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Info about the crashes

item bless deed = bad
murder count revoke = bad


donate for the items we have= good
donate for free= good
more ram on server = good


Skill Ball :
"It cannot be transferred or sold to another character"

Ok, I agree with that above, but when u make partial skill ball (exemple GM one//two skill/s) make it tradeable ... It would get u more $$ and make more players happy.


Well, heck , I might put in OSI's new Advanced character thing, brings up the gump and everything... once I get aroudn to it, yall know how much stuff I have to do as it is! ;p


hum..store stuff ideas eh? i got a few...
not suggesting "all" of these but a handful, a couple, or even one or none will suffice.

hold another raffle - make rewards a little more interesting, the shroud wasnt enough to interest me into buying tickets, doubtful im the only person out there who felt this way. :(

add a dozen or so home decor items(suggestions taken from inside UO)-
2567-2574, wall torch, i'd personaly buy a bunch of these if the price were low enough;)
2711-2716, filled bookcases,
3769-3806,4453-4484 gravestones,interesting items,lotsa different varities
4824&4825, think these were once server start rares but donno if they were ever lootable here? (if they were then nevermind!)
4892-4895, horse barding on stand,
9600-9779,10083-10099, various unavailable possible monster statues, some of which definately kick ass.

ethereal mounts- think these mighta been forgotten about or somthing, might be a reason they arnt for sale yet too how would i know after all... ;)

misc items
3896,saddle on a stand, make this essentially an item that functions as a stablemaster(still costs 30gp per, hell could make it 100gp per heh) when locked down & turned on.

again not suggesting doing all this stuff by any means, just a few ideas.
only things on the store that would currently interest me are the soulstone, which is pretty sweet but for myself would be next to useless=( and the firepit or tapestry of sosaria which is also quite nice looking but both are too expensive for my tastes.


I think ethereals should be left alone. Leave em as a vet reward plz. That's the reward for playing on this shard for a long time, not the shit you buy with $$.
Quantos said:
You won't be seeing anything like that here. If you kill somebody you pay the price.
i bit late (if i didnt even reply on this already lol) but some of us ppl would get broke to get to 0:/ but anyhow ppl would abuse it and i'm sure quantos knows how


I think home decor is the way to go. You want to have item that either A) can be gotten through other means (stat/skill balls, Pet Bonding thing), or B) have no impact on how the game is played (home decor stuff), and I think home decor is the best thing to do.


Ebrius said:
I think home decor is the way to go. You want to have item that either A) can be gotten through other means (stat/skill balls, Pet Bonding thing), or B) have no impact on how the game is played (home decor stuff), and I think home decor is the best thing to do.
Exactly, so the rich kiddies can only have cool houses. Not Scrolled out and Artied out characters.


I have nice idea, and i THINK it can be done (its a while since i was gm :))

first idea:

how about an ITEM RENAME DEED?

so u could have a custom named sword or something? this is gd as its just cosmetic, doesnt give advantages, just bragging rights. Imagine, ur pvp'er having a weapon called "The Butt-Kicker".

Pvper: Whahahah kicked by the Butt-Kicker
Dead Guy: Oh no!
Kind guy: There u go, all ressed :). How'd u die anyway?
Not-so-dead Guy: umm... I got killed by pvper's Butt-Kicker :eek:
Kind guy: lololololololol

see! fun!!!!!!

had another idea too, but while i was typing above it completely slipped my mind :)

second idea:

how about a BOD request system. I say this cos it really annoys me when u have a nice LBOD and are missing only one or 2 SBOD for it. So how about being able to request an sbod, maybe about $5 or more if it becomes too abused, or else have a limit of a certain number per house per week or something.

third idea:

this might take a little time to actually do, but how about this. u pay the money for this one, and whenever u log into that account and a gm is online, they take u to this room, full of locked down metal chests (so u cant see number of items inside).
now, each chest is filled with random items. some chests are filled with awful items, some with some gd items, and so on, but maybe 1/100 has a very nice item/artifact/large gold amount. sort of like a game of chance (like the raffle but more variety in the items).

more to come, i like using my brain like this