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Dead horse beating and crapping in your living room.

Load Heals

Autosyncs, Auto pull bars, Auto looting, targeting friendlies with heals based on proximity or amount of health lost, Auto bandaid, Auto pot kicker.
Hard for me to read the small words on the screen. Would you kindly type out what it says in the menu for me?

Curious what kind of schenanigans the person in the screenshot is up to ^^

I have no idea Craig must the one of posted those screenshots (also he typed my name with a typo), and i don't own one of those kind of clients maybe that what he want to believe but this is false.

The interface of what i've logged on was way different then this one.

Something has to be done about those stupid plugins , there so many variations of those running around ....
Imo on those pictures Photoshop. He just want you to be banned or get a great Fallon sandals as Andre Nickatina got for reporting Ryan about Whitsunday


Autosyncs, Auto pull bars, Auto looting, targeting friendlies with heals based on proximity or amount of health lost, Auto bandaid, Auto pot kicker.
holy cow! If I had all that I could actually be a mediocre player!

Please make this legal gm ryyan!


Shini I Did not post crap. Altho this is hilarious. This looks amazing . Really sad because Sallos alone is a cheat client without all that stuff it has smart pot come on ..... U don't need all that crap ....


fuck smart pot! My brain can handle figuring out which pot I need to use ^_^

I want auto everything, so I can just run up, and instantly watch everyone fall dead without using a single brain cell

Idk someone who doesn't like you or something. But I love you and every one posting on this thread ' I think try need to go away with Sallos and playuo all together it's obviously easy to exploit

You can do some pretty nasty stuff on razor too.

of course there's a few function on sallos that is considered not ''fair game''
but in general , if you wanna cheat no matter on which client that you are on nothing is gonna stop you.
there's always gonna be a way.

all we need is a active staffs.

White Lotus

not surprised at all ... we all already knew about this and have heard them brag about it in call or heard from other people that they brag about it... i guess someone finally proved it beyond a reasonable doubt ... my question is how many of you guys use this garbage ... pretty sad when we still are killing groups who are using this shit


Shini you and Mickey munday I'm sure aren't using it. Def not Mickey ... He didn't heal as spastic as they did and as for me I'm a recovering addict ... So I'm clean and getting cleaner .