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Faction Changes



Faction Changes

After discussions with a number of faction guild leaders, we've implemented the following changes to the faction system. More changes will probably be coming at a later date.

  • Corruption period changed from 18 hours to 4 hours. This is the time it takes to corrupt a sigil.
  • Grace period changed from 15 minutes to 20 minutes. This is the time it takes to get a sigil back before its corruption timer resets.
  • Secure period changed from 60 minutes to 15 minutes. This is the time it takes to get a sigil from the enemy stronghold back to your own.
  • Purification period changed from 3 days to a fixed once-a-day reset, at 8:00 PM EST.

Stat loss
  • Duration is no longer constant:
    • When killed in your stronghold:
      Duration decreased by 25 seconds for every sigil in the stronghold.
    • When killed in an enemy stronghold:
      Duration increased by 10 seconds for every sigil in the stronghold.
    • When killed in a town that your faction controls:
      Duration decreased by 2 minutes.
    • When killed in a town that an enemy faction controls:
      Duration increased by 2 minutes.
    • When killed elsewhere:
      Duration decreased by 15 seconds for every town that your faction controls.
  • Results:
    • Killed defending all sigils in your stronghold: 1 minute and 40 seconds
    • Killed attacking all sigils in an enemy stronghold: 6 minutes and 20 seconds
    • Killed in a friendly town: 3 minutes
    • Killed in an enemy town: 7 minutes
    • Killed elsewhere while in a faction with every town: 3 minutes.
    • Killed elsewhere while in a faction without towns: 7 minutes.

Faction traps
  • Can no longer be stacked on the same tile resulting in instant death.
  • Maximum per faction increased from 15 to 30.
  • Cost per trap increased from 1,000 to 3,000 silver.
  • Trap removal kit cost increased from 500 to 1,000. Award for disarming traps increased to 300 silver, from 100.
  • Explosion trap damage reduced by 50%. These traps are placable in any faction town.
  • Spike trap damage reduced by 70%, but now dismount the victim. These traps are placable only in a town your faction controls.
  • Saw trap damage remains the same. These traps are placable only in a town your faction controls.
  • Poison traps are unchanged.

Faction craftables
  • Blessed period decreased from 3 weeks to 1 week.
  • Cost to craft weapons increased from 1,000 to 3,000 silver. Additionally for runic weapons, 650 silver is required for each runic level.
  • Cost to craft leather armor increased from 750 to 1,250 silver.
  • Cost to craft metal armor increased from 1,000 to 1,750 silver.
  • Faction armor now gives additional protection against opposing faction members. Additionally, it is now more durable such that its protection does not degrade as quickly over time.

  • When a player dies in factions, the kill is no longer awarded to the most recent damager. Instead, it is given randomly--based on damage--among all faction combatants.
  • Silver distribution increased by up to 60% when attacking or defending sigils.


Everything is amazing, cept the random most damage given being as people will just FS War, but thats also good now because people wont be worried about points.

everything's good except for decreasing the duration of faction bless. if i'm gonna drop mad silver on a wep it shoudl be like 2 weeks or somethin. that change seems like a way for you guys to get more donations for silver which is mad weak


krrios <3 finalyl someone did smoething about it...maybe now ill rejoin factions...hopefully this is what factions need to be revived.


Welp, Im gonna play factions again lol. Very well thought out changes; And i belive everyone would agree that you did a great job, in asking what players thought.


4 hours to corrupt thats a bit weird? hm...and also faction items is only 1 week, and increased to 3k silver...thats kinda...stupid, no one will have faction weps anymore unless they have lots of charges on there runic hammers to waste and lots of silver to waste...


base base base, all your base.

pwned- as someone who uses faction weapons, you would say that, wouldn't you?
as a mage: I say: yay.



The nerfing of the cost of runic weapons and 1 week blessing will reduce the number of runics, thus creating better gameplay =). Runics 4tL