. I'm not entirely convinced that certain races are equal in every way. For example, the NBA and NFL have an inordinately high percentage of African-Americans (though I hate that term), yet few people are willing to question whether that is serious discrimation against whites, or if African-Americans are genetically more adapted to the sport. If you go the genetic route, then you open the door to alot of other possibilities for questions of racial superiority. At any rate, I believe that things in the US are far better now than they were 60 years ago, and there is plenty of opportunity for those that want to get ahead to do so. Everytime I start bitching about how things are now, I realize I'm just being a little bitch compared to what some of our past generations here have been through, white or black.


Re: Pantera speaks against Anti-White Racism

This thread is full of bullshit. When will people realize that you cant judge a book by its cover?

The first mistake you guys make is dividing people in "race" classes.
There is just 1 race: Humans

I hope we all fuck around till we are 1 fuckin skin color so this crap will be done with.
Re: Pantera speaks against Anti-White Racism

I was always under the assumption that Lincoln could care less about the slaves and warred the south to make America whole again. Then again i haven't done any research on the topic heh.


Re: Pantera speaks against Anti-White Racism

David Allan Coe isnt a racist, there is / was idk the details even a black guy playing in his band he just wanted some attention and tried to get it the wrong way i guess, and as a consequence of that he's got the half white trash community as fans.


Re: Pantera speaks against Anti-White Racism

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
You didn't detail why it's the most ridiculous statement you've ever read, but please do. As I said, any points involving slavery are moot because every group of people that has ever been able to oppress another for gain has done so.

Then stop bringing it up. You Said: "Blacks ended slavery."

I said it was ridiculous. Why? Because it was White Western nations who were the first to ban slavery and write the ban into law. Black countries still practice slavery, and it is more widespread now than it was 500 years ago.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
We're talking about racism, and you're a racist.

You have yet to point out one thing I have said is racist.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
If they wanted to go of course he supported them. Wow, your ignorance is surprising.

No, Lincoln wanted to hold the union together which is why his declaration freed only slaves in the Confederacy.

You said: "Abraham Lincoln had love for his fellow man and enacted the Emancipation Proclamation..."

Lincoln could care less about African-Americans, the only one here is with astounding ignorance is YOU, Mr. Cebrious Arcane who simply slanders someone a racist and writes "Source?" because of his lack of knowledge.

In fact, on September 18th 1858, during a debate with Stephen Douglas, Lincoln opened by saying: "While I was at the hotel to-day, an elderly gentleman called upon me to know whether I was really in favor of producing a perfect equality between the negroes and white people. While I had not proposed to myself on this occasion to say much on that subject, yet as the question was asked me I thought I would occupy perhaps five minutes in saying something in regard to it. I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]-that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality"

Like I said, the only one with ignorance here is YOU.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
That's why I underlined began. Malcolm X fought for equality, stood-up in the face of adversity, and inspired a nation, that's why I used him as an example. He went against the oppressor, not because of skin color, but because of ideals and behaviors.

You are speaking of Nation of Islam spokesperson, Malcolm X, correct?

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
No, it's not. Reread.

Yes, you are WRONG. You said: "Blacks ended slavery..." one of the stupidest statements I've ever read. Not only as if because you just wrote below that the term "Black" is "racist" (an equally stupid statement from an equally stupid person).

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
Who are you getting your information from and how do you judge success?

I judge success by the overall quality of life based on the U.N Human Development Index which gauges several factors to determine a nation's standard of living.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
The U.S. And hopefully by 2100 we'll have moved beyond petty categorizations based on race and there will no longer be any consideration for the minority vs the majority because all cultures and classes will be equal.

Not going to happen. Outside of the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Australia you do not see "diversity."

So, in 100 years when the U.K is Muslim, and the U.S has a Mexican majority; the Sub-Sahara will still be almost entirely Black African as Asia will be almost entirely Asian.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
Who makes the guns the Africans use to kill each other? And again, slavery is a moot point.

The gun does not kill, the person using it does. If slavery is a moot point, stop bringing it up.

I tend to view societies which believe favorably of slavery and the enslavement of man as primitive and disgusting. Perhaps you do not think so, but I do mr Celbrious Arcane.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
Have you been to Singapore?


Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
Aside from that fact that it is nowhere near as comfortable as western countries,

I'll borrow your line here, "Source?"

Because according to the U.N Human Development, Singapore does, in fact, rank with all the Western industrialized nations with a .907 which is four below Spain (an HDI higher than .8 is "high development).

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
...the majority of the population is native to the region, not colonized immigrants.

So what? The point here that you are, attempting, to argue is that colonization destroyed Africa, I simply stated Africa's problems cannot be entirely blamed on colonization. A case-in-point is Singapore.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
Do research please, you're in dire need.

Foot in mouth.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
China is in Asia, thus, the Chinese are Asians. Though to further my point, the Japanese, Koreans, and Thai were also forced into labor.

There was absolutely no slave labor of the Asian immigrants in the United States to build railroads; nor were any forced to come to the United States.

In fact, the U.S enacted quotas until the 1965 immigration act for those outside Western Europe to maintain the current ethnic make-up of the nation.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
And yes, being forced to work for no monetary compensation is slavery.

No disagreement there.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
Called by whom? Your Klan leader? I have never heard that term used once and would scoff at anyone that tried to purport such a term.

You have never heard the term "model minority" because you're an idiot. You continue to say "Source?" at even the most basic of knowledge.

I guess the people who authored this 1984 Newsweek are a huge bunch of racists and klan leaders. http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/d/dd/Mmodel.jpg (I couldn't dig up the article, I'm going to dive into the academic database later when I have more time).

Furthermore, and you may not know this, Asian-Americans do not qualify for many of the same benefits that Blacks and Hispanics do when it comes to things such as college admissions in the U.S.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
This post will be long enough without an abundance of quotes for the sake of proving the point. Every time you make a statement referencing "White" "Black" "superior" "inferior" (in reference to a culture or people) or try to defend blatantly racist actions, you are making a racist statement.

This is getting ridiculous. Enough with the "UR TEH RACIST" crap, you're worse than the ADL.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
There is no need to make any distinction based on skin color. None whatsoever. So the fact that you even use the words White and Black with reference to a group of people is wholly and totally racist.

See above. And you've been doing it your entire post.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
I've never seen a White person or a Black person because white is the absence of color and Black is the absence of light.

This is an internet discussion forum, not a movement for your philosophical beliefs. You're arguing semantics, White and Black, much like Asian, are univerisally used terms to describe a race.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
Because your statements have the air of fact with no support. NationMaster's almost exclusive source is old CIA information. I asked for your source because facts like that are unprovable because they're based on the victim and the legislation.

It's well known worldwide that South Africa is amongst the world's leader in violent crime; as seen from the preponderance's of gated communities, armed response forces, etc etc.

As someone who does not see race, you should take a visit over there. I have.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
Furthermore, poverty breeds crime, which would be a much more believable reason for your statistics than race and country.

I refuse to believe poverty breeds senseless and incredibly violent crimes such as rape.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
A biased fact based on information from a fallible source. Your statement is based on race. Thus it is a racist statement.

Again, with this worthless nonsense. South Africa leading the world in violent crime is not a racist statement, it's a fact you joker you.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
"Blacks" is racist. And your quote of yourself is abbreviated.

I'm done listening to your this and that is "racist" crap, Either respond to my points without that nonsense. It's irritating.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
Egypt has a higher standard of living than South Africa.


Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
You misunderstood what I said. People immigrate in an attempt to find a better way of life.

No, I did not misread you. You wrote: "Your racist assumptions are getting boring. I'll wait for your attempt at proof."

I gave you my source that many immigrated to apartheid South Africa from neighboring nations under apartheid.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
Blacks didn't immigrate from black states. People did. From neighboring states.

Yes, Black people, from neighboring states. For someone who is so into this "Evil Whitie" crap for "colonization," you certainly would think that people would not voluntarily immigrate to a White-ran SA.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
Like some Native Americans there are Aborigines that, in an attempt to assimilate into a society that goes against their family's culture succumb to vices that plague even your beloved Whites.

What exactly is your point? I fail to see how assimilating into a "White society", in this case Australia,would cause high rates of rape and alcoholism. But I gues you can continue to make excuses.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
Dare I say "source" again? Yes, I do. Source?

Sure thing, as you seem incapable to even find the easiest of information.

Japan Today - News - Australia to ban alcohol, porn in Aboriginal communities

SYDNEY — The Australian government on Thursday announced it was banning alcohol sales and pornography in Aboriginal communities in the country's north and taking over townships there in response to last week's damning report that found evidence of systematic sexual abuse of children.

Prime Minister John Howard called the widespread child abuse in the Northern Territory, as uncovered by the government inquiry, a "national emergency" and said he was dissatisfied with the performance of the federal territory's government.


CANBERRA, Australia (AP) -- Australia's leader have announced plans to ban pornography and alcohol for Aborigines in some areas, and to tighten control over their welfare benefits to fight what he called a child sex abuse crisis among them.

Prime Minister John Howard was responding to an officially commissioned report last week saying child abuse was rampant in indigenous communities in the Northern Territory, fueled by alcohol abuse, unemployment, poverty and other factors causing a breakdown in civil society.

"This is a national emergency," Howard told Parliament Thursday. "We're dealing with a group of young Australians for whom the concept of childhood innocence has never been present."

What a huge racist Mr. Howard must be.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
The tribal Aborigines roam in the lands uninhabitable and undeveloped by the Australian people.

Doesn't surprise me there, I'm sure they've been doing just that, roaming, for thousands of years.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
You judged the people that lived in sub-Saharan Africa by implying their culture would be worse off without the European influence.

Yeah, I did. Why? Because in areas untouched by outside influence they still practice the enslavement of man, female mutilation, and other fun activities.
And quite frankly, colonization also brought written language and thousands of years of law and technology.


Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
I did much more than that, and here I am again, enjoy.

You did nothing except prove your ignorance as a Whitie-hating joker who simply stated "racist" and made several incorrect statements. You're the worst kind of liberal that exists, and I would not be surprised if you have communist leanings.

Cebrious Arcane;1501475 said:
You being a racist has nothing to do with South Africa's crime rate; as I've detailed above. Have a nice day.

The term "Racist" in Western-White societies has basically turned into the Salem Witch Trials. It's like how the ADL uses the term "anti-semite" to stifle legitimate criticism of Israel.

It's almost as if people would rather branded a child molester than have the evil "R" word come out. Unfortunately for Cebrious, on the internet, the evil "R" word does not stop all debate in its track.

What a looney toon.

Cebrious Arcane

Forum Murderer
Re: Pantera speaks against Anti-White Racism

Arend said:
Then stop bringing it up. You Said: "Blacks ended slavery."
No, I didn't. I said "Blacks" did, using the quotes to indicate I was using your word. It's easy to see why fonis gave up trying to talk to you. You have no reading comprehension and are a bundle of biases and insecurities.
Ego_Lost said:
I said it was ridiculous. Why? Because it was White Western nations who were the first to ban slavery and write the ban into law. Black countries still practice slavery, and it is more widespread now than it was 500 years ago.
They didn't need to ban slavery in nations where it never existed. It has nothing to do with skin tone. Get over it, you're totally wrong, stop trying to associate skin color with behavior, it doesn't work that way.
Arend said:
You have yet to point out one thing I have said is racist.
No, I've pointed it out many times. Go back and reread. You're absurd.
Ego_Lost said:
No, Lincoln wanted to hold the union together which is why his declaration freed only slaves in the Confederacy.
Wrong again. Go back to history class and read about Lincoln specifically.
Ego_Lost said:
You said: "Abraham Lincoln had love for his fellow man and enacted the Emancipation Proclamation..."

Lincoln could care less about African-Americans, the only one here is with astounding ignorance is YOU, Mr. Cebrious Arcane who simply slanders someone a racist and writes "Source?" because of his lack of knowledge.
You're talking to me. No one else, so addressing me in the third person is moot. It's not slander. You assign race and degrade a people because of the color of their skin. Show me where in history it is said that Lincoln could care less about African Americans. You're a joke and your attempts at derogation are juvenile. Have you even read the Emancipation Proclamation? Wow... just wow...

Arend said:
In fact, on September 18th 1858, during a debate with Stephen Douglas, Lincoln opened by saying: "While I was at the hotel to-day, an elderly gentleman called upon me to know whether I was really in favor of producing a perfect equality between the negroes and white people. While I had not proposed to myself on this occasion to say much on that subject, yet as the question was asked me I thought I would occupy perhaps five minutes in saying something in regard to it. I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]-that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality"
Source? Hahahaha, you're so unbelievably biased I almost can't take it. Almost. I said Lincoln enacted the Emancipation Proclamation, I didn't say he was not victim of the same stereotypes and prejudices that he was taught and have somehow persisted to your lineage.

In the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 Lincoln also said:

This declared indifference, but, as I must think, covert real zeal for the spread of slavery, I cannot but hate. I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself. I hate it because it deprives our republican example of its just influence in the world-enables the enemies of free institutions, with plausibility, to taunt us as hypocrites-causes the real friends of freedom to doubt our sincerity, and especially because it forces so many really good men amongst ourselves into an open war with the very fundamental principles of civil liberty-criticizing the Declaration of Independence, and insisting that there is no right principle of action but self-interest.

That indicates love for his fellow man. He may not consider his fellow man equal in every respect, but he can love his neighbor and allow him the opportunity to pursue and equal life.

And I said do reasearch, not go to Wikipedia. It's cute that you skipped over the quote I used though. That's what I mean by biased.
Arend said:
You are speaking of Nation of Islam spokesperson, Malcolm X, correct?
You have something against Muslims? Malcolm X was much more than just another believer in Islam. If you want to talk religion, hop into the other thread. Malcolm X fought for equality and just like followers of George W Bush, some people take his words and find their own meaning and justifications for their own prejudices.
Arend said:
Yes, you are WRONG. You said: "Blacks ended slavery..." one of the stupidest statements I've ever read. Not only as if because you just wrote below that the term "Black" is "racist" (an equally stupid statement from an equally stupid person).
I think capitalizing wrong made it more convincing. Oh wait, no it didn't, because you're still a racist. You can keep saying I'm wrong but I'll show you why you're wrong. It's up to you to open your eyes and realize it.
Arend said:
I judge success by the overall quality of life based on the U.N Human Development Index which gauges several factors to determine a nation's standard of living.
Well, the HDI disagrees with your statements. So you agree that you're wrong? Interesting.
Arend said:
Not going to happen. Outside of the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Australia you do not see "diversity."
Have you ever been out of country? This is just getting obscene. I'm starting to feel low for even justifying your comments with a response.
Arend said:
So, in 100 years when the U.K is Muslim, and the U.S has a Mexican majority; the Sub-Sahara will still be almost entirely Black African as Asia will be almost entirely Asian.
Um... Wow. Why don't you go ahead and enlighten me as to why that would be a worse world than it is now, then after you've typed the paragraph, print it, and slap yourself in the face with the paper. Maybe then you'll realize you're a racist.
Arend said:
The gun does not kill, the person using it does. If slavery is a moot point, stop bringing it up.
The gun is a reference to the support you asked about. I haven't brought slavery up, I responded to you bringing it up. Easy killer, this will all be over soon.
Arend said:
I tend to view societies which believe favorably of slavery and the enslavement of man as primitive and disgusting. Perhaps you do not think so, but I do mr Celbrious Arcane.
If you view societies that way, stop associating societal behavior with skin color and race, and you will cease to be a racist.
Arend said:
I have too. The Singapore lifestyle is not equal to the western lifestyle and I don't understand how you could have observed it as such. It's close, sure. They're a well developed and successful port, but equal? No. Was your stay on a military base?
Arend said:
I'll borrow your line here, "Source?"
Personal experience. If you were asking about the population breakdown you can find an example you'll trusthere: Nation Master Singapore Immigration Statistics. The population is over 4 million. The immigrant population is just over 1 million. So the majority of the population is native.
Arend said:
Because according to the U.N Human Development, Singapore does, in fact, rank with all the Western industrialized nations with a .907 which is four below Spain (an HDI higher than .8 is "high development).
Finishing last in your class isn't the same as finishing first. That's my point. It's up there, just not all the way up.
Arend said:
So what? The point here that you are, attempting, to argue is that colonization destroyed Africa, I simply stated Africa's problems cannot be entirely blamed on colonization. A case-in-point is Singapore.
Did I say colonization destroyed Africa? Nope, sure didn't. I said you're a racist and that colonization did nothing for the continent except leech a profit from it.
Arend said:
Foot in mouth.
Hahahaha... sad, sad, sad. I hear Sylvan Learning Center offers tutoring on reading comprehension.
Arend said:
There was absolutely no slave labor of the Asian immigrants in the United States to build railroads; nor were any forced to come to the United States.
In this sense I suppose we define slavery differently. Japanese Internment Camps are another great example of racism against the Asian community in America.
Arend said:
In fact, the U.S enacted quotas until the 1965 immigration act for those outside Western Europe to maintain the current ethnic make-up of the nation.
Thus preventing the free and open immigration this country was founded upon. Your example furthers my point, not yours. Thanks though.
Arend said:
You have never heard the term "model minority" because you're an idiot. You continue to say "Source?" at even the most basic of knowledge.
Call me an idiot, and I'll still be back tomorrow. Your judgement only betrays your ignorance. As I said, "model minority" is a racist term and I would never use it even if I had heard it before now.
Arend said:
I guess the people who authored this 1984 Newsweek are a huge bunch of racists and klan leaders. http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/d/dd/Mmodel.jpg (I couldn't dig up the article, I'm going to dive into the academic database later when I have more time).
Don't worry about it, I believe you. Yes. Yes they were. They supported a term that reinforced the stereotype of a race. I don't place blame. I don't judge them. It's just how it was at the time and I'm sure their intentions were good.
Arend said:
Furthermore, and you may not know this, Asian-Americans do not qualify for many of the same benefits that Blacks and Hispanics do when it comes to things such as college admissions in the U.S.
I do know that and it is dependent exclusively on the organizations that pursue equal rights for the communities that do have those benefits, for example, the NAACP. Fighting for equal rights is admirable. Fighting for racially equal rights is racist. Imagine the changes that could have been accomplished if the NAACP was an organization for all people in need.
Arend said:
This is an internet discussion forum, not a movement for your philosophical beliefs. You're arguing semantics, White and Black, much like Asian, are univerisally used terms to describe a race.
Making distinctions between human beings is racist. That is my whole point. It has nothing to do with philosophy or semantics. You are a racist if you define persons by the color of their skin, physical attributes, and where their ancestors originated. I'm not "White-hating". I make no distinction between a person with light skin or dark skin and have no need to judge based on appearance and ancestry. Apparently you have an us and them mentality and my non-acceptance of your mentality causes your to pass judgement.
Arend said:
It's well known worldwide that South Africa is amongst the world's leader in violent crime; as seen from the preponderance's of gated communities, armed response forces, etc etc.

As someone who does not see race, you should take a visit over there. I have.
Some day I will and my views will have nothing to do with skin color, like they don't now. Go to the ghetto of Detroit on a Friday night. Get spit at by other people and have them ask "Who you with?! Who you with?!" then when you say, "I'm just going home man, no problem." You move on and they leave you alone. There are racists everywhere, but racism doesn't have to apply to everyone.
Arend said:
I refuse to believe poverty breeds senseless and incredibly violent crimes such as rape.
Refusal to believe is a strong indication of unjust bias.

Arend said:
I'm done listening to your this and that is "racist" crap, Either respond to my points without that nonsense. It's irritating.
As people we apply labels to define our world. I label you a racist because you judge and make distinctions based on race.
Arend said:
No, I did not misread you. You wrote: "Your racist assumptions are getting boring. I'll wait for your attempt at proof."
Arend said:
Yes, Black people, from neighboring states. For someone who is so into this "Evil Whitie" crap for "colonization," you certainly would think that people would not voluntarily immigrate to a White-ran SA.
Why's that? If there is more money, there is a higher standard of living. Like Mexicans immigrating into the U.S.; it has nothing to do with their skin color.

Arend said:
What exactly is your point? I fail to see how assimilating into a "White society", in this case Australia,would cause high rates of rape and alcoholism. But I gues you can continue to make excuses.
Social influences build wants, wants coupled with unavailability lead to crime. Why do priests molest little boys? It's fucked up, sure, but it has nothing to do with race. Not one thing.
Arend said:
Sure thing, as you seem incapable to even find the easiest of information.
Incapable? No. Unmotivated to search? Yes. The link would have sufficed and my point still stands. "Source?" is a good way to keep people that talk out of their ass in check.

Arend said:
What a huge racist Mr. Howard must be.
Nope, because he was talking about a specific group of people. And it had nothing to do with race. Returning again to my point. Perhaps if I write it after every one of your quotes it will start to sink in: Passing judgement based on race is racist. Making distinctions based on physical characteristics and lineage is racist.
Arend said:
Doesn't surprise me there, I'm sure they've been doing just that, roaming, for thousands of years.
Arend said:
Yeah, I did. Why? Because in areas untouched by outside influence they still practice the enslavement of man, female mutilation, and other fun activities.
And quite frankly, colonization also brought written language and thousands of years of law and technology.
Ah yes, but your entire arguement to enforce these points was based on skin color. That's why I called you a racist, and still do.
Arend said:
You did nothing except prove your ignorance as a Whitie-hating joker who simply stated "racist" and made several incorrect statements. You're the worst kind of liberal that exists, and I would not be surprised if you have communist leanings.
Your use of the word liberal is based on political affiliation. Look up the word liberal as it's defined literally and perhaps the label is applicable. Communism is a leap though, back that one up. Next you'll call me a terrorist, eh? Guess, guess, guess, judge, judge, judge. You silly goose, whatever you need to help you sleep at night. At least this conversation occupies time at work.
Arend said:
The term "Racist" in Western-White societies has basically turned into the Salem Witch Trials. It's like how the ADL uses the term "anti-semite" to stifle legitimate criticism of Israel.
Criticism of Israel has nothing to do with prejudices against the Jewish community. Anti-Semitism applies to those prejudiced against believers in Jeudeism.
Arend said:
It's almost as if people would rather branded a child molester than have the evil "R" word come out. Unfortunately for Cebrious, on the internet, the evil "R" word does not stop all debate in its track.
If you're offended with being labeled a racist, stop behaving as one. Who are you addressing when you talk to me in third person? I'm not interested in stopping debate, I'm interested in you learning you're a racist and that you support racism.

I'll try to respond this weekend but I more than likely won't be back until I'm at work again Monday. Have a nice time.


Re: Pantera speaks against Anti-White Racism

My opinions are so important! These minor semantics will determine humanity as we know it!

This thread has become filled with too much bullshit.

Everyone is arguing as though they are the omnipotent observers of history.

Guess what? You don't know shit.


Did you even know about Darfur before the news told you about it? Would you even know about these statistics if they weren't selected and fed to you? There are huge events and statistics and dates and times and opinions we will never know about, so arguing over one color in a spectrum is moronic.

The point is, as humans, we only know so much. Arguing right and wrong is impossible, because we are DOOMED to ignorance, because we will never know EVERYTHING.

In short, live your life, and just don't be assholes to each other, and everything will be O.K.



Re: Pantera speaks against Anti-White Racism

Aveks;1502452 said:


Did you even know about Darfur before the news told you about it? Would you even know about these statistics if they weren't selected and fed to you? There are huge events and statistics and dates and times and opinions we will never know about, so arguing over one color in a spectrum is moronic.

Thanks for the shout-out, I can tell that was about me?

Think what you want, there are plenty of nations throughout the world experiencing strife right now, but Darfur (which is in Sudan, by the way) and Southern Sudan are pretty fucked up places. I had the pleasure of meeting with a refugee from Southern Sudan, he came up for a benefit dinner we held for him at our campus.. had some stories.. Anyway.

MTV is shit, does not mean everything they post news about is shit. Do I not like the fact that Darfur is becoming a "trendy" thing to be "activist" about? Do I detest teenybopper jackasses that act like they know anything because they get those shitty ass month-long repeating "news" commercials from MTV about Darfur? Yes.

Does it mean that the conflict is not happening over there and we should move on? No.
Re: Pantera speaks against Anti-White Racism

fonis;1503224 said:
Do I not like the fact that Darfur is becoming a "trendy" thing to be "activist" about?
the majority of people will not bother with anything that doesnt somehow help themselves

that is why it is a good thing that darfur is becoming trendy because that is the only way people in dire need get help
fonis;1503224 said:
Do I detest teenybopper jackasses that act like they know anything because they get those shitty ass month-long repeating "news" commercials from MTV about Darfur? Yes.
also a good thing

regardless of how stupid these little teenybopper jackasses are... at least they are thinking about something else other then american idol or some stupid celebrity

is mtv just doing commercials or are they also doing television shows about it?


Re: Pantera speaks against Anti-White Racism

Ive never been a big fan of Lincoln myself. Under his administration the first draft came out, and guess what - $300 bought you a ticket out. Guy was losing the war and decided to essentially send immigrants to their death, while he let all his rich cronies skip out. Few things get more criminal than that for me. If you believe something is worth dying for, then you better be the one dying. A few of the union officer's tried to declare their black enlisted men free, and got denied by Lincoln. This guy was trying to preserve a union with a mentality of - you're in this union for good, or we come and kill you. Why shouldn't it be acceptable to cecede from a group when they change all the rules on you? Im not defending the South, but this guy isn't one of my heroes either.


Re: Pantera speaks against Anti-White Racism

They tried to secede before he freed the slaves. He freed them as an economic manuever to destroy their infrastructure, at the least.


Re: Pantera speaks against Anti-White Racism

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
They didn't need to ban slavery in nations where it never existed. It has nothing to do with skin tone. Get over it, you're totally wrong, stop trying to associate skin color with behavior, it doesn't work that way.No, I've pointed it out many times. Go back and reread. You're absurd.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
You're a joke and your attempts at derogation are juvenile. Have you even read the Emancipation Proclamation? Wow... just wow...

The only joke here is you Cebrious. You stated that Abraham Lincoln believed in his fellow man blah blah. I counted by quoting a statement where he did not believe that to be true.

Living Lincoln: The Man in His Time, in His Own Words
by Paul M. Angle pg 265.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
Almost. I said Lincoln enacted the Emancipation Proclamation, I didn't say he was not victim of the same stereotypes and prejudices that he was taught and have somehow persisted to your lineage.

The EP did absolutely nothing. You stated Lincoln was all for equality and gu-hoe about his fellow man, he was not.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
That indicates love for his fellow man. He may not consider his fellow man equal in every respect, but he can love his neighbor and allow him the opportunity to pursue and equal life.


Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
You have something against Muslims? Malcolm X was much more than just another believer in Islam. If you want to talk religion, hop into the other thread. Malcolm X fought for equality and just like followers of George W Bush, some people take his words and find their own meaning and justifications for their own prejudices.

No, idiot. I was clarifying if you were speaking of Nation of Islam leader Malcolm X. Nation of Islam is classified as a "hate group" by the SPLC.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
I think capitalizing wrong made it more convincing. Oh wait, no it didn't, because you're still a racist.

TEH RACIST URN HIM STIFFLE ALL LEGITMATE DISCUSSION ITS TEWH RACIST (usually clamored by some ultra-liberal type from his 90% White suburban community far away from "diverse" areas, whether they be in Australia, the U.S, Canada or Western Europe -- where millions of people outside the ethnic group are pouring in even when nobody wants it).

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
Well, the HDI disagrees with your statements. So you agree that you're wrong? Interesting.

No, it does not.

I said: "So, in 100 years when the U.K is Muslim, and the U.S has a Mexican majority; the Sub-Sahara will still be almost entirely Black African as Asia will be almost entirely Asian."

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
Um... Wow. Why don't you go ahead and enlighten me as to why that would be a worse world than it is now,

Are you really this stupid? How is it beneficial for Whites to become minorities in their own countries while Asia, Africa, the Mid East, etc are less diverse than ever before?

Can you actually see Europe better with a Muslim majority? Or the U.S with a Mexican majority?

The fact is, Whites are voluntarily handing over their countries to, often hostile, peoples in the name of "diversity" (which I don't remember seeing anyone ask for -- and cheap labor) and it's bringing in huge increases in rape, crime, poverty, violence, etc.

The fact that someone makes the suggestion "how would it be worse" boggles the imagination when you see the ghettos springing up from Madrid to Paris to Berlin to Malmo, Sweden. Or how entire territories of the U.S are being transformed into mini-Tijuanas in the name of cheap labor.

At least Japan somewhat sees the faults in this practice.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
If you view societies that way, stop associating scietal behavior with skin color and race, and you will cease to be a racist.

You do know higher testosterones leads to higher aggressiveness? And you do know that it varies in different populations?

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
I have too. The Singapore lifestyle is not equal to the western lifestyle and I don't understand how you could have observed it as such. It's close, sure. They're a well developed and successful port, but equal? No. Was your stay on a military base?

No, I studied a semester there.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
Did I say colonization destroyed Africa? Nope, sure didn't. I said you're a racist and that colonization did nothing for the continent except leech a profit from it.

Nothing but leech a profit? How about bringing electricity, written language, a wheel, cars, advanced buildings, thousands of years of invention and education?

Until Mugabe's land "reforms" Zimbabwe was doing quite well, and flourished under Rhodesia. Now look. If anything, colonization ended half-assed and incomplete when the powers should of finished what they started or not gone in at all.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
In this sense I suppose we define slavery differently. Japanese Internment Camps are another great example of racism against the Asian community in America.

You said Asian immigrants were forced as slaves to build the railroad, we were not talking about the internment camps.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
Thus preventing the free and open immigration this country was founded upon.

This country was never founded on "free and open immigration" and I don't think I ever read it once in early documents. The 1965 immigration act was lobbied for by the 'usual suspects'

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
Making distinctions between human beings is racist.

Even if they exist? Should they be hidden?

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
I make no distinction between a person with light skin or dark skin and have no need to judge based on appearance and ancestry.

I'd like to put this theory to the test; go live in a Lebanese area of Australia.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
I label you a racist because you judge and make distinctions based on race.

So does everyone, whether they realize it subconsciously or not.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
Why's that? If there is more money, there is a higher standard of living. Like Mexicans immigrating into the U.S.; it has nothing to do with their skin color.

Yup, a higher standard of living caused hundreds of thousands of Blacks to immigrate to apartheid South Africa. I found it interesting that they were so evil and racist but it didn't stop thousands, if not millions.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:

So the continent would be absolutely nothing if the English never arrived; just a barren wasteland.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
Communism is a leap though, back that one up. Next you'll call me a terrorist, eh?

No, 'terrorist' is a subjective term. Are Palestinians living under apartheid in the West Bank and the brute of Israel guns and U.S funded jets of Zion terrorists as their land gets stolen and they fight back the only way they know how? I don't think so.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
Criticism of Israel has nothing to do with prejudices against the Jewish community.

The ADL would disagree.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
If you're offended with being labeled a racist, stop behaving as one.

I'm not. Most people you speak to in private are less than politically correct.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
Who are you addressing when you talk to me in third person?

Because for those reading it is often needed to see the previous statement, the quote, and then my second reply.

Cebrious Arcane;1502442 said:
I'm not interested in stopping debate, I'm interested in you learning you're a racist and that you support racism.

Even the most ardant U.S liberal, with all their "racist this" and "racist that" would not give up living in their 90% White "Diverse" suburban community and experience "diversity" in Compton, Memphis or Newark.

Cebrious Arcane

Forum Murderer
Re: Pantera speaks against Anti-White Racism

Arend said:
No, idiot.
Strike a nerve? Here ya go: :tissue:.
Arend said:
TEH RACIST URN HIM STIFFLE ALL LEGITMATE DISCUSSION ITS TEWH RACIST (usually clamored by some ultra-liberal type from his 90% White suburban community far away from "diverse" areas, whether they be in Australia, the U.S, Canada or Western Europe -- where millions of people outside the ethnic group are pouring in even when nobody wants it).
Yup, I guess I did strike a nerve. I'm from Detroit, so I guess your assumption doesn't apply.
Arend said:
Are you really this stupid? How is it beneficial for Whites to become minorities in their own countries while Asia, Africa, the Mid East, etc are less diverse than ever before?
Here, allow me to use some capitalization for emphasis: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Become a minority in their own countries... wow... just wow. You're pathetic. They are not "White" countries. What the fuck man? If you literally can't see the racism inherent in my above quote of you then there is no hope. You're brainwashed beyond repair.
Arend said:
Can you actually see Europe better with a Muslim majority? Or the U.S with a Mexican majority?
See above. You need serious help. Yes, I definitely could. Because leadership is not dependent on race, it's dependent on the personal qualities of the individual. For fucks sake, I'm hoping this is some kind of joke. You're awful.
Arend said:
The fact is, Whites are voluntarily handing over their countries to, often hostile, peoples in the name of "diversity" (which I don't remember seeing anyone ask for -- and cheap labor) and it's bringing in huge increases in rape, crime, poverty, violence, etc.
The "fact", since you use that word so loosely, is that free countries are not owned by anyone and especially are not owned by a race. Sorry, strike nine, three innings later and you're still a racist.
Arend said:
The fact that someone makes the suggestion "how would it be worse" boggles the imagination when you see the ghettos springing up from Madrid to Paris to Berlin to Malmo, Sweden. Or how entire territories of the U.S are being transformed into mini-Tijuanas in the name of cheap labor.
You are pathetic. It's not even funny anymore. You fucking racist.
Arend said:
You do know higher testosterones leads to higher aggressiveness? And you do know that it varies in different populations?
As a student of psychology I know that there is no definitive proof to associate higher levels of testosterone with higher levels of aggression. That being said, testosterone is not dependent on race. So, racist, stop trying to associate violence with skin color. You can't. You're wrong on both counts.
Arend said:
No, I studied a semester there.
University life is not equal to street life. My point still stands.
Arend said:
Nothing but leech a profit? How about bringing electricity, written language, a wheel, cars, advanced buildings, thousands of years of invention and education?
So? Claiming "All Hail Whitey" brought the wheel is pretty funny, but your judgement is self-centered. You are in no place to judge any culture as good or bad other than your own. None whatsoever because you are outside of their systems, outside of their beliefs, outside of their ideals, and are thusly outside of everything their culture represents. So you have no bearing on anything about anything other than your ridiculously biased opinion.

Arend said:
This country was never founded on "free and open immigration" and I don't think I ever read it once in early documents. The 1965 immigration act was lobbied for by the 'usual suspects'
Anyone that wanted to come to America in the beginning could and did so they would get out of Europe. Go hit the history books. Take a look at the gift we received from the French, after over 100 years of independence, they still knew what America stood for, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-lost to me."
Arend said:
I'd like to put this theory to the test; go live in a Lebanese area of Australia.
Why don't you reread what I wrote before your quote. I grew up in downtown Detroit. So I'm aware of racism and the distinction some people make based on skin color. It is not applicable. If others are racist towards me, that's their problem. I can give you examples all day, but you don't read anything I say. You just gloss over it looking for an opportunity to try and appear intelligent, but instead come off as just another racist that can Wiki.
Arend said:
So does everyone, whether they realize it subconsciously or not.
That's a gross assumption. Don't lump me in with you and your racist brethren.
Arend said:
So the continent would be absolutely nothing if the English never arrived; just a barren wasteland.
That's an assumption based on your racism. You can't predict the future, or any possible future. This is sad.
Arend said:
The ADL would disagree.
Um, no they wouldn't. The ADL "Fighting Anti-Semitism, Bigotry and Extremism". Not "Fighting Israel-bashers". Wrong again.
Arend said:
Because for those reading it is often needed to see the previous statement, the quote, and then my second reply.
Stop being concerned with those reading this and start being concerned with your racist state of mind.
Arend said:
Even the most ardant U.S liberal, with all their "racist this" and "racist that" would not give up living in their 90% White "Diverse" suburban community and experience "diversity" in Compton, Memphis or Newark.
Even more assumptions based on racism. You truly are pathetic. Seek counseling. You may not know it but there are many skilled and qualified men and women in the field of psychology of all skin tones. Seek one out. Soon.
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