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I've got a secret...

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Re: I've got a secret...

Just because Ryan said it's not a PvP server makes it fact and truth. I bet if he said you were Homosexual you would change your sexual preference? So glad you have your own opinion on everything. If the world was made up of people like you, Adolf H. would rule the world.

Afro Man

Re: I've got a secret...

Okay, lets see here......... HMMPH... in order to make this a PvP server they would have to get rid of dungeons, bods and anything that doesnt have to do with PvP. As long as PvP isn't your only option this will never be a total PvP server. end of story


Re: I've got a secret...

I was sujesting that its baised around PvP and the thought of PvP in mind. No its not the only part or aspect in game but neither is any other roll playing aspect. PvP is just one more aspect of UO and I don't think classifying it as a NON-PvP server would be a proper label either. I think people saying that UOG:H is a PvP server, PvM server, or RP server are all wrong, its a mix and I chose PvP more then all other options.

Afro Man

Re: I've got a secret...

lender said:
I was sujesting that its baised around PvP and the thought of PvP in mind. No its not the only part or aspect in game but neither is any other roll playing aspect. PvP is just one more aspect of UO and I don't think classifying it as a NON-PvP server would be a proper label either. I think people saying that UOG:H is a PvP server, PvM server, or RP server are all wrong, its a mix and I chose PvP more then all other options.

Read my previous posts in this thread. I fully agree that the shard is based around PvP but just because it is doesn't make it a PvP server. You proved my point with the last sentence in your reply, it is a mix, so classyfing it as a strictly PvP server isn't right. It is a server where there is no type of class or style you can't play, which is why it's the best.


Re: I've got a secret...

lender said:
Just because Ryan said it's not a PvP server makes it fact and truth. I bet if he said you were Homosexual you would change your sexual preference? So glad you have your own opinion on everything. If the world was made up of people like you, Adolf H. would rule the world.

If I had my own server and stated it was not a pvp server but had pvp elements in it thats what it would be. There are no grey areas on what the server is. If the OWNER of the server says what it is; then that is what the server is.

If you called me a homosexual it would be false. I bought you earmuffs to cover up the hellish noise your mother makes when I plow her into the next century.

If the world was made up of you Revelations would be king.


Re: I've got a secret...

If you want to have sex with my mom, thats ok by me, what do I care? But if you have a server where PvP is enabled, and you labe it Non-PvP, I don't see how that statement would be so correct. A true Non-PvP server would not alow a player to even attack another player. I find more fun in fighting with someone that actully has a brain and isnt totally predictable. What monster in UO is SO difficult that you just CAN'T kill it? I find playing aginst people more interesting and well, thats what I stick to. Im not putting a PvP only lable on this server, im just saying that it's apart of it, why can't you people accept it and stop trying to change it into a newage trammel?


Re: I've got a secret...

Ryan said:
Unfortunately for you kids... as most of you are acting.


Maybe you should have said. THIS IS NOT JUST A PVP SEVER.



Re: I've got a secret...

lender said:
Just because Ryan said it's not a PvP server makes it fact and truth. I bet if he said you were Homosexual you would change your sexual preference? So glad you have your own opinion on everything. If the world was made up of people like you, Adolf H. would rule the world.

Way to change things from RYAN CLASSIFYING HIS OWN SERVER to me accepting ******'s rule, because we know those two things are so closely tied.


Re: I've got a secret...

By the way, didn't like 90% of you idiots say the reason it was a PvP shard was because Ryan said so?


Re: I've got a secret...

blahgod said:
I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but i usually check forums for well thought out intelligent posts about current situations that plague the shard and not 200 posts about "ROFL So-and-so from random guild sucks at 1v1 no pots huck huck huck!!!!111". It appears lately that some of the more intelligent people here have surfaced to voice opinions on the so called issues of this shard, and are scratching the surface of the real issures. so this has inspired me to write up a little essay on the problems i myself find on here.

I'll try to keep this organized as possible, cuz you may see some signs of circular logic. Also for you skimmers, i'll try to bold certain points that i feel are very worthwhile to read.. Anyway, on with the show...

I'll try to break this down into some basic groups. The groups will be based on major aspects of the game we love called Ultima Online.

I'm going to get this out of the way right now. This isnt yet another rant about PvP, in fact i dont really give 2 shats about it. Im not an anti pvp person by any means, im honestly burnt out on it after so many years, no matter what the ruleset. I've moved on to other aspects of game play that are much more rewarding for me, and im not talking about crafting.

Let me go ahead and make a bold statement to end some myths righ now. This is NOT a PvP shard. If you think that it is then you seriously are kidding yourself, and in fact that mindset is the very poison of this shard. You dont think so? Ok very well, you can have your opinions. But answer me a few quesitons first. Why have there been posts about needing a test center to save faction pvp? Then a week later people polling to take it down to save hybrid pvp? Why are there so many posts in suggestions on how to help pvp out like adding WoW engine rip offs? Why are so many people complaining about not finding any PvP on this shard when they want to? We have duel pits, factions, dungeons, graveyards, crossroads, etc. Its all there. Posts like those dont really reflect a extremely healthy PvP scene do they? Now it may seem like we have a pvp shard, because the tools for anyone to get involved are handed to them.The main tool of that is extremely high skill gain rates. But i will touch on that topic later.

My personal thoughts on this are just leave the shat alone. We dont need some pre-uo:r additions to this shard, or removing things like special blows. Go find one of the 3497829047 other pre-UO:R clone shards, or just jump over to Rebirth for christ sake. I'm tired of seeing 16 year old kids rambling about pre-uo:r pvp being the best PvP. Think about that for a bit... a 16 year old kid in year 2005 was how old in 1999? The UO:R ruleset isnt as broken as you think. So stop asking for everything to be changed cuz you got ganked by a bola. You think the bola is the problem? I mean seriously.

Go ahead and remove the bolas, then 2 weeks later poll a thread to get horses removed cuz people run away too much. Next time something bothers you about PvP, try the tactic yourself, educate yourself on it from both sides and try to find a defense by yourself. Draw you own opinion, not some hand-me-down crap that you read on the forums. Things are getting so skewed by the tweaks here and there it doesnt seem worth bothering with. Thats why i dont really care about PvP. I have a mage i made for dueling and possibly factions. I think he has about 2 hours of play time in at best. I tried it and tbh it doesnt feel right. I had a dexer that i trashed and turned into an axe hybrid pk, its not so much that dmg levels are off or the special blows are too random or not random enough. Its just the general feeling of it all seems wrong. Im not an expert by any means, most of you arent either no matter how much you wish you were; but things just dont seem right. Again thats just my opinion. I wont run around and spam threads to get things changed, but i may support some suggestions that are worthwhile.

One last comment i would like to make about the whole pvp issue is that fact that staff does have a player involvement in it. Im not saying staff changes pvp to meet their liking. They have their own opinion on it as a player, an when they see 6-10 people share that opinion it seems they take it as an invite to make the change. And thats fine because this is their shard and they do what they feel is best for it. I honestly think their personal opinions might cloud judgement ever so slightly. sure those 6-10 people agree with you, but what about the 900+ players that are logged in right now? A poll on the forum has 54 people saying yes to a change and 23 people saying no. Then some players say "OMG LANDSLIDE PATCH IT!" What about the 80ish people in VIP that cant read the forums? Did you stop and ask them? or the other 600 people logged in right now that dont read the forums for whatever reason? Of course not everyone can voice their opinion in a reasonable amount of time for such things but i think there needs to be a bit more communcation for this matter. Not just PvP either. OSI had it right with hosting things like a UOHoC. Sure we have forums but its hard to say if that brilliant idea you read on the forum ever got read by staff because that forum got flooded by people complaining about purple potions. UOHoC was a nice real time Q&A that offered immediate gratification of answers as well as an official response by the leaders. We honestly need something like this soon. We already have IRC servers...anyway i've strayed from the topic.

Enough about PvP..

The main issue as to why UO doesnt feel like UO anymore isnt the swing or spell timers. Its the.. all together now...


Im not saying the community is a bunch of idiots or are anti-socials or immature brats. Thats not what i mean by it. Im talking about when you banded together with friends or total strangers to further yourself in the game. That has been totally removed on this shard but there isnt really someone to blame for this issue. Its not the people that play here. Its not the staff. Its just the mentality that melts together and the fact that everyone is too independant. There is valid reason why this is too. Let me explain...

Think back to when you first played UO. It doesnt matter if it was OSI 99 or a sphere shard you tried out last week before coming here. You had a feeling of exploration. Now you've heard this speech before i'm sure. But that wasnt the main difference between then and now. The fact is you depended on other players for one reason or another. It might have been asking how to get to the bank, or trying to find a guild to take you to train up swordsmanship at the BK Wall. Regardless of that, you probably are at a point in your UO career where you feel you know it all. As far as game mechanics that is. And that is something you cant help. You cant forget everything you know about this game. That takes away alot of dependancy on other players though. But certain things that require that dependancy are also taken away that really shouldnt be. Lets explore these.

This really has been a major issue for me lately. I'm like everyone else, i didnt see a reason to put weeks of effort into a few characters to enjoy the game. Was i right when i thought a 7x GM character would help me enjoy the game? Oh yea. Was i right when i thought having that 7x GM in one night would make me happy? Oh man, i was worse than right... i was wrong. You see this is one of those things you cant see coming, so like i said this isnt a staff fault for doing it. There isnt one skill that you need someone else to help you train. And of all the skills, if you need the resources of one of them, you dont need to find someone to help you with it, you just make a character able to do said skill yourself. This is why your economy sucks. End. Of. Story.

Lets do a small scenario shall we? Little Timmy wants to be an axer. Timmy needs to train skills. Timmy only needs to get enough cash to train up magery and resist. He earns this money by escorting NPCs. He casts a few spells on himself through out the night and is in the 90-100 range by sunrise. Timmy needs to train his melee skills now. No BK wall for Timmy though, all he needs to do is log in another account and hack away at his mule til he GMs anat, tactics, LJ, swords, and healing. 2 Hours later Little Timmy is nearly a 7x GM and the only words he has typed are "bank" , " i will take thee", and "vendor buy". Oh and he did say "move you fackign idiot" to the guy blocking the door at the mage shop. Now Timmy needs some PK hunting gear. He doesnt need to hit a dungeon for cash or loot, no sir-re. All he does is logs back into his mule and works on a smithy. Hes got GM mining in about 2 hours of casual mining and is workign up blacksmithy fairly fast so he can make exceptional weapons and armor. He ignores the miners that could make him the things he needs, and just makes it himself since it only takes a few minutes. He gets his armor and weapons and heads to good old brit GY. He sees another blue up there but doesnt approach him cuz he is afraid he is a thief. Then 3 big bad red PKs show up and Timmy attacks them along with the other blue, but he is afraid the blue will abandon him if things go sour. So not to be left behind for a gank Timmy flees first. He never even waited by the gline to see if the other guy needed a res. He hits the inn and logs off to make his tamer. He makes his tamer and gets him to Del by spamming 1000x fora gate at wbb. He finally makes it there and trains up to GM taming and works on his bard skills too. He goes off to clear out a little spot 100 times for enough loot to buy a large 3 story plot. He hunts some more to build up his plot to his dream home, which houses his guild stone he bought. He's the only one in his guild. He the only one that ever saw the inside of his house.

Sound familiar?

That pretty much describes alot of this player base. Now some of those Timmys move on to meet other Timmys and make a huge *** 4 person guild to hunt PKs with, or become PKs themself. But thats about the extent.

All you OSI guys think back to when you had 60 tactics and just hit 70 swords and got PKed. You probably had the same thought everyone did: "Im gonna come back and kill that guy" and some of us had the little addon of "...once i get my skills up" If you didnt have that addon, you probably did after a few futile attempts at revenge. You may have even found other people in your situation to help you in your quest at ridding Sosaria of murderers. Not anymore though. You can bang out that 7x in one night and say "i wish to duel thee" all night til the ctrl+Q falls of your keyboard. Who needs that headache anymore right? Well it wasnt all bad... in fact you probably are thinking about it again right now and how much fun it was. You dont remember the exact swing timer of that PKs hally hitting you but you remember the exact tile you dropped on when you died. You probably show your friends who are new to the game where you died for the first time. SO now tell me whats more important in your subconscience when it comes to the fun of the game.

Am i inside your head yet? Good, lets continue...

You'll notice he never needs anyone's assistance, because he figures he can do it all himself. And its not hard when then gains flow like Niagra Falls. Now this isnt something we can fix, i dont think its fair to just shut down the skill gains, because it wont have a great impact. Maybe longterm impact, but thats a longshot. Its one of those "Oops! Who would have thought?" kind of things you just grin and bare. So lets look at other options...

Block off the entrances to them. Who would miss them? I love the posts about people claiming they own a dungeon and if you show up youll get rolled on. ROFL. of course thats an easy thing to claim when 3-4 people show up daily. And not all at the same time mind you. What fuels the dungeons here? We already established there is no reason to hunt for skill gain. Gold is hella easy to farm via escortees for some fast start up cash, or just jump on Ye Olde Trendy Poker Table on top of WBB. I am an avid card player myself but you wont catch me at a table in game ever. It really has no place here. Maybe open up Ryans table for an event once in awhile, but other than that just get rid of them, or at least the WBB one so other towns get some traffic once in awhile besides the escort runners.

People asked for champ spawns back. I think this is a BEAUTIFUL idea. But without power scrolls what is the draw for this? Well i dont have an answer for you. Maybe it should be discussed in a HoC? *wink wink*. Another small opinion i would say is to totally end the spawn of Vanqs and Powers for 2 months solid, this would help the economy greatly, because no matter if people horde them or not, it removed them from every day PvP and puts value back into them as well as crafted weapons. Of course champs should still drop the perfects but that isnt enough draw alone, and please dont have them drop recolored/renamed sandals. Jesus Christ, please no more sandals.

Now people will have a reason to go to dungeons, and more PvP will take place. People will have to rely on those around them (reds and blues alike) to survive, and who knows, maybe some long term alliances will be made.

Fire up the Naturalist Quest or the Solen Quest. Make the hives more than a beetle spawn. Add in bags of sending or whatever, and dont tell me its trammie and will ruin pvp because A) its just plain wrong and B) that theory is flawed in many ways for many things. Tell me its trammie while you ride your bonded beetle and wear hot pinks sandals that say Fack Trammies. How do you spell irony? U-O-G-A-M-E-R-S

Giving people free skills is one thing but handing them every bit of perfect loot is just overboard. Half the time they dont have to stray far from town to get it either.

When you think of event on UOG:H you think "Tournament". Thats kind of sad actually. I can understand why it is this way to a point. Its alot easier for a staff member to pop on, set up the tourney and fire and forget. Nothing wrong with this at all except thats really the only thing that happens here. Its not a bad thing that we have them, in fact its a very good thing that its well organized. Its a bad thing that its all thats really offered 90% of the time.

Now some staff does do an event other than PvP things, like the maze event and Ryans little 4th of July invasion. I dont agree 100% with how it was done, i mean baiting people into wbb when its 0 Light and no one cast night site and everyoen is lagged cuz of the 40000 fireworks then unleashing Lich Lords and what not on everyone was a little uncalled for. But i did smile when i saw Lord Oaks pop up so i guess no harm no foul. As long as we are on the topic of this past weekends events, i guess i should express my 2 cents on them.

Lets compare on how maybe an OSI-esque way of doing it would be compared to how i witnessed it. Now i wasnt on the whole weekend so i probably missed some things. But i consider myself an avid casual gamer here. Thats means im on once a day at least and usually during EST peak hours until the wee hours of the night. Im guessing this holds true for most people here so dont feel that im too off base.

OSI-esque way of handling festivities for a 4th of July weekend. My guess would be every account that logged in got a fireworks wand. Then maybe a quest took place, something that could be wrapped up in one night, like an annoucement that the savages were invading the orc dungeon. People are invited to come pick a side and help fight. Orc masks and savage paint are NOT handed out here, thus people have to go purchase them from other players or hope some fall during the battle. Then a small prize at the end of the event is given out to both sides' supporters, like a renamed folded cloth that said "Battle for Savage Independence" or something simple like that. Not neon colored either. And not wearable and blessed. Its just a little trinket to remind you of what happened on that day, and when people ask where its fom when they tour your rare museum you have a story to tell them. You develop legend and lore this way. And guess what! people that werent logged in or that didnt directly participate, gues what you got? Jack. Zip. Nothing. Go GM begging and hope a NPC hands you a clue. Then maybe some PvP fights in duel pits after with a trophy.

Now what happened on UOG from what i saw was a bunch of tourneys and the little incident at WBB. Is there anything wrong with that? Not at all. I mean to do something like the above takes some planning and soem ample staff support. And lets be honest if its a holiday, the staff as well as players have lives. And they dont get paid to work like OSI employees did. And then people started smack talking america during the nice thing that was being done for us (i.e.- fireworks display)

Side Note
I just want to take a moment and comment on the whole issue about people getting banned for the anti-american displays. I am American. im also th most unpatriotic person youll meet. I dont think our government sucks, or anything cliche like that. Im just not patriotic at all. But i do reserve respect for people that are. I have family that served past and present like most of you. And if you think spamming "AMERICA SUX" and getting banned is wrong, just remember you insulted someone doing that. That someone is someone that has the balls to fight for something he believes in. You may not but he does. Now im not a person that sucks staff wang, especially not Ryan's. Im not looking to get a free CBD dropped in my bank box, in fact ryan could say "Hey man nice post, your banned" but that doesnt change how i feel abotu him as an admin or a person. In fact i think Kiwi and I have been banned off this website/shard/irc more times since way back during Beta4 days til now more times than i care to count. I do have differences with how Ryan administers the community and shard. I've expresssed them before and taken my lumps for that, but the difference is i understand there comes a time to lay down the guns. And there is a person behind that title of Admin. I may say Ryan the Admin did something i think is wrong or stupid, but thats a different person then Ryan McAdams. So when you get banned for mouthing off to him when you say things that piss him off personally, dont spam every other forum that hes a bad admin, because you didnt tick off the admin, you ticked off the person, its just unfortunate that his access level is higher than yours.
End side note

Continued below...
its too long i didnt even read srry ill read when i get back!


Re: I've got a secret...

blahgod said:
Back to the topic at hand. There needs to be some large scale things done for quests, and its all in the name of community. OSI had Scenarios. Which were long quests that had a purpose. And if your shard didnt finish thm, you didnt get the new content til you did. I personally see a HUGE opprotunity for this since there is a chance a new land mass is coming into play. Dig up an OSI scenario and mod it a bit or come up with something totally unique, but make sure the content is there, and make sure its just not a one night stand either. Take your time with this one.

Then on the other side of the coin its not always up to staff do make the community work. In fact there is some times where they should not be involved what-so-ever. IDOCs are one of them. Ya ya, it happened, someone took time to find it and camp it only to have staff pop gates up and make it an on the fly event. It sucks i know. Personally i have purchased a bit of land near a semi-hotspot for PvP action. I turned it into a church and hope to make something that draws players there for many reasons. Vendors for one, PvP for another, and try to resurrect the RP crowds. I dont RP, i never have, but i realize there is a NEED for it. Think YMCA. Also would like to host in-game marriages. But if i did a few of those, the one thing i DREAD and i know would happen is some staff member is going to see that and head to green acres and build a huge church and make it all run by staff, leaving the player community in the dust. And then the shineyness of it will wear off and be abandoned, and the old church? probably sold and demolished. You see there has to be a time where staff has a hands-off policy on some things. Its a grey area. But the rule of thumb is, if it doesnt need scripts, then it doesnt need staff.

Some events shouldnt yeild great rewards at all, just some small trinkets. Hit up stratics and look up things lik Fesitval of the Mask or Festival of the Grape. They just give a nice little haven for player interaction. Peaceful or not. But it gives options.

And its not all about staff organizing options for players to work together. Everyone needs to step up and do their part. Merge some guilds or at least make alliances. Host your own tourney and just give away that 100k rare. The fun youll have when chaos breaks out as well as the stories will go alot further then the money you could have got when you sold it. Man up and take the challenge.

Now you may think community isnt the problem here. Well do me a favor and take the local moongate over to Skara. Run east from the bank to the mage shop. For about a screen and a half youll get a sense of the old school. What is it you ask? Its the guild VIP hanging out by the councy hall as they ALWAYS do and they have guild mates sitting around talking. Of course i cant understand any of it. But they set up tables and chairs. Stack random items way high. It just feels right because its a small sense of community there. It feels like old OSI.

We dont need changes to purple potions, we need changes on the outlook of this game.

Thanks for playing along.

PS- If you scrolled down here and are abotu to post "CLIFF NOTES??!??" then just hit your back button first and find some thread about how bonded pets are the issue here. This post isnt for you.
you know, all you really need is a more respectable community. as of now when someone pks a blue (newbie or not) they just recall off or talk some smack about how they owned them. when i pk someone i rez them and then give them recall regs, and take only what i need off their corpse. i will rez anyone after i kill them, wether they ganked me 100vs1 i really dont care (there are certain circumstances if they are a threat even when their newly of course). im trying to bring the oldschool playstyle back into uo, where reds dont attack reds and such, and more should do the same thing.
i had and played with guilds through osi that all would do the same thing, and they were the best pvpers in uo, so the more respect you have for people on a game doesnt mean your any worse at pvp.
i play this game for competition, not to look cool. im just helping the people i kill get back on their feet faster so i can fight them again when they regroup themselves to fight me again.


Re: I've got a secret...

Tanis said:
oh to elaborate there was such a community at EVERY town on pacific.. serps hold was mostly asians (and rich rich rich rich mother)@#($#ers).. moonglow was order town for the most part... yew was full of househide yewbies (quite a few reds too)

even dungeons had communities. can never have that again
wrong and farms dueling community built on respect and competition.


Master of the Interweb
Re: I've got a secret...

The great thing about this shard is it has the diversity so it is what you make of it.

For me its only a PvP shard as thats all I do, Im sure many other people do other things, some ppl ONLY PvM for them its a PvM shard.

Stop argueing over what other ppl do, enjoy what you do and stfu


Re: I've got a secret...

blahgod, I want to thank you for saying what ive never been able to put into my own words. You just explained THE BIGGEST problem with this server. Dont get me wrong, i love UOG, and also im not a staff brown noser, but its a good server. You are completely right. I'm with you 110%. I also read up to page 4 in comments. I have alot of respect for you, for the fact that you actually took the time to do what most people would. You made a logical, greatly planned/ sounding post with a purpose. Props to you man.
Re: I've got a secret...

Tanis said:
I knew everyone that chilled in vesper on pac. and that was a ****load of people. it got to the point where we didn't really have any enemies in vesper. cept a few newb tamers to annoy.

We quite literally "owned" the bank.

Tanis you were one of those newbs who got chased out of Vesper, you werent big and nobody knew YOU. I dont care how many people you knew, they didnt know you back. You were just a newbie playing a girl character. I think you tried riding on the coat tails of Trizik and Lemon, and ocassionally my own but thats as far as your fame went buddy.
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