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Josh Compton Lol 2v2 + 1v1's

Ya that troll stuff don't work on me lol, trust me you can assume i'm mad all you went but there is nothing but laughter when kevin brings up your name. However keep telling yourself I'm mad :p I'm just simply saying that you talking about me 24/7 to kevin makes you look like you have some obession with me and it's kinda creepy.

I was just simple bored, Kevin brought up hybrid and Keanu or clayton can't remember said they updated forums so I came to look and seen your silly thread and thought i'd reply. Sorry if you got offended, that seems to happen with you on almost everything.
I thought you were leaving. Do you keep coming back because you're obsessed with me? I never brought up your name kevin did lol. Why would i want to talk about you? You're plain and boring.


Ya your right :p Just wanted to reply to that attempt at troll trying to say I was mad lol. You bring my name up all the time, but denial is strong with you apparently. You're allowed your own opinions (Plain & Boring) but not you're own facts. If I was plain and boring tho I'd rather be that then a homosexual and Emo :D.

K now you can continue to carry on a conversation with yourself, as I feel you are getting turned on by me replying to you which wouldn't surprise me. Enjoy the rest of your day and keep up with those threads,.. Maybe you will boost your ego so high that you will stop cutting your own wrists :D



This lawlfirm guy talks about how peoples egos are inflated on this game

so he must get emotionally involved in a forum post and talk shit to everybody because he has no ego or emotional attachments at all, obviously.

just another bad coming back from the past of uogamers

Not coming back nor was I bad, I have no intention on wasting time on this server anymore. At least you still have the dedication to throw your life away tho, let me know how that works out :D

Bye guys <3


^^ thats a fact.
Josh is a great PvPer, he might suck in skype sometimes when fielding but fact is the kid can PvP/duel. Just so happens Project7 is prolly 1 of the top 3 duelers on the shard so of course he will dirt josh.

I love when people trash talk Josh because 9/10 of the people who trash talk him wont even get 1 win in 10 in the pits.
i will


Not coming back nor was I bad, I have no intention on wasting time on this server anymore. At least you still have the dedication to throw your life away tho, let me know how that works out :D

Bye guys <3
If you quit UOG wtf you still doing trolling the forums? You talk shit about Marc IRL? Hows that even possible when u find the time on a saturday morning to not only check, but post about 10 times on a game forum for a game you dont even play? You sir are the one who fails at life.
Anyways was fun, seems I hit a nerve so that is always good. Let's make one thing clear tho before I jet, everyone I know who has every talked to you has came up with the same conclusion. You are whinny arrogant brat who rages everytime he dies in League of Legends and Uo and talk way to much crap for your skill level. There was a reason I kept deleting you off skype and League after you kept begging me to add you back. Trying to save face on hybrid forums cause you care what people think of you is funny but there are plenty of people who can back up my claim. So I would appreciate if you would stop talking about me 24/7 as if you have some obsession with me, it's kinda creepy. I don't care what rank you are in League nor do I care what noobs you can stomp in Uo, it's a virtual world where nothing matters. The sooner you realize this the less depressed you will be in real life :D

Good day sir.
talk about an ego. never seen someone so bad at this videogame as you are talk all this shit.


Beating Josh Compton in pvp is like bragging about beating up a disabled midget with down syndrome. It's not really a challenge.. but I keep forgetting this is Hybrid where everyone needs to post threads and pictures of their conquests to signify how good they are as if in the end it really matters outside of the gaming world.

don't you play a bola tamer or something, BADDIE?