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Keep using those mares 31D


The fact remains: We'll fight anyone even numbers just pick the town.

If we are rolling a group of 5 guys and we see one orange, its not like 4 of us are going to stand back and just 1v1, of course we will gank them. And if they decide to run and not recall, its a rare occasion that we'll let them get away.

Btw, im glad to see that I sparked some shittalking, for pvp forums there was far too little shittalking going on.


pfft u all crazy on the idea of pownage and overkill pownage is a nekid axer with a blessed faction wep fresh rezzed chasing some dude down on foot and killing him with a inch of life and -30 skillz that pownage :p done it before I am Platinum X theres 2 of us so im the one in black not the one in blue. eh japs + rice is crazy <:| each that shi with chopsticks I mean wow dude thats precise eh.... 月山尸廿日尸戈土弓久 . oh and about brasillians who are usually rude and noob cakes that have no idea about the concept of gaming and should be train surfing (ghey) vai toma no cu. eh im messed in the head woot woot


OH YA jelly donuts pown major for if not there exsistance this world would be in ruins
[:\ <<<<< unibrow but no lolz MINAX POWNS ALL hes just a cool dude I sat and smoked a fatty wit him he was like "muh fingas so burnt I can smoke a roach right thru them" and I was like narly dude tottaly rad! aight so like jenova is DA BOMB if this was like a t.v. show uo pk idol you would be on top homie keep the luv fo da faction bro.



Ganking? What's that? No one in factions would ever dare do something similar. Everyone just 1v1's. Afterall, that is the point of factions.
DementedJester said:
*Looks at Uncle Fu and giggles*

That'll teach you not to have such a long ban macro.
LoL probably your only kill of the day good work I was afk getting a dip and came back in the nic of time almost. We'll at least you werent at the duel pits :D


Bologna Is Good said:
LoL probably your only kill of the day good work I was afk getting a dip and came back in the nic of time almost. We'll at least you werent at the duel pits :D

AFK = a free kill.
Actually i killed many people that day.
Killed some 31D who were house hiding (3(us)v2(wade and some other guy), some rN/MDK who were hiding in your house, more random minax, more 31D, Wu Gambino (who got no heals from 2 random TB, poor Gambi.), Mico (after he tried bolaing my dexer 3 times and failed to kill her) and a bunch of EE.

Was a fun night.
On another note; TDK shall get better and better as time goes by, i see so much potential.

P.S. i'm never at the duel pits, i suck at dueling and i don't go afk there unless i've been about to crash and gotten inside them in time.


MDK i cant see how u dont understand this.
We are better than you. Straight up. Its the truth and every one of you knows it.
If u want to set up a fight that will be recorded please PM me or message me at kalduo.
gambino was under a fucking building
i couldnt see him to click
i guess i couldve cancelled my Gheal, did all names, double clicked him, got his status bar from his paperdoll, recasted, then clicked.

but same outcome.

moral of story, dont stand under building less you are partied, and he wasnt partied :>


Anytime Lament, how many times did we drop you tonight, 4-5? Heres the rules: no bolas, no mares/dragons. We made the mistake of trying to fight you guys heads up tonight on the field, but when you mass recruit and have 11 guys running around chain bolaing with 4 mares its a little retarded. No worries, once we started using guerilla tactics you were getting dropped left and right. As long as you guys are using mares and bolas with mass recruited newbies, dont expect a straight up fight. Its funny, it seems like right after we decimated you guys are the graveyard (fighting outnumbered too) and killed mares/lured off pets you all logged, I wonder why.

Face it: You need the mares, they are your crutch. Without them, you are nothing, as we proved tonight at the graveyard.


Jenova said:
Anytime Lament, how many times did we drop you tonight, 4-5? Heres the rules: no bolas, no mares/dragons. We made the mistake of trying to fight you guys heads up tonight on the field, but when you mass recruit and have 11 guys running around chain bolaing with 4 mares its a little retarded. No worries, once we started using guerilla tactics you were getting dropped left and right. As long as you guys are using mares and bolas with mass recruited newbies, dont expect a straight up fight. Its funny, it seems like right after we decimated you guys are the graveyard (fighting outnumbered too) and killed mares/lured off pets you all logged, I wonder why.

Face it: You need the mares, they are your crutch. Without them, you are nothing, as we proved tonight at the graveyard.

Whats the point of lying on the forums? Anyone that it means anything to knows your lying...
I dont think you know the history.... I wont go back to MNX, but I quit MDK in December and started my own group. We have been superior to MDK since the beginning. We joined tb and warred you guys. I won the election and soon after MDK left for minax.

You couldnt do it with that Ol' Bastard and you sure as hell cant do it now.
MDK just cant hang with us bro...... I taught your superiors how to dump.... My crew is and always will be better..... its been proven since you even started playing here.

WE made 63 points in 2 hours.. 30 of these were off your guild
[happens on a regular basis]
You guys are the ones that keep pushing our guild up through the rankings

Seriously, how can u talk shit?

Yea, we logged after i died twice. So what?
We killed all of you in East brit twice cept for your Guildmaster who recalled out. Twice next to healers and twice in skara. Once at the smith.
After that you guys basically just retreated to your house and sat in there for around an hour.
After that you came out and dropped me 3v2. What can i say? My bad? Wow i died after three days/over 40 kills. Big woop dude. Your tight cause you can lie....?

Dont even speak to me.


Wow, i've seen a lot of bullshit in my day, but never as much bullshit at one time as that post contains. We died once in a real fight tonight, at east brit, and we were outnumbered by at least 3 guys with at least 2 bola tamers with 2 mares each. All of your kills other than that were when we were split up, restocking, etc. I dont know where you come up with all these figures. Like I said earlier, we made the mistake in east brit of trying to fight you guys when we were severely outnumbered and also facing bola tamers, it wont happen again. The graveyard was a complete massacre, you guys were still sporting huge numbers and we just picked you off with only 4-5 guys. Every single even numbered fight with no mares i've ever been in with 31D we've won. Your dumps are terrible with little to no coordination, and your xhealing skills are laughable.

I saw at least 5 guys i've never seen in 31D before tonight. Maybe instead of mass recruiting tamers you might work with what you have and try to improve. Until then, I give you no respect, your guild is terrible and i'd be happy to show you some grey in an even numbered fight in a town of your choosing. (no mares or bolas)


Lament said:
WE made 63 points in 2 hours.. 30 of these were off your guild
[happens on a regular basis]
You guys are the ones that keep pushing our guild up through the rankings

Dont even speak to me.

By we, you mean your mares, bolas, and the other 5-10 random TB dexxers helping out. Congrats...true winners. You are truly the most skilled and least lame guild on the shard. Bravo.


Lament is right tbph...

MDK are the reason CiA had so many points. The only mention-worthy faction guild i consider inferior to MDK are EE.
I mean FUCK, KiD and rN are better than you guys.


Since he isn't here yet, i'll make a nice big ode to him...
