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i'd be willing to bring fight night back

What is your opinion on this?

  • I would support fight night by attending and want Flipper to host it on Superfun Community Island

    Votes: 23 52.3%
  • I would support fight night by attending but think that it should be hosted at a neutral location.

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • My guild and I would constantly gank the fuck out of it and try to ruin it like last time

    Votes: 9 20.5%
  • I like the idea, but have some important input that I am putting in a constructive, easily read post

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't have an opinion but can't stop myself from voting on every poll

    Votes: 9 20.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


but i need support from the community


Not many of you know me and the rest of you have likely forgotten who I am for the most part. I reinstalled yesterday and have been impressed by the number of people who recognize my name. Sadly, most of them don't really know who I am, or they think I'm someone else, or a GM, or that I paid rl money/sucked dick for the item which has found a place amongst the most famous items in the server's history (don't I make it sound way more impressive than it is?!). It was kinda flattering at first, but in a day and a half it has already become tiring explaining all the same things to everyone who recognizes my name.

It's been three years so I figure a re-introduction is in order. Some factz:

-I used to be a Senior Counselor and forum mod. I am neither at present and have not been a staff member in any shape for over four years.
-I am really not that great at PvP but I post so much on forums that I offer guilds a bit of free recognition and a bit of approval from non-PvPers just by being in their list (often blocked from Rage vent and not told where the fights were)
-My sandals were a gift for being the first forum mod/ingame staff after I quit ingame to focus on RL stuff and forums
-I may not have done the type of hard work that Mark/Ryan/Krrios and the rest of 'em do, but I consider myself a part of a relatively small group of individuals on this server who were/are very active in the community and do as much organizational/background work as possible to contribute to the positive and fresh environment here. I have put in countless hours staffing, nazi-ing forums, organizing player events, running a community vendor mall and a player creation service with Addicted, and have formed multiple guilds during dry spells of faction action that have helped keep things from dying completely. I don't mention this to attempt to alter your opinion of me, but to offer some credence to the ideas I am proposing and to let you know that I am not just some random dude posting the first fifty chapters of his novella on the forums.
-I am the king of long, involved forum posts that tend to go into too much detail about things nobody cares that much about (like myself, ideas I have, what I had for lunch, this parenthetical statement, etc).

Fight Night Background

In the spring of 2007, faction PvP was at its highest peak in a long time. Many old names had come out of the woodwork to reform guilds long since thought forgotten; there were four active factions with multiple competitive guilds in each for the first time since Entourage was zerging against P F/Luv, Ck6 and YES/Rage in 2005. Even ODB, long thought dead from burst blood vessels whilst trying to tear a phone booth in half, returned with his scrub squadron MDK.

This was much a reaction to the failure of Divinity to take off as expected. Many players came back to try it and were disappointed (despite it being an fucking amazing server, I don't know why it didn't take off) at the lack of players but still needed to quell the UO itch. In this time, I was glad to discover a very active group of fielders who were constantly looking to test each other outside the pits and on the field, 1v1-anything-goes.

I gathered some of the most devoted 1v1ers. Sinfall will be mad if he reads this and does not see his name mentioned at this juncture. Sinfall. Every week we met at Wrong to duel. There was an incredible level of respect. Massive guilds would show up from opposite factions, one would rush in on the other and just wait; a few seconds of no spells cast, and they'd all line up together to watch the fights. Of course, there was some side action, and plenty of 2v2/3v3s going on, but for the most part I was amazed at how respective everyone was being towards the setups. Even at a time when faction points were recently re-added and super leet, nobody got ganked that I can remember.

Until it spread. Soon fifty+ people were showing up on Wednesdays. It was talked about on the forums constantly and that meant one thing: trolls. E. and Ck6 came and ruined the setups by constantly harassing and ganking us. At one point someone even gated to a private location, which caused the multiple GMs who were regular spectators of the fight nights to pop out and start whipping out bans to everyone marking runes, etc. It was chaos, and I just didn't feel like keeping it going when I had to deal with people ruining it at every turn. The night that Ck6 ganked fight night at Jhelom farms and everyone got gated to the secret GM room, I posted a message on the forums explaining that I would not host it any more but would love to see it continued. It never happened again.

The question, then, is simple:

Would you like to see this happen again?

A night where everyone meets at a particular spot and for a designated length of time there is no combat unless agreed upon. This must be done outside of the duel pits. It is much akin to the Yew Duel Roof or whatever place your server used to hang out at and respectively duel. It is a really cool thing to be a part of, chatting with enemies and focusing on having fun, talkin some smack and improving your skills.

However, I won't bother if I don't have support from the community.

Ideally, I would eventually like to have something like we had last time. Players brought beetles and left kegs out. Nobody stole them. It was amazing. People came, restocked what they needed, and went back to fight. It took time for those players to learn that the environment was worth supporting, and I don't expect that level of assistance right off the bat (I'm broke, or I'd totally fund it for the sake of trying).

All I need right now is people saying they'd show, wouldn't mess it up and would bond together if someone tried to fuck with it. This worked twice last time, and actually turned into some great fights, but I would like to avoid it. The third time there were too many and they wiped us out, ending the event. The intimidation factor was important. People DID try to fuck with it at start, but they never got a kill off before eating the dirt so fast. I took counts protecting it!

My Really Cool Request of Staff That Won't Get Approved But A Guy Can Dream, Can't He?

I would really like to host it on the island that I am currently in ownership of via a timeshare agreement with GM Fain (I have it until April 23rd, 2013), though it would need a slight expansion from a creative person with powers to do so.

While having a duel arena on the island would be cool, it wouldn't fit the theme. What I would really, really like is a little more open space, maybe with an interesting layout or w/e. I don't know what the deal is with Fain's property entirely... however, I feel that it wouldn't be an entirely random and unfair gift to bestow, seeing as he and I have put a good amount of volunteer work into helping this server however we can AND the purpose of this addition is solely for the community. I would love to see it become a hangout spot, and those who know me realize that I am not the type to abuse the location. Again, I don't expect this, and we can find another place to host it, but it would be a dream and would make moderation of the event a little easier.

This event is player-run, meaning I am not solely responsible for it. I would love for us all to shape the rules of the club. I haven't been around lately, so I don't know the current meta very well. Maybe nobody even 1v1s any more. Do they?

Feel free to AIM me with questions, comments and offers of large sums of money: Flipper The Band

<3 flip/shulgin


oh hosting it on fain's island would give me a way to provide supplies for people who cant afford them (did it on honor system last time, people who could afford supplies always brought their own... was great because the people who really need practice got it in and didnt have to spend time making the money back from all the wasted materiel)


i know of a player owned island with only two spots people can mark runes and i have one of those runes if we cant use fains island we could use this one and im sure the owner of the houses on the island wont care


Glad to see you back Flipper! Fight night was fun...but sadly ended just after I began playing '=/ It would be great to see it start again....but the mindset of the players have changed...hope it works though! Full support here!

aim: IllusiveNoob
If you could get good amounts of people to join i would be willing to donate some regs/kegs/cash prizes. I use to do Ffas, 1v1s, etc at the pits with cash prizes but stopped after a while of only getting 5-6 joining.
Flipper, I met you about 3 nights ago, while I was asking around to duel people. You agreed to duel me then proceeded to ask me if I knew who you were, and my answer being the fact that I have only been playing here for 4 months and am a noob was... Uhhh no... Who are you? Lol. I am glad you posted that explanation so I now know a little bit more of the history of Hybrid.

Anyways I completely support this idea and definitely look forward to it!
I do not have much cash do to the fact that I am new but if it will help I will give you whatever I can to help this take off!!! I look forward to eating dirt via the better players, but hey the only way to get better is to play people better than you right?
If you need anything please pm me and if I can supply it I will.
A good amount of people still 1v1 in the field, including myself. But most "pvpers" nowadays are far too scared to roll solo, and some even call in MORE if you start to fight back in a 1v2. Its pathetic -_-

Anyways, I would enjoy being a part of these events, and would love to take a break from the 3 ganks avoided per 1 fair fight found type of field experience that the players on this server have created.


Really, the primary goal of this event is to get people online at one time. I know the server has been lacking in consistent PvP lately, and having fight night would be a good way to ensure that at least once a week (or more often, depending on popularity) there is a chance for everyone to get some solid, competitive fights in.

Don't get me wrong. I will choose a candid, non-set field fight over a set fight any day of the week. Field action is the main reason I play this game. However, fight night not only encourages people to take more pride in their ability and seek honorable fights later whilst on the field (pride is a hugely important part of this game's PvP, it totally changes your style) but it also reminds people how much fun a good evenly matched setup is. There were multiple guilds and alliances formed at these nights... for some reason, despite being able to chat freely over AIM, people only realized the potential of an active, friendly and healthy PvP scene when they were experiencing a mock version of the real thing alongside one another. Maybe it was the strange feeling of being near an enemy and NOT trying to kill them that takes your mind off the idea that your enemies are permanent. I dunno.

I'mma give this a day or two of discussion then see what I can put into motion.


give me a time and day ill be there not sure how much dueling ill be doing because this new computer sucks and uo is hella laggy to me but i can bring some kegs and enjoy some fights


ive been on for a few days for good lengths of time at all hours and have yet to see any field fights worth speaking of... i think i have found maybe three fights in three days, and two of them were bola ganks.... i am the champion of excessive deaths, i don't mind getting ganked. but the server just feels... empty... i dunno. maybe one of you can aim me when there is some decent action. but i can't imagine that a fight night would be successful with the lack of activity i've seen thus far


ive been on for a few days for good lengths of time at all hours and have yet to see any field fights worth speaking of... i think i have found maybe three fights in three days, and two of them were bola ganks.... i am the champion of excessive deaths, i don't mind getting ganked. but the server just feels... empty... i dunno. maybe one of you can aim me when there is some decent action. but i can't imagine that a fight night would be successful with the lack of activity i've seen thus far

you dont know how fight night will come out unless you try it once i think i give to much a shit though for something i cant even do on this computer all i know is i would try to help you make this happen