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I've got a secret...

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Re: I've got a secret...

Pudrick said:
Tanis you were one of those newbs who got chased out of Vesper, you werent big and nobody knew YOU. I dont care how many people you knew, they didnt know you back. You were just a newbie playing a girl character. I think you tried riding on the coat tails of Trizik and Lemon, and ocassionally my own but thats as far as your fame went buddy.


Tay M'real

Re: I've got a secret...

Re: I've got a secret...

Pudrick said:
Tanis you were one of those newbs who got chased out of Vesper, you werent big and nobody knew YOU. I dont care how many people you knew, they didnt know you back. You were just a newbie playing a girl character. I think you tried riding on the coat tails of Trizik and Lemon, and ocassionally my own but thats as far as your fame went buddy.

Hawiian Style?


Re: I've got a secret...

Paulo said:
blahgod, I want to thank you for saying what ive never been able to put into my own words. You just explained THE BIGGEST problem with this server. Dont get me wrong, i love UOG, and also im not a staff brown noser, but its a good server. You are completely right. I'm with you 110%. I also read up to page 4 in comments. I have alot of respect for you, for the fact that you actually took the time to do what most people would. You made a logical, greatly planned/ sounding post with a purpose. Props to you man.

Here is an idea. I know it is crazy but, here me out....

How about we start not doing things we don't like.

Don't like the cd you are listening too? Throw it out the window.

Don't like your pc? Chuck it downstairs/outside/across the room/whatever...

Don't like your cat? Kill it.


It is really amazing the things you can acomplish by not doing something; you don't like in the first place.


Re: I've got a secret...

Blahgod, you rock. I agree with most of the things that you posted. Let's see if we can get some things changed ;)
Re: I've got a secret...

I dunno what you said about the community I somewhat agree with, but it starts with every player, I pvp and I thief, but if I see some noob lookin for help at the bank (no not asking for $) I usually help them, and I have tons and tons and tons of weapons/armor and I have no problem helping them out.

I'm not sayin everyone has to do this, or even anyone, but I think that people get stuck in trying to be e-thugs and forget that sometimes games can be fun, you aren't really your char, so you don't need to have so much emotions attached to them. Just my 3cents.


Re: I've got a secret...

CrazyCracka420 said:
I dunno what you said about the community I somewhat agree with, but it starts with every player, I pvp and I thief, but if I see some noob lookin for help at the bank (no not asking for $) I usually help them, and I have tons and tons and tons of weapons/armor and I have no problem helping them out.

I'm not sayin everyone has to do this, or even anyone, but I think that people get stuck in trying to be e-thugs and forget that sometimes games can be fun, you aren't really your char, so you don't need to have so much emotions attached to them. Just my 3cents.

i agree with that. i help out noobs i see at del and brit all the time. i never give them gold, but ill give em weps or armor.. or advice if thats what they need. im not gonna play the game for them, but it's nice to help out noobs when they need it. why? we were all one once.

I agree though, we need to get people together and change the attitudes on this server!


Re: I've got a secret...

I think you summarized nearly all of my opinions in this topic. I really must give you credits for your standpoints blahgod.
In my opinion, we do need more rp, and the idea 'erendor' mentioned with Seers or IGMs to start some more RP and get some events/quests/community going on is great.
Oh, it just hit me, if the GM's are to do something like a wedding or such, why not just skip the scripts and just do it RP?

Oh, and one last thing. For ppl who want to do some organized RP events or stuff like that; Is there some kind of mailing system in-game? If not, it would be a great idea if you could buy something like letters frmo NPCs and write something and drop it in the recievers house to make it simple. The ultimate would be tho have mailboxes and runners but i realize this may be a bit too complicated.
Or is it? maybe it could be player run? with some kind of guild to deliver mail and get payed in some manner. I don't know but that is the way you have to think. It is not impossible to create a community if ppl just got some REAL action going on.

P.S Reading blahgod's post was well worth the time D.S


Re: I've got a secret...

I think all the people that think characters should be played with honor and that we need a since of community just need to get together some how. You are never going to change the minds of the other players that dont agree so the best thing to do is find/creat a single point of contact for existing members and new members that come on.

I started UO when it first came out and besides the sense of adventure of exploring a new land we cant recapture the people are what made the game. It did not matter if they were blue or red as long as they played with honor. I remember having PKs let my new character watch the battles they were having with the top blue players. You were able to talk to them like real people. Any way good post.

PS Unless you can respond with a well thought out post in a respectuful way then dont. Life is to short to worry about flames and trolls:)
Re: I've got a secret...

Sulla said:
I think all the people that think characters should be played with honor and that we need a since of community just need to get together some how. You are never going to change the minds of the other players that dont agree so the best thing to do is find/creat a single point of contact for existing members and new members that come on.

I started UO when it first came out and besides the sense of adventure of exploring a new land we cant recapture the people are what made the game. It did not matter if they were blue or red as long as they played with honor. I remember having PKs let my new character watch the battles they were having with the top blue players. You were able to talk to them like real people. Any way good post.

PS Unless you can respond with a well thought out post in a respectuful way then dont. Life is to short to worry about flames and trolls:)
Murderers Inc. is an honorable PK guild and I agree with you. People need to lead by example. It's not about being an ässhole until someone tells you not to, it's about playing the game for fun and having honor in the game and mutual respect for other players that you meet in the field. I think some of the more respected guilds are stepping up and really showing that it's all honorable competition and it's not about the win or the loss, but the fight. I sincerely think PvP on UOG: Hybrid is on the upturn, but there will always be the weiners that like to grief and talk shït just to make themselves feel better. Just keep your eyes open, with a bit of time, I'd say the skilled honorable players will outweigh the mediocre griefers.
Re: I've got a secret...

Helluva rant! Helluva Rant! To quote Captain Jack Sparrow: "You need to find yourself a woman! Anyway, it sounds like you miss the old days on OSI-run shards (before *barf* Trammel). But this isn't OSI, nor will it ever be. Here's how I look at it: It is what it is.

Yeah, the staff get an idea and they implement it. An example of this is Reds in Town. Gone are the gate battles. Instead we have town ganks...just like factions. It is what it is.

Yeah, purple pots are nuts. You can't seem to run from them when the shooter times them right with his macro. I hate having to sprint to a crowded bank to get away from them. It is what it is.

Yeah, there's no economy. But, most of the folks on the shard don't care. It is what it is.

Yeah, there's no ID wands. So, folks hoard unidentified items. It is what it is.

But what is really cool about this place is there's lots of peeps. And with all these peeps there's always potential. It is what it is.


Re: I've got a secret...

Harolde said:
Wouldn't champ spawns= artifacts? Go play demise... we dont need those here.

you can edit scripts. . .. . .
I agree with you tottally on this
Re: I've got a secret...

Yes, this has been the problem ever since people left OSI.
Why do you think OSI were so concerned with macroing? People were up in arms about OSI banning people for macroing evaluating intelligence for 2 weeks in a row so they could GM the damn skill. But macroing sparring/magery, etc, did remove the aspect of the game where there were people had to adventure to have fun. Pre UO:R people were relatively new to the game and EZmacro wasn't perfect. Many people were still adventuring around outside town without perfect characters, doing more than just looking for PvP which they weren't actually contributing to. But sure as hell, macroing has completely demolished the game we used to call UO.

UO:R had a great anti macro code that kept people playing instead of macroing if only for an hour a day, but it had one flaw: trammel. Trammel spun the economy out of control until the point where that guy you taught how to swing a pickaxe 2 months ago was now a multi-millionaire. It also demoted player interaction.

UO can't be saved. Everyone now has grown used to the easy option. It took me a long time to get a grip on this, but the UO truly began to choke with UO:R, and it's not coming back.

One thing I've never liked is the "help I'm stuck option". You can die in a dungeon, "help I'm stuck" and be back at your corpse in less than 5 minutes. I remember a time when dying used to be a time to call help from your friends on ICQ. When gaining skills was about banding together at a bone wall to avoid death.

It would be fun to play on a shard with anti macro code, maybe 3 power hours a day. Where you'd have to compete for the deamon/lich lord spawn so you could GM resist. But I'm not holding my breath.

For the moron who thought he'd owned up logic with "doesnt champ spawn = powerscrolls? go play demise". Think before you open your mouth. Shards are SCRIPTED, the loot on monsters is SCRIPTED. Therefore champ spawn does not mean powerscrolls.
Re: I've got a secret...

MarcusO said:
Helluva rant! Helluva Rant! To quote Captain Jack Sparrow: "You need to find yourself a woman! Anyway, it sounds like you miss the old days on OSI-run shards (before *barf* Trammel). But this isn't OSI, nor will it ever be. Here's how I look at it: It is what it is.

Yeah, the staff get an idea and they implement it. An example of this is Reds in Town. Gone are the gate battles. Instead we have town ganks...just like factions. It is what it is.

Yeah, purple pots are nuts. You can't seem to run from them when the shooter times them right with his macro. I hate having to sprint to a crowded bank to get away from them. It is what it is.

Yeah, there's no economy. But, most of the folks on the shard don't care. It is what it is.

Yeah, there's no ID wands. So, folks hoard unidentified items. It is what it is.

But what is really cool about this place is there's lots of peeps. And with all these peeps there's always potential. It is what it is.

hah, i find id wands all the time. If you are really that desperate to id stuff, just make a new character and learn item id
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