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Optional Poll to change wands and explo pots.

A change for Explosion Pots & Wands

  • Total voters


Wands and Explo pots have been op for a long time, Gives no one a chance to really get away from ganks and all events consist of alchy.

I'd like to see old school mechanics pvp where people rely on skill rather then wands and throwing potions.

Since bola tamers seem to be getting adjustments I would like to see wands have a longer delay to use them & explosion potions do less damage or have no extra damage bonus all together. Bringing back the the popularity of 5xgm, pure dexxers and tank mages again.

As it stand 70% of this server has an alchy stun, that's gotta tell ya something.

This is just a poll, voice your opinion but be mature about it.

Death To You

I would only say 5x is on par with alchy skill level. By removing the extra damage you would be destroying one of the best, most used and funnest templates on Hybrid. 5x isn't very viable on the field any more because of heal and cure potions and how does following a target with a weapon take skill?

Divide By Zero

In my opinion, alchemy is fine, leave it alone. Wands need a change though. Being able to get away from anything with some trapped bags and spamming a gheal wand seems a bit op to me.

(Edit) FYI, I don't pvp with an alchy anything. (/edit)


I would only say 5x is on par with alchy skill level. By removing the extra damage you would be destroying one of the best, most used and funnest templates on Hybrid. 5x isn't very viable on the field any more because of heal and cure potions and how does following a target with a weapon take skill? I wouldn't mind a wand change though.

Never was a problem before , people never used to use wands or throw pots back in the day on osi if they did it was rarely. Everyone runs in gank squads anyones so dropping someone isnt hard to do, the problem being is when ur one person running from 2 or more people u just keep getting potted and lightning wand down and the is 0 chance to survive it. Even if you use gheal wands, you get 4 x the amount of lightning wand charges then a gheal wand has on top of how ever many potions they have.

I'd just like to see more people using old templated instead of 70% of people using alchys so they can just alchy wand people down in big gank squads.

Pat McGroin

In my opinion, alchemy is fine, leave it alone. Wands need a change though. Being able to get away from anything with some trapped bags and spamming a gheal wand seems a bit op to me.

(Edit) FYI, I don't pvp with an alchy anything. (/edit)

OP? And what spamming paralyze and letting five guys sync on you isn't? Please use your brain before posting. GH wands are a great resource for the field, and the delay on wands is just fine.

Pat McGroin

Never was a problem before , people never used to use wands or throw pots back in the day on osi if they did it was rarely. Everyone runs in gank squads anyones so dropping someone isnt hard to do, the problem being is when ur one person running from 2 or more people u just keep getting potted and lightning wand down and the is 0 chance to survive it. Even if you use gheal wands, you get 4 x the amount of lightning wand charges then a gheal wand has on top of how ever many potions they have.

I'd just like to see more people using old templated instead of 70% of people using alchys so they can just alchy wand people down in big gank squads.

The real problem here is you just suck to be honest. Anybody who is good on the field will survive no problems against two people. If you're going to field then you should be smart enough to come prepared. If you are getting chased by two people then tab out and D stun one of them so you get away. I really am not trying to be a dick, but you're just a under par player who doesn't really know how to field very well.


The only change I'd like to see is if you throw a pot, it lands where you throw it and not chase someone like a heat sinking missile.
Clearly you have no idea how hard it would be to alchy if you had to manually throw every pot during your dumps instead of using last target... You would have to be a mind reader and know every step your opponent was making.

Think about it??
People on this server use pots as a crutch. It was never intended to follow someone, that was a bug that was never fixed.

Also, think about the gank squads that kill people using nothing but pots and lighting wands and using very very small amounts of mana to kill someone if any at all. This either forces someone to be in another gank squad or use a template like heal/stun so they can pop bandaids to counter it.


The real problem here is you just suck to be honest. Anybody who is good on the field will survive no problems against two people. If you're going to field then you should be smart enough to come prepared. If you are getting chased by two people then tab out and D stun one of them so you get away. I really am not trying to be a dick, but you're just a under par player who doesn't really know how to field very well.

The problem is you just go around trolling me on forums and never fought me (Forum Warrior). I'm just saying I'd like to see old school pvp mechanics back the way they used to be, as it is right now it's just whoever has the biggest zerg squad throwing pots and lightning someone down, hell u dont even have to cast any spells? that's pathetic. You remind me of the guy in holy who will run up to someone , para spam them then wait for 4 guys to run in and sync drop and then call someone bad cause they couldn't survive a 5 man sync drop when all they had was just regs, no wands, pots or trapped boxes just looking for idocs. I really don't need advice, you already proven your stupidity and i'm not going to help you derail this thread by measuring pixel dicks.

Try to have (One) thread where you aren't acting like a little kid starting off your replies with insults.

Oh and Fyi, I actually was very good back in the day in feild pvp when I factions. All I am seeing from you is assumptions, lets see some facts.


Clearly you have no idea how hard it would be to alchy if you had to manually throw every pot during your dumps instead of using last target... You would have to be a mind reader and know every step your opponent was making.

Think about it??

So your saying this change would require someone to be skilled at throwing pots right? Gotcha..


are u mad? Just proved my point in del, was fighting an SL, killed him so he runs up on his bola tamer with another SL friend and i had 9 charges of g heal wands and after about 10 mins of running they both threw pots and wanded me down after using like 30 explo pots and like 15 lightning wands charges each without every casting a spell.. ya thats skill right there...

Death To You

If you want to start a poll like this you need to be much more detailed with suggestions on exactly what to change about the potions and wands with a biased look at the pros and cons. Explosions potion changes shouldn't be part of the changes to wands in the poll as they are two separate mechanics. Even though potions are used in conjuncture with lightning wands they both have many other reasons for their uses, not just throwing potions and using light wands on the run. Hybrid isn't same as old school uo any more, for better or worse, and changing these things won't magically put Hybrid back like it used to be as times have changed.


Your'e allowed your own opinions not your own facts. Old school pvp was more fun and more skilled then todays pvp on hybrd, I guess the new generation is just lazy. Anyways I'm not arguing this anymore, I'll let the poll do the talking.


I remember when nearly everyone on osi used the crusty in game macro/hotkey system lol looking back it seems very weak and archaic but man it was fun having more skill based pvp when everyone was on the same level kinda deal.. Now everyone wants the fastest easiest way to kill, putting skill aside..

No real point to my rant.. Just think it's depressing how hacked up the game has become lol

Divide By Zero

OP? And what spamming paralyze and letting five guys sync on you isn't? Please use your brain before posting. GH wands are a great resource for the field, and the delay on wands is just fine.

I'm not going to get in to a pissing match on the forums.
Or let you troll this forum off topic.

I stand by my comments and I have decided to roll and alchy macer for some pvp fun.

I will also embrace any changes put down by the devs and admins. I play the game to have fun, and hang out with some cool people. Losing your mind over a video game means you need to reevaluate your priorities in life.


are u mad? Just proved my point in del, was fighting an SL, killed him so he runs up on his bola tamer with another SL friend and i had 9 charges of g heal wands and after about 10 mins of running they both threw pots and wanded me down after using like 30 explo pots and like 15 lightning wands charges each without every casting a spell.. ya thats skill right there...

Learn how to offscreen and learn how to run in straight lines.
people with wands are easy to stun so just get some D stuns ... that really should not be that hard.

if you let's 2 guys dropping 30 lightning wands charges on you then you're doing something wrong obviously.

Apparently you're just bad , this have absolutely nothing to do with wands being OP.
I love to see the age old argument that things should be like they were back in the glory days of OSI. The main reason that exp and wands are like they are now and were not used during the good ol' days is because the user interface has improved through programs such as razor and assistuo. In the old days no one used exp pots cause they would have to manually double click them to throw. Same with the wands, they would have to manually equip them then manually double click them. Now adays, you can create a macro that uses the item in your hand and use the usetype macro to start an exp pot.

IMO the defense to exp pots *should* be a hotkey in razor or auo that attempts to use the pot thrown at you (aka pot kicking). There is a stigma against this for some reason.. not sure why. Its not like you guys are manually clicking the exp pot in your backpack, so why should someone *kicking* have to double click the pot? A well thrown pot cannot be kicked or dodge regardless of how well you can kick a pot. *Here comes the flamers*

For wands, they are kinda cheap to be sure. Anyone that uses them would just say you should use them also and would be right (why not take advantage of something like that?). I dont think different timers on wands would change anything. Either they are in the game play or they are taken out.


yeah everyone goes back to 1990 , let's all double click our potions and spells ! ''real skillz''
lmfao is it your first day on UO ?

who the fuck are those kids and what are they even complaining about ... LOL

Nobody want to see a endless fight between 2 retards trying to double click all their actions.
sorry if macros are too fast for you.

... you must have some kind of retardation.
go see a doctor asap or PM sig on the forum.